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    STILLWATER, OKLA. NfWS-PKESS Circ. D. 7,623 - S. 7,694 ?√ßffltflfeftlk rasa* .... Rita,Haymes Give Wedlock l Another Try l&AS V1EGAS, Nevsygept. 24-UP jfefiita HaywQrJa. and Ddck Haymes, ^^voT^^Q^umeTg^^Bake it four ^jjnece Thursday when they ex-| felgange wedding vows amid the #cking of dice and whir of roulette wheels in a gambling hotel. Jlvhile a gay m<?l^li?║Pi^te #W their chips in a casin4^*nstairs' the flame-ha|jed mo^^auty and the croonef^ffll say Ipft "I do's" in the press conference room of the plush Sandfejpfetel^^ Rita, 34, acting like an excited] bride, made this ceremony the simplest of her career^ Wedding No- S tqa flbnce Aiy Khan featured champagne, royal] guests and lavish clothes. But for. her fourth wedding, Rita chose an] old dress ofgfjjue linen,ja plain gold wedding bj|l|/ and ^mnple civil] ceremony ~frih no decorations and only 10 J$??sts. The tpltteas, who usually dodges the prjglipliis time invited them ?╟≤11 ?╟÷ Efi^Sreel cameras included ?╟÷?√ß to the pending in this gambling] tnecca.1^ Judge Prank MacNamee was called in to perform the ceremony only 20 hours after Haymes won his six-week, quick Nevada divorce ilecree from Nora Eddington Fynn Un grounds "she lost interest in the marriage." Rumors Nora might be in town] for the nuptials were circulated last night when the Sahara hotel] reported she had reserved a suite there. But she failed to arrive and a friend said she had been "talked ?╟≤Ut" of appearing. Nora was not] %vailable for comment at her Hollywood home. Dick and Rita, who started dat-l Ing when bpthg were working in] Columbia Stttdio last February, invited only friends "who stuck by] ?╟≤us" during their various tables Vith former mates and the law, oireet - iNew HAGERSTOWN, MD. yMMjL j Fourth Honeymoon jFor Each Of Them LAS VEGAS, J ^ew, S^y|,tf??- Rita Ha'vv.nrlh _ are1 on ' tlie.'?√ß fo.?╜f each qfytiftm^ brief [lash-bulb- lit wedd: a ga m hi iusT resist Sibtelw - -jfMl "T feel v ondc Bully happy?1 the redhaired bri% sxesaid afterr ?╟≤ the threc-min uteg,cJ?· K|;'Mam married to th(C ! rhar'i I really'-love. ! It sounds so w?║E H?╤rful to be called Mrs. Haymes:^ .The. movie sta ,r and the crooner |.fly to New York Saturday and. later to Philadelphia,- v\here the bride] g*O0.m starts a night club engage] merit Monday night. ?╟≤'Our careers, in fact nothing, will ever "separate us,"' Rita declared;.. She sa$t 0e:'il travel with Haymes on his night club tour. They- have~: rented a house in Greenwich. Conn. "Miss Hayworth sajd.slie'll commute:between there] and Hollywood for one picture a yeargo a yC .egggwg, . ,-.- .-;. Thegc er em bny wa s ..performed by Judge. .-'Frank MfcNaniee in the Gold Room of the Sands Hotel. Roulette games janU^'lOl ltmuillMfe continued whirring in the ne arby casirto. Rita's two -.daughters, Rebecca,] 8,- by her marriage to actor Grsoi Welles, and .Princess Yasmine 3!w by ex-husband Aiy Jvhan] looked on. fyom a- dtvan, MOUNT CARMEL, PA. ITEM Circ. D. 5,534 ji&fy -1953 Rita, Haymes on 4th Honeymoon LES VEGAS UP)?╟÷Rita Hayworth | IanTMtmam are on the fourth I honeymoon for eaj$u%f them today | following a brief fifep-bulb-lit wed- I eding in a gamblinp^^ort hotel. I "I feel wonderful!^ happy," the | redhaired bride saidl&ter the three- minute ceremony;U";^am marired to | the man I really love. It sounds so ! wonderful to be caSjPi Mrs. Haymes." 1 The movie star Ite&the crooner fly I to New York Satui?║P?║y and later to | Philadelphia, where' the bridegroom I starts a nigli^dubeijigagement Mon- I day night, g ?