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RALPH PEARL - VEGAS DAZE AND NITES : ?╟ HELLO AMERICA?╟╓ ?╟÷A WINNER SI producer spends his life time in show business etching for that one effort that?╟╓ll make him the talk 1 of-'ffie entertainment world. It doesn't matter whether h?·.he the impresario of huge spectaculars that play Lon- dSiftNew York and Las Vegas or the starving but hope* fui impresario of a peep show just off Broadway in Al- buqwerque. Their dreams are the same. Then along comes Donn Arden who Is known for his lavish productions and numerous successes, in theatres and cafes all over the world. It?╟╓s difficult imagining Arden being more successful or topping hill-previous efforts. So he brings in ?╟úHello Amer-. Tear,?╟Ñ a musical extravaganza at the Desert Inn ?√ß which depicts the Gay 90?╟╓s and the era just before World War L This is the perfect musical effort all : producers dream about but few achieve in their hec- tic "life times. The only way Donn Arden will ever top his ?╟úHello America?╟Ñ at the D-I will be when he stages World War II with the original cast and the : appearance of Leopold Stokowski and Elmer Bern- stein and their orchestras; Hello America?╟Ñ is as homey as apple pie and as ndgtblg\c as the family album. The girls and guys dance 1 anclaing with much gusto at Atlantic City. Lovely Gloria Kriiger sings ?╟úKiss Me Again,?╟Ñ petite Ann Howard belts; tfterBva Tanguay song, ?╟úI Don?╟╓t Care?╟Ñ>and Klki PaigC; sfairts across ?╟úCock Eyed Sadie?╟Ñ, in the .?╟úBertha, the SfeMhg Machine Girl?╟Ñ nuipber. -Then, when all is serene and the patrons are re- laxing in their pews and dreaming of the old days, Arden goes with a San Francisco Barbary Coast number that knocks, even the sippers in the far away bar right off their stools. And if that isn?╟╓t energetic enough; Arden and his talented crew throw in an earthquake for good measure that can probably be felt away off in Pasadena on those little seismo- * graphs. The customers settle back again for a bit of Gay 90?╟╓s frolicking, then Arden throw's another ' , blockbuster at them, this one the ?╟úSinking of the Titanic,?╟Ñ And I get the peculiar feeling this sinking I?╟╓m watching is even more spectacular than the original sinking in 1912, , V. ! Then comes the, comedy team of Pepper Davis and Tony Reese. The boys sneak out, look into' the bewil- dered faces of the first nighters and crack;?╟úNice going, Donn. Not only do we have to follow the sinking of the Titanic but also the San Francisco earthquake.?╟Ñ But the Tads are pros in every sense of the wordf. And they promptly make the people breathe easier at their she- nanigans. Pepper plays the punch drunk fighter, then the indefatigable dancer while Tony plays the fan j dancer. ?╟  . / Producer Frank Sennes has brought in Faptasio, a gent from South America who pulls pigeons out of the thin air and numerous yards of rope; from his upper palate* There are also the Seven Youngs, a .teetering board gang,of, tumblers, Difck Weston and his ventril- bquy.rupicycle juggling Cuny and Victor Julian who, ha$ a gang, of dogs who preen and dance to the tunes of for- 1 eign lands.'Dog lovers will capsize for joy at their aiitles. , ,, The sets are awe inspiring, the costumes lavish and revealing and the special effects of Harvey Warren and his crew effectively heart stopping. If you don?