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    VoJ. 239 No. i IfflBW YORK, WEDNESTfr*^?╟╓ JUNE 23> 1965 88 PAGES ----- WI!iiJi\K|S|y ?╟╓ ?╟÷' ?╟÷ ?╟÷ IF PARISIAN SMILES. WINS PRIZE PfitelEfY If Parisian Smiles, Wins Prize ; Continued from page 1 lie makes it a case of the people- The New Jimmy?╟╓s to-people rapport existence despite Grande Chariot?╟╓s pronuneiamentos. It?╟╓s a strange contradiction./SPhe] ' foreigner comes into Orly and is greeted by personality filles with bottles of perfume for the femmes nots. and a booklet of ?╟úcheques sourire?╟Ñ w Just (smile cheeks) for the man. These T ' are to be distributed to the newly I smilipgH,seryi?╟ ee characters whose .rudeness, admittedly, not only ^plummeted French tourism, to new recent lows the past two or three I ?√ß years, and -boomed every other! , ?╟≤ adjacent country, but reputedly I also chased Frenchmen (non-Pari- , 'sians, that is) to cross their own frontiers on their own holidays. The new laughing-boy French 1 idea has produced spotty .-results /-.although, in assessment, ?╟  dn the plus side. For example, overheard ?√ßi at'Au Prin-temps (department store), ?╟úWell, a t.-. J.e a s t,, she smiled!?╟Ñ At? the Cafe de la Paix,] top ^tourist crossroads^.it -looks , as if a'-. ?╟úsourire?╟Ñ drillmaster has the, garcons brushing up on their smil-| ing routines every day. In the Smart shops and better boites and bistros it?╟╓s noticeably on the warm side. In the,. Lido Arcade not only, is business poor but the vendeuses ' have unsmiling .kissers 1 to match.. In the smart restauralits it is, as, always, courteous and, as always, the '.seasoned- traveler commands ?╟≤ "respect. It is for the schoolteacher and student, the/'secretaries apd the ' * y pensioners and .others m a-.k i n g their first-foreign forays that the tourism cheer has been minimal -in tecent years ?╟÷and it inter--, preted itself negatively even for //f the veterap/globetrotter. 'Cheques Sourires / It?╟╓s no (secret that, evert"/,'the. French Govt. Tourist Bureau-went^ Schoenbrun along with the ?╟úcheques > sour ire?╟╓** grudgingly. And, as for the^-native ?╟÷ many'of whom see these ?╟úsmile '?╟≤ checkbooks?╟Ñ for, the first?╟Ñ time ?╟÷- ?╟Ñ ' It?╟╓s called a ?╟údisgrace.?╟Ñ They re- cent /he palpable bribery because *?√ß good manners and common cour- ?╟╓ tesy ?╟÷ once standard in France'?╟÷- . Should never have to be '?╟úbought" in this manner. (Meanwhile, -the Lido, Maxim's.- La ?╟ Tour d?╟╓Argent, the George V and'kindred top? hotels, the Crazy - Horse Saloon, the, Pigalle strip-] -. peries, even the hew Moulin Rouge ' on the Blyd. tie' Clichv ?╟ú(toad com* pany Lido-style-floorshow) have no ?╟ú?╟úpaucity in' attendance. " ^ ' "Le I.ido & Moulin Rouge e w ?╟ Pierre L-ouis - Guerin r Rene Fraday?╟ú-,Quelle -jNuit;?╟Ñ (Wotl ta Night) floorshow1, Staged .by America?╟╓s Donn Arden, is the-best yet ?╟÷ this after having- seen every-1 vone of the- -series, both on -the 'Champs-Eiysees and -their Yank yt "?╟ú-versions, in'LSs Vegas?╟╓ Stardust. SSI 4hicidentajly, Vegas hbssma'rt,Moe Dalitz" was?╟Ñ making the Paris-Lon-I don scene in company of Bob ^?╟Ñ>Golds1ein, now" an independent ?√ß ?√ß?√ß/X ; film, producer in England). A\ Joseph and Loitis -Clerico,. lon(*j ] time back-of-the-^cenes owners of ' the -Lido, now get* program billing I and also are the owners of the ' ?╟╓ Moimriartre counterpart,' fee:"Mou- lin Rouge, "friComoanion operation headed by Jacki Clerico, a soh, in association- with Robert Rouzaud. x Ruggero Amgeletti aqd Doris I . Haug .get principal production I ?╟╓/?╟╓^credits along with Giorgio VecgigI . (costumes) and Andree Da-bonne- ?