√ß-Our^-careers, in fact nothing, will 1 , ever separate-us," Rita declared. She 1 said she'll travel with Haymes on his 1 night club tour. They have rented a I house in Greenwich, Conn. Miss Hay- I I worth said shell commute between I I there and Hollywood for one picture I | a year. :e The ceremony was performed by I Judge Frank MacNamee in the Gold 1 Room of the gands Hotel. Roulette | I (Continued on Page Thirteen) RITA, HAYMES ON I FOURTH HONEYMOON ! TIFFIN, OHIO Advertiser Tribune Circ. D. I0.K5 s?·P.23i353 (Continued from Page One) games and slot machines continued \ whirring in the nearby casino.. Rita's two daughters, Rececca, 8, by her marriage to eactor,'J&rsion Welles, and Princess Yasmine, 3%, by ex-husband Aiy Khan, looked on from a divan. In connection with his immigration difficulties, meantime, the honeymooning crooner could take cheer from a federal court decision yesterday in Miami, Pla. In a similar ease at Miami, Judge John W.Holland ruled in Federal District Court that the return of Harry O. Voiler, 62, former Miami Beach newspaper publisher, from Puerto Rico in 1951 "did not constitute an entry into the United States within the meaning of the 1917 Immigration Acfc" i^^ll Puerto Rico and Hawaii are insular possessions of the United States, Judge Holland held that "For a resident alien to make a reentry, he must go to a foreign port." Bluefield, W. l^Sunset News^&liftmes-Leader Circ. D. 4,422 mtst) Crooner Gamble Again LAS VEGAS, Nev. W?╟÷While] ! nearby crapshooters tried to make I sevens and elevens. Jfcita..Bayworth\ and Dick B&ym&i&tiH^^mbled: once more with rna|m&ap8f. The 34-year-old aciress' 'mm--^6r crooner, 35# wi#'$ifM ?$w$j!, each has said 4Mee mm* bef#?╜24p *ai simple cerejadhy#*.?½& CfopJ&oom , of the . Sands^m&Ew? DistricT3'B'(3Slelf'llillJll(friltlffi(liya,mee will officiatetSf' tftif 'live^n^iute^ ceremony. ^S^^t^alber, general 3 manager of th^r^ani^^illi' bet the I only attenda^.Pft<^OT?╜&hgrs -and|| reporters willg^fnumber *^p*'. in- vited guests pree'to one.'T^.^ . , The ceremdhy ovfill be iat 1 p.m. EST. Final barrier to,the wedding was cleared yestefday when Haymes copped a sevei&jininute divorce decree from Nom Ipddington Flynn Haymes. Less t#aii%n hour later, I he brought Rita back to the court-1 house, where .hoth ;ffervously filled out the marriage lic^se forms.. The croonerys&tifelie will move] into Miss Haywd#th*$ suite at'thej Sands right afte$|j$he wedding. A$ reporter asked hfmif he had ever j tasted any of Rita's cooking. -'Who marries Rita". Hayworth! for cooking?" the singer asked. $ RAi^BYRM ^But Ne\^a^LCamera Men LAS VEQ^S^sfev. (UP^#dihl star Rita. Hkyltorth and crooner! Dick ftay'nie^itoday "planned a] j''simple Wj^linS" with television and neWsreel*1 cameras grinding: away. ] Theffi^aey'rll settle down as to whaVtbey hope will be a sedate [life ate suburbanites in Greenwich, II Conn.-. I The, ceremons'-g'^HJ^sday will be | {held in the -. Gold Boom of the Sands Hotel with oniyguine. guests iflWl88, b'yCnews and^mera men' !were toldithey couid^tfehd. j . The red-haired. beauty ??i g h e d pteappi-t^^hai she anJffpmytnes i?arel finaly gftting emarried after '?√ß?√ß$&_ many difficulties.'" ?╜;e Among their recent troubles have I been: an att4gipt by the gbvern-i ment to'4^Spt: Haymesv'ftycitisBenl of Argentui^-and',"death threats; ! against-- Misjf Ha^fficthe^??nd hefl j youngest daughter,;'^t^re^year. old I Yasmin., g^Kg ?√ß fap-^ 3p|3Sr?╜t All' ^jfeada?╜hes Solved 'We warife-a simple wedding, 'I iMiss Haywrotfe... said firmly. "This one i$ too ithportant to -nieto dufr-1 Jter \^p with a pie ^f unnecessary | frills. It's Enough that we love each |,ptixer." ^:&^__W^'!