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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    m crooner he's made three and KpPFATHERtr. T1& crpwifeg 'suecjip ilick Haymes' career --ft^ well B<e the^OTO^ with Rita Hayworth's^toghter^fYasiifcj-^ 11 a half (left), and Rebecca, eight andfcjd I leaBt^cr*re^^3^f^^ra( next in corotittg^ a^jwct|p I ?╟≤szis pus aaaiAinN 3TAis *3noz mv* sssaaav 'swvn anoA ^turetd ;uiad asBaicj A "N 'XI *l*ox mo>j 'uoj;b;s Baspqo pjo '6S xog "O 'd ';uaui;aBdaa uaa;;Bd; 'uBoiaauiy Aspuns aaouii;p3$ o; 62,8V uaa;;B<?· aoj (suiod ur) S1N30 Aid Id puas ?╟≤soSBpjB^- aoj uaa;;sd anO?· aas osbo^ rgj. puB 91 'fl 'SI '01 sozts tsassij\[ ur aiqBTiBAB sr g^V "-iaWd ?╟≤sasnoq uSisap ;sa;BaaS s.BDiaauiv jo auo A"q ibuiSuo aAjsnpxa 'aAisuadxa ub umo ir.noA" 'apsui ;r aABq ao j[asanoA ^rajiBui noA aaq;aqy\\ 'Joou aaUBp aq; uo ssaap jnjtmBaq ;som aq; aq \\\/a siq; ;arpaad bav 'ui;bs ao 'addjo 'aniBj! 'b;8jjb; uj -;siba\ aq; guiMoaaBu jo ;uiod # sa>{Bui 'otaqBj jo sppj Xq pa;Baae> 'jjupiiu aq; qSnoaq; ;oajja paipaiS v -jaijfs SuqaiqAV ;sq; OAoqB aaqooq aq; jo SurdBqs inji;m?aq aq; a;oM ;XnBOt;ButBap jjo saapinoqs anoA ;as o; ;uoaj ut paAano '>pBq ui Avot paddip?╟÷auq>pau aq; a;oM "aaB;s jo asnoq aq; aoj Xqsaapua ^d aaugisap UBDiaamy Xq uoipaftoo snoinqBj aq; jo ;aBd st 618V tiraw?╜cl "satjaBd b^bS s.uosBasaq; aoj ^oor. auiutuiaj 'injaoBaS 'oi;uBuioa aq; paAiAaa SBq aaB;s ^UBa^ a3NOI83Q lN3NIWOad TVNIDIHO HHVJLS MMVHJ V 6Z8V N?╜3IIVd "MY DADDY" . . . Dick Haymes, as she panion. Rita refused a il j Aiy Khan, her erstwhile | er, on condition that the Haymes tijit Witl By WILL Hearst Newspa Special to the LAS VEGAS, Nev. ?╟÷ She biggest success of hi i The crooner's marriage to {actress Rita Hayworth-niarked|| lone chapter in his chronicle I love. It was in counter-point t ithe action of the Immigratio jJtepartmeht, s?·f}$nSU^(_\_r_lP, fhim to his native Argentina* I But, in the hearts of Rit b|^ ^ughters, Reheccat^n,dntY^ inin, there's nothing apparen ilvhlch. dims their fondness :faith in the ,new man in ?╟≤ t itome.y" '%Jp%tBr*'- | ALL THIS was evident dj ing their recent sojourn at jlSands Hotel here, while D] parted the last developmej Ipefore the marriage becam*' lack^-II^^ 1 kj^w^e were legal ma4ii?|p?i?·| i; be'cleared up". Rita aritf'WEk Lsmin clings to -Sm -puB^sjapun ^ipui5[ jo ipnoj A*ureuioAv b OSIB 8,91911; Il \{)IM. *;na 'UOISU9J ppOM. JO PHJU09 9\\% 9lpUBl{ O^ XJBSS9D9U St SS9UUIIIJ UBV[M, SS9UUIIIJ V! S^XgUJ, ?╟≤1931J JO SUipiS9Jd 9^U9S ' %9& *|U9IDIJ -ja ws si ^ipuBj 9uiBp^j\[ ^Suigimq _$Q 9ii; ui 5is9p J9i[ iv '?╟≤ ?╟≤' aOf 3HX NO