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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 1>RESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York NEW YORK, N. Y. MIRROR Circ. D. 1,066,279 - S. 2,168,284 Nick Kenny HUNTINGTON HARTFORD'S nel TV venture is the talkof the industry* wm^,x... -i #* wi// manage and cast TV aspirant mth Barney Ward as his Vice-president in charge of thj new division! Fred Waring was named "Mr. Pennsylvania in an election for the title conducted amdng Civic Clu members across tlp**Keystone State! iferjfe string into New Jersey's bigg< bus line, will have somethil else to worry about besides n buses. He has just become grandfather, via his son Ronnl It's a boy, David, weighing sevJ pounds," and 'Ike and Eve JACK ENTRA^ER,jfate\of ttia Copa, has thjf wel^isheslod! everyone who e^er mjoyed lis hospitality, in me opining of Jiis lavish $4,000,/)* ?╜*??*- ^~?╟÷?╜- Los Vegas to LEN SCHMEIDER of JDecca Records send! us a long Jpaying record of "AfNight a time Persian Room" b&Dick LaSalle and his orchestra. Trifc,-jirr rir pleasing medley! Joe Belsky is a hard worker for the success of the luncheon meeting of 100 labor movement representatives at the Astor at 12:30 p. nflfto-day, in connection with the ex-patients' J Tubercular Home at Denver, Col. The labor officials represent a I half million trade unionists. +u -u ' . u a^e an" JUve ai Sra?·aZ?*& ^andparents in ti Mate of New Jersey. Ike nevl forgets his- own days in the 3 vice and he always provides! r??Σ≤^ for our M?Σ≤r Rad Hg ^hen We are.putting on show at a veterans' hospitll THERE WAS A name missing from the invitation inviting us | to the 29th annual meeting of the Committee on Morals, Manners and Mayhem to be held at I the Waldorf Astoria on Dec. 19 I from 1 to 7 p. m. The name was | that of the late Deak Aylesworth, I beloved member of the Committee's Quartet. The other three | members are Rex^ole, Nile's I Trammel and W. Alton (Pete) Jones, who signed this year's invitation. We'll miss Deak. IKE ENGLEHARDT, the old ! worry wart, our shipmate of 1 World War I, who ran a shoe- YOUR CHEER UP cards a1 especially -welcomed by lone people and shut-ins during tl Christm^i^Mson. Here are a fe who coolffDiise some sunshii mail: Byron W, Snyder, 80, Wc cester Nursing Home^ Worceste N. Y Benjamin Befeistein, 1 Gerlach, Nevada.. .Earle J. Re dertm Jr., World War II Vetera completely paralyzed, Brookh V. A. Hospital, Brooklyn 9, N. [...William Deneen, 708 Mc quette St., Davenport, Iowa. Ila Mom, Tit Metim, Pine Bree Sanitarium, .3?║|||ittanooga, Ter .. .Raymond ^Brien, amputi who could u^^eroe used postal stamps, North ^Queens Gened Hospital, Jamfrca, L. X . J 'Thomas P. Curtin, St. GregoW Hospital, Passiac, N. J...-.Mii Agnes Amalli, Room 69, W4, Ve erans Hospital, Cropsey a Seventh Aves., Brooklyn, N. Y.. I Found April, has * Constance | Ifor advance Uck^ns I l^^r^There's more f\ l^f^fttan sticking your <**?√ß ISsT Thee iz??? I \N [ ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York SPRINGFIELD, OHIO NEWS Circ. D. 28,424 I 'New York Cavalcade 1 By LOUIS SOBOfc Rj [j NEW YORK, Dec. 1.?╟÷Casual Fragments: j If A macabre conversation took place in the I j | office of the warden of Sing Sing recently l_l when Julius Rosenberg, .convicted A-bomb I spy, described to his youngsters (it was their I monthly visit) how the,electric chair oper- | ated. Even the tough guards shuddered, I J am told . . . Freeman Gosden. "Amos" coh- j| fessed last week that none of his children I care to follow him in show biz. Freeman, II Jr., is in the Army at" Fort Bragg, N. G, I and will return to the" oil business" in Texas. I His daughter, Virginia, devotes herself to j! charities and her social life in j Beverly I" Hills. Craig,. aged three, is interested in | trucks' and, concluded Gosden, "%e have | another?