$ But the Wedding, unlike; [clinch in , thrillers, won't see all of their headaches solved! ; Miss Hayworth, Yasmin, and her i other daughter, Bebecca, 8, stil; are under protective guard and IfayiSaeV difficulties with the Im-j Imigration Department remain to' be ironed out. $0]', It-^Hl W Rita's fourth wedding] land ??aymes' third; The couplel [plans to honeymoon, at the Sands- dyer the weekend and then travel! (to Philadelphia, where H a y m e s [opens a night club engagement! [leaving the^ croner's lawyers tc?╜ {handle his case before' the govern-J jment in hearings which resume [Monday. ?╟÷ - EDWARDSVILLE, ILL. INTELLIGENCER Circ. D. 5,196 SEP&953 ^^.?╜-t>rie"et - New iuim DOVER, DELA. STATE NEWS Circ. W. 4,160 j Rita Hayworth, I] I Dick Haymes, Wed; 9 I Fourth Time Each | i LAS VEGAS, Nev. W-^-While IJ I nearby crapshooters tried to make 11 sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth | \ and Dick Haymes today gambled i. J once more with matrimony. ft I The 34-year?╜ld actress and her \ \ crooner, 35, will recite vows each I. has said three times before, in a Ih simple ceremony in the Gold Room Jl J Of the Sands Hfltfifj- JL Districi JUWfS'T'iaiik MacNamee vt will officia2te at the five-minute jf^ | ceremony. Jack Entratter, general ||e , manager of the Sands, will be the [f | only attendant. Photographers and if???? j reporters will outnumber the in- f < vited guests three to one. |LS | The unpretentious affair will be ifg^ quite a contrast to the screen fr J star's lavish French wedding toff j! Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Miss j Hayworth will not even have a o new weddifi^ gown. She said she I would weai^M:; blue linen straight [ dress whichg^he has worn before. I Her head will be covered by a I toast-colorea?·;2iat of tulle and vel-|| vet. She will wear gloves to match I the hat. Only guests invited are business I and legal associates of the couple. 1 The only relatives on hand will be 1 the bride's Jwo daughters. They 1 are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of f (Continued on rage Four) |Hayworth-Haymes I I Wedding Thursday f LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP)?╟÷Film I star:,.JJita^, Ha^woptjti and^rognerp JDifikT ^aymes today -planned a; i^wedd^^" *witbe ^^i^sicai [' iaewsreel cameras grinding JtltoL they'll^settle down as to wliat they hop.e,,M:ill be a sedate in Greenwich, Conug .'.'.. 0x -' "gy^ne ceremo^^Thjirsd^ will be 'Wu$ in the G$feL Room.of the Sands Hotel wiij|Wly nine guests iuviT&'ci',1 BWfiews and camera men Were told theyr c6]gd2|ltt;e|id. fv gFhe red-haired beauty s i ghed happily that she and-Haymes, "are [finally getting married after so Btoaany difficulties.'' c| '. Among their recetiJ?║troubles have ||jeen. an attempt byl the govern- ment to deport Hay.i^es, a citizen bi Argentina, and' death threats against g'Miss Hayworth and her \ ounre^r Auvuhter, three-year- old i Yasiiit^g:' ?║m^^^^^^^ 1"-fe^^wahtc,|^^^ Mii^ ^ajrwegftl^iaid one is too important "to] ter up with a lol of " frilfeTt's ;enough thattj^ other." ?√ß'.' .?"".?╟≤ .L , ?√ß But the wedding, uiilikeythe final clinch in the movie" thrillers, won't j see all-of. their headaches solved. Miss Hayworth, Yasmin, and her ?√ßi other daughteiv Rebecca, 8, still are under -protective guard and Haymes* '-i^ffAcuities " With the Im- ! migration Department remain to I be ironfel^i^^y^^P1^ I It wil t wedding and Haymes' < third. The couple plans to honeymoon k-at-'the Sands over the weekepd an^fShen travel to Philadelphiirwnere:'fa y m e s opens a night club engagement, leaving the crooner's lawyers to handle his case before the1 government in hearings which resume Monday. COLUMBUS^iiP Circ. Dgl57,OI2 -^^&g9 Guard Placed On Rita's Son LAS VEGAS, NEV., SEPT. 15 <?