√ßf"' ville? maestro. The Pompoff Thedy family,' mii-J sical clowns, standard act seen at i ?╟ '?╟╓New York?╟╓s .Latin Quarter, -Vegas, etc. is the comedy' highlight but the ambiance comes (1) from 'thel Moulin- Rouge?╟╓s traditional ^ancan, ?╟╓ (2) a salute to" Chevalier-?╟÷?╟úHom-I mage- a Maurice?╟Ñ ?╟÷* (3) a flashy] ?╟  ' aquatic -'(giant tankT i , which is made even more effective by perching on thepa^ron, out into the. audience.'This'is a good Show-1 manship touch.?╟╓ ?╟╓Since- ?╟╓the French / * -cancan dates'back to its cradling - 'In this s&me Moulin Rouge ... 6, 1889, it is an exciting 1965 ' milestone for the glossily refur- bished ?╟? musichall, It?╟╓S easily the | ' keystone of-the Pigalle. and ?√ßgii'es] that tawdry Butte '.Montmartre nitery belt a 'class fillip. ' Pigalle Swinging Pigalle, .incidentally* scrims live,-' lier than some of the Left Bank spots this' year; , for a time Sti | --/ Germainjdes*Pres, * ete. took the play away', but now there.are di SL - cothequcs all over the Seine scfche. (Regine) and the others are one of many al- though it still might be likened to the El Morocco of Paris* So the busload tourists' have veered back to the Boul?╟╓ Blanche flesh- Sylvaft is the magiejS! S outstander at the'MR show; Rico?╟╓s legerdemain (with the candles) is highlight* of fhe Lido reVuei I Latter/ "' howe/ei*/ is ?√ß - an ' overall glossier production. Its beauts, -staging and, talent ingredients, visible and bpek-of-the-mise en scene, are Ziegfeldian compared H>. oite of those yesteryear Shubert Nights?╟Ñ revues, for?╟╓ example. > Specialty highlights include COmedy -juggler -Gil Dova, -Aus- tralia?╟╓s Rudas Acrdbatic Dancers Chuck JDodds, Nelida as num- ber-leaders, acro-operatic barytone Gino Donati (avec funny stooge, first'seen in Las Vegas), iceskaters' -Frederick-&. Gina* top nude'Regine Rumen/ dance specialists Buddy Thompson and Helge* Grau', Latin terser Eberi Lobato, nude mixed dappe team Nicky' Gorska & Bud- dy Thompson (they unpeel even than the* traditioirar'' Folies Bergere woodland fauns terpCrs), Dick. Summers, and the acrobatic I Curibas (femme arid two males). The Chock' Dodds vocal quintet figure in a musical tribute -to 'Rod- gers * & Hart (unusual first-time salute in -a show biz milieu more inclined to4, pay ?╟úhomm^ge?╟Ñ to Chevalier, Josephine Bake/ or Mistinguett). In every respect it?╟╓s the best, money?╟╓s - worth f $11 for dinner and half-bottle champagne)-. " The Moulin Rouge is scaled ditto but with $4 and $6 'selective din- s any'?╟úgrape?╟Ñ ,op-booie, both-., .in,-, the traditional n i t e.r y scales). A DeGaulle ^ Longtime' .Paris resident David, Schoenbrun whose own last 25 -years in France paralleled the iife arid .times .of-' general DeGaplle is apologist for the General. ?╟úJust brteause I?╟╓m? knocking ?╟ .myself out ?√ßmeet -the ?╟≤ Nov. 22 deadline for Atheneum?╟╓s publication of ?╟ The "Three Lives of Charles DeGaulle/ since that?╟╓s-the 75th -birthday (and ?√ßincidentally the third anniversary gof JFK?╟╓s assassination), doesn?╟╓t I do nbt recognize h|s frail- ties. Howfeyer, my book traces?╟╓ him , the - Soldier of the Third Re- public, the.^avior of the Fourth Republic, and the Statesman of the Fifth. Republic,?╟Ñ ' N * (This ?╟úsariorh part is what * pn i 1 d 1 y puzzles,-Americans -who wonder if France migh| mot be a Germany colony if Roosevelt. and the Yanks hadn?╟╓t, helped!* Hence they' cari?╟╓t "understand his repudia- tion of the Americans, the ?╟úplay- ing-footsie?╟Ñ with the Germans and Qpjif&he, Russians etp/ The- N.Y. Herald ...Tribune, Paris'* edition, as, 'well as'the.ditto of the N.Y. Times, 4s replete with.,vituperative vox popofis against a DeGaulle crack urging-^-Canadians, to -sport maple [feafs so as" ?