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    A M M w 1 w New Lido Show Premiere May 27 ?╟úQuelle , Nutt!?╟Ñ (What Night!), the long awaited new Lido de Palis extravaganza, will premiere at the Stardust Hotel on Thursday : evening, May 27. ' THE magnificent new produc- tion, with a cast of 100 includes! 40 showgirls and some of the finest novelty acts in Europe, is expected, to be the most opulent and exding of all six Lido shows which have been making theater - supper club history at the Stardust since 1958. To date, almost 4,000,000 people have attended these productions, which have earned the reputation as being the rnodt glamorously costumed stage shows in the history of American theatrics. The cur- rent. fifth edition, ?╟úBravo,?╟Ñ closed after the two perfarm- nces on Sunday, May 16. THIS illustrious production which premiered in October, 1963, will have run a total of 19 months at its conclusion., Staged and created by Donn Arden, supervised by Prank Semites and conceived by Pierre Louis - fpiierin and Rene Era- day, ?╟úQuelle NUit!?╟Ñ promises some of the most unique pro- duction innovations ever at- tempted on any stage. These in- dude a five hors* chariot race, a pulsating scene in which a real locomotive crashes into an automobile, and a starkly real- eruption Of Vesuvius caus- ing the complete devastation of town by molten- lava. Six spectacular J production scenes, interspersed with five great European novelty acts, make up ?╟úQuelle Nuit!?╟Ñ THE production opens with sixteen gorgeous showgirls in panoramic bed. The bed eon- verts into a large staircase that leads into the Paris Lido A-Go- Go where the show is in full swing with the Bluebell Girls. The scene changes to the beiaupui French Alps winter sports region where an actual automatic ski lift raises the girls to fhe top of the moun- tain as snow falls. The skiers happy outing in an automobile which stalls on railroad crossing before being crashed into by an. oncoming train. THE glamorous Taj Mahal is the next setting where prince arrives on a magic car- pet to be greeted by a magni- ficent and colorful festive ceptiom. The next scene takes place in Rome where two sta- tues come to life before the Fountain of Trevi to perform sensitive dance duet before some astonishingly beautiful waiter effects. I After a live chariot race, the next setting takes place in a palace garden of Poffipei amid- st: the wild revelry' of a lavish party- The scene finishes with the * eruption of %Mt. Vesuvius and; the destruction of the city. THE FINALE is a stage-fill- ing spectacle with the full cast, the location on the Riviera, where the pageant carnival in Venice is being held with mag- nificent flower-decorated floats, surrounded by a blazing display of fireworks. ?╟úQuelle Nuit?╟╓s ?╟Ñ novelty acts include the Nitwits, Europe?╟╓s zaniest comedy instrumental group; the Baranton Sisters, ventrflquist Fred Roby; The Marthys, two French comedy hand-to-hand balancing artists, and the Gimma Boys, knockabout acrobats. rrJ7th LIDO >66 ?╟  an all-tiew ( Tj? %ido 'Revue; most fayish, f > most exciting, Lido Revue Aver. LIDO >66 ?╟╓the girls, the sets, the scenery,1 the fun?╟÷ what a night its going to be! LIDO >66 ?╤fafywous7a?·ts- Breathtaking . stage effects. And 100 of Europe?╟╓smoSt Igorgeoas citizens. r LIDO?╟╓66 Ti hat?╟ a Oiowf v Starts Mas 27jhi See it. 20 ?√ßt 1V-MON., MAY 24,1965 %3gMtttMtifm* -k NEW VEGAS EXTRAVAGANZA lias Vegas^^ftTTlNT . M VS JL-m Entertainment friday, May 21. 1W5 LAS VEGAS SUN 27 HEADS SHOW ?╟÷ Donn Arden, who is staging and directing the new Lido de Paris RCvue, ?╟úQuelle Nuit!?╟Ñ - or ?╟úWhat a Night?╟Ñ - opening at the Stardust Hotel next Thursday gives animated direction to lead dancer, Stevie Danik, during a rehearsal session. New 'Lido' Production Opens Stardust May 27 * ?╟  Quelje/Nuit!?╟Ñ (What. Night!),; the*''long awaited new Lido de Paris extravaganza, will premiere at the Stardust Hotel pn Thursday evening, May 27. The new production, .with a cast of 100 that includes 40 showgirls and some of the finest novelty acts in "Europe, is expected to be the best of all six Lido shows which have appeared at the thea- ter-supper club at the Stardust since 1958. To date, almost 4,000,- 00ft people have attended these productions, which have earned a top reputation as costumed stage.' Staged and directed by Donn Arden, produced by Frank Sen nejs and conceived by Pitrre Ltjms-Guerin and Rene Fraday, ?╟úQuelle Nuit!?╟Ñ promises some > neW production innovations. These include a live horse chariot race, a pulsating scene in which a real locomotive crasb- es^into- an automobile,' - and a starkly realistic eruption of-Ve- suvius causing the complete, dev- astation of a town by molten lafa. Six proefuefibn'' scenes?╟Ñ," liirepp speysed with five European nov- elty, acts, make up ?╟úQuelte Nuitj?╟Ñ The production opens with six- teen-showgirls in a panoramic bed. The bed converts'into a large staircase that leads into the Paris Lido-A-Go-Go where the show is in?