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    GAGS run riot, with Spike Jones on the loose and Janie Powell acting as straight man. The Hollywood gang, who made trek by hour's plane ride for gala opening, gathered in Garden Room for lunch. HOJKpS for MOvirjd^^^opy of ! mag is placed in ^^Capsule^^m show business if^^^^^jfgSerityl APPROPRIATELY, cover girl Janie puts it in place. Other mementoes, such as Jimmy Durante's hat, Bing Crosby's pipe, will be added before capsule's sealed permanently. 10 MARCH, I9S3 beauty close-ups These Products Help Protect Yon From Winter's Chill. At Brag, Department or Variety Stores. A) Though the Jergens Company has constantly made changes and im- . provements in Woodbury Soap, I this is the most important one in 82 years. 7 softening oils have been added to let this soap clean without washing away natural skin oils. New I wrapping, too, 3 for 29$ ?╟≤ Reminder from the Chesebrough Company that I Vaseline Lip Ice is a soothing protection against winter's windy blasts. It fes in a small tube that can be carried conveniently in your pocket or purse. 25c Designed for all-over use, Coty's new Bodj beautiful Hormone Lotion contains 20,000 I.U. I of natural estrogenic hormones and estradiol ?√ßluscious pink 10 oz. glass bottle is $2* I ?╟≤ Coty makes added news with their Instant eanser which is a homogenized snow-white I creamy liquid which works as a deep pore leanser to float dirt away. 6 oz. in a squeezie white plastic bottle, $1.50* ?╟≤ To fight |,vinter-worn spirits, Nestle-LeMur brings out |rwand, a color hair stick in a lipstick case. It can J applied at a moment's notice and then simply ,_^^, fed out in the next shampoo. Silver, gold and copper ones that really cling, 39$* . C) Beauty well in hand is Len- theric's objective. TheyVe combined in one plastic bag, a bottle of softening Sheer Beauty Hand Lotion and a cake of cleansing Sheer Beauty Soap, $1* ?╟≤ The famous House of "4711" now packages their Tosca Oil of Cologne in imported hand-made wicker ^ demijohns and the "4711" Ean de Cologne in wicker covers. Ideal gifts men, women and teen-agers, because of the tangy pine and woodsy odor. 4% oz. |?osca Oil of Cologne, $3.50* 4 oz. Eau de Cologne, $3* I Lano-Last is a special base in Tattoo lipsticks fkeeps lips soft and helps prevent chap- I ping. In 8 shades, 39$* ?╟≤ Madame Rubinstein |set to pamper your skin with her new Silk- 1 Tone Special formula. Estrogenic hormones ] been added to the original make-up base I sO you get an all-day beauty treatment under *r glamorous make-up. 6 shades, 1 oz., $3* ____^ To go with it, she recommends her new creamy j I Liquid Rouge that blends right with jar skin tones. It can be applied either on top pur foundation or even after you have applied your face powder. It doesn't leave hard spots of color on the cheeks. 3 shades, % oz. $1* E) Faces can be protected from stinging winds by Tussy's Finishing Touch with its new formula and in a new shade as well, called Custom Blend. And that's not the only news, their Midnight Face Powder is now available in a fashion right shade called Medium Tone. Finishing Touch, $1*; Midnight Face Powder, $1* ?╟≤ New Beauty Skin Duet H combining Hinds 4 oz. plastic bottle and purse dispenser. This combina- HSl ' r"iga tion, 98$; their Handi-Stick, 79$ I Federal Tax Copyright 1953 Ideal Women's Group JR |l, 1953 ^Pll m _._ . , Danny Jftiomas opjin the Cjfa Room tha^reatures topjr- tainejs. Denise Parcel sings sulti JANIE sings Kiss Me Again at request, to audience's delight?╟÷s beaming from hubby Geary ai