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    Jiilen s PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Los Angeles, Calif. Herald Express (Cir. 338.078) Capsule ??me capsule Movie Stars Plan for Publicity in 2052,_ i \ ' ':Y . $r XSiiited Press LAS VEGAS, Nev., Dec. 18.?╟÷ Present damj^vi^"r||ars were planning a l^t .of long-range publicity today .Yy^f^qg mementos in a nihe-f oOT^ffiim^um timefepv sule that will be opened in the., year 2052. j > yt l| [ The capsule^lfffifeh already c<m?║] jtaihs a micro |pjil";of movie ti papers and gossip columns, unveiled here llsterday at ing ceremonies Mthenew $j 000 Sands Hotekj 1 Also placed at thei^posal of future historians <^f?║Jimmy Durante's hat togetli%^ with a story of his life; ajFrankie Laine record, Bing '^jro^'s | pipe, Arthur Godfrey'j|mulele and a copy of Tallulah Bank- head's autobiography. During the next 12 months Dther celebrities will ad<M their rademarks to the capsiHfPDefore t is buried 20 feet unlfFthe ho* :el building. JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle Stockton, Cal. Record (Cir. 45,250) mm m M6vU ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-53 71 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York j LOS ANGELES, CALIF. | HERALD # EXPRESS Circ. D. 428,007" DEC 1:51952 | I Radio and Te/evfefaji ??S Air Entertainers Ride Hill-Billy-Band \A||on!i By OWEN CALLIN A lot of television bigwigs have conclnded that the htlMHy bandwagon is a pretty good vehicle to ride thes< days. More and more of our programs, 4hose familial to local fans for quite some spell* and a few brand new ones, are . hittiro-the. national air lanes, NBC long has given space to barn dance tunes on a Saturday Might. Now CBS is starting regular Saturday night series of country-style programs on its stations throughout the country. Western music,, is getting a new dress. Jimmy Wakely, for example, whose program is seen at 8:30 p. m'' mmmiii^immm vie Stars Bury Mementoes in. Capsule* LAS VEGAS, Dec. 18 (UP)?╟÷ Present dajfcjnoyie stars am planning a bit of loig-ralge publicity by placing jnomentooB^in ?║ nine- foot aluminum time capsule that will be opened in the year 2052. The capsule, which already contains a micro film of movie trade papers and gossip columns, was unveilgd, here yesterday at opening cerfemonies of the $5,500,-// 000 Sarfds HoteU' L Also plaeed^at the disposal om futurehTTTst o r i a n s is JimnrJ Durante's hat together with .*?╤ story of his life; a Frankie La|?╜ ?√?thur Godfrey's ukulele and a eopy< of TaHuJah Bankhead's autobiography, During-the^iextt2mdnths other I building on December 17, 1953. Tuesdays o n Channel 2, is one of those artists who is ! doing his best; keep his j type of music | from beingf called "si a. mi bang and low d o w n." He's | i n t e r m ing- ing modern brass with conventional Western-type musical struments in his orchestra as one of the methods. Well, we must admit that we're partial to country music?╟÷maybe because our first introduction to an orchestra, was strumming a banjo in a little square-dance band back in Ohio when one had only to know a bare four chords to be a howling success! That's why we enjoyed watching the veteran Tex Williams stage his 3 p. m. Channel 4 Sunday show with Anna May, Smokey Rogers and all the gang. * *. * Johnny Grant and his trouple are getting reader for their Christmas jaunt to Alaska to entertain the GI's. Ginny Jackson, Tony LoVelio, Jane Frazee and the rest have all had their "shots" and are watting for the takeoff this Frjd?