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    /T ?· Tel. WOrth 2-3797 AMERICAN Press Clipping Service Inc. 119 Nassau Street New York City I From STAR Washington, D. C. Hollywood Diary Corson Cancels Job To See Grid Game -By Sheilan Graham jack parson canceled his New [year's SEN at the Shamrock ?╟≤when Wisconsin was booked for ithe Rose Bowl. Jack's from Milwaukee and he ought to know. So is Dennis Morgan. They plan [much whoop-de-do for the team [here. In spite of very mediocre re view the crowd wanmng to see ?╟≤Bwana Devil" at the Paramount iJolson, Al's brother, is doing okay despite the recent amputation. Also, he hatfifamhiafcally adopted ihis two ste|feWr^??llie, 16, andi [Dick, la'TEfiv'^HSl,,. Celeste ^1lo1^,^m^&lhvantmg around town with ffistern Author I Jimmy Bollock. q&w& Blyth gets steadier with DrflpP-McNulty?╟÷ Dennis Day's afoWk. m. . Ex- st|ipp|t Marcie Hart says she just bought* a barely firnfebM house "Bwana uevu" ao w?╜? raiauj^^.,?╟÷ I Theater here on opening night in Coldj&ater Canyon.,/^^.. was so big that the^cops were Jtofletta Peters is pouting be called to regulate thelfl|peT.'".. And, causegByron Palmer's role In "To talking of the devil, V%icent Price nighppwe Sing" is bigge$> than jwrites he's getting int^ptie Strang- [hfrsaEiAll - that and ByrW uses [est places?╟÷-"within the space of Janhjteeerce's voice! [two weeks 'Don Juan in Hell" hits Sfc?║#art Granger is on myofl. a Methodist church, lisyish Syna- HeMiprefer to wick and p?╜k up jgogue, Catholic college, with a th* money. HisjHfc house Ifa Bel j Mormon tabernacle coming up." Mar is still unsoii I * * * * W white I Craig Hill rushed back from ?·he f|F??ney wff. snow to give Bob Wagner competi- W^1. aJ,bal tion With the boss' daughter. He P081*^ *or I escorted1 Susan Zanuch Ifc hEthel used to posl Merman's black-tie farewell-tork T1:ie pP^^W"" %&tJ5r~ Hollywood affair. Bob six flew injpffs h??Pes to. te Bob -Taylor of course?╟÷to see Ethel. ?╤>lts opening wifflpie:p$g)tance When Stanley Kramer reverted]?* Ursu?-a :^s||* -aWirames! to a standard Western like "High Masonis motheri^|ri??.Actor Noon," he made more money than ??lck Burton. He^fcvrhg with with his previous four "artistic" F0^ a^d J*mes-. _ films put together. And did you Claude Dauphin tours France know that, when Carl Foreman &11? AfI^a in "Toy Department," took off for Europe, Stanley re@#K?e ^Mlle. Modiste'Mng with J the picture himself and injected Katie Grayson at Warner's. the hit title song. . . . Sam ^o14- ?╟≤W'^; - ?√ß ?√ß -'-?√ß?√ß'?√ß - -nnt^mi wyn, jr., out of the Army, remains \n I in New York for six months of TV ^ scouting. , Everett Crosby sold his place h I here to live in the East, and he's o I up to his elbows in black Angus U | cattle near Poughkeepsie. He's 1 aiming for a herd of 600. Ann Miller passed up Frank 1 JRyan, Prince Serge Obolensky and p jHerbie Klotz in New York to fly 1 |here for a date with Bill O'Connor, i I Misleading marquee: "Marilynn [Monroe in 'Ladies of the Chorus'." ; No mention at all of Adele Jergens, h I who was merely the. star.... Harry j AMUSEMENTS. 3 TV-EIDIOLOGIC W. Mien B.DuMont Issues ?╟≤ Yeor-fncf Statement On TV ?╟÷By TOM E. DANSON HOLLYWOOD ?╟÷ "With the re-[example of public service " lease of the 'freeze' on new sta-|1953" ~ AMm ^^ iMont, the television . industry preached the cli- ''"""" six :Ye|$l||?║fc ?╟≤devel- o$^%&$ in the pbs'f^'^arf era. Telef^pjF has prove!"ants elf"' to be "the most dynamic, fastest- ^^^waM^growiiig indus- iome. danson try "gin American history. "At this writing," Du Mont continues, "there are more 'than 20 million receivers in American homes, and more than 115 [stations on the air. Indications ?