╟╓full swing with the Bluebell Girls.- g?·j The scene changes to the beau- tiful: French Alps winter sports region where an actual automa- tize sk| life raises the .girls, to- the top of the mountain as snow falls. The skiers go on a happy outing in an automobile which stalls on a railroad crossing be- fore being crashed .into by an oncoming train) The glamorous Taj Mahal is the next-setting where a prince arriyes on a magic carpet to be greeted by a magnificent and .colorful .festive reception. The '|]?·xt scene takes place jap Rome where two statues come to life! before the Fountain of Trevi to perform a ?╟╓Sensitive dance duet before some beautiful water ef- fects.. After a live chariot liiace, the next setting, takes place .to;a palace garden of Rompei aipidSt. the tydd revelry of a layishpar- ty. The scene finishes' with the eruption of Mt. VesuviuKand the destruction of the city. The finale js A stage - filling spectacle with the full cast, the location on the Riyifera, where the pageant carnival to,Venice is being held with flower-decorated floats, surrounded by a blazing display of fireworks. ?╟úQuelle Nuit?╟╓s?╟Ñ novelty acts include the Nitwits,' Europe?╟╓s; comedy instrumental group; the Baranton Sisters, jugglers; ven- triloquist Fred Roby;-The Mar-' toys, two French comedy h??m\. to-hand balancing artist?, and the Gimma Boys, knockabout acrobats. The costumes .have been de- signed ,by the intefriatibnally re- nowned .< Folco, . scenic designs are by Harvey Warren and Ray- mond Fost,. the-music is by Jint Harbert,' Jean Pierre, Landrea, P i err e Delvihcourt and Jean Gruyer, with the orchestra under the direction of Eddie O?╟╓Neill. ?╟úQu^le.,Null,!?╟Ñ, will be seen twice nigiittynt the Stardust Ho-! tel with performances at .8:15! p:m.: and midnight.-. Aspeqiall third showing will be held each ?╟ Saturdayf-evsning at>?√ß 2:15 a.m. l iiast- BY JOHN L. SCOTT | LAS,, VE^A^^TinkliMgt i dotdstoL.aiTefilhft'^ piano - aui,d;serape' of daneefikfeet : hieiid,! sirang<ri|-; with -the rasping , overture of caip penters^ hammers - radii elebtrie S?½ws bn dust's ?√ß hup; ^?½nu te,,j pj|gafa?·idiis{^ mhe opening new Rttravaganza,.. |o u,e 1 lie' wpit", ?╟  (What| a Night);] j next Thursday evening; ; Sifting alorie Out front ih Contemplative mood is' Bonn Arden,, tyho is direct-, ljT responsible foi ci eating jj*and staging- this sixth in ?-the series'pf Paris' I spectaculars to play fthe Stardust .since11958. ,' ?╟≤ '?╟ This-will be fhe most- opulent and exciting^of all otlr. LidO''broduc'tiqns, but I'mTsittingbere wondering when weUi reach the Iffnir of spectacle," he'tells-me.' "We specialize in specta- cular-tragedies these bays," hq fcontmues with a> J 'wry'smile. TOijfmg 'Querie pNult' ?╟╓we'll ?╟ present a live- horse'chariot raee,..a\sceM in .which a real locomotive crashes^. info an automo- bile, and | starkly-re|bst& ?╟╓ eruption, of Vesuvius 'ck^is-i ihg deVassta-tibnM a" town 1 fej molten lava*.-.,g _ J?╟╓Competatiqn among Big shows in Las Wegas is -so'-^ I /Intense that tie must /some ' up each year with more unique and costly ^tage in- novations: Where ,wiil? it all end? Well, the boys iWho spend the money for Hfeese super-expensive co- logsals wifi decide-fhat.":' ] Arden said that of the SO people on stage'',?╟÷, and that?╟╓s-a cdrrect total?╟÷le^s 1 I ^ ?√ß -DONN ARDEN. ' ,.th|'h?╟ ;hal|i ohme: from rope this year,'whereas-for , past Vetsioris almost loW were imported! Las'Vfegas is? now'filled: with Bluebell' Girls ?╟÷ femme dancers brought to the United States by.Mme. i Bluebell?╟÷ Ar- , den.;. "; - qu?╟╓Se.a.fewhaVe taken out citizenship,,; papers,;.apd have been abserbetfm cho- rus lines, of other' Vegas ||||&| he deeiatfe r |i :?╟≤?╜"' "American dancers- .on the' other hand, ?╟╓are".gyp-. Sies; they come and go." ?╟╓ ?╟╓While.we watch,rehears saLproceedings, Ardeh rer \ turns fa pih Mbjectbf '?╟ the future,of Las Vegas'stage .-sg^ctel^i:"..?╟Ñ ': ?√ß ff}- - - v '?╟≤ ; | "I'll give you a 'concrete illustration of new and costly gimmicks," he says.. "The production opens with 16 showgirls in-a pan- oramic ?╟?b?·d, which then converts into;-a large stair- .caseJeadingrihto the Parish ?√ßLido a ^Go Go W?╟╓here the j shoyris'iii full-swing jgjth | the Bluebiir Girls. -"Then we shift to tfete : French Alps .winter;-: sports region where an,.autoftiatie!Ski jift ?╟╓ 5g&i|& |fi| to 'tkd^tofi'of a mofintain' as snow, falls, > ?√ß "Skjqrs-tare' oiiVa happy" outing in an automobile- that% stalls on a rhilrdad cr ossi n g befqre- being crashed into, by an oncom- ,ing?╟  train. Arid- that?╟╓s Just- our operiingl" / . Afden also joints 'Oatu that in the finale, dotage--.] filling''spe,ctacie, with toe* -.Ji^caet in'^tc|rnliial sebJ tingi each one of^thj dqfe| ,ens o?·femmes has-400 tiny'! (electnc bulbs rin her cos- tume.- ' ] "What's next?" 'he mut- . tersv "Maybe World War II onstage."