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    iiimmnuiis was ror . vuc., i^vv Hotel which reached a turning vjoint ill its career . , J Eew high when Jack Benny, Avalon, brought big h?½Pf rv in one of the glittering Stop?╟╓s most spontaneous and successful opting nights. Hundreds of Benny buffs, LAS VEGAS VIEWS I i >"?? mmmm. * Thunderbird Roars With Jack Benny i ....for the new Thunderbird maft kas a ?╟úhip?╟Ñ new Watu?½i ceA owning which segues neatly into a melange at stoto?½ Silver-isms, so to speak. . ?╟≤ -j Then Phil proudly 1 newcomer, Marilyn Mrehaels, one of the great W ^ng^tyl 1st discoveries ??f this ^de who: Will make Barbra_Strei sand look to her laurels . . ?╟≤ Hundreds oi ?╜a?╟╓ As a vocal jnime skeJ**?½ _| ftlflillrP fa fenloy^tihs forev0T-39- tori ay * ?╟≤ . Keep yeah-old ?╟╓comely master?╟╓s this lassie, and'remember! appearance1' in Las Vegas int^ told you! ?√ß f?╟≤ thrS years, were turned awa#^e mjssed the owning of the at Friday night?╟╓s opening P?½17" new ?╟úLe Lido de Paris sbow. formance when the theater-res-|^wThe stardust JBMHa taurant was our scouts tell us it is t^ahy, an .overflow crowd which broke tbe same Donn , all previous attendance rec- Senn6S spectacular with a col , ords at The Thunderbird. orful mixture of Jack was at,Ms comediC|stage tnckeiy, vaudetole act best ato brought the, house fed girlie prtouctionnumbers^ XT?╟Ñ, when he did an WhutouaW^orri* Lansburgh s Flamnr skh toth a delightfully rni7ty0 kicks off its HS| matched too of ladies billed as season on June _10 with ^ singing 4 ?╟  Guire?╟╓ ^Sisters IS talent test for his upcoming-teevee specials. ... ?√ßlie-vocal trio, headed bv vet- eran Iris Adrian with rotund Peggy (?╟ My feet arekillmg me!?╟╓?╟╓) Mondo .and MM 'ComOr, Guinella Hutton, make a'i*olltc5king group. . 1 Jack?╟╓is $her?· joined by Frankie Remley atyj Wayne Songer, two of his veteran mu- sical associates, in a sWmgin hoe^down,. 4, with that Benny matfcdoing a legiLjazz bit-and 1 great?╟÷with his violin.- Frahkie Avalon as Benny* SUfi H9si and Myron Co_ Opening'a four-week'stanzaj Xich blends the unld?╜?╜ ^ ents of one of our greatest ra- conteurs with the S??ingiQHv dance ar|.ist^y of a loyely\^dy.| SHOWTIME I . ?╟≤ America?╟Ñ Stays Cn at Thd Des; ert Inn. . ... ?╟úOasmo de Pans maintains a sizzling ^pace- at The Dunes.... Mitzi Gaynor us the bright spot at The Flamim go through June 9. . ?╟≤ ?╟≤ Edu1?½ Fisher at his best at The Rm_ era through June 13 with Dinah Shore set to follow" ?╟≤ ,. UP ,?╟  snecial guest 'star, 'OacKswpb siiVers and Manly,jJf*CMar- the fun -presentation wife half The Shara. . . ?╟≤ , ido?╟╓s ^dzen POP tunes which prove tin at The Sands... ..^idos LSPta rate ^ one of the Uth edition W ^W<T tod' .recording artists . . . Jack Benny, Frankie Ava A** * !i at n. surprise polo W, - , ?╟≤audience. , J ? Tins Behnyl "backed by a | in stok'ihg coj tacular proda Jerry Schaea see?╟Ñ on,ydiu Forrest Duke Visiting Fireman99?╟÷ Traditional Spectacular At Stardust: Lido ?╟╓66 The sixth edition of Le Lido De Paris is called ?╟úLido 66,?╟Ñ subtitled ?╟úQuelle Nuit!?╟Ñ The same ob- servation can be said of this entry as was said of entry No. 5: in some ways it tops the others, and in some ways it does not. So, the Stardust shows have settled to an even keel of superb spectac- ulars, and probably will continue that way to infinity. Happiest- news about the. current edition k that (Continued on Page 13) Forrest Visiting Fireman?╟Ñ3 (Continued from Page One) ofie of the world?╟╓s funniestJ acts,. a sort of British- Sjuke'?╟╓Jones outfit' called ?╟ ?╟úChe- Nitwits,?╟Ñ returns in triumph after an 18-month absence frojn The Best City Of Them -All. The group?╟╓s outlandish'musical ironsense was the talk of,Lido edition No. 4, and it?╟╓s Jolty tyhll Ifirie to have itt-back. The show is full- of traditional pomp and pageantry but the 10 male ?╟úNitwits?