√ßare that some 75 additional stations will go on the air in 1953 and that the manufacturing segment of the industry will produce upwards of six and a half million sets. "Looking to 1953, the industry is stimulated and inspired to accept an even greater challenge to its public service opportunity. It's potential is limited only by [the imagination and skill of those fusing it. Dr. DuMont concludes 'television will enable more people to view the -inauguration of President-elect Eisenhower than [the total populaflfc of the nation in 1900. More -pSSMe will have an opportunity to view this year's ceremony in Washington, D. C. than in all the other previous inaugurations combined.'" Rambling^arouna^^,h... Jimmy Durante is busy wMi his next TV ' show and is presently up to his neck in writer's; which, incidentally reminds me of the wonder- Iful opening party at the new, Sands Hotel in Las Vegas last month, mere were stars ""galore there forglfie ribbon-cutting cere- [mony of what is probably the (most beautiful establishment on the famed Strip. Danny Thomas hit the opening night show-nail right on the head, but the following night, after yelling like mad for 4's" the hard way in the lush casino, suddenly found that he had lost his voice. "I've seen lots of benefit shows before," Danny told me later, "but never one for Danny Thomas." He of course was referring to the show. ___ ... >s-'-i,. quickly put fogetherb^his star "As television's periphery ex- frfi^^^as.-jj^epi&csgfnent for his [pands in 19534it_wijl toaad^gifa-^^o^voice. The million dollar K&&?╟÷?√ß?╟÷"orizftff* "^ -"""^ ' "benefit" shofer started out with ?√ßRfMvAnthony| and a borrowed trumpet, followed by Jane Pow- [elilFrankie Lalpe. Denise Darcel, the|pany antics'of the Three Rite Broilers, tagged-fey the ever-, lovin| Jimmy gD^ahte and his, Isidpfick, Eddig||f?║ickson. FI- ^s??sr^^,:i*?½=WTnoffiing else ?·??.could. Television will off" *?? the+.Amencan PeoPle a fuller 'SSfK&K of American hg Snii/th? P?Wei; and color- Combining the visual with the auditory, yadeo's variety'WJ intensitv ^mpact. will prove !% \TZ ?√ßmostepate^t force the world has & En- m?m will hell StStelM^^.. mental levels" fefSratate^ ?╜Hg&?╜ate1ome- ?u +the^^.sWPion '.andgpreiudie- lems. msipi^^ ! obviously is?√ßnot^kmoZn. sideration all nf +$W<f;?Σ≤?·&*.... A!ls_ ^"Sfe* ^^WCTe 0 six Wthey veere onen - but 24 T1*" Ia:ter had"#ked up a lain ?√ßUJ^T.: Biggest surprise of the jSl^.^^wastofSd sideration all of H./p, "ni'tw.t" ^^Noriega 'as" the~ Sands- of programmine when ho^I^fim^tre U Joaquin, forTBlfe yffe of programming when he <$SMBi|,as been with Charlie Morrison's jthis last statement, for sorn^M feocambo. GRIPE DEPT.: Rain them lower the mental levelM ..firing the entire, three days while "On Jan. 20, in its first mn.'ior ,lHNll)g at <>The Place in tha ^ELE-TIPS ~WM . Your radio avn^:.|elevision sets have probably beezron since early this morning, however, t$|?║e are a few thii^gsj to wateKr tonight. Let's i start ;;|t- 8:30 on KECA (7) with "Chance of a LifqMme" and then switch' fkals to ^BH- (4) at 9 for ano|Ser "of Ih^pro^ard-winning progra^t rof "Dragnet" which, starting' this week are on every week :?√ß"?",. At 9:30, ,*he popular "My Little Margie'" returns. fori TViewer's plelasufe over KNXTi (2) . . . And at 10:30 over KTTVJ .(11), a new sh.ow' makes its debut under the ^tlew'i"Scoop the Writ- lers." THOUGHT FOR THE DAY . . . A pat on the. back is good once (in a while?╟÷if it is applied often enough, low enough, and hard [enough. Copyright, 1952, by Universal Radio and TV Features Syndicate j cJtlli ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Los Angeles, Calif Examiner. (Cir. D.3IS,|phr^758134l) JWu: ^Around with HARRY LANG 2! Top Tongue-Slip of the Season Perpetrated by Phoenix Matron Back in her home in Phoenix, Ariz.gafter a holidays- whirl in LA and SF is Mrs. Harry Gilbert?╟÷and she's still a b|t queazy with the memory of her Top Tongue- j Slip of the Season! In San Francisco, she was introduced to Mrs. James \ Maclhnis, wife of that SF lawyer who's quite well known j here in LA, and who only recently completed a term in J the Government's McNeil Island Penitentiary, for contempt, reports Herb Cain from SF. On her best social behavior, Phoenix's Mrs. G, with ; Intense application, neatly skirted all possible embarrass- . mentsand awkwardnesses by keeping her conversation [ 2 with SF's Mrs. Maclnnis as remote as humanly possible f '?√ß?╟≤'.from all subjects dealing with prisons, the law, felons, j ' ?√ß jails, prisoners, convicts, and ti so on For a good, long conversation, she succeeded bril- \r liahtly. TTntil finally, as Mrs. Mfclnnis left the party, Mrs. ~'~: G drew a deep sigh of ac- - complishment, arap ca 1 led across the roc^gto the law- " yer's wife (M^^e'^'of those ' awful hushes!)?╟÷ I | "It was SO nice to have :' m*k yon. Mrs. McNEIL. ??jft**'> '&?√ß}'?√ß>*?√ß * 3 ^^i^^ MATRIMOAN-Y?╟÷i ^t ' He sp^ke sweet nothings In her ears?