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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ESTABLISHED 1888 1 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CUPPING BUREAU I 165 CTOpv Street - New York j TIFFIN, OHIO Advertiser Tribune ?║p5:' Circ. D. 10,179 1 ' #.11291953 L| US VEGAS GIVES SHOWmBREAK I Pays Most Money With Vacation Atmosphere THE ORIGINAL RomeikF '?√ß PRESS CLIPPINGS ?╟÷ 220W.19*St.,NEWYORKll,N.Y. Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. (D 322,441) (S 255,656) This Clipping From BOSTON, MASS. POST iiA# 29 1853 VAN'S tAlents bIngwasted ir BY JACK GAVlER United Press Staff Correspondent I NEW YORK -^ When toda^Tper- 1 formers start yarning aboutifabulous 1] places in which toworkjfthey usu- j ally agree that nothing beats Las!J Vegas, Ney. ] ..___?╟? Vegas, as its faroi^ars know it,!J pays the most money^and sthe va- cationaland atmosphere generated [fl out there in the desert makes an|| engagement seem like a lark. Of course, a performer, no matter || how mucsh^fce is paUd?╟÷and this runs I well into the thousands' Weekly forJ| the top stars?╟÷can leave salary! his extra shirts in the-' tcwtMJrhell doesn't control his ventujj^Bme nature. Legalized gamWIffgin every | ?╟? form flourishes there 24 hours day. ?√ß?√ß EJ_\m_f The Sands Opens jm?½ EhitertMffltnent anj^ gambling] I reach thW*1&el?║|b' in the seven de- J ft luxe resort hotels out along the | j ?╟÷ ?╜ area known as ''The Strhy?" It is in ff New York Copacabana night these places that the salaries off11113 *P*/??#fJ*jin a decade. Some big-time performers such as DannyjM the N*lfe^##3s4:tf$gw now *or h Thomas, Sophie Tucki^Jdfi... l?·^e Yess& operation at^atospheric Lewis and Billy Vines, tijjpil'fi^Nf168 areperformers^^ helped rew, reach their peak. J$*F: i**00^ up **& T*^6^ "IfiSN- early Show peopleC: got ajP??rJefe-eak davf at the &*?·&?√ß*&* this season wfcen^o new such WobaW^%.^#^M^t ja^ B places were opeagpron "The Strip.", w^ldntWTmvSmrm&w mxh-\ The Sahara Jpsthe first to^peft.'F* th* &??V* nftme somewhere last fall, andflhenJThe Sands mldajaround The San^FreeJmpj)er-;l B Its b As ace, jfe' before utol^ffl^s^f axon's newesigresbrt^al- ' iswa $5,500,00q^:op-' <xas of wifat was t a jp^i^gjnore thak^fyear ago. Friedman, a ujrffc little man toapnTantastic Tex- I^Ebu^^ij); backgrounds, was the fading dpitlL?m its creation and '^cooperation with Jack Entratter Bight At Home Anyone who has been around the night, li|* ;$T New York will feel right at home as soon, as he steps into The:*^ijcids and spots the con-, sidjer&ble toull#??|^iif1l1^^tratto:. He; 1 sticks out in The SiMldi' "The wayj [ The Sandsatlcks out in the desert. Jaet^fli'Tue host and part owner] taurant to be called the Copa rooml wimin BY EDITH <iwYNN HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 28 ?╟÷ Van Johnson's ?√ßcontract with Metro ends in 11 months?╟÷and ?√ßwe'd betcha he won't re-sign there. Why should ?√ßhe? While Van nils' *?╜H^^^^^^^^?Σ≤ ^progressed ^fcEee.verjfo.' [way from a?╜&arance jjto performaflfee,^ -his [movie roles have de- [ teriorated. Despite the fact that he'* had Ja chance to prove Iwhat a ' goodij all- ?√ß around actor he'4 be- 8 come in recent 'yr&rs. ?√ßNo longer a * mere I %obby-sox dengnt/'''^g_____^ag___^_____9t_maa_w__^U_ IV.J. is used like a dray-horse at Metro?