╟÷now in escrow"?╟÷referring to the Ii expected arrival in January . . . Molly Berns I who with her Cholly celebrated their 20tb wedding anniversary with a big? party Sattj nito beamed as she ^v^itched the Danny I Kayes and the Ed jpukbffs iste^s Danny's | personal representative) drh^n^one toast !l after another. Bujfit wajrt tofhe Berns. ' It was the Dukoff/ 20th#too. * I The town v#l h0' emptied*of. most ofj its paragraphs1 iground Dje. 16?╟÷flying J out to Las Wgz$' as the dpests of Jack I Entratter whgse^Sands HoaB project gets I underway offfci^flj^SWHSH^ht . . . Frank J Sinatra, scheduled to. ope# at the French I Casino, was r^dy to cancel and fly to the /[hospital bedsiafe_of Aj/fG in London until | he learned in a ptawfe^xmversation with the II gal that it wasn't anything serious . . . John Ij Ringling North denies that he is secretly 11 wed to Gloria Drew?╟÷but added, "It's not Ii a. bad idea." North told me he;?╜ft$|ifej?col- |j lected 15 new European acts for" the 1952-j? I 53 edition of the circus . . . When Ali finally! I! hands over that million, Rita will probably I Ii refer to their daughter as Yasmint. . |j Frank Capra, as has been reported here, |||3j is duo, to do the movie based on the' career j of the Italian Robin Hood, Guiliano, staffing jjVittorio di Sica. Leading roles have -been j; assigned to two non-pros?╟÷the sister and I; mother of the bandit . ...John PhjlinS||isa j I wrote a series of waltzes during the Cleve- j| land administration entitled "La Reine, de; jj la Mar" and dedicated them to Mrs. Vl|?║.'C.- I Whitney, wife of the tfei Secretary of* the a j Navy. Maybe that e#|||jphs why Jock,.Wfeit-j ney, their grandson,'isiigtich a-fancy waljtzer. | Incidentally, catchinflfa preview of 4<tfte [Sousa picture, "Stars and Stripes Forever," j I noticed that "Dixie" is.-.'referred t??s%s J Abraham Lincoln's favorifehfune. I might have believed this until L remembered that the fellow who wrote the'^pic'ture, the late Lamar Trotti, was born^.alid'- bred in the heart of Georgia . . . 18fenjpvspaper mast- heads are the decorative Colombo's J Steak House. ?√ß?√ß \;-J Billy Daniels will prob$jft|0|k-pas$- Miami Beach this year, d< sjm,p lofty bids from! I Copa City and the Sax 01$. }. lie's held over J fat the Copa for the ngj^s^owstarting to- Imorrow. Jackie Mil^^l^p^hit. He co-1 I stars with Dick Hay^flJ^4'ih; ^Melancholy Baby.' starting Jan. IS, ,aiiei thai joes into I I the Sophie Tucker piclure;:-}h -supijoii off I Betty Hutton . . ?√ß. The m^ny friends of [Monty Wooley are saddeniPcver his serious lillness . .. ..Lillian Roth returns to the j | Broadway stage in a musical entitled "Gum- j , bo Ya-rYa" . . . You can't be a bolshevik inh Russia any mpre. The term was outlawed j I at the recent Communist Party Congress in || I Moscow. Natch! Bolshevik' means "ma- jj] I jority"?╟÷an empty word when you either jl j belong to the one party permitted?╟÷or die. jfil ^ ^pfABLISHEE|t- 1888 ^BArclay J?SZlI PR^S CLIPPING BUREAU 165 ^turch Street - New York ^lOS ANGELES ^f. EXAMINER- SEC 1 ?║ 1952 L6dk\ng Around with HARRYING I Whiffier College President Now -*?╜?╜?