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    News of Sons Illness Bfngs Barbara Paytan Flying Home |By HARRISON CARROLL ?√ß News of the illness of her son, Johnny, brought Barbara Peyton flying.back here from London last Saturday night. : Tom Neal was on the same plane but he and Barbara dodged rafblicity* in fact very few of their friends even know of their ?√ß ?√ßs^Evali"" II ;: I hear it was feared at first that Barbara's little boy might have polio but this turned out to be untrue. He is much better now. llifx jjlml vX understand that both Barbara and Torn ha^e offers for mpre pictures in England and that they will return there insMta^ c Op, Thursday, there will be a slight echo of the PaytpmTone' jftvorce suit. Through Attorney Milton Golden, Barbara will ask the eourt to return to her the right to use her maiden name. "?√ß* ?√ß: ?√ß * * Report here is that Frank Sinatra wmsstay only eight days with Ava Gardner on the ' ' s^mm Nairobi location of "Mogambo." .^Bfce returns to Hollywood, friends say, because he has his heart set on landing one of/the leading roles in "From Here to Eternity." | "^?f Jill Offered*Jobs I 1?║$ ,, 7/v Jill Hollingsworth, the girl whose mother embezzled money to hetp her win a film career, had wanted to remain in Hollywood, she Ji?║&ffiW QffgT. ,pf several gobs; Bryan ^^^dled Jill's agent, War- fity?; Toub. Nils T. Granlund was another, who called with an offer id help, a*/* JiJXjurant&djtQ return to Frank Sinatra Barbara Payton Frank de Vol was the hero at the Jack Smith-Dinah Shore show at the CBS Radio Theater. When the curtain rose, the mike and stand were caught and pulled up into the air. De Vol saw it from the wings, rushed Out on stage, pushed Dinah away and caught the mike, i Eddie Fpy jr. V illness is. a flareup .of his old ulcer trou- I ble. He goes to New York for ?√ßvan operation but, according 'tp Brother Charley Foy, the surr gery is nothing to cause alarm |j?· ..It's a five-pound, 13-ounce ^daughter for thev Cafe Gala's iJim Dolan and his wife, the former Beverly Stoner. They haven't picked a name yet... French Ballerina Collette Mar- chand, who sat around for 18 months at R-K-0 and did nothing, returns here from France in February for a ballet en- .- gagement: and also to plug "Moulin Rouge." ?╟≤ *' * * Broadway Lures Pete Don't be surprised if Pete Lawford signs for a Broadway musical comedy.-.'.Diana Lynn, who gets seasick when she even ?╟≤looks at the ocean, has; to do most of her scenes in "t*1-- der of the Sun".Ml Maryanne Bullock, young Sacramento pianist, Will be presented in recital by the Hutten- back Artist Bureau on Wednesday evening in the Assistance League Playhouse. A veteran of the concert stage at the age of 18, Miss Bullock has been playing the piano ever' since she was 3 years old. BUY ORIGINAL j Universal-International announces acquisition of Frank Gruber's original story, 'F'rost Starvation.'1 sea. ..Mocambo twosome: Kathryn Gra^sa^^aTid^Benny Thaw. .^^iSi^^l^elrsS8 JUL J\ PRESS oiPPlN^JKEAtJ Established 1888 | SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle NOV 2 8 19S2 Virginia City$ Her Territorial Enter- prise SANOS HOTEL GETS GAMBLING O. K. ^|?║K LAS VEGAS^Final approval of a gambling license for Jake Freedmah's Sands Hotel was voted unanimously by" the county licensing board here recently. This action would appear to clear the way for the expected winter opening of the lavish strip hotel. However, the board will be asked shortly to act on the add^X of two names to the. ^a^(|s^%\ cense. | ^?║ They are Jack Entl^^^ former owner of New ?