╟úriot Jo be mistaken for Americans.?╟Ñ .The" Canadians have been '?╟≤ the most vehement jn their diatribes against these*. gratuitous insults ?╟≤ to their below-the-Domb nion neighbors and have Stated in letters they?╟╓d be ?╟úhonored and flattered?╟Ñ to bg taken for Ameri-J | '^iBehoeribran stresses human rela- tions transcend DeGaullism; that ?╟úI belieye-in President Eisenhow-J er?╟╓s people - t'o - people rapproche- ment /as being greater than poli- ties. ?╟╓ When atgued that ?╟ the'same philosophy \ might have beeii ??o- pliedf/to. -sotCalled gemutlich Ger-j mans vis-a-vis the Nazis, he arghesj ?╟úThat was different; the Germans [became/a jiation of beasts; here rife?╟╓s essentially a political and ecCfj noroic difference.?╟╓?╟╓ ' , Incidentally, in a cul-de-sac Off rthe' rue St. Honore, :yclept a fash- ionable shopping street next to the, Faubourg-St. "Honore* Schoenbrun] has a fayorlte bistro whose pop prices belie its quality. It?╟╓s called the Robespierre and is otherwise national monument territory be- cause it?╟╓s one of those ?╟úRobes- pierre slept here?╟Ñ locales. At night jt?╟╓s a diAcotheque. Proprietress just got married to a Frenph industrialist who hired a hateau-ratfucjie'' (Seine sightseeing boat) for the nuptials party. fRaoul Levy did the same thing in his cinematic heyday to bally hob'one of his pictures). ' Also, f inore rihan ?╟╓ incidentally, so-called savvy tourists who have been scared off by the 2-3 hour bateau-mouche deal, because the food 'is mediocre and the ride too long, have a more hip alternative the 65-minute Vedettes, sleek boats from the Eiffel Tower to below?╟Ñ the -Notre Dame, Cathedral, with multilingual (French-English- German) femm^spielers (one was a real looker) doing ; the pitch. Presumably .she could also ?╟? parlez in other languages. It?╟╓s a faster and better deal and the-managing director Pierre Artiquelpjive,- is a savvy gent. Also for the . first-time visitors' he new sleek Cityrama ^ buses , -with taped earphone communica- tion pointing,up the city?╟╓sB|agh- lights) is one of the best and^most practical indoctrination .tourg. Laff-It-Up >A Teutonic-backgrounded %"1 r 1 guide on one of the Cityrama busses unsubtly proclaimed, ?╟úI?╟╓m 'iv hest.?╟╓s (These ?╟úcheques sourires*?╟Ñ call for* prizes, lotteries, e are' -Wry ^attempts for hands-aerdss-the-Sga on the1 rue de .Rivofi, and kindred /hopping ' cen- tres with legends like ?╟úsandwichs?╟Ñ (fne V' seems always omitted); ?╟ real English spoken?╟Ñ .proclaims the lettered legend on Ann Paree?╟╓s. gift shoppe. Another American Drugstore is_ slate'd for "the Blvd.- Saint-Germain (second, year*-'a-building) dn the hedls -'pf the click df the Marcel Bleustein (top publicist) operation near the' Etoildt ?╟ú Self-service eateries abound, a la Yank cafeterias. Howling tried, to make it but didn?╟╓t, but Yank westerns and Yank pjx dominate. ?√ß?╟ West -Side Story?╟Ñ is in .-its fifth rear .?╟÷?╟╓Sam .Goldwyji 4s st|ll wait* ing for that Champs-Eiysees show-. case to- he vacated for .hi?║ ?╟úPqrgy and Bess,?╟╓?╟Ñ , A renamed oldie .(1946) western* ?╟ Yellow Sk/?╟Ñ, (Qregory Peck) into (Nevada Sky,?╟Ñ startles many visit- ing showmen who invariably ex, [.cViih;, /.?╟  ?╟ Nevada. . Smith?╟╓, opening here ahead of U.S-.?'?╟╓?╟╓,, Juke, joints are ?? replete With pinball and rolldown games, all equipment from- Chicago, (and in English).' One record store' had quedes for its 44 pinball games ?╟÷ located near ^the oid-VAtu- office on tfie fue des Italiens, Originally ^opened by thi/ writer. ' Taxicabs ate now virtually on par with New York rates, 30c (franc and a half) first drop, and the tips are commensurate. They, foo, seem a" little less surly although it may be huinor- duS, .rather-'than pointed,- that one Cabdrlver displayed the* legend, ?