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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    'FREEMAN COMPANY pubficfsts - 3 r Nevada State coffers, a sure criterion of doing the most business in this desert resort that sees nearly $200,000,000 a year spent by the nine million visitors, nearly 55% of whom are from East of Las Vegas, as compared to the scanty b% from East of Las Vegas up to 1952* John Gunther in writing the Inside story of Las Vegas recently stated "Entratter is responsible for the transformation of Vegas from a dusty desert village to a town boiling with talent and glamour* He brought in Danny Thomas, Nat King Cole and dozens of other entertainers and made The Sands the enter- tainment capitol of the whole Strip and Vegas itself the enter- tainment eapitol of the whole world.?╟Ñ The "new Ziegfeld" has put on nightclub shows seen by L#992,000 people in his nightclub rooms since 19U0 ?╟≤ He has signed more payroll checks for top business stars, featured acts and musicians than any other American nightclub producer - more than 16,155 checks to some lj.,315 chorus girls, 3,290 musicians, 1,BUS. featured acts, and 12? top actsl Entratter has purchased more than #11,000,000 worth of talent for his nightclub presentations, and he spends each week nearly #55*000 for live entertainment for his shows at The Sands Hotel and his television productions in Hollywood. His relationship with top stars in America today is Mr. Entratter*s biggest asset in his ability to sign them away from competitors for his own productions. Martin and Lewis, for Instance, remember well that it was Jack Entratter who signed them to their first big-time break, when he scouted them at the Capitol Theatre in New York,-'19^7 ?╟≤ They were appearing as an unheralded attraction under Xavier Cugat, but Entratter thought enough of them to sign them for the NEXT 5 YEARS for his Copacabana shows. The top comedy team remembers that well enough today to sign with Entratter for the NEXT 5 YEARS to appear 3 weeks annually at his Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, as Individual stars. It was this kind of foresight.*..and planning that made Mr. Entratter sign Johnny Ray for $300 a week, when he first spotted him singing in a small bar in Queens, New York, while watching another bigger act* Miss Bankhead did her first nightclub engagement for Jack Entratter and will appear only for him for the next three years. - more - 9508 Wl LSHIRE BLVD. ?╟≤ BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ BRADSHAW 2-86 11