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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    OUT OF THE MOUTH OF BABES By Babe&Lazane , Golf is a pretty technical game, according to an article contained in the magazine ?╟úGolfing?╟Ñ under the byline of 1909 U.S. Open Champion George Sargent, who says we are entering on a ?╟úbrilliant new era of scoring and instruction.?╟Ñ Then re- garding the proper stance he relates:. ?╟úThis formula deals with the posi- tions of shoulders, arms, head posi- tion, feet and height. By this form- ula the distance of the ball from the, toes, as lined up in a square stance, is three times the distance from either aye to the ball minus the, total of the player?╟╓s heights, span of arms from fingertip to fin- gertip, and the club length.?╟Ñ ^ If this isn?╟╓t clear, what is meant, we?╟╓re pretty sure, is that the hypot- enuse is in juxtaposition to the frammis. If you can?╟╓t figure it out from there, throw your clubs in the reservoir and tell Ed to make yours a double. Lots of golfers, amateur and pro- fessional, never got as far as to flunk solid geometry . . . which probably proves they were never great golfers at all but merely fig- ments of somebody?╟╓s imagination. However, if this is the ?╟úbrilliant new era of instruction,?╟Ñ every mathemat- ical wizard in the country should be a PAR BUSTER! Taint CONFiDENTIAL It seems the Fred Bryants were away on vacation and left their radio on the patio BLARING AWAY night and day. Golfers Jean M ac- Kinnon and Emma Conron ploddin?╟╓ along No. 6 fairway decided to silence this detriment to their con- centration. So-o-o/H?╟ Second Story?╟Ñ Em scaled the 8-foot chain link fence and, standing on the garbage can, managed to turn it off I So adept was ?╟úFingers?╟Ñ Em at this inquisitive pursuit, she has de- cided to perform other small tasks at a nominal fee. Any member wishing to have their house haunted in their absence, lights turned off, the milk stopped before it piles up on the porch, or other overlooked details . . . call Scaler Em, or send for her free booklet! Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------- Calendar .MONTE CARLO NIGHT . . . Buffet dinner 6:00-8:00 p.m. Members only. 1 .WOMEN?╟╓S BOARD MEETING, 10:00 ! a.m., club house. < ; ?╟ú ' .REGULAR MEETING Women?╟╓s Or- ! ganization, luncheon 1:00 p.m., meet- jj ing 2:00 p.m. ! PRO-MEMBER CALCUTTA?╟÷^stag?╟÷ 1 !; dinner 6:00-8:00 p.m. | . PRO-MEMBER two-day tourney. | DINNER DANCE for members and j and guests. r .FINALE Pro-Member Tournament. J .WOMEN GOLFERS?╟╓ OPEN DAY and j luncheon. i November 14th, Wednesday .PAST PRESIDENT?╟╓S STAG DINNER | ... Ink Spots entertaining . . .dinner 1 7:00-8:00' p.m. November T8th, Sunday . . .TURKEY SHOOT, Partners?╟╓ best ball. ;; November 27th, Tuesday . . .HOSPITALITY DAY?╟÷ ?╟ú23 Shopping Days ?╟╓Til Christmas.?╟Ñ ! December 5th, Wednesday > .WOMEN?╟╓S BOARD MEETING, | 10 :00 a.m. December 7th, Friday : . . . .REGULAR MEETING Women?╟╓s Or- ganization, 2:00 p.m. I BUFFET DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY ?╟÷ 6:00-8:00 P. M. I Make reservations for all club events. Phone EM 6-6109 or EM 6-6509 j' ___________________?╟??╟?______________________________________1 BCC November 2nd, Friday . . November 7th, Wednesday November 9th, Friday. . . . November 10th, Saturday . November 11th, Sunday . . November 13th|3Tuesday . Doc, Chuck and Pat relaxing after 18.