╟úNe fipug fasons pas" '(don?╟╓t make us?╟╓angry). This"is probably as in- nocent as the west coast car stick- ers, ?╟úKeep California gie.en, brihg money.?╟Ñi But- in juxtaposition to the compulsory, ?╟úsourire?╟Ñ bit, it struck one Yank with another sig- nificance. 'Less suspicious and more preva- lent is the proclamation against 'smgking | in cabs ?╟÷ Seemingly, the' owner-drivers'-Are allergic to?╟ 4o- bacco .fumes .bub, don?╟╓t mind, the petrol. , Bring Prices Down A - somewhat realistic' approach to national '?√ßjealousies?╟÷said to be at the basis of the anti-American ?╟÷; whuld be a reduction of prices for benefit .of bpth'the-locals and- the1 tourists. Neither can ?╟úsee * why a cup of coffee (one New Franc/or one, fygne, 50 centimes) * (20e or^3t)c> Should how be 2NF50;- or 50c at a [sidewalk cafe! A beer, a Coke- and ?√ßa lemonade at Fouquet?╟╓/ totals 8 NF ($1.60); with*15%/ ?╟úservice?╟Ñ it?╟╓s 9NF20 ($184), and so you [leave-him the 10 new frarfes ($2), | which Is pretty fancy in anybody?╟╓s Sidewalk cafe. Typical also, for example, is a half-size femme hairspray (French- made) costing 13NF""($2 60) as against $1.20 or $1.25 for a larger ditto Iiv the- States. Necessities such as these.' clothing and. the like makes- one wonder how they do it, although ' the'- Frenchman does get a break qu low-rent. , ThW is thd kind of thing that irks the budget-minded tourist of any nationality. Tough Battle, Gaston The mores' of -,a -rtatipn /which lives on tips ?╟÷ ?╟úservice?╟Ñ ?╟÷ compulsory way of public ('catering, remains ununderstandable to-many Americans who would prefer a ?╟úhidden charge?╟Ñ to such petty items as having'the ?╟úpro?╟Ñ (femme) in the males?╟╓ john to make sure of a 50-centimes (10c) fee (and eVefl' 10-ceritimes, of 2c, ?╟ Ifi such TO l?½ 11 Ml By ABEL GREEN J " .Haris, June/ , ?╟únerl^fil Hdio?╟╓s uhabashf m^Zari ?½?½Uin8 Irishman/ (mercials (for used ears) I french road- company French tourism. The new the smiling Frenchman,?╟Ñ Igrly thtee sewtors) fwaii drivers, salespeople, et come into direct con strangers,- and' have feiees rngly notorious these las# mersriefaV ^ & f|tv??4 I^Whfle it?╟╓s still PfiklETY If Parisian Smiles, Wins Prize travel ageX et anti -Washington .behaviorisn? ?╜f | the President;of the Fifth Repub- (Continued on page 84) offbeat tourism* terminals as the boatride on the Seine, and the like). New thing-in many spots, which formerly added the 10, 12 or 15% ?╟úservice obligatoire,?╟Ñ is the two- language communique, ?╟úTid not included. Service is left -to' the discretion of our distinguished guest/4 reads the Mediteranee Restaurant?╟╓s pronunciamento, a former top poisson restaurant (which seems beset by both culinary and waitering' problems* In line with the new, thinking, some bistros are featuring ?╟úcou- service and vins<>oompris?╟Ñ menus. A few are surprisingly good, such as La Taverne du S e r g e n t Recruteur (Recruiting Sgt.), on ^he,.rue Saint-Louis de. "Isle with, its $5 table d-?╟╓hpte that is excellent. Fact that it?╟╓s the fa- vorite of French- tourist bureau cl^ief Georges Normand may have more than-' a littlg to fio with the tqp quality and/or better service,- hut..jJ/s a bargain at the price and exceedingly well-run |Sg if they know you. Reservations a must. one of those jampacked, eljapw- to-elbow eateries, in omnibus Style, hut tastefully decoded. (A /?╟ sup- plement,?