╟÷ i^^PI -_ And then paid biUf&f* For fifty years! (?╟÷Jules Marr) ?╟≤r'KiPIHK KOBNEE-^?^ **fp A Westwood ffaftlldad, P.S.S., reports that his little I gi-andson came home from ?√? school the other day and un- * happily told his mama that j his favorite school chum had \ {gone to the hospital "Oh, that's a shame!" sym- - pathized Mom, "What's the h trouble with him?" fl "He's going to get rid of his .washing machine," confided l*er son. '?╟≤ '"WHA-A-A-A-AT^vhatted 'Mom. j^^*hjilf|; ; "Uh huh," insisted Sonny; *Teacher told us they're going " to take cut his bendac." KOREA ADDRESSJ|S^- For you many Look - Around ?╟≤. >rs who write letters to the lonely service men in Korea, here are some more names and addresses recently re- - ceived from mehs^^the front who plead for mail: Pfe. Joe L. Castellanos US- R6079893; Cpl. James T. Gib- 'son; Pvt. Ray Pope joy, and Pfc. Tony Bazan; al! can be addressed at Co. C, 76th E.C. Bn; APO 301, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco. E Sgt. Robt. D; llorford, 6647- 46; C. Co., 7th M.T.Bn., S Comd.; 1st Marine Biv. FMF; c/o FPO. San Francisco. I S/Sgt. Jps. W. Albea, 668- :" 315; H&S Co. (M.T.), 7th Mar. 5 Reft., 1st Mar. Biv. FMF; c/o 5 FPO. San Francisco. *meric2-.oi couple" in a forthcoming picture (Average??╟÷ r.migawsh!!!) . . . Here, win- tor's ba*:ely started, and ALREADY LA ski-enthusiast Burt Sims is wearing the skier's badge, a gashed fore-,. * from a collision with a! tree! (On a sJci slope??╟÷shucks ] ho?╟÷he ran into an apricot' sapling in his back yard!) . . , That stuff Victor Borge guz- zies by '-he gallon after each of his pianc performances at the Staler is cherry pop, ug. I . . . At Las Vegas' newjSands j Hotel, you can get asparagus I iWffl HMland, truffles from France, Escoffier Sauce from i London, curry from India, skinless sardines from Portugal, anchovies from Spain, ?╟≤--moked fish from Denmark, ] June peas with onions from ?√ß Belgium, candied marronsi from Italy, hearts of palm from Brazil?╟÷and (you should excuse me, please!) lemons */om the slot machines! ... Downtown LA jeweler tells me thai one out of every 10 \ engagement rings are bought ?╜ hy couples already married. t; . . Look Arounder L. Mc- | Cutcheon ot Maywood, asks J e*??n anybody tell him the name of that basket in which the I Indian squaws carry their I {.apoosp^ (or izzit papeese?). I DEFINITIONS?╟÷ Postmarked Whittier, here's f a contribution from a Look- I Aroundrf who signs it merely: "Thankful"?╟÷ / have planted a garden and | watched it grow and produce, and so I know what Faith j / have seen eucalyptus trees \ swaying in the breeze, and so ) I know what Grace is. . . . / have heard the meadow- '?√ß ld\r)&$6altAng. and so I know what Music is. . . . / have seen clouds before the storm, and so I know what <JLllen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland -Seattle Hollywood, Calif. Citizen News (Cir. 35,225) I-.fif iij| \ I have read a book before a wood fire and so I know what Content in ent is,?╟≤-..''?√ß'. . Paul. Douglas' back from j Korea. . . :g"Yul lecture at Columbia;',:.University. ... The Vittorio Caimans (Shelley Win- jters) expert .a St. Patrick's Day I stork. . gjSjlharles Coburn ready- ling a book on Backgammon. . . . Jock McLean and fiancee Brownie; Schraft night happjf. . . . "Picnic," j John Logan's new play for the New York Theater -Guild, plays ' Columbus, 0?╟? St. Louis, Cleveland and Boston before Broad-1 way. Ralph Meeker and Janice Rule are the leads. . . . NBC-TV's Herb Sheldon expecting Sir Stork. '.'.-?√ß . . Martha Raye , TV-teaming I Boris Karloff and Peter. Lorre on I her stanza. . . . Aldo Ray to wed 1 Jeff ?√ßDohneil. . . . After "Cosi Fan j Tutti," Patrice Munsel retires to . awap' an Easter stork. Her pic- ilrtuifM^'Melba,'' is an Easter re- j lease,, oddly. . . . Lovely Patricia O'Keefe marrying Charles Fagan, I Jan. 31. Both are CBS-TV. . . 1 Danny Kaye here Tuesday for :1 hiSp&alace Theater opening. . . . [(Sugar Ray Robinson's trainer, Wee Beal, died. . .s... Marilyn Monrbe readying a. night club act for Jack Entratter's Sands Hotel, Las Vegas. . :' . The Harold"Minskys expecting in April. . . . Frankie Laine and Frank Sinatra playin opposition in Boston clubs. . . Liz Taylor's brother, Howard, out of the Ariny after 18 months in Korea. h "^