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    PLAINVIEW, TEX. HERALD Cir. D. 4,972?╟÷S. 4,972 SEP 24 1953 i Rita And Dick Mo Be Married Today In Nevada By JAMES BACON LAS VEGAS,. Nev, (B?╟÷While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled .once'more with matrimony. The 34-y?║ar-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows each hasdsaid three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room of the ^-Sands Hotel. District Judge Frank MacName wpl? officiate at the five-minute eerenteiy.,, Jack Entratter, general manager -of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reported e will outnumber the invited guests three to one. . The unpretentious affair will be quite a'a'contrast. to the screen star's lavish French wedding, to Prince l&iy .'.Khan in 1949. Miss Hayworth will not even have a new wedding gown. She said she would wear a blue linen straight dress which -she has worn before. Her head will be covered by a toast-colored hat of tulle and vel- vej??5he will wear glowPto match a the hat. ... !ll?╜y guests invited are business and legal associates of the couple. The only relatives on hand will be She bride^S; two ddaughters. gjhey Ire Rebecca,". e^pThe offspring of lAiss Hayworth's. marriage to Orson Welles, and the Princess Yasmine, V/2, like hcr--,moslem father a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed^ ... \ Final bajpiaer to the wedding was cleared gyesterday \ w$jfen Haymes copped '^se^e^minuSI divorce de- cfeemrom Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes.'LesgHhan an hour later, he brought-Rita back to the courthouse, where both nervously filled Out the marriage license forms. eBtfer.Haymes and Rita claimed . permanent ?╟≤ residence in. Nevada, but said they will soon moVe near Greenwich, Conn., where they are looking forahouse. iffllP& . ' work is in the East," " the crooner explained. Miss Hayworth said she plans to commute between the East Cpast and Hollywood. for picture ?╟≤ making.^ -|w!f^ Should the government win its deportation case against the Argen- tihe-bornj^fepbner, what country will he-.and Rita then live in? -"I'm -n#7'gbing* to be deported." he ans\$$ied. "We both intehdg:to ,live in f??T|i>S':A:;'*' .,.. .The crooner said he will move | into Miss 'Hayworth's suite at the I Sands right, after" th-? wedding. A.j ^GKEENVILLE, OHIO ADVOCATE Circ. D. 9,273 OSHKOSH,WIS. NORTHWESTERN Circ. D. 17,843 ?║g 23 /S53 furyworth, Haymes Difficulties Won't \EndWith Wedding , LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷FilmL Star Rita Hayworth and Crooner! Dick Haymes today planned aP "simple wedding" with. television! and newsreel cameras grinding! away. Then they'll settle down as toj what they hope will be.d&jiedate life afySuburbanites ih-Ti^^pi!wich, IConn.e I The ceremony Thursd^^ill be] held iigthe Gold-'Rp*ii^wHith e Sagda?╜3Sotel with only n$1|e guests; [ihvitedjraut news and e^eta menl were gold they could at^md. Th^ped-haired beauty1 s i g h e d\ happlpr'^atyshe and Haymes "are finally getting "married after so man^^ficidties *jm_m Among their rei^t?tE*>ubles have been an attempipby the government to deport plumes, a citizen of Argentina, ahd death threats ?