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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    #& R U D E R & FI N N F IELD N E T \X7 O R K INC. 9 1 / I November 9, I960 Mr. 41 Freeman Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Al: I was glad to meet you via telephone this morning, and to learn that we shall be working together on this Martini & Rossi Trophy presentation. The assignment shall consist of the following: a. To prepare and place on the AP and UPI wire out of Las Vegas, a story, similar to the enclosed, on the winner of the Gold Cup Race, to be held in Las Vegas on Sunday. b. Through a local photographer to take photographs of the trophy- presentation, and try and get these photographs on the AP and UPI wires. c. To obtain local coverage of the presentation in the Las Vegas area. The following is pertinent information concerning the presentation, and the personalities who will be present: Bruno Tortl. the American representative for Martini & Rossi who will make the presentation, will arrive in Las Vegas at noon on Saturday, November 12. He will stay at the Stardust Hotel. The race will be on November 13, and the story will be for release late that day. I suggest you contact Torti when he arrives. It might be best if you introduce yourself to him as the local representative of Ruder & Finn, since Martini & Rossifs ad agency here in New York is working with us. If there is some local dignitary whose aid can be enlisted for the presentation, it might prove helpful. 1*11 leave that to you, however. Your fee for this assignment will be $150 (maximum, including expenses.}. If you have any questions, call me and I!ll try and help you out* Sincerely, AG:ga Sncl. 130 EAST FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW" YORK 22, N. Y Aaron Greenberg Operations Manager PLAZA 9-1800 - CABLE: RUDERFINN - TWX: NEW YORK 1-3490