╤<^r$'" $0P&- cabana, who will request ^proard to approve his application for a five percent interest in the hotel; and Eddie Levinson, a veteran gambler, who will ask the board's In IN AlWB reCTED ..Bin B. REEVES EASON has returned from two weeks of pheasant hunting in Idaho. The director is starting work i on the script of "Tale of the Red Deer," which he will film in England in Technicolor next February . . . Crash Corrigan, Alibi Terhune, Slim Andrews, Tex Terry, Carl Zeller, Elaine Zazette, Carol Kamenis and models from the Rosalie Burrow Agency will appear in the continuous entertainment at the annual Southern California Council of Camera Clubs' Photographic Jubilee on Sunday at the Corriganville Movie Ranch . . . Seymour Felix will create special dance routines for the Ritz Brothers' full-hour show on the All Star Revue over NBC, Nov. 22 . . .' Rosetta and Vivian Duncan reopen tonight at Arthur Lyons' Saddle and Sirloin in Studio City after a four- i month absence. The sisters are set for an indefinite engagement. ?╟≤ BARBARA BRITTON, elected honorary Mayor of Hollywood in a fund- raising campaign under the auspices of the Hollywood Kiwanis Club with pro- I I ceeds going to under-privileged chil- dr?·Pf-"'Wl11,"?╜Ja1e installed by Kiwanis jtDanieS^Bonbright at a Knick- 'e7bockerHBtel lutocheon tomorrow ... ""HugoFregonese wW be interviewed by Bob Greene on hisV\BC "Newsreel" next week . . . Songstress-comedienne Fay DeWitt opens at Ifae Bar of Music tomorrow for an ununited engage- mmniti). irep^eJa#=rN?╜ble^nd~l^Hq?"^^^??' Connee Russell has beeif signed for the Jand^iatak opening bill with Danny JWi^iP5igTnning Dec.ll 5 . . . ^'"g^"- dium, has been set through CAC for eight days at the jfalomar Theatre, Seattle, starting Nqj/. 23 . . . Dolores Hawking, currenHsf at Ciro's, has been, signecKto do a?╜^concert with Johnnie* as, Ray DeciJjy(n Honolulu and will open* TafTTT^t the Clover Club, Miami . . Abner Creshler is making a lot of commercial exploitation tieups for his British film, "Emergency Call" . . . Vit- torio Gassman is getting a lot of press attention back in Rome following his, U.S. film debut in Shane-Tors' "The J j Class Wall." 1 ftne director?-- ?╟≤ vieWer, is I lii$UVsfff jSet gang 1 mSsmk wBMm 1 at maps. ^ 1 ovJniv . Cineram i ?Σ≤X t^nces la^oston f\ ^"cieram^Tve-gpegi llPhilly I are * MSS GLIF^piOREAU I655?Θ╝hurch $$?·$- New York MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. TRIBUNE Circ.fBfewO^is; - S. 615,888 NOW 1)52 /Walter Wiftcteit / ' NEW YpMK^^^^^ CuffCfin-T/me: The theater's inte^t^Nal relations were never friendlier. RiSjijpers Inked another happy alliance with the^^llic repertory troupe* hailing its artistry in^pe Proces." The Parisian players also inspired oolahlahs and champagne 'toasts for their versions of Moliere's "Amphitryon" and "Les Fourberies de Scapin." The National Theater of Greece troupe arrived with "Electra," starring.the electric Katina Paxinou. The drama-diplomats became enchanted allies of the star and show.**Jaj| An American cast and play, "The Seven Year Itch," triumphed, too. - This gay-guy-gal spoof transformed most critics into cupids. They showered Vanessa Brown and Tom Ewell with, valentines. Theflopktures: "TheJ^^^sf^^ passable opus caught IflPWM^^e^a^eaevil and Virginia Mayo's deep blue orbs. Alan Ladd handles the abracadabra. A stilted, Italian import called "Streets of Sorrow" deals with Jezebels. It is anti-sin' and pro-yawn'sMf'Hellgate" has more horses than horse^sense. "Scotland Yard Inspector" is a crime and punishment maneuver. The tale is a crime j and the audience is punished. "Life Begins Tomorrow" is a f eeib'ie Frenchie, empty as the Eiffel tower and t?