╜y*flt won't be such fun for accordionist Lo- Vellol. He gets back just in time to report for his induction. It will he ironical if the Army sends him to Alaska, won't it? ... Radio and TV Eow moves its quarters to Las Vegas this week for the . opening ofjfcheiv new Sands Hotel where Danny Thomas headlines the first show along with Ray Sinatra and his newly-organized baml. Sinatra, you know, has been the musical director for the Mario Lanza radio show... celebrities will add their trade-* marks to the capsule is buried 20 feet under the hotel r SAN FRANCISCP, CAL. CALL-BULLETIN DEC 4:7:1952 . f Need~Psychiatrist To which Bob said he replied: "No, if you charge $1,000, it makes no difference to me. The family wanted me to come. Whatever your fee is, they'll just have that much less to spend." According to Robert, the medico finally advised him to go on home, that he is much too normal to be fooling around with psychiatrists. * * # No Reconciliation For Rocky Cooper There is no reconciliation angle to her coming trip to Mexico, Rocky Cooper tells me.. "I simply want Maria to see her father at Christmas," declares Rocky. "We'll leave on the twenty-first to join Gary in Mexico City. We'll also visit Acapulco, hut Maria and I will be back here by January 5 when school reopens." Rocky doesn't believe that Gary is maneuvering for an 18 month's tax stay out of the. country, but I am inclined to | think he is. &:j^g| * # # Judy Frolics At Mocambo Party ; On her first night out since the birth of the baby, Judy Garland was as happy as a kid at the Mocambo. She and Sid Luft came off the floor, though, after about half a rumba. "I didn't know how w.eak I was," laughed Judy. Missy G. says she won't work again until July. Sid's "Man of War" movie is supposed to start at Warners in March. / Dan Topping, Bride attffeftie j Dan^p^^f^a^l'l^is bride, Alice,^^^;^.^^ lMocamba nentals' *$&$;>.' 3?║|%$J&n%rs dance ^SSpj^jff^^p^^Lgk came o^^^iW^^^Eould attend Paw^\Ci^o^^edding to Mary. Jo ' wrola. Lana Turner, who is divorcing Dan's brother, Bob, stopped at the table to say hello. Lana was with .her French admirer, Georges Saurel. She was trying to avoid photographers but some of them made shots, anyway ... Another new twosome at the Mocambo was Pat Knight and Lance Fuller, h * i-J # Terry Receives Parental Scolding Recently ailing Terry Moore got bawled out by her parents for touring tne late spots until 2:30 ay am with English actor Laurence Harvey. After attending the opening of the Sands H??tei! T ?╟≤?√ß?╟≤fiML?╤gr'' T!"T .. go on to .New iork to ballyhoo "Come Back, Little Sheba." Her mother will chaperone her on the trip. * * -* Family Reunion For Leslie Caron Leslie Caron is one girl who loves her mother-in-law. As a Christmas present to Leslie, Mrs. George Hormel Sr. Is bringing the 'M-G-M dance star's paternal grandmother from France. Afoo Leslie's parents and her maternal grandmother from the Virgin Islands. M will be a big family reunion. * * # Two Stand-ins For Piper Laurie -Piper Laurie has been using two stand-ins in "The Golden Blade." One is Ginger Clayton, who was supposed to wed U. I. makeup expert Frank West- more. The other is Westmore's ex-wife, Fran Shore . . . Don't forget to send contributions to the GI Phone Fund at Travis Air Base so the boys can get free calls to itieir families over the holidays ... Beverly Tyler and Bert Douglas at the Kings .'/. Virginia Gyay and Jimmy Cross ^_ the Captain's Table. Susan, Mate May Get European Trip Barring last jiminute disappointments, Span Hayward and Jess Barkejr will get that European tripi in . January; Susan will be ok layoff at 20th i JUDY GARLAND Going to Get Rest Century-Fox and only has two pictures to make for the studio in 1953. She and Jess will leave the kids at home and hope to visit Ireland, Sweden and Spain. # # 4* Ms^*:' Deanna's Refusing TV, Film Offers After a month at home, Deanna Durbin still is turning a deaf ear to all film, TV and concert offers. $??╜lpi "I haven't found anything, interesting yet," she says; "and as for the thrill of stardom, I've had my share. It's nice not to have to live like a movie celebrity. Our house would fit into the living room of some stars' homes. I drive a 1941 car and it's not a Cadillac." Rooney, Bracken In New Ventaw Ideas keep sprihfin^ from the busy-brain of Mickey Rooney. 4He and Eddie Bracken,5 who work together in "A\.M3feht ?Θ╝$pe of Larceny," aniljp^hthey are forming a 'producing company called Comedy Pictures, Incorporated. According to Mickey, their first film will be "Africa Laughs," from a script by Don ?╟≤Quinn. They hope to start-in- <; -:ra~J*tuajEx-a*ia~J*-~- record, Bing t Crosby's pipe, Jff um