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    RTHE ORIGINAL - omeikF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß 220 W. 19* St., NEW YORK 11, N.Y. Tel. CHelsea 3-8860 Cir. (D 1,036,427) (S 1,986,364) This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. fill MIRROR i HE J/?·S Central Pre* Bureau (ESTABLISHED 1898) WABASH BUiLDiMO PI7TSBURQH.PA Sfsmesf ead, Pa., Messenger December 23, 1952 i Nightlife Prospecting for Talent In Wilds of Las Vegas By ife MORTIMER* . .-?╟÷- Before I slipped away to the premiere offlfa^ fabulous I | Sands Hotel in likewise Las Vegas? I promised i^bu Walters I J I'd case the desert for new faces for the Latin Quarter II | now report finding one of the most sensational little groups 1 I've ever seen + ?╟÷-* skas drama { But first permit me to tell you ' I how it happened. The Sands' wonderful floor show stars Danny I Thomas, the inimitable comic. | Danny claims he has no voice, I with which I disagree. But he ! sings nine songs in Paramount's | forthcoming "The Jazz Singer." I Twice Danny gave pleased I patrons a preview of what they I will hear when the picture opens I at the Broadway Paramount iinext month. I Then he blew a gasket in his 1 throat and lost the voice he said I he didn't have. This was embar- irassmg, indeed, considering he I was being paid twelve and a half 1 grand a week for this highly |publicized opening, and~hehad \ won 47 more at craps. There is ! a tradition in show business that | when such happens to an actor, j I mean getting sick, others pitch tin and help. ?√ß?╜||?║fj?·In recent years the union throt- \ tied much such good will. How- I ever, Jack Irving, national AGVA |czar and Eddie Rio, West Coast fczardine, were also cuffo guests I of the Sands' management, along tewith 100 scribes and their wives |or vice versa, so the union graci- (jously waived the rule, and the hySgffishow went on with the volun- Iteers. I am not sure if I correctly Maureen O'Hara ord^. -_- Flynn to kiss ^ to a S* scene f rem "AgainstA??||^ Technicolor tale about,18thcm fm-v sea pirates set f or Capitol school of gamblers, and even here teers. I in a state where wagering is not I am not sure if I correctly only legal but practically compul- ?√ß transcribed the names of these sory, Freedman is without peer I unknown substitutes, but they as an expansive operator and gra- fread something like Jimmy Du- clous host, firante, the Ritz. Bros., Frankie The Sands is a cinch to be a 1 Laine, Jane "Powell, Denise Par- smash hit. All omens prove it. ii eel, Eddie Jackson and Ray An: Plus the star's illness, the lights | thony. I may say their ad libbed", l blew out, and it rained for three I unrehearsed performance was days. With such bad luck for the the most thrilling in my experi- opening, this has to be the big- 1 ence. Though^ ailing, Danny gest success in history. The jinx; | Thomas stli got into the act as seemed epidemic in Las Vegas??| ;t emcee. A few minutes after the Ritz: The house revue included Con- Bros, concluded their benefit for ?√ß?√ßslnie Russell, magnificent thrush; Danny Thomas, they got a call i Lou Wills Jr., unbelievable twerp, I that the Andrews Sisters couldn't hfa dozen oomphy Hollywood \ Set to the Sahara. Then came an | wrens, and the fine music of Ray ?√ß S.O.S. frbmTEouis -Prima at Jg^ Sinatra?╟÷the talented one. wgyiv,an?·ho.._ _ K I figure Lou .Walters can buy ?╟? Bnt_the topper of all was when this package for a'ftiere hundredI^Mi^H^M over to Harry i grand a week. Ina town famous]Ritz: and;said/ Can any of you I for fantastic resorts, the new ?·*?╜?? 'fly fav^lane?" "Why?'' I Sands tops them all. Jack Entrat- fifEgf s asgp&^pke replied, ter brings a Trig time, big town I "You're.subh^pbr everyone else (New York touch so far lacking! tonight. OurlEght was just can- 1 where.J^bsrcent of the pJayjeeUed- The pilot got sick." i comes front jaspers from nearby t?╟÷ |Southe^^^jiorlaa points. Thel senior pa^^^iof^he glittering! 'Sands is J^RiegFleedman, Hou-l ston's colorful gambler, bil man I land improver of the breed ofj [horses. | I He is of the old of Ravenali NEW US VEGAS HOTEL GIVES US $25 TO GAMlE --. By EAJfc|iiVIJ,SON Las Vegas, Nev,?