╟÷ (INS)?╟÷Rita Hayworth's two children basked in,..the Las Vegas sun under jMe ,.u-^%bful eyes of ^ards ' Ijto^J*1^ The film Cfiieeh.bad-t-he children. Rebecca, 8^>. and, Yasmm: 3%, flown to ber from their Brentwood home last nigh|g e because, of threats against Yasmin's liie. Anonymous letters mailed '?╟?teethe actress'l&om New^Spchelej. N. Y., warned her that Yasbhin wou?½ be killed unless the child is returned to her; father, Prince* ?√ßAly'SKhan, for Moslem upbrihSng. c ^ The star herself was threatened with deaih or disfiguremelit and was warned not to carryjjbut her plan to marry Singed Dick. Haymes. ?√ß^JlfiP.; The actress sa|d sheg thought the letters^ wer^lhe work of a crackpot, but sJml, nevertheless placed Yasmin U)^H| an around- the-clock guard c^'the outside chance that a Moslem fanatic might try to harm the .child. DUlNlVIIVttr, x,. ^. O^UI&ER -Cife. D.f^90 Are Guarded Like Jewels LAS VE-.Q.-AS,.cNey. (UP) ?╟÷ Rita \ ayworth and lifer two daugfttewr** were '5UUl'-f!W^ts^avily as a president on tour today as the FBI in- ; vestigated thi^fe. that three-year old Princess^rasmin would, be killed if she is not^returned jbo her Moslem father, Prince Aiy Khan. Yasmin and Rebecca, 8, the actress' child by her former husband, Orson Welles, were flown herein?. der guard Monday night to l>e with their, mother, who is waiting to marry crooner Dick Five husky bodyguards from a private . detectiveos^gency put the children on an a^#Snes iplane in Los Angeles .an4?║ythree i accompanied them ongffl&g flight here. Shifts Of Deputy Sheriffs More body guar$iyCaccompanied by Haymes, met .the plane when it landed here, and when the .children arrived at the Sands Hotel, where their mo^efmWm&f89mg? shifts of Clark Qfe^j&ty sheriff's deputies 'took^:>Vrapse Avatch outside ithe star's room*. The children had been guarded at Miss Hay^rth'js i West Los "Mlgeltes home since the ' threats were received.' The .actr||S-r \vho had remained I at' the 'hoteiiftfitew her arms around jher chil'diih/crying, "Oh, God, we're -alls|egeiher again. We're all safe." m Miss .Stayworth has received two [IettergJp>m New Rochelle. N. Y.,A l-toeafnpg death for Yasmin. and . bodilymrm to -the. sultry film star I'Unlei^R'child is returned to her ?· ather^lpEurope. She also was warned not to tnarry "Haymes. "or you'll get yourself into a lot of trouble." - It was believed the letters could have been sent by a' fanatic j Moslem. SHAMOKIN, PA. NEWS-DISPATCH Circ. D. 12,015 S^ ^1> 1& Haymes, Riff flan 'Simple Wedding' I LAS VEGASL,Nev. (U.R)?╟÷Film star RxfaS!3S^'v^rm' and crooner Dick I Haymes today plannedyar "simple ?√ß Wedding" with televisio%"A,nd news- l|reel cahieras grinding ax^y. I Then they'll settle down to what tthey hope will be a sedate life as ^suburbanites in Greenwicli, Cocn. The ceremony tomorrow will be held in the $j?╜G|ld Room of the San^S Hotel, with:-,Onjy nine guests invited, but news .ind cum era men were told they could .^a^ri:dr;AC. The red-hairecl -'eoautv ?║ighed happily thatgsjb^ncic^aymes "are finally gett^h^uinS^ried'J^ter so many dif f icult: Among- Uieir recent troubles have j been an attempt, by-the government to deport Hayrhefeg'g a - citizen of Argentina, and death threats against Miss Hay worth, .and her youngest : daughter, thr^par^old Yasmin. "We want. ak-Simple wedding," Miss i Hayworth sai# firmly. "This one is too important to me to clutter up with a loteof:; unnecessary frills. It's enough that,>.we love.each other." But the%^ding, Qnlike the final '. clinch in the movie thrillers, won't see all of their headaches solved. 