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    PRESSfCLIPPINf#Ts&REAU 165 Church Streft - New York INDIANAPfLIS, IND. TIBjES Circ. Di 96,161 nov wi 41 It Happened Last Might t&u Earl Wilson Danny Kaye3s Fine9 Mut9 Oh You Menee NEW YORK, JSToy. 27-?╟÷All of us climbed into ??m*, "formais" last night?╟÷remember when they called them that? It was In honor of a red-headed ex-nobody, from Brooklyn who became one of the world's great stais?╟÷^ariny Kaye. We loused up Times Square 't?·a&i$ Teal dandy ganging up for the wqrld premlejre of Ills picture, "Hans Christian Andersen;" ' I love Danny. He was pluperfectly peachy. The picture was deevine. But if you're a man \ >. which I am . . . It's also nice -to talk to luscious Renee Jeanmaire, the French ballerina; who was his leading woman. "IN THE PICTURE you look very saxee," I told "Zizi" ^|t a party given by Samuel Goldwyn later, "p^pou have a hosbon?" "I don*tltteed"any of my own right now," said Zizi, who'sh^t . i . and she was right. There were lots ot oth^ai hosbons available. Her ha^O %as mueb. dehated. Singer Fran Warren, saidnt was the most provocative hairdo ??%'(*; ever i^een. Somebody said it looked like something the cat dragged in, somebody else said no .'.*5at would bother to drag it in. I liked it, so whatta you gonna do? .: .^Sijjisa ?Θ╝Scfl(twyn proved a generous, humble host. I'm sorry, there were no new Goldwynisms committed. The only thing; like it was fro/m a Frenchman; ^ho^a^Jie never argued with Miv" Goldwyn fth^^lth^MHture. "I couldn't 'talk to him," the Frenchman said. "He doesn't talk English." -I WAS PRIVILEGED to sit at the Round Table at ^iE Hillcrest Country Club in Beverly Hills with ^|e Marx Brothers and agent Paul Small. One pirn was about late film boss Winnie Sheihan. A Somerset Maugham story was offered |flraW cable for $6000. "I'll give you $3000," h* messaged. Came a reply: "Typographical I error. Price should have read $60,000." Mr. Sheehan messaged back: 'Til give you $30,000." ., ?╓¬ ?╓¬ .,?╓¬ ,:l$Pf??ID %OTT see 'Cinerama' yet?" One NY in- telligenerate asked another (according to Herb Polesie) and the second replied, "No?╟÷but I read the book" . . h An unendowed gal sadly sends this definition of a bra: "Something to hold up I nothing." A FRIEND of playgal Lenore Lemmon?╟÷who lives in Levittown?╟÷explained it this wife "Where else can you find a car pool to a psy^yatBist?'' ?╓¬ ?╓¬> ?╓¬ GENTLEMAN George Solotaire wears a $100 hat given him by his pal Joe DiMaggio who doesn't wear hats. Georgie says, "I've got a price on my head." ?╓¬ ?╓¬ ?╓¬> THE MIDNIGHT EARL . . . Buster Keaton comes to B'way in a show, "Saddle and Go" . . . Aren't the Igor Cassinis (Charlene Wrightsman) expecting an heiring? Chic Farmer, the publicist, weds Elaine Francis, lovely As- bury Park, N. J., disc jockey, in February . . . Actress Joan Roberts (wife of Dr. John Don- Ion for six years) is writing a book, "The Copwwwad is For- mays ward, She too. is sin] Elsj somi the safei Pari! McCr%i show greetej was ei the salel on your expense accoun hotel bill">H?║$ lales Mgi hotels, wit! husband's help. be seen on TV, ece Blake, of Akron, irooklyn spot". Jewell introduced new to fashion at Goldwyn pa|ty: A fn to hold herf lovely gfwn together _- ?║. Tex be* doing his #vn TV . . Jimmy wrnon, at the Embers Cecc Blake cafe, 'aged f or th t clore at "What s tfls item Salesmam "My : "Don't buy an| TODAY'S BEST LAUGll: An Indian Jbnding smoke signals Hsays AlberkBlack) ha#a fire extinguisher at his side. "In%Qa$e I xjpsspell word and have to erase." he e: Taffy Tuttle read that there we 58 hidden taxes in a pair of shoes and wailed, "No wonder my feet hurt." Woody Allen figured out what OPS prices are ?╟÷Over Peopled Salaries .,. That's Earl, brother.*!] ESTABLISHED BArclay 7-5371 IPRESS CLIPPING BUREAU :^ Church Street - New York SAN%tANCISCO, CALIF. CHRONICLE Circ. D. 164,787 - S. 278,094 Hec|o to Germany . James Masordimension ready ^ebrjiary to sijgood; one BAD 11%"^ which q stinker has deduce and dire^'he take on the time -these tw?ff to scrap his s%?·f"Qdd p funny proposi- Ppf a man|ho produced the arms-and me? M% W$?·mw sent me roses An|l' jfM.eanw'7'ZZ never for- Mp -J&vel abgas I live." The \Y??m'fm^mem, he Sloped \terJ!M&0P<e?