√ßagainst Miss Hayworth and her youngest daughter, three-year- old jYasmin. m "We want a simpp^. wedding," Miss Hayworth said fifthly. "This one is too important^!?║f|sie to clutter up with a ?·?·& ^^^^^^^bnecessary frills. It's enough"thaiwe love each othei." .-$?║ But the weddi n g".. oh), ike the final clinch in the movie thrillers, won't see all of their headaches solved Miss Hayworth, Yasmin. and her ,Jother daughter, Rebecca, 8, stil. [are under protective guard and I Haymes' difficulties with the Im- 'I migration Department remain to jbe ironed buti^P,-i . ?√ß It will; be ..'R||a'-s fourth wedding find '^Haylnes? ||HKlrd. The couple if<plans t&^hope^iobn at the Sands i oyer the ^weekend and then travel ?╟≤ to Philadelphia, where Haymes 1 opens a a nightg^ciub engagement, leaving the crooner's lawyers to handle his case before the government, in hearings which resume [Monday. j^r'fL^Ji'^-^a LAREDO, TEX. TI]#E&-d Circ. D.15r\K_L_J&'r%fe,& FT. l^&UDERDALE, FLA. NE\\^SENTINEL 153953 MtaHayworih, Waymes Joined un Brief Rites ''wort&^pd -Dick -Jte'yitt^g-'iiire on] jthe ^^j^.Jto.neyn^An^lo^^each ,ofl j ithemti1^daydlo^!^'i&^|%ra|i ffaiSh-rl bulb-lit wedding in a gambling resort hoteii^^P;^' f jW% j "I feel,wonderfully 'liapw," thel] redhaired-Bride said after theM three-mihutei'^remony. "I ami I married to ihe^aan I really loveX It sounds so wonderful to be called! i.Mrs, '?√ßH^ie^'Srll." elJHB iffl j The movie spr and the crooner! ifly to Nev^-'YbrK^aturday and later! !to Philadelphii^Where the bride-l , igroonk stirts alight club engage- [ment*Mol^y<J?|iht. RITA T6 COMMUTE ! "Our careers, m fact nothing, will ever sepaj^ite^us," Rita de-f Glared. She ^am ^jk&I' travel withj Haymes oh his night club tour. They have rented a house in ! Greenwich, Co9p$Miss Hayworth I [said she'll compiute between there Sand Hollywoods' picture a: jyear.d;^^M 1 The cererriony was performed by Judge ijrank MacNamee in the ] Gold Room of x the !|andj3/Hoteu I Roulette games and sloWHfBHIIISi ^continued whirring in the nearby'. Icasino. 11 DAUGHTERS WATCH | Rita's twp daughters, Rebecca,; |8, by her marriage to actor Orson |Welles, and Princess Yasmine, 3%,' by ex-husband Aiy Khan, I looked on from a divan, -^fe \ i The. bridal couple said thfeil^Ii lido's" firmly. Big tears came^fftSM . I Rita's eyes at the words. Tifel [ double-^g*jejremony was over be-1 Several liundred persons lined\l ore sht^i^Hpa-rfeg on Dic^slthe way ast^e couple, arm ml hnger; she puvWon afterward.-mtva*cwalked from her quarters in I 'Me ?√ß Yasmine shrilled, "Mama* a rem<&|bj>art of the hotel to then wantga ring,,too." "' .^^6erettjwr.>' "^^j^f^^^ i GARY, IND. POST-TRIRUNE Circ. D. 46,299 3;g^^ft. HOUGHTON, MICH. MINING GAZETTE Circ. D. 8.677 SEP U1953 STURGIS, MICH. JOURNAL Circ. Dg7,260 SEP^f lAre United in a neJIjy' cjpapshgptj^^ t^iedWimake j se^ns' and, ele)@iip,;^;ta Hayworth j and Dick -Hayi^^y'today gambled j one^mo^ wffi^^at^lniony.yk Tt^,' 34-year-old ^ctress sat& her crd|^f'5 35, wiUJ^rat^^bl^? each has :?╜aad?√ß?√ß,thre^.tin^db^^ejjc in a sim^^pemony Mj^ie GoJ^Room of thjfe^s^s ^o.te1??? _^^-~ Disxric* Judge FrankCM^Hamee will ^^l^ate^t e'the fi^lainute ceremony .e Jack fEntrattergc^neral manage of the Sands, will be the i only yattenkdant. Photographers and I j reports ^^ill. oidhiit|(^>?