╟÷Here in what has become the most amazing part of America, a" new high in-hospitality was attained when the new Sands Hotel, gambling spot, held its magniloquent opening. Us gents of the press were presented with 25 silver dollars with which to go out and make a fortune. v I : Presumably we would fritter this money away gambling. But if the management thought the Earl Wilsons wbuld squander mpney that way, the management was right. ,$&&%$$ K&^C "We'll divide it up 50-50," the Beautiful Wife said. "You take five dollars and I'll take $20." S^S-rf^'^ffl A wild rumor that there'd be a* slot machine in each hotel room had reached us. On your arrival, the bellboys would say, "Shall I show you to your slot machine/ sir?" But Jack Entratter, ex-manager, of the* famous Copacabana in New York, now manager here, hasn't accomplished that yet. He also denied the assertion of comedian Danny Thomas, star of the opening show, that a waiter was caught dealing slices of bread off the bottom of the loaf. Here in the shade o f somei 90 slot machines, I beheld "Gambling Society." I saw Ray Ryan of Texas- supposed to be the fastest gambler in America; Nick the Greek from Hollywood, Al Levy of San Francisco ?╟÷ and such plain folks as Jlmmie Durante, Frankie Laine, the Ritz Brothers, Denise Darcel, Lorraine Cugat, Miss Ter-^ MOORE jy j&oore, and Spike Jones. g=H$Hhere was a great difference in thesevpeople. Miss Moore said she had lost $20. The report was that Ray Ryan had lost $20,000?╟÷not a large sum to him. Illil -The hotel's big bankroll man, Jakie Freedman of Houston, said while running around in his West- em outfit that "The House" had been $200,000 loser" for a while opening night. t?║M> "But we overcame it," he said, happily, "^aSSfffl ?╟≤ ^M"^!'^> All the loose money, in America seems to be here. And while you're tossing it to The^^ouse, a waitress says, "The House would like to buy a drink, sir." r "No, 7 must have a clear head to lose my money with," I said. And sure enough, although inexperienced, I was.soon losing as fast as the greatest eipert. I quickly lojjfc my share of the $25 ^&at the'management had given us. The B.W., with her usual Irish luck, got most of it back. We wound up witlh 23 bucks left from the 25 and believe that may entitle us to give lessons, because nobody we know has lost as little as $2. In fact, in this "Gambling Society" here, we're a little ashamed to have been so stingy with our losses. THE MIDNIGHT EARL IN N.Y. The John Roosevelts are planning a quiet trip to Nassau to recover from the election. . . . British Pamela Shaw arrives here presently toi join Johnny Myer, just back from his European quickie. ... Rita Hay worth did the Viennese Lantern with unidentified young man. . . . Following her appearance on the Jackie Gleason TVer, Audrey Meadows was rushed to Flower Hospital for an allergy attack she got after eating Chinese food. Danny Kaye signed Fran Warren to appear with him at the Texas State Fair starting Christmas Day . . ; Patricia Mangano (Sylvana's sexy sis) appears in the new Italian film, "Ring Around the Clock," opening next month. TODAY'S BEST CORN: Th e Three Suns claim to have a car that "can go 300 billboards an hour. WISH I'D SAID THAT: "Money doesn't talk: anymore ?╟÷ it gasps' -^Charlie Jones. EARL'S PEARLS . . . At Majors Cabin a female snarled, "Darling, you make that i?╜t look ten years younger!" Henry Fonda's considering doing a musical version of "Cannery Row". . . . Rear Admiral Richard j Byrd is planning another South Pole-expedition for this summer. ... George Raft's running around France and Italy with the French sportswoman Suzanne Voiterra. Sam Chapman's in the market for a good public relationsjob*".. '?╟≤'. Horace Schmidlapp and Georgette Cushing were a Hapsburg House midnitem. Grace Downs t<|peof the woman who stopped the airline hostess as she passed, her .'seat and asked, "Will ycHi^^e'aslnbllrth^^ilot not to go faster |iai. * the speed of .sound?╟÷wef %fflS^'^|9* talk!" . . . ^That's ear^Wothfer. JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 San Francisco Portland - Seattle Los Angeles, Calif. Herald Express (Cir. 335,491) DEC 19 1952 Radio and Television Saints and Sinners Set \ For 24-Hour Telethon I I ^ ?f jj | By OWEN QALUN I ^Tne Saints and Sinners mmTOid telethon goes on Chan- Inei 9 at 9:30 n. m. tomorrow for a 24-hou* period of fun I and f est, broKen only by the telecast of the Rams-Lions Ifootball game Sunday. The festivi-*?