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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    MffliWfnTii i Bill'Davidson 411 East S7th Street, New York 22, N. Y. -2- and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Levis. Also, there will be some members of the Hollywood press, including, probably, Hedda Hopper (or representative), Mike Connolly and Army Archerd. I don't know vhether any of these people will come up just for the ceremony or vill stay overnight. If the latter, they vill make their own reservations. Jack Keller, vho vill be there, vill make the arrangements for Jerry, depending on his last-minute schedule. Muriel and I, of course, extend our varmest invitation for you and Jack Entratter and your vives to be present at the knot*?╟÷tieing. Please let me knov if you think I should vrite to Jack personally. We are very grateful for everything you have done, and ve are looking forward to seeing you on May 13th. Maybe you and I can play some chess and discuss story ideas ?╟÷ since Muriel and I vill be staying on until Wednesday, after the ceremony. ?½est regards. Sincerely, Jr / ^ Bill Davidson