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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    from the standpoint of prestige aiaong resorts alone* this now flight should mean slot of now good will and customers for Las Vegas* mh brought up again ths laattor of ths full color posters for placsnsnt in all ths terminals iduire Tift, flies* and also ths 60*006 miniatures for diroot vailing* fMA is willing to put in HS00 for art work* if ths hotels go for 62700 for printing* This is a troaendoua rains and must not be played down* To conn tsract ths cost* perhaps we could do the poster ourselrss* using Crocker and eren ears money doing it this way* At any rate* it boils dawn to an expenditure of only $366 per hotel* leoowaend we push this thru* An outline of suggested promotion on the press flight follows******** BEV E RLY HILLS, CAL, ?╟≤ 214 N. CANON DRIVE * CREST V !EW 6-4326