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    JUL * Pornaa Los Angeles, Calif. Herald Express (Cir. 338.078) DEC 3 1952 New YorkMidel Given 1ftel^Hn.ppe,s Movid 00 Louis Calhern From Vacation for Role With Lana p ^atin Lovers'^ By JIMMY-STARR |S|\ \\'$jjj/ioii Picture Editor of Tne Evening Herald and Express *<$ban Whitney, who-has been working as a fashion model in Ne^Yorkfo.r.the.past, several months, returned to Hollywood andSifer movie career for a role-in Paramoiint's "Here Come the pirls", which stars Bob Hope (with Arlene Dahl, Tony Mar-j tin srftd Rosemary Clooney.. Late last summer the tall, blonde actress decided to give up her film work for the lucrative photographic modeling field in New^ sYork.. .but the lure of cinemaland and the idea of wintering in California won out over the snowy east,.. VFor his outstanding performance in the title role of "Julius Caesar",' Louis Calhern was given ^'vacation in New York by M-G-M?╟÷but > the "studio turned out rto be sort of an Indian-giver and ended the festive jaunt by calling him back for a role with Lana Turner in "Latin Lovers", which Mervyn LeRoy starts directing tomorrow... THOUGHT FOR TODAY... Truth is stranger than fiction, which explains why married men use it so seldom... * * * Daily Diary The holiday' season is here*, and the party-givers and the party-goers have really a BUT BUSY schedule ahead. * .for example, our date book reads like this (and there will be many more): Joan Castle Joseff is having a cocktail party soiree at Romanoff's Dec. 5.. .Martha Goldthwaite Ellis is taking over I the Mocambo's Champagne' . Room on Dec. 6 for a big shindig... On Dec. 7, there are two affairs?╟÷Mrs. Mary Foran and Mr. and Mrs. Pinky Tomlin are combining forces to throw a big party...and Chloe Mehan is getting into the Christmas spirit with a champagne wing- ding from three to seven... Among the other dates, there is the swank opening of the New El Mirador Hotel in Palm Springs Dec. 13. A small army of Hollywood and TV stars are . planning to join the two-day celebration...on Dec. 14, Carolyn Tannenbaum is giving a massive cocktail party at her Beverly^MUs home... If ^j/0^^^^B^-: <an<* o monejWmLgll^^^i^jQ?·fcQfc*:: I" mt* y Thg^^ds irLJ^iiVegas ... several aerial junkets of stars are set to add glamor to this already super-dooper spot, j which has Jake Freedman andf jjack Entratter hosting a truly J collossal three-day party,. .near khe end of the month, Penny! Singleton opens at the Chi Chij in Palm Springs. Dec. 26 is thel Hate.'..and Dec. 26 is also thel date of Santa Anita's opening! ...all of these mentioned (and! others will be sandwiched in) | will keep us pretty busy... * *.' * WEDDING BELLS will I Chime in January for Mrs.l pSrnie Byfield, widow of the| "hotel magnate, and Joshua Col-f Jin! It'll ^be her third mar-| riage... * * * . , . Ray Fine and Dave Harlig I phoned to say that the small 1 lire at the Sportsmen's Lodge! did not damage the main dining 1 room and that they're open for I business. ..Pere Westmore, the I beauty expert, is back from a j lecturetoujpin the,eastj-?╜??<,?╜- f.- TOriald . Novis, a longtime vocal favorite here, opens at the Biltnlore Hotel Dec. 4... Jane, .Jfthjfes, who chants those oldtinie $ongs, is -$fw at the S Aslope; Dude Ranch a-ropin' .dirties... '?√ß I * * * Duszinysi ?╟≤ f'Tfeere will NOT be any reconciliation between Buddy West- more and Rosemary Lane!... Gene Reynolds, kid actor of js"Boys' Town" fame, plays Laut- rec in Pierre LaMure's "Moulin Rouge" at the Circle Theater Dec. 18... * * * Bob Hawk says one actress (has dyed her hair so often she's |the only one in Hollywood who has dandruff in Technicolor!. . ./f ens PRESS CLIP^NG AlJREAU Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Los Angeles, Calif. Herald Express (Cir. 338,078} DEC" 3 W Olivia Has Tea With Jcjan a?║tce Thaws Slightly Between! SS#i?║/ By HARRISON "CARROLL- ?