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I agree.AIR MAIL gentlemen's quarterly THE FASH ION MAGAZINE FOR MEN OFFICE OF THE PUBLISHER December 7, 1964 Mr. AX Freeman Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Al: My home address is: 420 East 51st Street New York 22, New York (Apt. 10F) And it's about time you visited me there . . . I hope you are at full peak again, Al, and I look forward to seeing you on the week-end of the 18th. I'll be arriving on TWA Flight #195 at 12:40, Thursday, December 17th. Mr. Edward M. Meyers, for whom I previously requested a reservation, will meet me there the same day and you were kind enough to verify his accommodations. Keep well, Al - give my best to Jack, - and I'll see you real soon. BJM :nm PUBLISHED 8 TIMES A YE AR 488 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK 2 2, N. Y. PLAZA 9-3232