╟╓t walk away from Arden?╟╓s ?╟úHello America?╟Ñ completely impressed* amused and entertained, than turn yourself in to the nearest agency for lost souls?╟÷you?╟╓ve been dead and never knew it! Such gents as Jim Harbert andt-Leonard Adelson l handled thp musjo^nd lyrics, Bill Campbell the scenic ' designing and Cdrlton Hayes and his band the.hj^e and -iropressivv^ musicgl sGAre. Th&_,Desen Inn bosses shelled ouf. almost a half million dpttars to ppt this ?╟úHfei-lo America?╟Ñ into Ihe?╟╓,.Crystal Room. bui^Xprpb- abl?· the best investment tljey made siaceThey uncrated the gaming tables for business at the ?·>-? 14 yeaps ago. EARLY ARRIVALS fe- Pepper Davis andTTony Reeke, featured perform- ers in ?╟úHeHo, America! ?╟Ñ, which opened M'fitii e CrRoom ah the Des|f ert Inn last night, pull ujr to the Inn in a 1910 Mer- cer Speitfeter, a popular r (f a d s'f e r of the era spanned musically in the' new reyge. Hollywood, Calif. : Variety -sii ; (43r. D. 9,239) *: SEP Z 5 1964 Jlllens P.C.B. Eft. 1888 i opens1 To?Σ≤,''1 ucSI V?╟÷ to, Oct. 26. y ?╟? , t 'I j Ken Ur ms ton* added /to/ ! .of Donn Arden?╟╓s. ?╟úHello Anferidai>* Ir^mM^d'uS^ Frank Sennes lop^itfgy. .Wednesday - 'a?·|'i..;tfes&rV I llnnf .Las >V%g-as._ -UrmstoriYeplace^ J fCharles Gray fat the IF YOU THINK YOU?╟╓VE SEEN IT AU- MEETWHAT YOU?╟╓VE MISSED AT WILBUR DESERT INN EXTRAVAGANT 'PRESENTATION Of ^DONN; ARDEN?╟╓S hellos AMERICA! A cast of 80, featuring Davis and Reese, dramatizes the sinking of the ?╟úTitanic?╟Ñ?╟÷ , . .. The San Francisco earthquake.. .The most exciting, lavish .musical extravaganza in Las Vegas! Produced by Frank Sennes. Staged and Directed by Donn Arden. Twice nightly at 8 and 12 midnight Three performances Friday only: 8,12 & 2 A. M. For reservations, phone: 272-7875 WILBUR CLARK'S . DESERT INN AND Cife CLUB frfr. LAS VEGAS . I ^Sllow miiner By BOB FLICK tlidted Press International There?╟╓s been a standard gag up and doym the Strip for quite! s6me time' now whief 'usually' Hi ends up, ?╟úWeR, somedfy they?╟╓ll P sink the Titanic on stage or gjfplay World War 1?╟Ñ in the ck - you - top - this coinpeto- l4/ tibn among the hotels. t "if Well, the ?╟úTitanic?╟Ñ went down Iasi night at the Desert Inn ?╟ú finier of ?╟úHeHo, America, i World War I was there too, but in montage form with no actual I casualties. And then there wUS the San Rgncisco earthquake.j THE STOW, in. for a || month stint, probably is^B best in town and' the,, production takes thg. champion?╟╓s j crownl away fromjte D?·s sister hotel across. ffieWeet, the |tardusU The ?╟úTitan# went down hi an awesomely realistic ..scene replete*with scrams,..flames, Smoke (that . you j ca rpaU.y smell) and ?·a> life boat on the waves as she went under. ?╟≤ Stage ?╟údisasters?╟Ñ such as tins andiihe limed dam testing scebe in^ast year?╟╓s ?╟úLjjg * *fcShow at th^Stardi^t,; ar^ Pa' (See HELLO,. Page .2) W$-W\ ?╟≤Hello, America^ Scores at DI^l 'Continued froM Page|l) radox. They beepme disasters^, show business if the. disaster doesn?╟╓t come off on stage through some technical hitch. The good ship went under last night without a flaw and will have to be classified as the ?╟ disaster hit of the season,?╟Ñ here or elsewhere. LIKE THE ?╟úLido,?╟Ñ ?╟úHello, America?