√ß:;jf%- still too early to predict a complete thaw but, last Sunday, a little more of the chill went out of the atmosphere be- ' twin sisters Olivia, de Havilland and Joan Fontaine. Olivia and son, Benjamin, actually had tea with Joan and Collier Young at their home. I couldn't reach Joan but Olivia tells me: "We met outside of Romanoff's the other night and Joan invited me to the house. I had a very pleasant afternoon. jBenjamin played with little Martita, who is a darling child. I got a chance really to meet Mr. Young. I had only seen him a; few times just to say 'how do y??U"do?*-*^^^^^g ^^:^^^lf^ "is the feud between you and Joan over?" she was asked. "Wellj I really don't know," replied Olivia. "Besides, feud is the wrong word. That implies waH'are. There was never that. Let us say that Joan and I have;had out periods of incompatibility." &i*p3ftj ^ Olivia .said! she is |going, to return the "hospitality soon and invite Joan and Collier to her place. jfip 1 slim D^i. Martin-Jerry Lewis TV-|h6w was great but so ex- j hausfing that the boys are asking lb get.out of their commit- I ment on the.^i?enty-eighthVt "I think I'd, wind up at the Cedars of Lebanon hospital,7' explains, bean on the set of the: ] boys^l^re, "The Caddy& "Of j course, Jrre had a reservation ] tlijj8r?╜fc' for, a year but Jerry's always using my room." * * * Latest on And Ava Gardner was allowed to leave the hospital on Thanksgiving Day and is supposed to return to>,Africa tomorrow. She^and'her sister, Bea, had ; Thsd'fs^^ibing dinner with their good London friends, John and Muriel Harding. Bea heads back to Hollywood any minute. Before going to the ranch at Olivia de Havilland Elko, Bing Crosby plans to hunt 'ducks with friends at Boise, Idaho. As I told you before, he and his sons will spend Christmas at their home on Hay den Lake. Bing wants to work so hell take only a brief rest between "Little Boy Lost" and "White Christmas." The new movie starts soon after the holidays. iJx,lli ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU , Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Franciscb Portland - Seattle JF Hollywood^. CaL Reporter , (Cir, 6,582) s flrgtn for N,fery Tour P^^thev|a?·^t^f^r . ?√ß When ' Jjjtof Ba^rymore jr went to visit Terry Moore in the hospital, - a certain redheaded starlet called him in Terry's room -and?√ß?√ß?╟≤?√ßbawled him out for being" there. Janet Leigh an^Tony Curtis are postponing ^ms to buy a house. Instead, they are moving into a new apartment?╟÷with two bedro^m^pstead of one. Sonny Tells-Plans Sonny Tufjs called. Said he hasn't seeri^is divorced wife, Barbara, since his arrival in Hollywood. Also that he's on the wagon and is negotiating for a TV series. Sonny returns to London in April to do another picture for the Woolf brothers. Title is "Albert, R. N," , The Fred MacMurray picture, "Don't Trust Your Husband," now making the rounds on TV, is only two years old. ?╟≤ He hopes it does well. Says he still has $40,000 owed to him on the film, $^$| Singer Judy Clark marries Bill Otto, the builder, on Jan. 9. Judy will be one of the girls in the new act of Composer Jimmy McHugh which opens at the Riverside in Reno on the eleventh. More than 500 beauties braved a downpour to answer Bob Hope's call for 12 girls for his TV show, jj "They were so lovely," quips Bob, "we'll show Cinerama a thing or two. WE'VE got some new dimensions." Robert's one hour program will cost $75,000! ... Majureen O'Hara's handsome brother/ Charles Fife SttSBsis^ has been told to drop 30 pounds if he* Wants to continue his career jasan actor.. .What happened petween Peggy Maley (the girl who once sat on the English throne) and her escort, Tim Taylor, at Ciro's. He walked out and Peggy finally "wen^l^Qrne with some other pfopJ^ . . .Bob Wagner has turned, in his tiny MG for an Anierican-made convertible. *m 11 *" * '?·Wlf'', Eddie Won9t Run Friends are trying to get | Edward , Arnold to run for p mayor here but he says nothing doing...Fmisfe'-Osf^kearer My God Tojgfee" wiffi4?