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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

Freeman company PUBLIC RELATIONS 9/1 Mr. A1 Josephy TIHS MAGAZINE Tine & Life Building Rockefeller Center New York City, Hew York Bear Al, When you were out la Lae Vegas last Spring, you nay re- member that 1 spoke to you about a possible color story for TIME on the fantastic color splash in the desert that is the Las Vegas entertainment picture* X would like to subnit the attached pictures for your observation to back up ny belief that TIMS could do a tremendous colo: The brilliant splash of color in the desert that ieyvsenn ^ all over the world actually started with a 39 year old Jack Entratter^wboshmiaggiSpiaia^^m^^ * started the mad scramble among the resort hotels in Lists Vegas for beautiful girls and lavish productions, by bringing his famous Copagirl thene to the Sands from Hew York when he opened the hotel in Becember of 1952. Before that, the six hotels which sere in operation then had used their show girls in meaningless and uninpressive stage-waits just to break up the appearances of the various acts on each bill. Sntratter shocked the rest of the producers in The Sntertain- nent Capitol of the Vorld when he opened his first show at ^ the Sands with 15 of the most beautiful girls in the West, wearing costumes that cost a total of $12,000 - which was ?√ßore than the headliner Banny Thomas was getting in salary! on the entertainment productions in Las Vegas V TOA V AX*7 a WX JL U V IASS JL JU Jf S3 WAJ. V9lk W JL VU m, VJ.U show business producer who is fast earning the title of "THE ZIEGFELD?╟Ñ -more- ACTIO BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ 449 SOUTH BEVERLY DRIVE ?╟≤ CRESTVIEW 6-4326