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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    FREEMAN COMPANY pubffcfsts m *!?·*& m m # 2/12 KN i Mr, Ray Machland LIFE Magazine 9 Rockefeller Plaza iNew York City pear Bay, A, "\JuC/~1y CvL-'^ Zj?· ca_ Hope this finds you welll and Frank and tbe others getting along nicely too. Anything happen yet with the Jerry Lewis picture, the one with him walking on the BUO? Please let me know as this is first exclusive to you* I believe there is a great color picture story coming up at the Sands this week with liarlene Dietrich and her new stage dress which will be a diamond?╟÷studded affair, topped off with a huge 12 foot long fluffy swan's breast (breast?) coat made fron the poor bosoms of 150 poor swans in France! The coat is pure white and between it and the damond-dress, we aight be able to get some great and unusual color pictures, If we can but capture the sparkle of the stones, either onstage or else staged during the day here* There will be pictures of the outfit on the wire by Wednesday night and Thursday's Alls and PMs to give you a better idea* AP will have a pretty good shot,candid, of her In action with the coat on which could give you the best idea of how and where to shoot* # pould appreciate your consideration on LIFE coverage for a color spread on her stage getup, perhaps with some backstage machinations of how we prepare her thrown in* Kindest regards* 41s freeman BLVD. ?╟≤ BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ BRAPSHAW 2-8611 C^-f ,_*?· -