╟Ñ regardtess of the fiiptitf,. of a franc, i.e. 20c, per person, is Very much in or^gr. ) ... Bad Propaganda Rationalisation'/of the > current anti-Americanism:-is a puzzler. The Yanks are by no means the, only tourists.,; ; The, Scandinavians and -the Germans 'have - always, been prime gadabouts, , and .still are. There are richer South Americans, Greeks, Britons, Germans, Italians and Belgians in tfie Tarisian mil- lieu than Americans. But the ven- deuse and the-ga^con, auditions the visitors?╟╓ newspaper and, somehow if it?╟╓s not.the Herald-Tribune or the Times they seem a shade more sympatico. At least that?╟╓s an im- pression from this seasoned tourist whose restaurant and shopping French- creates no linguistic* bar- There?╟╓s a lingering suspi- cion, too, that if something radical doesn?╟╓t occur this sea- son, in the. Franco-American - tourism relations, the traffic from JFK International Air- port to Orly could become vir- tually nil, save for the busi- nessmen (pix biz, etc.) with ( overseas ?╟╓ markets. The paradox is that many Amer- ican newcomers can't help falling in love, .with the country and, given half a,:, chance, ; it * could remain a lasting romance. The French-who accent ?╟úambiance?╟╓ every , atelier and boite' seefn lose it in the people-to-people lationship in many instances. ,, The growing amount of, frank American reaction to-this curious Gallic brashness, aired in, media from Satevepost to Holiday (lat- ter virtually a house organ for airlines, resorts, foreign romantic places) have been outspoken. The French defenders?╟╓ .attjtude of, ?╟úso lump it?╟Ñ persists, rather than self- examination. ; Robert Daley?╟╓s ?╟úSpeaking Out?╟Ñ piece in the' Saturday Evening Post, ?╟úI Hate Paris In- The Spring- time (Also Winter, Summer and F a 11)?╟Ñ r i 1 e d the Paris-Presse. among others, which rebutted that if the ex-N.Y. Times (Paris bu- reau) staffer felt that way about local mores then ?╟úgood riddance/?╟╓ ?√ß Daley, son of Times sports edi- tor Arthur Daley, made chapter- and-verse on quaint albeit penuri- ous Gallh^cdsTOtns thit /riled him and his wife and their French-born baby. There are evidences, inciden- tally, that even the dedicated Ztomrican expatriat&Sjare also get- tmg* a little fed up -?╟÷- too many have been asking ?╟úHow's things back home??╟Ñ, which' may 'fee the tipoff. ' ' Happily No Muggers ?╟╓ Paris as a City of Light appeals*!/ to-the New Yorker, so scared to V walk about at night in recent years. The manner -in which the Champs-Eiysees is lit - up makes J one wonder why the Gotham city j fathers don?╟╓t do ditto with Cen-1 tral Park West, 5th, Park and other ^venues. -None*,is afraid to walk at all ' hours-in a foreign city, it seems, l as is the case in New York. | ( Obvious racial ?√ß freedom con- I tinues to make Paris very attrac- I tive and the jazz joints reflect it 1 with Art Simmons at the Living; ! ILnom, pius Aaron Bridges and j Gilbert' Rovere. Johnny Griffin & ! Quartet and Art Taylor are in the ?╟úJazz Land?╟Ñ room, yclept a 13th -century win? cellar of La Grande ! Severipe, on the Left Bank. Kenny Clarke Quintet continue at The Blue Note; ,Ted Curson is at Au Ohht Qui Peche;-Blossom Dearie at' Los Quatre Vents; Johnny Gludf, Maurice Rezeau and John- ny Millow at the Ascot Bar. I Just Call Me Pierre Perils Gauging, they?╟╓ll become expa- 8 triates are .David Susskind?╟╓s top : aide Jack Perlis (and his Mildred) ] who ?╟úmay never come home.?╟Ñ It?╟╓s I their first ..time over and are on the, verge/ of taking out French citizenship. For a non-European traveler1',"his- French is not only glib but amazes the natives be- cause of its grammatical skill: Perlis?╟╓ yen to absorb native patois' Was s<$ tenacious that .Mildred tells a1 sto,ry how ,th^ waitress, ?