Σ≤-e the story. Rwm.BWyw heading an or- Kelly to co-^ons of the Film and I underkL2LMS-SI9}^_p j Award, it's in this picture. The years have taken the "pretty boy" curse off Bob and made of him | a seasoned actor. It couldn't hap- ben to a nicer guy. Danny Thomas closes his Chez l^man^STliosrery a barrassing time. Ba put an end to this] new runpropf stoclj orously sheer (15 j If you have beel that a practical stl jjracttcal^ and?╟÷<** jParee engagement in Chicjgo Ihis week; then goes to Tole<jo for a visit with his mother before r?╜-> turning home. He opens t&: g&nd^jj lllS^C.ig^Las Vegas durffig^tne CllliyLlllUSllnl!Wl,cryt*''iJ'??li' .|?·%p? W^ PRESS ClIPPINGTOREAU 165 Church Street - New York I NEW YORK, N. Y. TELEGRAPH Circ. D. 63,107 NOV 2 9 1952 **?√ß On the Hollywood Scene * Charles Span'gler Wayne Readies His New Home; 'Rose Marie' May Be Held Melinda Marx' Note t&vad HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 28^TOavid Waym I busiest carpenter and paintfl^in town, geytfffl his I new home'finished insidejrit's a Hollyipod Hills I spot with a view. The Waynes take aft December 15 fo^Tsiesta at thJfSands Hotel, their#first trip Don/McNeill's belief that th< fewer wrecks in hoijy^fnd hufgy days "because JjjKK the drivers didn't haveijSTOepend en- tiiply on their^KTOL intelligence" than the M-G-M cutie who said: "I'm thinking of marriage. That's where the dough is"...And Denise Darcel was referring to the fact that she's the only femme in "Flame of Calcutta" when she winked and said: "Zat ees a situation anee woman enjoy, on screen or off".'. .Allied Artists whooping it up for its December 24 premiere of "Hiawatha" at the New York Bijou. More than$400,000 special student-rate tickets will be spread among schools in the area...Two or three independent pictures of late, widely and expertly ballyhooed, are failing to live up to their publicity. AND THE TEPID time review on "Hans Christian Andersen" must have given Sam Goldwyn a jolt. lfo^| film is no better than the mag indi- cates.Jfchi pjielucer may have a difficult time making a buck on this expensive film.. A sight for sore eyes when Rev. Jim McClain, formerly "Doctor I. Q." on the top radio show, appeared on Ralph Edwards' "This Is Your Life." Among other old associates they surprised him with: Dale Evans, who had been his partner on a radio show about 15 years ago and whom McClain hadn't seen, in person, since... Bette Davis says she's still interested in two ^tlnjects for movies?╟÷the life of Sarah Bernhardt and a jkBTNlbout Abraham Lincoln's ,wite. j THE LATEST ADDED attraction at Strip City, of the burleycue niteries, is Marilyn, the TaleWar Girl... And it looks like an added attraction \ Vegas, where the 160 acre international- interr|cMj^i^ys a-building4ilt's to be ready Ication nexjjyear on Armistice Day November ll.\ Th'e proj^ includes a $5,500,000 hotel with Casino,\wbidh||^i cater especially, to Negroes, Mexicans* J|IKnese and any other race or creed which wjpres to use it. Paramount's physical train- ini vjajifen, Jim Davies, is one of the ha^&ojw^T combines western style entertainnient "with Rffehce participation on its new "Town Hall "Party," with the local "rural regulars" as talent. KECA-TV is doing all right with its latest western variety, "All American Jubilee." One thing about this Los Angeles $|dience, about three-fourths of the population had its roots in the mid-west and would rather hear a hillbilly fandango than anything "Shows of Shows" or "All-Star Revue" can dish up. T FOR HANGOVERS, bartenders now suggest a mixture of vodka and yogurt. ..This is the inscription on the watch given by Skelton to moppet Tim Considine: "To the best actor ever to work with Red Skelton".. .With producer Arthur Horn- blow due to depart \ in a few months from M-G-M, the plans for making "Rose Marie" again are up in the air. The film was to have been shot entirely on location in Glacier National Park... They're calling it "The Paley Report" at CBS because the network's board chairman headed the U. S. Materials Policy Commission. Actually, it'll he a full-hour documentary telecast, "Resources for Freedom," which CBS-TV will present next March, For men in every kind of business, it'll be of the greatest significance because it'll project the supply and demand of raw materials for the next 23 years .. .Melinda Marx, 8, wanted a box of crayons from papa Groucho when he went to New York. He promised to bring them only if she would write to him. She said, "No." Groucho then said, "No letter?