√ß -m^ All Set for That 'Full Treatment* |v^ END-O'-THE-WEEK-MEMORANDA... . . . Since that, speech he made earlier this week, you j now can confidently expect Dr. Paul Smith, president of Whittier College, to be the all-out target of the \pink- \ fringers who infest today's educational circles. What Dr. I Smith said, to ire the "gliberals," included sUch pungen- I 'cies as: &&^-1 4<It is now the fashion among these liberals, who are on the offensive in our academic circles, to blast Senator \ McCarthy?╟÷but do you ever hear them criticize the Red I - Dealt of "6a?╜*6ifcitry9 -??--.-* We are developing a population of collectivists in the United States, and our schools are j not devoid of responsibility. . , . Young Americans have been conditioned not to scrutinize tjiose in the liberal movement, but they aggressively ^e^ scrutinize those who are con* servative." y. . . WHAT SEEMS LIKE ?╜ significant straw in the wind j of speculation whirling about Governor Earl Warren's future ?╟≤ is tlt&s: i Congressman Pat Hillings just told some GOP friends that "the talk in Washington is that I Earl Warren will be named to j the United States Supreme \ Court as soon as Felix Frankfurter retires, which will be 1 very soon." Question: Was Pat Hillings just retailing capital gossip??╟÷ or are his words weightier in view of the fact that he's close to VP Nominee Dick Nixon f A * * STREET SONG Dear HL: In Sherman Oaks is Cedros ayenue. It is paved only along j one side. So?╟÷ j Upon this half-paved street, alas, . / learned two cars can never pass; l&ads my halo, sharp and neat: \ "Two cars can't pass on Ced- aWV' * ros street!" ?╟÷The Ancient Mariner, Sherman Oaks. MORE KOREA ADDRESSES?╟÷ I Again, Look-Arounders are asking for names and mailing addresses of men overseas who ask for mail from here. Here's J a new batch: Cpl. Jos. C. Raley; Pfc. John A. Chappell, and Pfc. William J. Gert; all in H&S Co., 1st Mar. Regt., 1st Mar. Div., FMF, c/o FPO, San Francisco. r 'iQfflmt ^Pkos, US52151899, 299S j E.B. Co., APO 801, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco. Pvt. Diether Specht US51144112, and Pvt. Donald Thompson, US- 5309700&; both at 68th Engr. D. Co.; APO 59, c/o Postmaster, S.F. Pfc. Eugene Huckabay, 1153955; "D-2-7th_ Marines, 1st Mar. Div., J. B., "as the thing that makes him mad!" .IS THERE A CLOWN in town (no nasty cracks, please!) \who wants to do a good turnf '?╟÷He's needed to entertain SO kids who are victims of mus- | cular dystrophy, at their Christ- mas party next Sunday afternoon. . . . The' committee in I charge has learned, too late, 'that all LA's available professional clowns are booked solid \for the Holiday Season, and 'hope an amateur can save the day for the stricken kids (call Mrs. Martha McGeein at. WAl- nut 1>892). | .... AM I TATTLING, or is it gen'ly known that when I Bette Lynne, the tallest blonde j honey in the line at Las Vegas' [Sahara, was given that surprise ; birthday party the other night, [ it was Barney Morris (one of j her'three bosses) who provided ! that stupendous cake .topped with the big high-kicking dancer made of sugar, to show how sah-WEEEET ev'body thinks her! And the cake cost ONE BLACK CHIP?╟÷and if y'don't know, chum, in Las Vegas that's I a cool C (aw, one hundred del- I lars, square!) /' . . . . NEW^GIMMJCK you I could call a^^rogressivte Pre- miere Part^Cill be stageM next j week . . .jynPalm Springl next j week enj|f the completely, Qjp\ \ : [plush-hj|ra El Mirador wil hold j a Granji?Opening, and thai midweek Jlne new Sands Hftel in j [Las...J^gas will busi srpciacu- j jlanyJ^opeiT; and becajse . J$$J .MAN? fnvjt^^,m^A will I atteiM both bra wis, tpre'U be a fleet%f airplanestojarry guests ! directum themjCto the other (and.. b^aHWP*st'agre, most of ( em probably won't know are! they in- Kankakee or Febru. I ary ... , !) RENO, NEV. ^^IPTTE lands tkffe' ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING^UREAU 165 Church Street||ew York HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. CITIZEN-NEWS Circ. D. 35,225 Ing Permit Names Accepted LAS VEGAS.?