╟÷' ' ;-^_g ,;?╟÷'?╟÷ \ [ties, which have been plotted and[radio show witfc Lionel Barrymore] ?√ß planned for the past few weeks at;4:30 p.m. tomorrow via KECA! ?√ß by Sam Mannis, Jackie Googanl '.the Boys Town Choir may be ?√ß and Stanley Cowan, will continue heard on KECA at 4.30 p. m. Sun. J until around midnight Sunday. day# ..Dickens' classic "Pickwick1 I Denise Darcel, Spade Cooley, Dave P$pers>> is the Theater Guild! | Street, Mack Gordon, IshamUma at 5:30 p.m. Sunday vial Jones, Wolfe Gilbert, Billy Sny- kPI..."Dragnet" will stage its der, deejay Larry Finley, Herb annual ?╜.22 Rifle for Christmas" Jeffries and Buddy Rogers are story not only on radio but also only a few of the flock of per- on its television show for the sonalities who. will be seen on ?·irst time. ..Channel 4 will tele- the show along with the best paid cast the Burbank Symphon^ Or [and amateur entertainment in theUhestra's Christmas concert at iarea- ?╟≤ ?╟≤ 12 p. m. Sunday.. .Gordon MacRae ,IT T T * * * ,,. 1 and Mayor Bowron will both be I Love Lucy keeps adding to hGard when the Bureau of Music's [its laurels. The show, -seen on,Youth Choruses and Orchestra ^Channel 2 at 9 p.m. Mondays, broadcast their salute to the na- jrecently won the Sylvama Award tion at 7 p>m# tom0rrow -5~ [for the best comedy of the year. jjfj. t# jThat makes something like 50 awards the program has earned Qurdnfe-Tlicker since it went on the air... L^ ,., ??, _ . _. * * * On All-Sfar Review At the opening of the Sands I _ i . - T. .;. ,g -.^ iHotel in Las Vegas this WA Last-minute high lights: Anita tTiL-Iil-TWro 1 mntomL our radio ^ros/ Spade Cooley's pretty vio- and TV people. Danny Thomas l^ist will be making her sixty- [ headlined the show...the Rilztourth appearance on the Channel Brothers cut up just as if theyP sl\ow at 8:30 p.m. .tomorrow, hadn't stopped the antics we saw ?Pade ?√ß chief guest wil be Ban- recently on their "All-Star Revue" ton^ Arttiuir Lee Simpkms, cur- L.Ursula Theiss (and we hope Efntly at Charley Foys....Ray that's the way to spell it) looking PolSer ??5 m "Comedy Hour" at her "un-haircut" prettiest along 8T.P-m. Sunday via Channel 4.;. with other television and movie\3'mmy Dura1nte4< ???* S??phlf, * +v,?╜ Vncrcrest sur.|Tucker on the "All-Star Revue" > Mmwrnw on Channel cAllen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle New York, N. Y. Variety 0EC 1 g" t952 lsrarsSubrW$25tach, In Sands HoorshowM i Tonsils Sttinhomas I |UI??"' i7i_Jffhe new 1 t ??* Vegas, Dec, }7f^eal "all f ing tonight,^'a ^ pitched in \ showfolk he^'^XeiSvlg VznW t0 substitute ^^ear | ?√ß voice ^d wasJoreea t stint as JK ?·?tSwnVlu9li the newest of tne * p tellies. *_ , Entratter prompt- Managefe^ack gn was an- ly sent outT.anJ!r-5urante, the Ritz fwered by J^J D^eS, 'Frankie Brothers, Spike ork ieader Laine and ???·effran|sPecial rehears- alS ^(Continued f Page ID AiSu onening, with the expected I 10oS and fanfare, drew a total f??132 newspaper guests from all | ver the country. Understood the , nanaffement earmarked about $50,- I J00 Sr the promotional aspects ofj the hotel's bow. her "un-haircux' piewucoi. with other television and movie ?·immy &%&?·&&& ~ ^ " of the biggest sur- ^er on the "All-Star Revue prises was to find Joaquin at the at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow on Channel ?╜??B. n0.1ns?? 1S the Met 4..."Don Carlos" is the .Met] jQife^o^T-jgEeAvat 11 a.mrto-^ jjmoi'rpw,^.Helen H^yes returns itoV^mnibus''^H-iJ^^nnel 2 at [1:30 p. m. Shnday.. ?╜<|&y. Warren s post mme iviocamuu ,rfmm the state #6:45 p^n. ^Jii ^ ^ tomorrow .ens,K3E.GA.?╜.?╜#.and Eve ] Christmas music and programs, Arden will announc^fhe name of of course, will be the order of the the winning s^hjpol teacher on her day for the next few days .-..the Sunday radio show...hasta la [Salvation Army stages its big I tele-vista.. ?√ß?√ß?√ß?√ßimpmmm prises was to una ou<xh^?? ?╟÷ --- maitre'd helm, which was one of the reasons why this opening went off in apple-pie order with no confusion. Joaquin told us he had take??:;a leave of absence from his post'a%|he Mocambo --?╜?√ß=