╜$ce as heavy. "South Pacific Trail" is another example of inflation. A million7dollar robbery ;' in a dime-a-dozen plot; Staifwvy toihe Starsr^pxr' Bette Davis revue has changed nearly everything ex^pt the star and jt'he standing room only Ugh.' Broke the Pittsburgh Nixon theater record with $41,000.11 P|tf Rodgers & Hammerstein will open tlieir next show at Cleveland; Cheryl Crawford will debut her new Tennessee Williams play in Chi-- cage and several other top Broadway producers are looking at maps of the midwest. The trend JS to get away from Those Tired ^Gld Paces in Boston & Philly. Cinerama's eve'g perfs are sold out" until; early '53. Happy New Year! hart's initial B'way show, has a big demand for advj stance Bennett stars,^ph1cn explains Hollyweird is jaamied with jobless starlets and lovelies. Eour hundred and fifteen of them responded to the Sands hotel (Las Vega|lscjipru^call. :*^feaZsa's c|iote: "There's more to glamor tha^sticking%pur chest out" ... There iz??$ T/ie Te/efori|fe: The NBC Opera Thj?·*?║Vs "Tr??tible in Taffl^carved bean^^^t .of sound;" Superb atias^res^Hxft^aot |^Bzma- ta$|*^i Gagnificeht is the word for the J. Durahte- 1a Pons/; comedy ballet .. .."Through ;the Years" offered a reunion with show-biz titans. Helen Morgan purring "Bill," Al Jolson putting the throb in "Kol Nidre" and J. Barry- more's excerpts from "Hamlet" were a holiday for the memory.- TfS||||| "Racket Squads" is a standard ham-and-yegg series that teljs you Crime Doesn't Pay and; keeps on telling vou^ . . Godfrey nresenteda magician's carmva^Sia^feei^Eritertai qhatier Chawed TColrarh iplanes obt^or Oklahoma City today to partici-| pate in an Eisenhower rally, returning* tomorrow to resume his role in Warners^j^ma^kjater" I . . . Alan Ladd feted in Ipaon by j the British Cinematogjjfph As-j sociation, organization ofo,000 ex-; hibs and distribs and given a plaque . . T Raoul Walsh returns here late this week from England jto start preparations for directing '"A Lion Is In The Streets." Friend Baker, inventor of new f; tNTatural Vision three-dimension | process, will address Hollywood Ad fclub luncheon today at the Holly- jwood Roosevelt Hotel . . . Miliza korjus will be soloist with L.A. | jjCounty Symphonette Nov. 13 at a | jPomona concert . . . George A. | jSmith, Par western division man- | lager, home from Frisco sales ses- I [sion. George Pal wound up his Par I Iproductiorf of "Houdini" on Hal- J lowe'en, 26th anniversary of the J death of Harry Houdini . . . Pro- \ ducers Jules Levy and Arthur J .Gardner start casting this week for "Harness Bull," in which Ed- I ward G. Robinson will star . . . \ James Pratt, UI production manager, checks back today a'fter j three-week holiday . . . Betty Garrett American Airlines to NY to- j day to join Larry Parks . . . Mar- I tin & Lewis in from NY . . . | Charles Vidor back, too, from f Gotham, to prep for January take- J off of Par's "Rhapsody." I Sammy Lewis starts rehearsals | today on "Stars In Your Eyes," k show he's packaged for a Nov. 27 ; opening at the Flamingo, Las ., Vegas. Bobby Van, Barbara Ruick Band Alan King, topline package ... Rhonda Fleming does a March i of Dimes TV short today at Para- I mount . . . Cass County Boys will j accompany Gene Autry on tour of Texas opening Nov. 18 . . . Marilyn Erskine to NY for a week . . . H ?√ßRalph Meeker for a month . . . F Margaret Whiting off for TV !ap- pearances in NY and to discuss per new video series with sponsors I. . . Bob Lee, accompanied by his H iwife, Janet Waldo, back from Eur- ?√ß ppe. ^***U I Producer Buddy Adler, me^pr Fred Zinnemann and scriptejKDan fl [Taradash start casting confabs to- H jllay with Jerry Wald aj^m, Columbia's "From Here To Eternity" . . . i ?√ßDon Siegel to NY to*SiKeet a, tele- ?√ßUC) "Dianrrfnll" i ifrjfack Entratter, H general managers' of the-:fcjSaJ]|d&fS.v l&otel,. Las Vegas, on talent "nunF*, pTNY for the i/n's firs^Htrow. | -Ma*4*?╜To*en??fis in Rome, where she starts femme star role today %J pn Italian film^ "Life of Puccini"^ ^mm^s^f. / 1. Monroe won two re-j pkMi^v'^avaicade of s excellent : . . Close 1 +T^ose football fore-l grads of Bore- Iturn' aa ^^ America" is excellenT^TraoSI 'castZf?^e-th0Se f00tba11 f??re !dom u Wg gradS of Bore-