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    ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York LOS ANGELES, CALIF. DAILY MIRROR Circ. D. I4Q,0Q$P DEC lu 1952 W^attm GUIDE BY TOM KETtf4g|N?╜g-- Numerous resort hotels are compI^tih^^Etensive renovation programs and n.ew ones are opening at such a clip that one wonders how the next can he more luxurious than its predecessor* Not too many years ago the average tourist who made the cross-country trek from Chicago found hotel accommodations, even of the third-rate variety, about as scarce as that era's gas stations. * MfX** I can remember making this journey in the early 30s when about the only places we found where one could rest his weary bones at night without awaking amid a convention of tiny visitors and a well-tattooed body of insect bites were the Fred Harvey hotels. These were located above the various Santa Fe railroad stations and it. wasn't uncommon to be rudely shaken fvojan an old brass four-poster bed as the California Limited or a fast freight roared through the closet. As for Las Vegas and Palm Springs, they were only a twinkle Jn some promoter's eye. Thank Goodness! Good Old Days Are Gone Today thetraveler making .thiajsa?·??e- jctEcac^- -^m Ana-tt&smsm- blessed with a wide variety of choice accommodations in palatial hotels and guest ranches. The present expansion program at Tom Hull's Sacramento JE1 Rancho Hotel is just one example of what is happening on the I resort scene. When completed the Hull organization will have spent $500,000 on the El Rancho, which Jwill make it one of the finest luxury-resort hostelrys in the West Thirty additional guest room 5 been added so that the current tense reservation"/" condition ^ill be alleviated. Also on tap for the hoteUrnew Roundup Bfom is a cavalcade ??f name orchestras j ' arwood Van as fie current attrao* M tion. Down Palm Sprii new El Mirador Hft< gathering of film f ol Tuesday the Las Palm Also on the Pal: way this week end vlll find the fabulous kicking off its pren#ere celebration to a business and social leaders; while next ^JHoteljdusw off the welcome mat. rings' Biltmore BuHprfor Privacy ; -^siar- Springs scene, thjffeiltmore, now in4ts fifth season of providing for the desert-co^cious vacationej||||[e finest of accommodationsVhas even mof-* Individualistic rooBis, each are designed with utT attraction^this yea^: rv.?╟? alseparate. entrance-.$hd patio, I ac'^ h^'mind. Th^sii&ie&^ave fire-1 places and snack bars with refrigeratlfpi Only 109 miles, from Los Angeles, Palm Sprfcc^^ip become J one of the mos% popular desert communii|p^^lh??^|ountry. | A word to the wise holiday ttiyeler: I^ser9^tIdi^Vwill be atl an all-time peak this year, so anyone cont|hiplating?╜ Christmasp or.New Year's jaunt had better make plans now,/^^' I PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York DAILY REPORTER HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. DEC iO 1352 ESTABLISHED 1888 (H) BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street,- New York LOS ANGeSs, CALIF. HERALD & EXPRESS Circ. D. 428,007 ;.- DEC 10 1952 Picked up by H has had his ^f ii. u. Hover at Ciro's, i extending the comedian's stay there to I three weeks. An increasing number of f professional fo/k are crowding Ciro's fl to be regaled by Baylor, who is rated I "a comedian's comedian." Rounding 1 out the entertaining show with him 1 are the dance team of Bud and Ce< Robinson, the Dirk z+~u BILIA CORLMffi SM rv i : "uu ana C [ anoI the Bobby R?