╟Ñ peak each performance. DONN ARDEN, a master at such" things, keeps hty stage alive with color, beauty, and excitement, backboned by 39 lovely ,dolls and nine handsome giiys. Stager-director Arden - smoothly-, blends the novelty acts, j and as Usual, it all, ootoes 9ut just right v S | The jadfedr may object to the fact that a show stfCh as this has specialty acts which seem to cdtn'e qff! assembly lines with familiar patterns, but most "-^J^^j^esanled here, rise above- preconceived - is a ventriloquist in a unique manner, eim ts (drinking and smoking nusing dialog. .umbljng acts, the Gimraa displaying enoiigh dit- to make them out- are veryi pre-tty, and mem met suhh, things as routine way reminiscent Tues., June 1^:1965 Stardust Scores Another^ ffit With Lido Production By COLIN McKINLAY Associate Editor The tramtibh of splendor and spectacular has again survived the transition of ?╟úLido?╟Ñ shows at the Stardust Hotel. A house packed with invited guests watched the TOO *?╟≤ minute, per- formance of talent, costume color and production feats.' - BUT, leave it to a group of tired old., Lido repeaters to be the hit of the evening. The-Nit- rag, as strange,a collection of 'men^as. you?╟╓ll ever see, bring down The- house with their an- tics as bandsmen in the tradi- tion' of the,, old municipal or- chestra. - There ,whs frequent applause as the certain opened for the. pnoducition numbers. The elab- orate settings piace the action for the Bluebell girls,' dancing boys and1-nudes in a Parisian bedroom, then 19 a skf festival at-St. TJdrliz, then to'the: Taj Mahal in India and finally to Pompeii where the to^nin the midst - of1 a Roman - type orgy ??Js wiped out by Ve- suvius and the laya ftow. - A|VIONG the staging intrigues is tlje collision on stoge pf va* railroad- train and a car carry- ing. ski enthusiasts home. Some ,Qf the fireworks misfired ,a mo- ment ahead of the collision, but; this should be -worked out iri-j subsequent performances'/ ' ' -?√ß . Carf?╟╓ Lmdstrom does a co%: niendable job as the singing, wandering prince in' the India Setting as he sweeps in' on a magic carpet. Then there?╟╓s the live horse on a treadmill de- picting a charioteer, in the an- cient arena-of Pompeii. The^col- orful. opening number features a dozen nudes in their 'lavish Parisian boudoir. . , ; THE finale is a sort of Mard>i Gras- carnival, complete witl floats, whieh includes the -en- tire cast. The'ice rink'is again used for pretty-skater 'Gather-- | ine Machado as a part of 'the St. Moritz ski spectacular;. I In addition to the Nitwjts, .-as ?√ßthat ?╟úMad! Mad Gang!?╟Ñ there are fqur ofher. ack ?╟÷ mostly, acrobatic.,The, two Branipn S?? i|^>(lie 9nibejr backs and jug- gjp ..jfahjes.^dmims and balls with their feet. The flye Gimma.Boys are comedy, balan- cers and tumblers while Fred Roby provides a, clever .ap- proach to ventriloquism ais he drinks and smokes while mak- ing, his dolls talk. The Two Mar- ihys take a comedy approach, to .their difficult balancing man- euvers, climaxed by a one, do-, ing a headstand on the. other?╟╓s head, with a large rubber ball between them. STILL another colorful scene is the Fountain of Trevi Where two nude statues come to life, and dance. One of them van- ?√ßishfai .jiutO-t]he pool for a few minutes, then reappears to em- brace his math. The costuming by Folco is as great as ever ahd judging -irom the almost flawless opening performance, i the' best rehearsed of the sty versions, of the show which have^ played since 1958. This one?╟╓s called'?╟úQuelle; Nuit!?╟Ñ or ?╟úWhat A Night.?╟Ñ It really wag.- - . STARDUST - 0.5?·: Minimum) Las Vegas, May 31.?╟÷This sixth edition of Le Lido De Paris is called ?╟ú ?╟╓66,?╟Ñ subtitled ?╟úQuelle ?╟≤Nuit!?╟Ñ The same observation can .-be said of thig entry as was said ?√ßojh^ritry" No! it* tops the others, and iirfsome t?ays ncrt-So, the Stardust sftovys j have -'|%tp^^to an even 'keel' of ?