╟  with ! Whom, he was parlez-vousing, fi- [ nally told the linguistic Perlis, ?╟úIsn?╟╓t that the lady' you came ?╟≤ in j Wjth, 20. minutes ago??╟Ñ . Perlis is absorbing the European * tv-radio scene and has a well- j charted Itinerary of the proper contacts, which means that if he?╟╓s | discerning as. he is linguistically familiar he?╟╓ll ?╟úOpen End?╟╓-?╟╓ the UK | and thfe Continental broadcasters, t Peri^ ^discovered the ?╟úchanson- niertf* who, like th? tradesmen, are openly - displeased with De- Gaulle although, admittedly*. ?√ß he?╟╓d be reelected by an'80% majority! ris said ^pgwerp he to -run again, because the- prdvincials, see > in him a stalwart and the symbol j of a revitalized find - independent France. The chansonniers are- the | French version 'Of1 the Germanic ?╟úpolitiker.-kabarett?╟Ñ of yesteryear, I topifeally spoofing everything from [ the '?╟úyeh-yeh?╟Ñ teenage mores to DeGaulle, and in no unsubtle manner. v Tom j_y-(Curtiss, now recovered j from long indisposition, is another L: peripatetic journalistic ^ho, after V covering the entire Cannes Film Festival? flits to Dublin, London, Madrid, San Sebastiafi etp. as news | and events take him on behalf the [ N-Y. Times?╟╓ Paris edition. Walker f Kerr (no relation -to the Trib?╟╓s Broadway drama critic? is g.m. and reportedly plans expanding to 16 pages. Both papers keep to 12 pages as a rule. ' ?╟≤/- Mary Blume, who for a time .pinch hitfed for Curtiss when lat- ter left the Trib, for the Times, is glad to be back doing features. Herbe Dorsev covers' the fashion- * ?╟  ?√ß' 'v (Continued on page 86) s Continued from, page 8- able terrain; and Naomi Barry has been globetrotting on special assignment. She was in New York last week, en route back to Paris for the Trib. , ,. 'Curtiss ?╟úpoured?╟Ñ for Harry Tan- ner, new Times-bureau chief (ex- Moscow), and the Drew Middle- tons had a larger cocktailery for him at the Ritz (Middleton is now back in Gotham'as the Times?╟╓ UN bureau chief). Life?╟╓s entertainment editor Tom Priheaux on leave here to write a book. 'Pan American's p.r. Benjamin John Holt a bulwark to tourists' and a prime listening, post and info exchange centre. Crazy Horse Saloon Alain Bernardin ?╟ WhoSe/sIL. vl. ?√ß di,er, runs the* Crazy Horse Saloon Bar at the N.Y. World?╟╓s Fair , finue^* to1 have a go.ld mine'with his spot on-ihe Ave. ?╟ George V. His strippers alternate with specialty - acts,' and he jamp&cks them into the hotbox at $7 (35 franes) for - the first drink ?╟÷ you can linger over that the entire show ?╟÷ and ?╟╓ francs),' for 1 every drink * there'after. Thus it?╟╓s $10 a head for the two-drink' customer, which * ^ Wm profit for 'anybody s strippery. s N Bsmualso-1 ?╟ú.?╟?s it easier for .all nationals by acpepjing their currency in any denomination, and converting -it"?╟ pi^ the scene. He * ?½ven prints .an exchange ratecard' ' to coincide with the daily ?╟  quota- tion's. . He still restaihs,, what he insists, , is an' anti-Hitler sooof via stripper Bertha Von Paraboum but those k swastikas, albeit, (Serving 'as1 Ak;strings, somehow are too grim a I 'JKmindet - of recent y history, espe- rially in aii escapist atmosphere. His torippe^s have such?╟╓ bizarre billings as Sofia Palladium, Bettina i Uranium, Nhdia Safari ihep ei|e-r rialty is in a hammock )r Natasha Von Ttamanov andvRao. Most strip- ers arq Svenska' Jaf' Germanic. King Fan-Fan.' arid his ?╟úFar-Out ?╟  P$Kiqtqms 'still, blast the dansapa- tiom'ahd, for an extra franc, afteS1 seeing all the 'epidermis-.In ;tl * flesh, there is a ?╟úFrench iBniidOu Scopitone (jukefilm) booth ?ft ?╟úVigion' Paradisique,?╟Ñ yclept Ve; ronika Baum, in color and in 3-D for three-minutes for?20c. ?