Σ≤* Si?bJ'e Orch?╜ I be followed Z?*?Σ≤0S Band- The- <~ece hestra S'nging discoveries x/:beaut!fu' girl gets ',veca Lindfors . . ..^a Lined _ the cover of Theatre Arts for January following her acclaim in "I've Cot Sixpence" on Broadway . . . Les I Tremayne's Hollywood Actors Council f collected three big cartons of good f second-hand shoes for Mother Cabri Day Nursery. MGM publicist Torch ia get* /~-^-J:j- ^m Caesar vi/;ii u ... nandel s ' ^sic Guild's sec ICae: f ond offering nftk Emily | ?╟≤..A Julius of "Consul, production Whitney R manager. Sponsd NEW YORK, N.Y. World-Telegram & The Sun Circ. D. 555,017 DEC 12 1952 -New York-Day by Day 'JSSI^KKSSSS^ ii, _. ar wound u,,J "caire ?╟≤ ?╟≤ . Raoul ?√ß ??"* sessions ^^ record- I t'ons^for Allied ArtTsts N^LP,rodu^ has.been bedded from \ u** jeffr'"es I eV unit on Jan Ts w LanV F''"- N?ck Carroll has'arrant >"' coach tmes and material fora?║c? new ?╜??- 1 fo<-d p.a. tour. a Frances Lang- iAMESLlLBURM career out of Vhb: p^ll ^ake DAVID BUTLER 1 Li cLerie LorW'TerS' "Ca'amity .L??[ds novel, "Th, s the June choic Jncy Dancer," the L.terary Guild" whC| J^e cho,'ce C,ub will send if V^ e the Booi< I ust iQrH *Zna ,f to members in A, & ?╟≤-ura currently, :_ in Aug "The Ravagei The Bell S currently Year-Round iSmaat Unlucky MiawniRacin^In Ventures &| NEW YORK, Dec. 10.?╟÷The time is not j ^*m Florida, will have racing the year around, i that is, and whether it will he a boon or not to say." All I feel sure about is that it will That will be a milestone in the growth <j mmmn*^~??*m2m*. ?√ß way metropolis" toj tions of the south, I Because, in a wa growth of Miami cl growth of its horse J that John I. Day anl a dusty little track! in the infield, called So they should r. one down there or down the latter has in his last luckless v of tracks in Las Ve Some sort ol m seems to follow Sj| matter how far aloij ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York NEW YORK, N. Y. DAILY NEWS Circ. D. 2,402,346 - S. 4.716,807 DEC 15 1952 ILLCOKUM "-al VSSA^ ?·^??L??*?? *"*??* they taJK sters will M -The Vets' Bag-o-fS C? ? ?√ß to P e,'" then Repub^lL^- C??"d *> Sea of Lost Ships'' ? h'm a ro'e ._ .a me.nberof which honor at <?√ß(-.?╜ r ??╟≤ """ De guests Saturd; Ms^i;pw:^tje^Hc- ?║d rather jps m^ UlittZe Old ?√ßaiei80?Σ≤^smprietu vork i 1 *e U.S. Coasf c, ?╟÷,- - ~. -.Mtonlg Weston back. ago Mrs. George Blakeslee, wife ol the emineiit ^ew world's 'chamS,"?? jTexa". i th. pletefy interiors. various Gets Uelp From Sn By ED SULLIVAN refurh/ck jIS nas been com W.^ iC^Lllcl H1JL?╜- cream, wouldn't you Urb'Shfd f^ Helen FraSn' P"^ A"ita' the ricftest Wd most Ue<;t r^ a_"Min fit nrnmn+i^?╟? _J! _n .. i All guest sensa whii ?╟≤emayne and Al ?√ß3'r seventh ..ure ce Reinheart 'edding anni- ?√ßts promotion of all time, and Hialeah, #n its own account. j ffetow well Lou Smith, the "Kock of the 1 . What started but to be a sack of fruit lias 0/ds ^with^P S',dew for C?Σ≤umbfa????neyd ;gold for hospitalized Korean jets MtaejChrtj ^oel Hylton 28 *' ' Rec-i lined' up a national -store.$$ player, havin^l?1?]0" end?╜Jrance oianf gifts for the GIS, but p/^nd 2 minutes witho??^ t??r 80 h??u| Somewhere along the lin|v/Rvan, currently atl^ueep ?√ß ?√ß ?√ß 'rent conducted the famed Wars Vegas, tees off hT /-m nderb'>d, Lai started to collect cuff but P'rate" p.a.'s for pLn ^'ackbeard thel pens, etc. Then she got St D'e^.. ."Darkne ??n 93 :- bft, has beL Jhomas show op, f?