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    ?╟≤ ?╟≤* *Bill Willard * *$t*u*\ ' JUNE IN ?╟≤ JANUARY: Weather... man said it would be hot yester* day, so wishing to escape the fiery blasts, upped to Mt. Charleston for some iee skating. An- \ other reason for the madness and I flight to the upper readies, has "' to do with the Desert Inn's ice Lshow opening, t^ooj^^t.nigj^^ Supposing somet&mg should h'fj?║# ?╟≤ { pen to one of thalsteip? Practice session it had % be. But, the ; warm zephyrs Verj@ caroming ! around the mo^j|?·ams, makiag; H I the pond almo?╜% a swimming pool. Combination of ^ slush and mud prompted Mrs. B. W. to in^ vent a new word==-slud. So, out of the slud into the lodge, wM0fr: fore drank gallons of coffee and to pen in notebook names of ;'tj|$ many Charleston sludders v^gtjp Tom Mechlings, visiting the Jodgi for the first time; Carolyn Cornell looking starry eyed with Bill Wells, the gentleman with whom she'll exchange "I do?s" Jan. 25 at St. Joan of Arc church; Martin Black and Don Graves, both KRAMsters, escaping the kilocycles briefly; Babs Warden, who trips her last light fantastic with the Kathryn Duffy Dansations Wednesday night and speeds" to New York for TV and modeling; Mrs. Buzz Barton who works at the lodge, and another lodger, Loren Long, who performs on the Hammond organ Sunday afternoons, adding to his fulltime mus- i ical chores at the Shamrock ... t i HOME FRONT: Such weather ; could give Dirt Dobbers Garden dub ideas for rushing their planting as they raw: oyer green thumbing tonight at the John Kirch manse. . .Sheriff's Mounted : Posse exercising their fine parade talent yesterday prepping for \ Pennsylvania Avenue, capers and Inaugural on the 20th. . .Mrs. i Emilie Wanderer has City of Hope members and guests over \ tonight for instaj|i#aji of new of- }Jf<8^s< with Judge Henderson ^heading the ceremonies. . .Frances Butterfield has a honey of a [''Story about a newlywed in the j ayem who wanted an annulment in the p.m. . . .Errata: Zenith ; Franklin's "Teen-a-Vision" broad- i east for tonight, 8:30, is on j KQRK, not KENO as scribbled in Saturday^ column. Police Chief Al Kennedy leads discussion about narcotics, with panel members Don Rasmussen, Bailey Fightlin, Bonnie Dixon, Judy Johns, Bob Diero, Nancy Jeffers, j Stephen Cohg$ and permanent panelist Phil Shook ?╟≤ m * -^SSm ON the .MABCH; Many or- | ganizations getting on the Margh j of Dimes bandwagon with NCO I Wives club of Nellis sponsoring a anniversary edition, even bald- headed men. Milt Raison covers I the subject by telling about the time the bald-pated movie gji|y$ Seducing team of Graham Baker a$d Gene Towne waited 'til the V'laigt second to pack for a jaunt to Chicago. Aboard the train the two men began to unpack when Ibwne suddenly gasped. "Darn '. it," he said, "we forgot to bring a geopb|r^ *'A comb!" explained Graham. "Who's coming with 't,j_Wf"... torchlight parade on the, base and through streets of Whifpy housing on night of Jan. 29?╜=also Union Pacific Old Timers and Junior Old Timers plan a modern and square dance shindig for March of Pipirtiiif Jfya*J$??√ß'?╟≤ ?╟≤ Hi6* Hurst, neP.-Mr&./Bob;! Sandbaeh, skied to,Gofnam'for fanfaring of - ^^^T^^W^SS^tW'3'^ to g0 ' hi^PfdptrMw^^frW- weeks. * B<?b opens hisllfevhills brokerage office i^stb^^ting. f . .One of .big^Ephts of Emblem thi$||jjfear, with new T^jrapts JP^i^isque* is ;e ojflirill team at Pasa- |ten|??rEmblem's officer ^Jeveiyn Stuckey di- W0?s intricate and precis^ f o|ml?║.ions captained by Mrs. Do?o||i^$?·&yser. . .Mrs, Earl Van Wie is official greeter and Mrs. Jafflfe'Staggs, eQ-grettfP for Jay- Ce^-Ettes roundup tonight at the Vah Wie's. . .Jeanne Roberts garnered quite a clan for her gn#J|i party yesterday aft, with heiBnother Mrs. Clara Johnson whipping up unusual dishes. .. I SEEN ABOUND: I*q Duro- i cher at the Flamingo, and not argling at all. . .Joan Caulfield and: husband Frank Ross, also Flaftiingo guests playing hookey to-rateer Cugat & Company at the Last Frontier. At the same table, Hal Stanley, former spouse of Kay Starr, now her manager. . . . The Walter Corrells yocking at Hapk Henry and Sparky Kaye at the Silver Slipper. . .Clyde Beatty.. taming dice instead of lions at the Flamingo. . .Erskine Caldwell up from Tucson for a-^anjj^ay, with Mrs. Caldwell ana5Iit~f1iry agent Alvin ^Manuel. The novelist hurries back to New York to set "God's Little Acre" for Broadway production, thence to Europe. There's talk about a Caldwell story to be filmed at Republic Studios, but don't know whicha one. The guy's written so many. OPERA ASSOCIATION HONORS: Ceremonies tonight at close of Sahara dinner show will have Opera Association prez and veep presenting a scroll to Milton Prell for vision in bringing Lau- ritz Melehior to Las Vegas. Philip Rizzo makes this award, with B.W., the yeep, handing Mr. Mek chior the first honorary membership card of the Opera Association. Mayor C. D. Baktr will he onstage to give official circle's citation to the Metopera tenor now On his nationwide tour with leading young artists in his company . . .Opera Association's second honorary membership will go to Mimi Benzell, who opens week from Thursday at the Thunderbird. . LA11 Hostess clubbers will be hostessed by Mrs. R. E. Lake, Sr.,.fo?