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I agree.DUECK ON BROADWAY LIMITED CHEVROLET ?╟≤ OLDSMOBILE ?╟≤ CADILLAC 13 0 0 BLOCK WEST BROADWAY ?╟≤ VANCOUVER 9, B. C. n May 23, 195? Mr. A1 Freeman Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Lear Mr. Freeman: Hi, How are things in Las Vega's "best known hotel? After our very successful tie in with the Sands and our Cadillac announcements last Fall, I thought IId drop you a line to see if you had any ideas that would he mutually profitable in either of these: 1* We have just announced the largest Automobile deal ever transacted, hav- ing signed a Contract with General Motors for $75,000,0????* This is being promoted in the form of DUECK $75 Million "Gold-Seal* Dividends. 2. In the Fall we will announce the new 1958 Cadillacs 1958 Oldsmobiles 1958 Chevrolets If you'll be thereyperhaps I could drive down that way on my vacation in August, stop off for a day or two, providing the tariff isn't too high for a hall closet with a slot machine. general m ?√φt?√φ r s wholesale parts distributors /