║r the in- |vite4.^&esMgtiiree to^Jis^!. I The^aJif|tentious &IIN?║r will be rquite^^^ contrastr to gppL^screen star'i^prish French y-wedding to j PrinceLAly^ Khan in 1949. "^^M 1 Onl^itoests invited are .bi^smess and le^^^sociates of the couple The on the brS! stives on Ua^^?H ^? fwo daugipKaThey LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 24?╟÷-Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes, nervous as beginners, make it fg?? apiece ; Thursday MG&en. they>xch|ll|e wedding vows alaid^tbe 'clickfi^^f dice and whir of Roulette wmejjs in a ls - gambling hotel. f " 'gK; ' \ While ajSra^mob of tgiM^ts play J their chips:,in^ a casityo<^R????stairs, the fla^^na^l, movie beauty and the cropiaex will say their I Do's in. ! the press, coMer-ence room of the plu^Saiids Hotel. ''''M-'Wr I Rf^lf^, acting like an excited j bridefjrawle this ceremoh^he sim- | plest o^er career. Weddhag No. 3 to Pri^^dy Khan 1 featured champaigne, 'l^yabl guestss s and' = lavish clothes. ...^ut."..;for her 1 fourth wedding, Rita/chose an ol$ \ dress of blue lineng-'a plain gold; ' I wedding band and a simple-pSSst j ceremony with no decoys^o3os*,*ai34 j only 10 guests, i ^e^w^ ?╟≤ ^sH&' SEATTLE, WASH. POST INTELLIGENCER Circ. D. 182,406 - S. 257,326 SEP 2 S ?╜W jire Rebecca* 8, the offspring of j Miss Hay worth's marriage to Orson WeUes,-aind'the^Princess Yasmine, 3Vfeg likev'lrer .moslem father a di-! rect descendant of the prophet Mohammed. ShduldgO^ governm%tk^in its deportation case agauist'the'Argeh- tine-born crooner, what country will he and Rita then liye in? , "I'm'not going to be^^ported," I he answered; "Wes both intend to j live* in the U. S. A^"- .^J&r.- 1B> 2'4^953^ iRita HayworthTDlck .Haymes J iNervGus As Begpri^s^n Fourth ___J^T!*.-'jtorALINE MObB* *^?* *CMm ^Kfe^^^^Wch .asking him to show cause why (Pictures on Page 14.) last' marital, venture in which .asKing mm w ?╜^vr LAS VEGAS Sept 24 (INS)ishe 'ms-i"1''ed Prince Aiy Kahn. he should not be deported for 1^^^^^^^^Kk 'Mc-li^ga1 United"'Sfates entry. usuglg SEMB1953 Of n mm, uiiuunui mil-em been an attempt by the government! to^deport Haymes, a citizen of Ar-' gentina, and death threats against | Miss Hayworth and her youngest daughter, three-year-old Yasmin. 'We want a simple wedding," Miss Hayworth ..said firmly. "This one is ,tbo;%nlportant to. me to clutter up wj|h^a lot of unnecessary frills. It's e^bugh that we love each other." . ^fef^Hgiaefj'C^Bnt the wedding, unlike the final .(hysiL ^fm-lclinc^ in *b.e movie thrillers, won't '- .?√ß*&&&* o \see a^ 0* ^e^r headaches solved; ^n J i^P Hayworth, 'Yasmin-, and her LAS VEGAS,./Nev. star Rita Havwor-tii Dick Haymes today planni^'/'sim- gfafa <aaughter, Rebecca, 8, still are pie wedding" with televfi|$n and under protective guard and Haymes' newsreel cameras- grinding a^y^;(^^ifficuj|^^j^th the Immigration Then they'll settle down, as to.j^pag^&niC remain to be ironed .what they hope will be avtle^l|^Mf>^^^*^^SgA^ life as suburbanites in GBeeitt?╜wB^&jg^.fwJug^W^Kfta^Tonrth wedding Conn. , ;^V.