· luncheon today. . . .Mark Swain coaxed his Boulder City bobcat over to the Sands^ior a picture! with one^ei^^lSopa cu- ties. She was |ga$gjng: a Rose Marie Reid "Hart dfes^n^pfh-lj ing suit patterjpd ,in b'ob&af?- design (whatever lihat islJflpEjji the Sands Boutiquje^jwel' ;Jn^H&M. McHugh was honfHg&at ^Pw*^ Other evening byj&M&om^r on occasion of his 3l$ji- year jfrturn- irig out toptunes fxfltfp^and you. Mayor Fletcher Bowron handed over a special scroll to McHugh for his work in helping National Foundation for Infajatile Paralyl sis. The songwriter! has contrij buted ijpTespirators gfor use by polio victims. He'll be present! during local March of Dimes) show at the Desert Inn Jan. 26, bringing his" ceyey of lovely thrushes fr,om stage of El Rancho Vegas. ^ .Why dotsn't local I chapter NS$CP put in a request! to Dr. W. E. MPu Bpis for guest speaking rol?║||during National: Negro HistorfeWeek festivities next month, |||ie noted scholar will be in L.A.jf^r that city's observance* of ^fei|^ry Week, also to mark anot^r, i#$[gstone in a i long and prociSt^l&e iife, hif.S-^h birthday. . .MrsiG. W. ^Pllipsj gathers Kapjja Alphff^hetal Alumnae in her parlof tgifeit , . Underwa^jio? first *Q@g__WJ_g with new officers tonight, are;' South; Gate chapter members -Order of Eastern Star in ^sg^''^|bapleN 8 p.m. this evfei^^p^ie^-d at1 the New Yorkerobar and-; spoken: by a blonde voluptt: n"The trou-j ble with married menPfsthat alij of their money is tied up in their| wives." (Teachers Honor lFormer School Superintendent .Walter D. Johyo/'rjhtfWIup-j ?╟≤erintendent of Iifs Vegas schools, 1 was honored yesterday by mem- | bers of the Las Vegas teachers1'' j association at a brunch held at the^j i Sands, hotefij $?√ß? ?║.$?║?· ?╜^3uring the affair, i^eomic skit, based on Johnson's experiences as i superintendent during the past six | I yefir^was presented and Rayi I Germans, 'journalism teacher at ' thfshlgh school, acted as master of ?ceremonies, lauding Johnson fSrlSl^vork in the school position. Superintendent ?╟≤ J. Harold Brin- ley who ^succeeds Johnson, and Dr. J. D. li&th, retiring member of the scbpl board, both praised Johnson for the work he had done in expanding the school system from one of some 3,000 pupils to the present status of nearly 10,000. Johnson' was presented with a Samsonite bag by the-association, with Chfpgter Howard making the presenta&oh, and Miss Lucille Chandlef-ipp|Bhted him with a watch pri^||i^lf:oft]te teachers ofj Las VegaWlglpSg! Johnsohr.i&V^P^Pl1^? tlae accolades, poiW^JlW&^a* he would be lost in his^new'-endeavor compared to WSWiMfa love he had 1 for teaching. fs.:$r^ "I find myself^fere with a group of people who me the finest I have ever worked with, and in the most important job in the community. I don't think it will make much difference what I do from now on, for my heart always will be here [with you." '"?√ß?√ß'?╟≤ Bill Waiard ?╟≤ ?╟≤ SLOW BURN: Resolved:,f|v?╜j^| to print items or jokes aboutfrnar-^ | ried people. By the time theOalurb ^ \ appears, couples are singlei One such item yesterday kidded a^pair I of localites wfeoghad bee^tdi-" * rvor^d over a v|eek.. ,^jpJmany 'i pipelines go rusty.;.; impossible j for a columnist to dig up every item. He must have numerous tips, sources, fountains of info. Otherwise confine pillars to other subjects. . . .Now that we've yawned through this far, let's go peeping through, some keyholes. 1 BLIND ITEM': Here's a sample of a blind item: "Ray Ryan, the fabulous gambler, may close a deal to purchase Las Vegas' most famous gambling establishment before the week is out." That quote is from Dorothy Kilgallen's New York J o ii r n a 1-American column. Question? what's Las Vegas's "most famous gambling establishment?" Don't holla, boys! BOOKISH: Wh^n the Literary club meets tonight in the home of Mrs. John Ahefn, perhaps this cutie will furnish small-talk:.?