1 Miss Hayworth^ Yasmin, and her I 'other daughter, Rfebecca, 8, still are ; \mder protective guard and Haymes' j .difficulties with the Immigration De- : partment remain to be ironed out. j It will be Rita's fourth Wedding i and Haymes' third. The couple plans to honeymoon at the Sands over the | ^weekend and then travel to Phila- , ^delphia, where Haymes opens a night I ?club engagement, leaving the Crooner's lawyers to,-handle his case be- ! If ore ..the government in hearings ! Jwhi^i resume Monday. LUFKIN, TEX. NEWS Circ. D. 6,769 - S. 6,769 SEPM :|pS Rita. Dick Wed Today m LAS VEC^S1,,,Nev. (iPUsipiile nearby craps^^tefs tried Jo make sevens and el$|ens, Rita EfewxiKth and Dick Bribes today ppMed once more '''Ifpth matrimon^^^ The 34-ye^wld act|ess^ftd^l?╜a' crooner. 35^pll recite vp^se^|i has said three times be?·c$j^|ng-a. simple ceremony in the GojP.cfebbm of the SajM&^oj?·^ ' District ^^|egPrank MacNamee will'#ffici^?' at the five-minute ceremonyC^ack Entratter, general manager k?║|the SandSi wH|>|te the only attendlnt. Photb.graphpl^ and reporters will outnumber''$m$ invited guests: three t(^he.^ The unpretent^ssij|ffair/i^li be quife g a cpntra^;.^, th^lpreen st^*s lavish Fr|i$c&< wep^in'g to Prince Aiy Khjrijfe-. in 194BogMiss Hayworth will $jmk?': e^eft^ave a new wedding .,g<rafc?╜'l;SS?╜e" said she would wear jflpaMBr linen ?╜t?aight dress M'hich phc:-"'*ias Avorn before. Her head wi^jp.covered by a toast-eolored Vj^^bi tuUe and velvet. She will ire^r gloves to match the hat. '"aHfem Final barrier'm^he weddh^ was cleared yesterJiy when ^l^feyjnes copped a sevei^^nutecliV^pte decree from Nora^lddingto^^Fiynn Haymes. Less tain ani|ho^later, he brought' Ritf|wi#sS th^purt- house, where bl^^fe^pusl^filled ou^"tff|. mar^ia^^cen^i forms. ?√ßyh^3r6d^erais|^^fee wi]femove into Miss Haj^Wo^p^lgsu^^St the Sands right af^p^fi#!ww|p!ng. A reporter asked h^Ka^S'he n^l ever tasted any of^l^iWs cooking. ji "Who marries Rita Hayworth I for cooking?" the singer asked. TEERE HAUTE, IND- ?╜PTRIBUNE tecirc. D. 31.242 J91953J Haymes Signs Pact So Rita $% |Ci#eep Money I4SEGAS, Nev., Sept. 19.?╟÷ W?╟÷Crooner Dick Haymes an- nouncl^y'today he has signed a pactc^^. actress Rita Hayworth thafr jfc&ects all of her Earnings n.nd holdings "for life" from any debts-4ie may incur after their- marriage. '"'.w. . - Haymelj who plans to i^rry^ the ! red-ihaired actress aft^^his| Nevada divorce, said, "I intei^jtor stand on my own two feet^eghd take care of all my own troubles, whether they^femoney, legalvpr i oezsjwii&l difficulties." Ife ^aid he had "ordered^ the re^g^deal pre-nuptial pact dfawn 1 up /^("protect Rita, frontfJ,jaM| cla^?·-whatsoever against e^|W Meanwhile Mrs. Nora Eddini&off Flyrni Haymes reecived hefe<^?sa Calif ornia,divorce decree fr?½Bit|By^ handsome .singer Friday. ^ii^W Haymes said the agreement!^ drawn ,tt|> hy Miss Hayworth^|at- torniey, Bartley Crum, and sipied by himself and Rita late IpKlay night at the Sands Hotel here. Crum said the pact'states that Miss Hayworth's earnings and properties would be protected for H?? sole use of herself, her children and her own heirs. Miss Hayworth signed an identical document relinquishing any right to Haymes' assets, he said. Haymes is awaiting a deportation hearing in Los Angeles on government charges the Argentine-born singer illegally re-entered this country after visiting Miss Hayworth in Hawaii earlier this year.