╟Ñ sprinkled with the best variety acts available be- tween the big and seemingly impossible production numbers. FFlames shooting high over San Francisco after the build- ings collapsed on stage were just as real looking as the wa- ter rushing into the Titanic?╟╓s boiler room. World War I was a bit more staid and consisted,* in the main, of patriotic slogans flash- ed on a screen curtaip as mar- shal music blared. The audience fell right into the spirit of things, however^ as?╟ many jbin- ed in for a chorus # ?╟úft?╟╓s a Grant Oid Flag.?╟Ñ l&ESERTiJNN j?╟ ~..Hjl I, New Revuey iRatfc&j?╟╓op i pp^tffeula? ica!?╟Ñ a kaleidoscopic and breathtaking stage?╟╓ presents- j.ioh, is, the newest, kow sen- sation in this' ^iow capital of the World, and the toast of a town accustomed to the spec- tacular. ?√ß Producer Frank Sennes and Donn Arden have given the Desert Inn?╟╓s posh. Crystal Room a -plush and exciting revue in the .form, of a colorful salute to the turn-of-the-century pe^ riqd in "American history . ./. from the heyday of New York?╟╓s famed Rector?╟╓s to-World War 1. In the best Sennes tradition, which encompassed the start-, lin^ stage effects originally presented ait The Stardpst?╟╓s ?╟úLe Lido de Paris,?╟Ñ the new production recreates the -quake and fire which ravaged' San Francisco, and the-sinking of the. Titaniev This rates, as a ma-, jdr technical achievement even with'* the magnificent stage equipment recently, installed in the pew show phl?╟╓ace. From the standpoint of tertainment the revue ig ierwoven with half' a dozen great v^ieiy -and fuhv aefe topped' by- the coiqedies' of popular Pepper Davis and Tony jBeese; an amazing Flying. But- l^-fly Bairet5?╟ ;-?·ta enthralling Efmonstration .of .magic j. ' an | pxCiting acrobatic ^act and an llaborate trained, dog act; f. |?╟╓#ong stylist Kiki Paige, Kay Brown, Ann' Howard, Gloria Krtegk - andi Marcia ?╟╓Gilford rate-ass^el^hdouts among the ariiyiE^kcfiaraners^eatured pis difrenentscene^lChe;cast i Jeature? t^notchshdW^iis, ^stumed | and I pltb.po hiial^iLmidity. ?╟úEEcllu, ?╟╓ ?╟Ñl"'1Tr:ca!"?╟╓ urnTmust,?╟╓.?╟╓ i ybw?╟  i La^S ' e a-, 'w lafcnig ; with me fmestnjroductions in DONN ARDEN, America?╟╓* foramott night-club entrepreneur, is currently I presenting his exciting new extrava- | ganza, ?╟úHello America,BBn the | Crystal Room of the Desert InSMlos I VegaSv^M Shirley MacLaine ?╟╓ ?√ß * '?√ß?√ß?√ß?√ß/* R??leised by'chleago Trlbuns.NiY. N?╜wt Syndicate, Inc,, WM N;tFp^tw y&^jktow, -liiiT6d5^;^th^%jifijKyeed, Bki Hb^h&s, .wapted tp get htobM^Ls/rV showy?╟╓lJow - they We ironed ^p^s^timk(anW riiMrsartimes and'.if y-ou can hol5 ;; I Jjatieppeiwntfi Nov. 20, Dr. KildAfce will .guest star 1 11V ^ ??n 'Hope show. 1 Gbldfarb Please, pome is. after 'the . new Amelia.?√ß'* route to Tofciro^o open i ^ 1 negotiations with Fred : Goemer'whose novel will, j ^ ^v\ ^e??,a March, Book of the" H- ' , 1' > ?╟  >',,i Mcftith. i Shiplfey wants- to - call the picture YjAtnefta'-l; -; It telli?the fihTal;cbaPte^' hi i H the Earhart seems ' " ;;i,GpbCi^r. kpeqtt'months in the South Pacific retracing -v ?╟? Earpart^s, oute h > ?╟≤'?╟≤J.t'll bgf%n Heflin?╟╓s voice narrating "Tl\e General," a IE Havid-'Wolf a--, special to be released on the anniversary W*%jp?·.. Ppugjas Mae Arthur's death^/an has signed Ed -nar- .-ratff'Six all, will startktight after his preseht pictQie "Scratcai',A Thiefl' is?