╟÷Addition of two names to the gambling licensees is- | sued to the S|^d^h^^lehere has | been approved by the^afk county i licensing board after heated dis- I cussion. Application of Mike Shapiro for I a four per cent interest, and Jack Entratter for six per cent in Las Vegas' newest luxury hotel was approved by -^<%oard. During discission-of the ^plications. Harley Harmon charged that many licenses in th'? Las Vegas are held by Mfront men." "No blatter who they are, the licensees are only front men for hoodlums," Harmon charged. "We are going to have men like Mack Kufferman and Doc Stacher in there anyway." Roger Foley, Clark district attorney, said, "with some of the people we have licensed, we might as, well bring in Al Capone. He would not be any worse than what we have," ^s^Hf Harmon, added that if the board. I turned down one applicant, axMi other 'front man' would 'come up j for approval at the next meeting. i He said that-^'^a&.long as syndicates are interested here, the only solu?Σ≤n is to police them vigorous- ly af^r they are in business." HOTPion, however, vottifeto ap- j prove the applications of J?·icj,trat- \ ter and Shapiro. j Harvey McDe^Jd, commission- i er, and. Fow*v%ed against the J applications. Rodney Colton, Sher- J iff Glen Jones'and .Harmon voted| I to grant the licenses. TALENT PARADE Unanimous applause greeted movie star judges, Helen Westcott and Donald Gordon, when they selected .Joanne Hall the best [actress and Eileen Frank the best student director in the third of a series of six competitiye cre- ative nights given by the students of Muriel Ault at the Highland Playhouse of Dramatic and -"MLm lied Arts W I Sunday evening, o' , ^P An overflow^,... WSS ?√ß ing audience enthusiastically gave an average pf six curtain calls to the various sketches. A few leading parts are still available^ if|the Rep. Co. production of "The Doughgirls;" Readings are continuing for a day rej hearsal group on "Night Mugjl Fall." Piano students of- Mae Gilbert Reese, Los Angeles, recently won honors in two important contests | in Southern California. May Wundes was first nlaeeiCamp winner in the annual y?½mg artist contest sponsored by Jh&|<Long | B e a c h Philharmonic^rchestra' from a group of 24 pianists. She! olayed the Concerto in D:minor by | MacDowell. Her- prize ;;is a solo appearance with the Long Beach orchestra at its concert pf-'Jan. 27, j for which she will receive a substantial fee. ITS; Aileen James dame W-'winner j my? the Southern CalifSr^^Fallj i Music Festivals Nov. 2^|jj||WhichJ she competed ewith 24Q^^iists| I from the areaM^fhe cashrpward wa:s of imporl^liee and will go toward her contimjiecK^tudy with Miss Reese. :jf^- ?╟? This is theJ^pstime students ofj Miss Reeseifeve won firsttplace in the Long Emck.^Philharmonic Orchestra goktesls. if I * The/iiew muti-milliorf dollar Sand?·^Hotel opening in Lis .Vegas! De^^f^^OT^tniue uapg^Kain- bo^w*Studios as audttiojphg head-1 , qfiariers here for newMa.ct&i Will, |#nd fcladys AT^rne^vm be among5 'gue|ts at Sahdsf ;^^bpening to; whi% film celebritfe' and press frorr%all over th&p^OUntry have | been invited, ^r Nana' Golln-ef and Paul Petroffj I are preparing special ballet1 sketches for a Christmas program; 'to be presented by the Rainbow Studios for the Naval Hospital, *?√ß Pendleton, on Dec. 26. ^ J