√ß Discotheques ' Regine, a sort of Parisian. Texas Guinan, has been mentioned as planning a .Gotham discotheque which .may be wisjhful thinking but a hoofery in Spain?╟╓s Costa del Sol - sector has' been, -blueprinted. Club de I?╟╓Etope, along* with' the-origirial Whisky Au Go-Go (dates back to 1949), Club fit. Germain, the CaSr tel ( where La Bpstela had freak notoriety, actually a fawdown acci- dent are among theda^: danceries, with a iqore or less free-wheeling ?╟úmembCrshio?╟Ñ deriee. [ ?║ Personalities / William Holden to Montecatini to ?╟úthaw- out,?╟╓/ 1 i *' The Leopold (Ruth) Friedmans marked?╟÷the , former Loqw-Mefro exec?╟╓s 75th birthday "rinth, "a-,Max- im?╟╓s bash hosted by Helen and David Lewis/ longtime Metro top- per Writhe Continent.- ?╟ú Peter Stone, Yale' junior, visit- ing his mother. Mi's, George Mar- ton, wife of the literary agent, who has become quite a -prolific author of iate.- Hilda (Mrs. George) Marion was s.a,' -script- reader in Hollywood when married to director John Stone "and her predilection for typographical-! error "spotting -seems focused on the-N.Y. Timbs which - ?√ß 'surpris- ingly, does, sgem ?·p have crazy shrdlu-typesetters, judging by some of the, wierdies/'t Harry Kurnitz to meet ?╟≤ Frank ??Sinatra in- Israel' when -latter- does- a bit in-,the Col. .Mickey Marcus biopic being shot there. , * Darryl F, Zamiek,,- keeps perma- nent apartments at the Rome Ex-?╟╓ celsior and-jPariai GeopggJV be- cause in and,* out ?║6 dffeen, UAitdooer No^^ert T Aqerbjch was making the^ Allen Shermans?╟╓'?╟╓, ^first-time on the Riviera -Welcome. MCA?╟╓s Dave Stein, brother.of Jules, is oo\y eonstructioa --business in ,S?║ain. He .commutes ?╜to the,Costa Brava in connection -w-ith iriw .building1 on land he t had.- long Required; With 4he MCA divorcement, rh^"found himself of no ledger, yalufl to itinerant Hollwri | made- hi? >,fin)sh -ri?╟╓o?╟╓...Nmittoh' 'townhousa/;a. "-ossroadi. He/ifi?╟╓l: Formidable Harry Novak Eight years with Columbia Pic- tures in Paris, of which Harry Noyak has been in and out of the American Hosp it a I, Neuilly-sur- Seine, for the last seven years, has made him. a medical phenom- enon. Swiss and other medicos have marveled at the . mind-over* matter which has kept the w.k, filta sales topper alive despite in- curable cancer which has shrunk the 6 ft.-X film exec to 78 lbs. and yet, because of a strong heart arid the (vill-to-live, he has defied the inevitable. ?√ß./?√ß' / : Col?╟╓s Continental-Middle East sales veepee Marion F. Jordan sfand the entire Col echelon) have kept Novak on payroll for reasons of morale and general humaneness. ,A longtime favorite in the Parisian social life, even his most "intimate friends have difficulty recognizing him now. ?╟≤ Paulette (Mrs. John B.) Nhthan, widow of the longtime Paramount 'Shies topper' in Europe,- -has been invited by Par?╟╓s International prez Jiffi Perkins to visit them in the fall." /' Rose arid Joe Seidelman visited Janine and Harry Novak recently;" ~u?╟  % the latter?╟╓s 'sister. Seidel- former \ U ?╟≤ sales- topper, has been in retirement in Westchester. More Names Margaret Gardner, cx-Variety fashlon^y/riter in' Paris, on a bicy- cle arOund mm Continent and back- ?╟ 'and-forth to Oie U.S., as head of (Rogers & CoWan?╟╓s local flackery. From Carrojl Baker in. Cannes to accompanying, Irina Demich back to the XJ.S. for the ?╟úFlying Ma-J chines/ Gptham premiere hoopla, Fox film, alternately titled ?╟úVenus | Rising?╟Ñ and ?╟úHow5 To Steal a Mil-1 lion and Live Happily Ever After,?╟Ñ | which Harry Kurnitz wrote, Fred Kohlmar producing,1 and William, Wyler, fresh from his ?╟úThe Col- lector?