╟÷ho crayons." Melinda thought about it a while and finally agreed that she vould write. Groucho asked her, "What will you write me about?" And Melinda shot back "I'll write: 'Dear Daddy, please send me a box of crayons'." ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. CITIZEN-NEWS Circ. D. 35,225 . MOV 28 112 Ralph Jslrane, loc< who ha#made several and'ttpht club appear! beep Jgned for a six-^ ment/at the ~ begijning Dec. dlS staff menih|Jf are forming a gl% club which^will ja&directed by TOT^Riccj^Fthe transcription | department J I Arthur Godfrey is profiledlin 1 the December issue of Cosmopoli- I tan Magazine. Dinah, Shore dona.tgtt one-of, her own paintings to?t|g?· Organization i for 'Rehabilitation ^.rough Train- ling Art .Exhibition t?? be held Dec. 10 at 8720 Sunset Bl|d. . a The fi|||songs n|im'. played by Ithe KLAifepsc jocke^SLfrom Oct. [*15 t!^e|Hj^fe.'45. were: "I Went to Y^fe'-^^^^p,"2 "Glow Worm," "Wish^Jfe^M^ro .JHere," "Bunny Hop," ano^You Belong to Me." Earl's Pearls Those TV gals put every cent they earn on their backs?╟÷certainly not on their front, says Chuck Barnett. ESTABLf^^^P^1 BArclay 7-^T PRESS CLIPPING B&REAU 165 Church Street *;New York BROCKTO#%ASS. ENTERPRISE & TIMES Circ. D. 38,674 - qcSjIl 1352 1 jBH flt^happened Last Night By Earl Wilson ffl I Dog Struggles to Rescue Master Spilled by Canoe Ij|Me| JTew York OUR SCHNAUZER COOKIE can't be psychic ?╟÷ anyway she never gets my message when I wish she'd stop barking. But actress Vivian Blaine's husband, Manny Frank, thinks so. 'Jf ^-7V - -J8& When he was almost drowned from a tipped canoe recently, his Boxer was yowling terribly and trying to break from a chain ?╟÷ at the same moment ?╟÷ at a vet's miles away. The vet tells of other dogs bark-f>- ing frantically when masters died hi distant places. (We will publish other scientific scoops like this ?╟÷ unless restrained.) ROCKY MARCIANO says his missus is expecting . . . Mayor Im- pelitteri wants to stump NY State for Stevenson. That's why he's trying to avoid surgery now. After election, he'll vacation at Walter Shirley's Florida spot -;. , . Rita Hayworth may be a princess again. But she asked Atty. Bartley Crum to get her an absent voter's ballot . . . Bunny Bunn (of Wilson, N. C.) attracted plenty of attention in "Michael Rose's Capers," here. NY GIANT FANS should latch onto Jack Tirman's proposed slogan: "Wait'll last year!" ?╟÷ my gorgeous mother-in-law's been named mother-in-law of the year; by the Carolina Carousell. She (and Slugger) will ride a special float in a Thanksgiving parade at Charlotte . . . "This is the year," says Comedian Joey Adams, now doing a great TV show from Baltimore," in which Nixon and Marilyn Monroe both disclosed their physical assets." GIVE US Yankees credit for enterprise. In Paris, Producer Arthur Lesser just saw a couple Commy signs screaming "Americans, Go Home." An alert exploiter had added: Via TWA!" MILTON BERLE'S crammed plenty to memorize the Ezio Pmza hunk of his script?╟÷rightly. Last time Pinza was on his show, Miltie suddenly said:- "You missed your cue!" Pinza cracked back: "I wouldn't have if you'd learned your lines." . . . The old Berle with the new jokes isr getting ravesfrom many Hollywood gintellectuals who didn't like his slapstick. Anyway, Mr. Rose keeps giving a lot of people a Billyache. AJ?g\f TWENTY-SIX New York notables can start shivering. They've been named by another New York! notable as "being more. friendly I than I am" with "3-Finger Tommy Brown," the politico. A letter fiateij ^"*TOehl'"'atr^^?╜ffout"'"'to be pufr^; lished. THE MIDNIGHT EARL David K.' Niles, President Truman's onetime ass't., was a cahler victim (B'way hears), but?╟÷ I've just learned of two mere Hollywood stars who hoke^^g^: by discovering^:' Connie Club : CopaotfBana with Jack jEhtratJj moamg to the new S$nds Ijffiel TCtoAY'S NONSENJSK^-Life's. collecraaj of B-BoEU((R5ries are all stale, cumpli^^'Winy Reed; of the Little Club^w|iO,:'with;3^^I5ailey, invents 'em. Latest:- ??^-hipster, says to another, "Man, |#l?·;%as you ?╟÷and I am, you know!" WISH I* SAID THAT: Comic Heriny Youngman to half-pint Jerry Bergen: "Jerry, you're losing height." (Copyright 1952) 1 agem^wfr- tbaf Sands- Hot plpirtiitnodels Ijqancers trptfe "permanent" show- ^gMsKtt^. The" Sahd%%hich of- rpcially-- opens' Dee: 15, will be t THE MOSTfJJj&a**,*^, /i//v