^i%n,fl,d||aymes'- third. The couple The ceremony Thursday Wi^|be{plan's'to honeymoon at the Sands held in the pold Room of the Sands lover the weekend and then travel to .Hotelwf|b,eonly nine guests mviiei I BUI "RSWs and camera men were told they could attend. The red-haired beauty sighed happily that she and Haymes "are finally getting married after so many difficulties." Among their recent troubles have Philadelphia, where Haymes opens ^, .night, club engagement, leaving the crooner's lawyers to handle his case before the government in hear ings which resume Monday^' g^ ni?╟÷Br^klyn-born Rita Haywor^^. ^ij^^^-J^mgm ?╜ran?╜^ Mp-'111?Θ╝ ^^?√ßraiJaJH^rTiTwr?Σ≤ Mrtc??v ? who've career has included th'a^^a|n^i^l^^^e|/^ MSL-JSc^S^ ^?Ta_ttp W Hollywood queen and iVIosleraldecorous simolicitv at: ff^a S H^Yrfel Pg-?^ todaqy married singer urious Sands W Go '^Wous as-beginners, make it M{ Dlck Haymes at Las. Vegas m a Rita wore blue, a pl^ ^Uifece1 Thursday when they e^lsll?·Ple lemony The groom wore his?√ß --_ change wedding; vows amid thl The marriage was a dignified harassed look. Haymes typ^?║ cif^kffig'^fkiice and whirl of rouleij ceremony in contrast with the nervous look comes from my 'te--/^:heeis'-in a gambling hotel, jlhi-jinks which heralded Rita's)troubles. The government r^pe^"ifey vitoib of tourists plaj?Σ≤ ?╟÷mm ^ thenublLi|rTn"'-^ ^ino downstairs, the^feme^ire(i;feovie p$uty and the^done^.^ilpOTy the^S'I do's" I; in J|^'^^^ c^ffijerenfiMroom of ?╜. Rtta, /^^"CT^Tike -Jp. excited bridg; '.^wgp:.!?Σ≤* ceremony the simplest of- b^?╜%eer. /Wedding No.^"to Prince Aiy B^ittg featured ehampa^^, royal guested alnd la\im: clothe^iput for! her fourth wedding,, RitaiPipse ah old dress of blue linen, a plain gold wedding band and a-single civil I.Gereniony with no decorations and only 10 guesl^; j The actress, who usually, dodges the press, t^is time invited them all* ?╟÷ Newsreel cameras included ?╟÷ to the'wedding in this gambling mecca. ^w^^ m^t Judge^^rank MacNa|^^-was called ^te perform thef4|||:mony only 20^??^rs after Ha^i^cwon his six-wS^.xguick NevMt| ^VOrce decree fr|& Nora Eddi^Sbn ^Flynn f?? on^gli^^tt^she iost/^Serest in the m arria ge." -^^^^ RumorsC8sTora miMt*^|fe in town i for ?√ßi^fe^^^tial^^pfe<' circulated j I last dra^. whe^j^K^ahara hotel J j re^'(#^K.i,*iiSev*||^Spferve* a suite-; i the?j^v'W^^Le -fa^ll'to arrive and I a friend' sa^^ie had peen "talked | out" of ^^pe^&^?·Npra was not ! avaikbtt^6fe??#ro^^Lat her tfolly- Dick and*Rita^^p''started dating When both:twe*e-^working in Columbia Stu&o'iafp February, invited only friends "who stuck by us" during their various troubles with forni^r mates and the law HASTINGS, NBBR. TRIBUNE Circ. D. 15,592 Foi^r Apiece I For Rita and jj BjekToday * Las- Yegas, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Rita Hayworth.: and Dick Haymes. nervous as. beginners, make it four apiece ?╟≤ today when they ex- chati^e- wefld&g -\o^ amid the oliekfeg.of dice and whir of rou-1 lette Wheels in a; galling hotel. Wlile a gay mob of tourists | 1 play their chips in a casino! [ downstairs, t h e flame-haired 1 I mov%|fceauty . and the crooner! leiril^^iy their "I do's" in the j ^r.e?? conferencev J^in of the plus^t' Sands Hot$ggt Rita, 34, aetiH^i/like an ex-i cited bride, made-Wfe ceremony the simplest of w- career*. Wedding No. 3*M|i> Princ^AIyj ! Khan featured champagne, royal guests and l.avi^|kC clothes. But for her fourf^j^edding, Ritaj chose an old dress of blue linen, I a plain gold-wedding band and a] I simple civil ceremony with no! decorations and. only 10 guests. .' Ths Sa c t r e ^^who usually j dodges^me *press> this time in-1 vited ^^kn all?