╟÷ a prisoner in the same pen where one O. Henry wrote many of his gems, recently pulled a great literary hoax on Little, Brown & Company, book publishers. The i guy, Robert Preyer Jr., began j filling up his 15-year burglary ; stretch by copying word for word Ernest K. Gann's novel, "Island in the Sky." He sent chapters to | the publishing house under the ' title, "Position Unknown," and ; publishers thought the tale was great enough to give the "writer" a $600 advance. Finally, Little ; Brown sent galley proofs to various reviewers and booksellers. Reviewer Virginia Kirkus of New ; York spotted the similarity of Preyer's book to that of Gann's, phoned execs of the publishing \ house who in turn stopped the! presses. B'ut, they haven't, and! won't file charges against t h e j I prisoner, writing off the $600 as "baMinvestment." . . . Ohio peni- | i tentiary was distinguished in \ i898?║by having William Sydney < ! Porter as a prisoner. Mr. Porter i had been charged and duly in- j ! dieted with embezzling funds j from the First National Bank of ! Austin, Texas. During his sentence, shortened from five to three years, Porter turned to se- i rious short story efforts, under I the pen name of O. Henry. H i s I previous experience in writing covered a swing of writing a daily 1 ] column for the Houston Post. '< Which goes to prove somehow,. ; that some colunfnists can carve j a literaryjluture, in spite of mur- j I dering the language, or incarceration in the gaol.... HOME FRONT: Mesquite club I goes musica|Hhis aft with the ;, Charles Lauras entertaining. . . . Other musical activMes include the Opera Association luncheon in the Garden Room of^ie^gajafils,- with Lauritz Melehior guest of J honor and speaker for the initial | meeting. About 60 people are ex- I peeled to discuss opera fpr Las ; Vegas in '53 Desert Gctd Star Mothers chapter to install hlsw of- j ficers tonight at naval armory. "... Drums are beating for annual March of Dimes fund1 drive. The humanitarian organisation built by #ver?·one's compassionate in- |er?╜&|pa^ the year 1J|52 a strenu- ousgeli|i|or piqjio wcp&ets. Polio wW^n tn^vrise7i&a through its 3100 chapters, National Foundation fc for Infantile Paralysis OTQught aid to the stricken in every part of the nation, in Hawaii, vPueeto Rico, Alaska, the^ Virgin... Islands, and the Canal Zone. Around the globe, American GJ.'s and other nationals found the March -of Dimes spanning oceans and continents to bring help when help was needed. Join the March of Dimes today. . . . I OPENING TONIGHT: Considered to be one of the all-time greats of showbiz, Lena Horne sings her way into hearts of Las Vegans and visitors from everywhere during her current engagement at The gands. There is no mistaking the qTiafily of Miss Home's vocal endowments. She sings with passion, with protest, and with softly contoured whispers the ballads identified with her name. Whatever song she chooses to melodize, however, becomes an integral part of her presentation. This is no casual moaner, or stylist. Lena Home's genius with song is rooted deep in her heart, and from this she pours forth note, after note with pure feeling. Supporting Miss Horne, the smooth ballroomology of Consolo & Melba adds to the glamor of the occasion, along with special productions from the Copa Girls. Ralph Strane, Peggy Dietrich, Joy Healy, Sally McClos- key are featured in the various dance routines. Ray Sinatra batons his orchestra, with aids during Miss Home's episode from pianist Arnold Ross. ?╟≤S'W | TRIVIA FOR OBLTVIA: General Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr., Marine Corps commandant, has issued orders that "all male officers are authorized and encouraged" to carry swagger sticks when not wearing arms.... ft Til SHOWBIZ: Xavier Cugat has. invited 'Arthur Murray Studios to demonstrate sambas, rhumbas and mambos for Sunday night's dinner show in the Ramona Room of the Last Frontier. . . . Lauritz Melehior com- mentettupon the good fortune of piani^teGeorge Roth (Sadlowski & Roth) after the musician hit 15 jackpiBtSt^This lad has no sys- temt?4- he has pull!" ... . Sands aiinS^to pact Jo StafforleF^or Feb. 26 'fortnight following Billy Eckstine ?╟÷ and Milton Berle during midyear sometime to play split weeks depending upon the comedian's TV committments.... International Newsphotos to release Jan. 20 their spreads entitled, "Las Vegas, Monte Carlo and Riviera of the U. S. A." . hm Zola. McClanahan, whistle bait cocktail waitress back at the Buccaneer Bar of the El Cortez. . . . Dick Powell will warble at the Sahara ere long, mayhap in Stan Irwin's special "Paris in Las Ve- igas," or "Coronation" packet? ...