╟╓superb spectaculars, and probably will contin?? that way. ?╟?, - Happiest news about the current edition te that one. of the world?╟╓s immiesjtjacts, ?╟úThV1 Niljv^ts,'?╟Ñ frbmj .Britain,' returns i'n triumph after ,an-:T8-month absence froni Las] Yegas.^Qfe^- 'group?╟╓s outlandish; mrisical pemsense was thO^talk* of rlado'- editidh?╟╓ Mu." 4 and 'It?╟╓s]sTpjly ^yell\Fuie.,to hayej-it backSTbC] ,vsndwVis full pfv traditional pomp and, pageantry,, but the 10 male ] ?fN(twits?╟╓-, peak^QliTOrfqrmance.?? -v -Donn A^den/ a master atTguelj j things,' keeps his' stage abYe with ^M,brl beauty,and e^^itement/bacK I ?╟Ñ"bane<|'by c3,9? lQ,y.oiy;-udllS andl nffl^J handsome guys. 'Stager --director ?╟ Arden' smobthJylbiend'S'the- novelty acts! -and as usual, it^lfeopi^'QlftJ - The -jaded-nfag! obje,et tbtffi||fact that a show* such <38^ this has ^spe- gglty^acts which seem to,_cafiefe'.faff a?╟╓ssembly lines with familiar pat- tbrn^bfit*;most Of'those presented here/- -ris^above'p^^bhphived??no-1 ^ipris.-, j?? / -'Hred^teobyj for instance, Ts- ai ventriloquist wli^,presents hisNitt?? pals -frKa ^unique . manner, qmbelH tllghe'dd by" techntoM Jstunt^(rfrijikr U -and M^fipl^^^while. voice-H ,'t OSpngT^aUdl amgsihg 'dialogL^ There ar^t^ricomedy tuihblmgJ acts, thee Gimma Boys the Marthys both displaying^ ?╟╓qttougnrfiifferliwefknd added gim- micks to make them outstanding. anion?╟╓ Sifters( '(^) are an^ ^ey ,skil]^ullj^'| ; juggle with their ^fbet, sucKtljings' 1 ,as. balls and 'table&ybutrfn a.-rouj .-tfne way -,remirifg3e,nt ?╟╓"of many other actSj,^^ ^^>h^KdMrevugs} MmeS.^or ] ^hhirN?╟╓ onstage, '^rethnstruction of .disasters. I'Thr^' biipef'-jt?╟╓s?╟╓ > a^jtraln [ Sj^flision / (iiot neariyKho ;'startliiig- as Bg Dam Break itoN'o.; 4) and *&yhiean?½ latter being a JjitrmoEe'j .*d%tprbin^ff>v'?╟╓ Thd 'p^oduQtion/nUmbers^-jTiifiliz- j ^utgwi^^fg stage?╟╓s?╟╓swimming pb,ol ] ^P^^^&kbare fine( as^re the costumes ^nd&prflliant. brilkhess of j the Bluebell,' dancers. Catherine j ^faSiagq^is a/i?½efy brunette i pph^fer|'??jvho! ??ron I .the blades. .Nude?╟╓'dance learn, of J Aleco- .and,- Vera,"Kelp f^-arm up the I -^etipn?/.Stevie..iDanififep Henrigfte I and Vera Allen arer feajSured I exotics:-' Carl. ^Inmlhtrombf^Ton^O :'^cofti!J.?√ß Midi" Buddy llonge . are t rjiands?╟╓ohib?╟╓jWocalistsj,^ ^The) !JE jdi^^^Neal^ fi gelt^ y&aps the Frank Semes?╟╓ ?╟≤^oduption^?╟╓and^the > adept-, ring- j leading is in "the ,da^/ble , bands ,of -| ^fe^^S(direcg)r ,?╟╓Bill De AngOlis. j ^'KidmV?╟╓.HG?╟Ñ: is."in foif-?╟  an indefinite |^iyhicl&nida^^Ewilliqikelyflto "well DR- RALPH BUNCHE, famed special advisor mi Political Affairs for the United Nations, enjoyed ?╟úHello America?╟Ñ immensely as ne vviiai (Quelle Nuit!) Carnival Madness! Pleasure-seekers surge through thfe streets of Nice; it?╟╓s Carnival time! Exotic floats, i t. .Daring costumes.. Leering masks. Wild revelry everywhere. What a night! Come?╟÷join the fun. See LIDO?╟╓66?╟÷the nevvest, most , ?╟  lavish, most exciting Lido Revue ever. Reservations urged. Call 272-8301. Lido ?╟╓66: conceived by.PIERRE-LOUIS GUERIN and RENE FRADAY. Staged by DONN ARDEN. Show supervised by FRANK SENNES. / HOTEL & GOLF CLUP. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA where the action is I NOSE KNOWS: Lovable Jim- my Durante is flanked by two Dallas beauties appearing in ?╟úHel- lo Amerfrca.?╟Ñ They?╟╓re.sisters Kathy and Dian Martin. Looking on is long time Las Vegas favo- rite, Phil Harris. STEVE ROPER famed for ttyeir onstage' This time, it?╟╓s ?╟≤<? tr.ain the Diam Byeak a , hit more dis- ?╟≤utilizin^ the -big stage?╟╓s j are fine, as ate the , of the . Bluebell is a ?╟ shapely -'brunette on the blades. Nude Vera help ..warm up the ?╟ú Atfdic, and Vera'Allen, Libdstrom, Tony Scotti, ypeahsts^-' neaj^y Wraps. th$f qfid the_ adept ringleadnuf of stage director Bill Be an indefinite nj|n, which into- ?╟╓67. " . If NITERY REVIEWS