·&2&Hotel, La . . supper cfijfV 'WKJms and the ?·r,g-nal Paintings bvT^Wa"s have WOW- ?√ß MalanX^JJ^Case M0?·J?Σ≤'* last -faUures" a success in La^ ;en^igniJ^^'^Lam- M I know is that they likely will have j n#Dec. is at "he" & fQs?╟?agamst+the -'bush" racing of past' ROT, "KingN The Bfi releai J-ompo%] cole' gfe^^,... NeC I? 195h ,;uP''to'>H??w, I haven't seen a sp 'oSWfo^nging ?Σ≤?tmg-could be set up legally fail. Whether it ^^^ gon and opened a collegia rec*ed by Herbert i^^ 1 on Dec. 23 M at Noon," di- 23 every Korean vfflImaged at BovJrd A,,^h!-' ,s beir,g within a 50-mile radius of camPUs- Dec. 11-13^?^^ UsC number that corresponds t ^omP'etely orig/na/ 'v^L?- 6' wifh bag and entitles him to sJ:???Σ≤ sets designed byS'ng cca,ta- Russell told a studio pal that shffl!M"Buu '??*Wb??--.-ii.cus f"u"1 Frank Farrell field plan to adopt two more tots after their boy! and girl reach kindergarten age.... Ram grid star Harry Thompson's [wife gave birth to a daughter, making the family score 2 and 2. ... Marilyn Monroe's surprise change of agents in midstream had toj| : do with money. Although she's had global publicity, her $750 salary is far short of banking stardom and her contract has only six months I to go. . . . Only 11 shopping days to go before parlors blossom with green trees?╟÷and what ever happened to chlorophyll. It had ^a I shorter run than crybaby Ray's marriage. . . . John Barrymore Jr. and Hoagy Carmichael's wife checked into Hollywood's Good Samaritan Hospital with minor ailments.... Five Miami hotels have offered j Milton Berle and Ruth Cosgrove a honeymoon on the house, if they'll j only say "yes" to each other. -^^M^ Jose Greco's fiery Spanish dance troupe took over the Waldorf's Empire Room last night, one of the mpst exciting outbursts of en- * tertainment ever staged on a dance floor. The loud "Oles!" that ; greeted this classic Latin from^ ] Manhattan and his beautifully! I..talentjid...comnan.v j debut were like crowd j. the bull ring scene in "Cinerama."; ... Nancy "The Country Girl" Kelly phpned from Tommy McDonald's Singapore in Chicago, :*her after-show oasis for relaxing and probing what plays with pals on either coast. Confirms that the) road company hit will come to j New York after in-between stdjj overs .Novelist Steve Longstreet has undertaken a deal for a biO' scenario on opera's Great Dane, Lauritz^MelchJor. . . . Lena Home, ! who worried friends with her lack of weight^was^ound shy pf vitamins by her California doc who long-d^as^^aw^tekt buildup diet. j. . . Arthur Murray's rejoicing over me^^test^psi^hiatric trend. Dancing is^b^escribed to take one's'nlhjFoff one's rato&and place more e'mphwls*^ one's unbalanced fief ... Ray Siimjra, former musical directorW Mario Lanza's radi^lhow, has lander the baton assignment in next week's opening of Tme S^rids ; Producer Lester Cowan's incredible pIot^l^BiWtyfiimllljf ln"Man- ; hattan would co-star Hette Davis and Talll^Bankhead. 'mat's what the man said. ... Jack Hennessey. fprmerSoard chajqgian cjf.Vthe 'ffl, trotters, or dogs, and I doubt that it wil g^ track. TSven if, in the beginning, it is only an t 7 "?