║ee Clifton^'(^iart!b^Hol|Wood for a^lea^: twq -molM^.lknd later $e wants tb go to^talf and to bean London for the coronation U. Holly wood bejptyJ?╜sa Bey ?·s in the Midway' Ijkpital... Texas there forj^ opening... PRESS CUPP^gP^" SAN FRANCISCOj^jfe [^egasyNev/ Rf iew Journal jCir. U.384) cJilli S>1$& I- \$&- lad. Obsfacl^ #1 ^fMi??W?╜^**S *??._' A IT ens PRESS CLIPPINg^JREAU Established,1888 los Angeles' ?╟≤'?√ß. "?╟≤ ,?╟≤ l?╟? San Francisco Portland "*; Seattle Los Anqeles^jdiilf. Herald ^$& (Cir. 338,07lr DEC I CARSoirCSlX t>ec. 2 (UPJ-- lThe last obstacle to the scheduled becember &5 opening of tbi-Sftjas in Las Vegas from a Perswmel IstSBttpoint was removed today when the state tax commission granted a state gambling license |to Eddie Levinson. Levinson, scheduled to be in charge of casino operations at the new Las Vegas strip resort hoteL was given a license for a nine per cent interest in the Sands . The commission^also approved the following additional licenses for the Sands: Michael Shapiro, four per.cent. Edward Levy, two per cent, get ward?√ß--?√ßEeweo'-^Bree per ceBt__9-wl Jack Entratter, five perr<g??.. Levinson, Shapiro, Entrajter and Worres will haw* to submit sworn Imdavitf lisi .all of then; lia; bilities ant showing the^Bource ot all funds they Propose to mvestin CopronhlS::SG^U?w|??Ji?╜ry wifrW production iMpS Pead of Columbia, is always t pvi told the commission he ob- !&& with a topical idea.. .h ;JSd at least^5,000 of the $^0OJ |ouple of weeks^ago, the newj xe intends to ^vest to toe cas^ 3v winning an election bet tromi Wilbu?Clark, general manager of iffivfSf^^S the validity of his election bet llStThe commission altered its plans l to s?ek a? exhaustive financial net worth statement from-any apph- l U?╜?╜t in the future about whom \ funds they proposedflp mvesi m L in which this does not ??W?Σ≤ I Smmission, **&^?Σ≤3j?· Z, pair^HJ"Nix^ IfrS^i^pliff Story 1 'riter Jeanng Barthttfs\Kidnap Experience Serves as PlotUor Wa/cf By JIMMY JTARR Motion Picture Editor of The Boning Herald^ Express Fred Astaire is adamant-"Ni screening of his^ife story I sine*This exciting album, "Th| Astaire Story", has hit the K^S 1to^,^te sto has been dluged anew with offers to^put his life story on the screen... M-G-M . Producer Arthur .'reeA was trying to make As pKfap^lgQQBider on the set of 'The. Bajid Wagon'^ yesterday l.but despite Fred's appeal, mstaire remained firm...Fred Tsven mentioned a clause in hir ivill forbidding any part of hi) life to be put on the screen Lnd that's that!^* tapers "were full of a kidnjtf ^^rierice which involved S(j% ftiarist Jeanne Baitlett and a [man at the beach. fSt ^^fe\ Jeanne has written an outline of the real-life episode and calls it "The Four Hours", which Jerry Wald has penciled in as a hot new property... THOUGHT FOR TODAY... In Hollywood, the guy who takes the town |g| storm today may find someonl else stealing his thunder tomowow... Daily Diary f Wanderings A^pnd Holly^ wood: Christn^fes shoppers bumping into eac||^her alo??# I Hollywood b o u le v a r d.. .tali Mike Ross has a?? ?√ß; advahta||. With his height he can avoid clusters...Virginia5 'Field, her arms full of packages*. .Banker Chet Vanderlip taking a noontime stroll... A chat with Director Edd|e Dmytryk, who is back froni Israel...told me about "t^e tough time he had making "The Juggler", starring Kirk Douglas ...local government helped a great deal in keeping order and by speeding things up with the workers... What with all the shopping chores, a lot of Hollywoodites have a bit of packing! to do, too ..*there's a goodly crowd gathering for the weekend in Palm Springs to be a par& of the opening ceremonies of* the El Mirador; Hotel...talked to P$d Lewis and he said the weather was excellenti?P|| Some of the same gang come home on Mond pack again?╟÷this Vegas, where they'll/attend^ swank opening of among those slj Tuesday chartered plane^nket are Jimmy Durafatej^me Pow- ell, Denise Darcei^fSyron Palmer, Mona Freeman and a host of othersV?·*J^;