╟÷^deiwsreel cam-1 j eras included?╟÷-to ^the wedding] in this gambling mecca. ?√ßii&'Judge Frank MacNamee wasl j called, in _to perform the cere-1 I mony -oiily 20 hours after! Haymes won his six-week, quick ; Nevada divorce decree from I Nora Eddington Flynn on- | grounds "she lost interest in the marriage." Jp&iWg fflsLd f Haymes, a native of Argen-;j tina, faces possible deportation J on charges he illegally re-enter-1 I ed this country from Hawaii. He \ also is up to his pwg nose inl alimony troubles with wife No. 2, Joanne Dru. Nora divorced Haymes last Friday,, but/ hadj Dick and Rita worried wh$b she I delayed signing a waiver to permit today's marriage.';.8" "~^|: Rita still hasn't settled her alimony with Aiy :^anMfcArii armed hotel guard 'levers constantly around Yasmin, daughter of Rita and Aiy, because of threats, possibly frapteeligious fanatics, to the littlf girl's life. After the ceremony Rita was scheduled to" play hostess at a luncheon for / the guests , and I press. The ;happy couple had no plans for the rest of the day, and will honeymoon liere until .Sunday. Then they'll trek to! 'Philadelphia, where Haymes be| gins a singing engagement. OWENSBORO, KY. INQUIRER ^gj^p. 9-603 pita Hayworth, Haymes To Be Wed This Afternoon .LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 24 UP)?╟÷ While nearby.crapshooters tried to make sevens . and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled once ft^re with matrfen'i^yg4fe,^fes^. j; | The 34-year-(^d:^(|^S6.iand.her crooner, 35, this ''at'ternoorik will' re-Li cite vows each'/has/ said "'t^ree'e times beforeMS^af^^ifl^,<pifeHlony j [in the Gold^oom*of.??the Sands1 i Hotel.' I ;H^S^HK-^Sv-4'' [(""'BWtKct J^rae 'Frad^i^aoNamee j 11 will officiajf J^a^ tftejmve-qjinute I I j ceremqnyi;|fek;' Ent^jptir, general I I manager^'t^'^n^ will be the, I only atte^tnt. - Photographers and i 'reporter's.ilL-outnumber the in-, I vited gue^k^ee to one. wh's | The iHi^lete^tious a|Efair will be! || quite a gcpiltrast .iorpe...- screen; I star's lavish' French wedding toj S Prince- Aiy Khan ih J1949. Miss I Hayworth wilV "not even have a I inew wedding gown. She said she j lwould wear, a blue linen straight! jdress. .which, she has worn.before.- H O^ly---.guesis igMted are business and legal associates of the co\(pie. rThe Only relaWef-pn hand wijlbe- ! the bride'?· ^ imk daughters. They. are" .RebeccaJplp! the offspring of Miss;;HaywortB^kmarriage to Orson WelleV and t^ Princess Yasmine, J3V2V J|Ke he|*'Mpslerii father a di- Irecfc'.descendant of^ the prophet I Mohammed.' '^*|S;;tJ Final barrier to the wedding was cleared yesterday? whejj Haymes won a seven-minute divorce decree from Nora gipddingtong Flynn IHaymes. Less than an hour later,, ; he brought Rita back to the court- j house, where bo^ nervously filled' l^u^ithe marriage/lilerise forms. "sentinel circ. d, y^ I Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes I Gamble Again in Lq^[Vkgm^WMMmg LAS'VEGAS, Nev. (ff) ^- Whilliceremoi^l^(*kv^Ma^r|^neral j I nearby crapshooters tried to make I manager \oi i^'J^^^^r]5x|lr^ the I sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth j only attendant^ Photographers and I and Dick Haymes Thursday gam- reporters wil5. outnumber- the in- H bled once more - with matrimony. [Vited ?