╟Ñ impact at the Cannes Film Festival, will direct. Latter has! his teenage daughter with .him and < has leased a house near fee Etoile while he?╟╓s shooting the Paris;-. localed film. . Production ad-pub topper Ened H'ift came over from London for some tieups "with Givenchy gnd. Miss Hepburn and, incidentally,: hoth he and Bernice (Mrs. Hift) ! revelled in sopie fleeting Parisian Spotty as was the Flench weather, London has-been miser- able/ Weather is always a' top Itourist and/or others?╟╓.. conversa- tion piece. Dan Chamberlin, new 20th-Fox pubcad topper on -the Continent (based in Paris) "Just solved the maid problem. They have a 'two- year-old, and wife Lee Chamber* lin, a nitery singer (who already ipade iiripact on French ty) wants to" continue her career. Although , American,, she Went th school in France. It?╟╓s Chamberlin?╟╓s first time-over but manages thq Fran- hcaise quite well already. ?√ß Patachou London at Talk of. the Town, With husband Arthur] Lesser vrfiose .revived ?╟úL* Plume d'e Ma Xante?╟Ñ A Robert Dhqry) j [still is a Paris click/Marlene Die- trich just-retened ^om London and fee Jack Hylton memorial. ?√ß tb? shriw, biz-sc SUe Card?╟╓ozo Who. handled- the rr<nk Sinatra personals fiere tVo* three years ago, now married to a Frencji title,' arid a mother. Borrah Mineyitch?╟╓g dream boite, Au Franc Pinot, was ?╟úlost?╟Ñ' by his | widqw, Lucille, now Mrs. Alain Rerquanne, wife of the French Writer-director. She is 'an artist (Lucille Liftel), formerly married [to-Deems Taylqri * Max de Vaueorbeil, UFri^Comico J produce/, just completed" n new Jean--Gabin starrer primed fqrrihe ! international market. ?╟ Payis-Match?╟╓s P i e r r e Galante, i having just? published/-'The Berlin1 Wall?╟Ñ (which his wife, Olivia De- Havillarid 4s currently shilling on h^merican radio*tv) is set l to,- Visit Red China for two-three niQntlis Iwith an eye to .doing a book on the Bamboo 'Curtain ipountry. Inciden- tally, their . estrangement is a widg-open secret, as is her poten- tial marriage to writer Luther Davis* with whom Miss DeHavil- land was associated .'in; filmiu'g Par- ainoxmt?╟╓s ?╟úThe Cage.?╟Ñ-?╟╓However, | Iner ?╟ ?╟ son ?╟ ?╟╓Berijamin, 15 (by play-I wright.' Marcus.,'- Goodrich) and their 9-year-old Giselle are" keep-1 ing them together for a spell | ^ Literary agent Andre Bemheim I (he?╟╓s married* to Mme. Rochas, the j perfumer- arid fashion leader) has' acquired trig; Theatre Madeleine land plans debuting with a, Shavian ( policy in the fall. However. Bern~jj heim who agented ?╟úBarefoot , ih" ?╟ the Park,?╟Ñ ?√ß ?╟úSUnday in New York?╟╓?╟╓, and-other Broadway-*clicks, will probably reproduce'kindred Broad- | wriy hits in Paris. Mme.(Ginette Spanier/Seid- iriaiiri, .directrice Of Pierre Balmain and known to showfolfe,> /poured?╟Ñ, fbr theatrical' attorney. L,',Arnold Weissberger and- agent - M'hl ton Golden, both back from Spain where they have beaucoup clients* I (legal .-.and professional) concur- rently shooting. The Windsors, .stopped traffic at Maxim?╟╓,s atta posh intimate dinner.] the private downstairs fore-' PHn, ?╟ creating much gawking. Hg, looks well, although sports suit, glasses .to spare*him after ?╟ optic1 surgery from the glare of lights. Roger, -naaitre d?╟╓hote!, at the Vaud- ables?╟╓ showcase Maxim?╟╓s, still knows how to handle the traffic In the best. Albert tradition? And "the. traditional "sole. -(Albert) remains a' culinary monument to. the Jate, head waiter at Maxim?╟╓s., Bernie Willens from the Wil- liam Morris hoipeoffice on .his annual q.o. With , bean coup clients and. pictures-"shooting in Madrid. .Agent Hrirf Frings, was likewise hiding Audrey Hepbufn%?╟  ihandi attendant to h?║r., uocomlng 20tb-