╟÷and tossed linfo any flicker that comes along. Now he goes I from a NOTHING role in "Plymouth Adventure" [into "Easy To Love'' with Esther Williams and Tony Martin?╟÷heading for Florida next week. Van's talents are many. We're not the only one who thinks they're being wasted! . . . With producer San Zimbalist off to Europe, wonder if he VAN JOHNSON and Kimsi Taylor will tie the knot-^^pr admit) they, lid so secretly last year. MjujesT h>; I8|k dottes of Bft Taylor, and a niece of Countess D^rothy di Fmsso. Dorothy didn't approve of^lKimsi'sj mdnkyshines with a world-famous'writer feva yearskgo, EITHER! . . . Martin & Lewis resume work In "The Caddy'' tomorrow, with Jerry's knee) kneactd into a brace. - ?╟≤'?╟≤. HowJ to war the brace ''for '$bje itemei elsewhere. Onl thing itrenuous. PeIm [Lena Horne, g.or$ m?╜e thrillingly -4hro. belli slaying stay-up] Lai Vega??if/TH|#|i offjliter voice! . *.|'<|j Finklehoff (whose ^ is kiput!) left "^*t" i nujju'in rew evet ago, flew to -,Yegas expecting to be baclq by dawn's eerie light. So wot happened? They stayed there 70 hours, during whick the "natives," mostly garbed in *l??P^y attire (day or night) were treated to an. eyeful of Carl and Freddie in Tux?╟÷?╟≤ pool-side, street-side or ringside! , JUL PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 San Francisco Portland - Seattle Los Angeles, Calif. News (Cir. D. 209,165) ^rvrid^Flernfng^ays she's reafe^canary 3 JWy ALlNe MO^gg-., (United Press Hollywood Correspondent) .-^&|<S - haired Rhonda ' FlenjdW vpuJid today some doubters dOii'X believe she can sing?╟÷beq3J^es?║L foa^^lamour girls use dubbed-ln; Sita Hayworth, for example, 1?║( iion^osemary Clooney. So an unk billed singer records the tune first, | and Rita mouths the ditty beforel the' Bftmera. ~&mm&?·^ak^-m Vlijjnpl can be confusiiig. ?╟≤.?√ß?√ß;-,OT^r- had ^^lifOTrent singing voice hi "Gilda" than in "Affair in Trinidad." Zsa Zsa Gabor didn't sing for herself in "Moulin Rouge," and a couple of times she even got ahead her_ voice. Ava Gardner and ?╟≤j;o .8a0fi"*7iir kave used clubbed-in i9t) JB^J^ttu^mj^ her supper. ^a-^as E "Nobody believes I can sing,' she exclaimed, and peeled off a note in the mid<???? rOfgthe Brown Derby to prove she cSgiNSE.- started out aslt^iinger, but I made my name as an actress. 'Why/^^tarted singing lessons when I wa?║fc*i4.a -J, studied every; day. But after 'Co|ih|cticut Yankee,' people writji^^^skihg who dubbed ih-iri^ vd^|^ Whatever 1 do in pictures I want to be real. I couldn't^^nd for anybody to dub in my voice. ^^^^^^ "I sang in 'The Great Lover too, but nobody remembers, hot even at Paramount*^ where Tve been for four years. They're surprised when they hear I caft realiy sing." ^'i?·t?· lif Rhonda was discovered as j dramatic actress by David Selz nick for "SpeUbqund," but he made her ke^ up her singing lessons. HerjSjSloratura soprano won her the 'Tlfenkee" role opposite Bing CrO^Sfe Aside from a song in '"The Great Lover," she's never had a chaiilfegat another musical. Now 'sh<?║^?·bing. to show the fans she really has vocal chords when she j^s the movletowners who are InvaMhg- the quick-moneys nightclub circur^^hond^jjyjjeMy has offers from the^^^aO?|d- ladium and Las Ve^^*notels such as the Sahara, aj^SaadA - k~