╟÷tion for the attractions already there, inchidinld Hotelthat is opening with such a splash next M hdwv8Smoot's latest "failure" can fail to succoen MeCormieh Does iWw \ At the moment, however, I'm thinking of iw where it's been and where it's going. If I had] luiaMltg^:-::.. that I believe has done more, over-all, for raciha a ;^^ any other individual, I'd name a husky gray-hairq -1 Sam McCormick. Men and Maids, and Stuff Too bad that President Truman didn't say, "Thank God that Ike got back safely from Korea." That Would have delighted all Americans, regardless of party. ... I'd suggest that Judge Edward Lumbard, when he goes before the Board of Education to represent Nat Holman, point out that City College stars like Moe Spahn, Cliff Anderson) Halsey J^r,er)hson, Hick Rubinstein, eto., have become prominent citizens; that^Hol- man has run a magnificent children's Summer camp for 33 years. He might add that Holman deli berately erased night clubs, racetracks from his life, believing a coach shouldn't be seen in them. Hol- man's 34 years at CCNY have been singularly good years>. .'". A daughter for Irving Berlin Each, in his time, has made his contribution. Florida and Miami will in the future want to has done more to promote the future of the sta l|pf Miami than either can ever repay. Home Greco Continued o tomed to getting V ./nation's best shows in the normal course of com- i petition between the town's deluxe I tourist traps. In each, of course, , the floorshow serves merely as a \* lure for the gambling dollars of; the hordes ojffijyjg&3?╜iES who swell! the populati||f^^*3S^8j^hnated 100,000 w'eek#:^raais.yea^ thWom- petition is' Seener because oKythe two new #usheries,J|S?╜ SaKara i (open), andf thj^JJaad* (opefing Dec. 16). 1 m S t ^??J ??aI1 a?╜??^ Se pione<*s *wn thJ ^ ?╟??╟?-_ ... ^ rOtiPlW^ ^^i em?╟?pme >?? meaning Joe WM the Jimmy McHales, of the Walker Cup team fr' Ti?Σ≤ -n mmiey> Bl11 Dwyer, Frank Bruen J d?Σ≤ scandal will add to the boxing game's earaches, f Jirnmy Dorm and Nate Herzfeld. I ?╟÷?╟÷ L Navy ships touching at Mediterranean ports diH posters of Lucky Luciano, warn U.S. sailors not to ar any hospitality from him. One sailor grabbed in TJ with heroin he'd slipped under his blouse. Turkish "pua who sold it to him also acted as gov't informer. . . . I pended sentence of Sam Chapman verifies my column!* But he emerges with a shabby rep. . . ?╟≤. Dorothy Cpp<; daughter of former U.S. Ambassador to Italy, weds jj Ston Fleiss Jr., on ^Tan. 2. . . . Westminster Abbey ai^ being built to hold Coronation guests. ... Roy Rogat and Dale Evans adopted a son, Sandy. . . . Nat King (r8; ailing. . . . Charles MacArthur's banker brother, John, s U^ packer of "The Intruder," starring Margaret O'Brien Eddie Dowling. . . . Judy Garland gets here Christifc& week. . . . Monty Woolley and Fay Bainter preparin S1 Shaw reading tour. Bronx Borough Pr?·s*dw???? James Lyons' son, Air F<^ Lt. Bill, marrying NBjfeyefulVivian Ferracci in April. L*| The Irving Berlimrplaned tolEurope to spend ChristLot with the,,GIs. .jr^Dorothy Bay den's Irish Steppers bnt! jaailed those Id&ftunes to Marine Sgt. Thomas Gl-ynih^jj Korea. . . . Ge??\Iimmy Dooliftle birthdaying. . . . TV lLve ding for PetyLawford. . . | Cesar Romero dating B< Wfc Furness. . ?√ß M. Giants' Bobbr Thomson and Elaine CJ-^i Wedding, D^. 27. . . . "DialAl for Murder's" author, Fret V- Kaott, and pill Doll's ex, Njlia, dialing. .*. . Nevada's Go^ Busselli Jimmy Durante anil Martin and Lewis will tee of Jack Entratter's Sands Hotel. Laa.. Vegas. . . Corinna Mura to nlarry her pTamsf, Tab'a Fjer". 7'.'"."Biblical Christ- Bias mess^es decorating^ubway posters in eight languages.