╟╓ finished. ^' Jchnnj^ 3VlatMs,;ln, Honolulu*?╟╓ for a singing engage- ' fright, writes he's' branching out into the acting depart- : guestf star r^le in Pr. Kildare bemg .speciaEy.i writte^for him is. his first venture. Then he',11 play?, a ' 'Puerto Jtican iri^^ew York's Spanish Harlem ltt "Bkel In The Streets" With Adams and Sal Mipeo,. -a , ;frioti?½a: picti^'g which ptichard Bernatem Las Ye^s "Flamingo linifig up a new e^fcinmeht.- 'tfr kkp- st^rs {or only tiyd weekd in feur,e, witfr -?╟≤f4^rvexc?½.tio4.,bf Mitzi Gaynor and Jack- Jon||, .both of ?╟≤ 'jrrwhofri will b# signed', for four weeks* by Iteris-Lans- , '?╟≤'$??? 'burg. < ^ Ifwoq wantAh evenin^'s fun and to take Me children f alo% withbut embarrassment, try "Hello -ffikericY1 at Lj. mb^gsert .Ihn which my spies tell me is fi^l^iknt, IE| $py hhd^e-frftifrg; Don; Auden tyho?╟╓ direct^^tf b^o^eo- ' j^^g^uphs features- all the famous popular songBPi^fprls- in^ how goo.d-the old?╟╓-timers are. They frsve a reproduce V ' tion of the-San Francisco earthquake find fire on stage - \ for one number where the entire set falls down and' ' seems to burn?╟÷dimply fantastic, ?╟╓ ;?╟╓'Po]jywood Make Up Artists and Hair Stylists couldn't have made,a 'better choice than Helen Rose as - fashion consultant for the 12th annual Deb -?╟ StartBall. Helen built up her reputation designing costumes at, Metro for Liz Taylor, Gyd Charisfee and Leslie Caron-?Σ≤- ?╟  reeqpHy did -the clothes for Debbie Reynolds in' "Good?, ?√ßj. afryfe 'Charlie:""t, No Longer a Maverick Wooing James Garner1 into an extended contract of dny kihd ig -difficult.- Once,burned, he dreads the fire, but fr, Metro has their way his Cherokee 'Productions t' will be making. three films for the studio?╟÷Garnet4? take-$l;500,p00. The first, "Caravans," with a locale in Afghanistan, involves a beautiful heiress and an?╟╓ ad- venturer. Tjhe studio admits 'they'll settle frjr this, one if they can't tie ftp the package deal> : Gene Bafty and wife .Betty celebrat^ their 2(kh/%ed- ding anniversary Saturday next with a mighty iving- ding at the Beverly Wilshire. Gene, who whs once a*boy on^ Broadway, opposite. Mae West in "Katherine'-Wag- jSreat* fop .Mike Todd, will sing and dance in the Holly- wood Palace November 1st show, also has a first album fbr,;RCA -Victor coming out this' month, /v?╟Ñ Nefte Adams ^and Kamala Devi never take jobs when ^ \ c(> ^ n and Chuck Connors are off on location < imy . go' mopyg^feey've sigrild g^est star in "Thb . ,u il i ir i\ C.l^l are old TV ml- jomJ?╟╓nn Star ' J^dile spbli^2?½ 1 oi i\Qikio^ monT^ /jo^TUT^ ? Q|e''^^fentwbp4 Fi%se, plans Ho be in. Formosa^, yuath Stev^|)r "The San^^bbles^Bbh;Wis.e'kp|dduc-' lion, and will drop off at Maiiila to see relaiive-. Neile i- w - io i U mo, lr 1 a- a <uhali gnl and hasn?╟╓t .been back WILD AND WOOLY ?╟÷- Bdrbory Coast, one of T5 exciting scenes from Donn Arden's . extravaganza ?╟úHelje America!", staged in the Crystal Room at the Desert Inn; Lovely girls,, exquisite costumes, featured.^ comedians Pepper Davis and Tony Reese, end ekcellewt.specialty acts which include Jim Cuny (unicyclist), Victor Julian and his dogs;'Ventriloquist., Dick Weston, Magician . Fantasia and the Jungs- acrobats, make up this lavish production which con- sists of more than 80 people. Performances are twice nightly, with three shows on Friday. ;