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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    cJtlli I ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Poland - Seattle Bakersfield, Cal, Californian (Cir. 31,160) ^ir.fD3,55jS^ This Cttomng &$& KENDALLVILLE.BD. NEWS SUjfl J SUNNY THdty^T-jjPf WINTER DAYS-Joyce Johnson didn't do anything Sj$ciaJ--*didn'f win a trophy, isn't "Miss Something- or-Other.^^^l^Mt tff>retty girl-relaxing in the sun at -a Las Vegas, Nev, resort hotel. That seemed treason enough j^rliV photographer td take a picture with which jto cheer the folks who are chattering through another rough northern winter. ..J JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland -Seattle San Bernar@h*n6,*Cal. '$OT]jpg {City 35.751) Wbps $285,000 ynSix Hours 1 af^VEGAS^~^^ after the new S>/2 million dollai 28BK1 ot:'opened fop bus?╜^% 1 IE2. 2 ^Mf?? tab'?╜ had lost $285,000, &ft hotel announced. I flB^Ri 1??'000 P<5rsons attended the opening. The hotel is being, operated by Jake Freedman, Texas millionaire hors^ man and oil man. S|?·*j Jr 'SUNNY THOUGHT FOR y4\HT^K^^^rr^oyc^^asox\ didn't j do anything special?╟÷didn't win a Xt^lf^y^w^X. "Miss Something- jiatg-CJfher." She's just a pretty girl, relaxing in.-ffcje sun at j j Veeaa?╟÷JSTev., resort hotel. That seemed reasa??*li apher to tair** o ~'*~*- puy norei. That seemed reasapi^^nigh for Fographer to take a picture with which to ero=?½?? *he folks N are chattering through unatitmsmm Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle VallejogCal. News-Chronicle (Cir. 22,002) Qio 18 xm ^Friends Sub /% WwJJkStMr v- 5* 11 ?· j hrjg &$!&&, Nev. ?╟÷ (INS) ?╟÷ j Literally "a millon dollars wortr. 'of talent took Wer for Dann^ Thomas last night when the famed comedian was unable to perform his night club stint due to an attack of laryngitis. Thomas, who is headliner- at, I the mammoth three day grand! j opening of the' ^"'^^ftfejpHr1 \\ in the Nevadlf resortana^SrrT|I biihg^-spa, was unable to .talk 11 last night because of the ailment.' | The following headliners puf I on I an hour show the likes oi | which blase Las Vegas admitteg I it never had seen.g Jimmy Durante, Frankie Laine 1 Jane Powell, Ray Anthony, ;th I Ritz brothers, Denise Darce' m and Eddie Jackson. RTHE ORIGINAL _ omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?╟÷ 220 W. lfttb St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. TeLCH^ea 3-8860 Tcii^t \ 6.323)""" This Clip)mg From CONNERSVa.l#lND. NEWS-EXAMlNER ?√ß*]??e folks who pointer. ?√ß>-- DEC 2f 1952 vm$%g?·?· TsM$?W$< JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SANJFRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle MC 1 7 1952 \S~ WHERE y#\ 1 STAND By HANK GREEN8PUN I intend to be a bit presumptuous today in reviewing the press opening of the SjyifiWKotel while gifted writers like Earl Wilson, Hy Gardner, Lee Mortimer, Erskine '^hnson, Jimmy Starr and a host of other famous names of journalism were also on hand, and in all probability will turn out reams of beautiful prose about this, the finest opening of a long line of Las Vegas resort ho- tel premieres. I asked the saloon editor of the SunV.Bill Wm^^^e^-will take care of the opejalrig and he answered: "No sense in my doing it "because you will only go back and drool about Danny Thomas." O. K. Bill, I'm drooling. I ran dry of adjectives and superlatives when Danny Thomas was here last year. The best I could do would be to repeat some of the thoughts I had when I witnessed his performance before and which again struck me with great force last evening. II Laughter is a universal bondit iwhich draws all men closer. 1 ?√ßThere are 45 minutes between the ?√ßopening of the curtain to the ?√ßstrains of "Danny Boy" and the closing of the curtain to the same fewest and fin ^ Vegas,Tne_^e ^ genial, I SUNNY THOUGHT FOR YilMroilUHJM^IS^oyee Johnson didn't | I do any thing, spe^a^^idn'^.^Jtioa-trpPhyi isn't "Miss Something-| I or-Other,H She's jusf a'/fH^li^, g^i^plaxing in the sun at a La&i r Veeas. IJev... resort hotel. That seemed reason enough for the | pfttftdgrapher Xo take a picture^ittjwnieti:?t$ cheer:;the folks who are chattering through another rough northern winter. |ftaS' 7 3??c* *f m op" \ 1 tO-^V " A oV&- -^atvV \\ pe^ca^>to tJLuen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 San Francisco Portland - Seattle Hollywood, Calif. Variety DEC 2 91852 ill Rifz Bros, Rush ToVegas To Sub Danny Thomas As Comic's Mother Dies Las Vegas, Dec. 28.?╟÷Two hastily chartered planes picked up the Ritz Brothers in Palm Springs and Hollywood and delivered them to the Sands Hotel here in time for last jnighi^s._shQ.w...._ as Danny Thomas, topliner on the bill at the spot, was leaving by train for Toledo* Ohio, to attend the funeral of his mother. Jimmy Ritz, youngest of the comedy team, was sitting with Thomas after his last show early Saturday morning when word of the death was received. Sixty-six- year-old Mrs. Margaret Jacobs passed away from heart failure in her home at 3002 Pohattan Parkway, Toledo, Ohio. As Thomas made plans toMish home, Jimmy Ritz contacted* his brothers Al, In Palm Springs,??nd Harry, in Hollywood, and Sftids director Jack Entratter workeolout plans for special planes to ttfing the group together in-time foijfthe dinner show Saturday night. FThe comedy trio will sub for Thftnas until New Year's Eve, fyhen Thomas will return via United Airlines. The funeral will be in ^Toledo Tuesday morning. The comedian's mother, Mrs. Margaret Jacobs, is survived by'"' nine sons and one daughter. She died of heart failure. Her death also cancelled plans of Thomas to attend the world premiere of Warners' "The Jazz Sing er" here tomorrow night. Sing^