^uesrs three to vbne!i*lf~ The Si#ar-old" l#ess and lierl The ^pregjitipna affair'fvSll be ?√ß crooner, 35, will recite vows each quite a coi^K'to 1&^creen ?√ß has said three times before, m a lagmffc lavjJSj French w^tdbg to H simple the Gold Roosn.fag^p Aly'iKhan ih 194^ ?√ß of the SanTds.HggV , ,T^^^=;#S guests-invited aSbusiness District Judge Frank MacNamee aiilegal associates oSILcoupIe. ?√ß Will officiate at the five-minute Thllily-relatives on:|^ will"b?║, ?√ß-"?√ß ?╟÷'- - - ?╟÷- bqe.w ithe btidf# two daugmers. They URBANA, ILL. 1 - **** ~ COURIER Circ. D. 13,959 - S. 14,041 JfEXClTED' RITA, HAYMEFl^f LEAVEl-AS VEGAS RESORT I Las Vegas, Nev.,-Sept. 26 (AP) ?√ß Honeymooners Rita e Hayworth! I and Dick Haymes left by plane tor a I | New York early today, along with] I.J-her two daughters and his boxer]- I dog^ Brutus. S The actress and q^hj^: married j at the Sands Hotel ,h^^??';.a thtfegrt' . j minute '^ceremon^* ^Rmii^^y, ap- j jpeared to be eptrifigj^ajjt <they left i this gambling resoi^r^hfey 'took 16| pieces of luggage with them. are itebecca, is, the:|iffspring of Missptayworth's marriage to Orson Welled, and the Prihc;e^ Yasmine; 3V2, lifte'^er Mosle^mther am II rect descendant '(^p.e propli^ JMohamnded;) I Should the government win its i j deportation case against/the Argen- ; tine-born crooner,' 'Wh'at country II will he and Rita th^ live in? j I "I'm not going to be deported," the answered. "We both intend to 11 live in the United States." The crooherc'said- belx^M niove into Miss Hayworth's suitfe'"%t the Sands right after the wedding. A reporter asked him if tie had ever tasted any of Rita's cooking. "Who marries Rita Hayworth for cooking?" the singer asked./ H^WdnderfuVp [Being Called Mrs^fiay mes ^^p j lM^|(Ss, Nev. (B7-Rita Ha\y- wor|^and;Dick Hayr^ are on the 'four%5:^pieymooh ap feach of jlthei^E: toda|?^following a jyfef flash- ^ilM^'w^ding in a' ^pftjling re- ort#^el. ^^^'|y "^.Ifeei wonderfully nappy," the redh&^l bride sai^P^fter the three^ihute ceremoiw^./^I am | the man I^real% love. ilt sounds sSO, wbndeM^^f^e^called Mrs. ,^ymes." . * W^imr \ . -l^lpovie staiv and tiie, ferooner Ifly to New-?Yerk,/Saturday and later |to PhilfBfeipkia, where? the bride- \groom gstatts a night club engagement Monday night. "Our careers, in fact nothing, will ever separate us/' Rita de- Iclared. kShe said she'll travel with |Hayme?║/on his night cltib tour. Ugiey have rented a house in HGreenwich, C^nhg.Miss Hayworth isaid she'll commute between there and Hollywood for one picture a lyear. 1 The ceremony was performed by >. 1 Judge Frank MacNamee in the J Gold Room of the -.San^JSotel. iRoulette games and slot machines I continued whirring in tf^g^yby casino. Rita's two daughter^, I^^ca,; ,8, by her marriage to actor Orson .Welles, and Princess Yasmine! 13%, by ex-husband Aiy Khanf looked on from a divan. I