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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Gabriel ROT!!STRIN lag&nieur E.S.f?? - LicsficiS fc-$G$flG8S 13, Rue ?√ß.: ?√ß?√ß?√ß :.Usy, PARIS ?╟Ñ 5* -after 3,it must go out 1, then 36 -after 1, it must go out 36, then 35 general Remarks The croupier, who will have to look after t^a group of * zones (the end table croupier for the euro** pean type roulette layout), croupier who doesn#t will tire, ..?╜?√ß?╟÷ because the stale?? s are of ton lost on . the 3 pairs of zones, and even when one of these $ chances is going out, the 2 < chances are, automatically, lost for the players, the said croupier could have, near at hand,- a little rack* ?╟≤ ./?√ß - ?√ß ?√ß /AAv':A'/A C-o nrJZvJ^, This rack would^go much little wood or plastic plates that there are aumbe^b at the roulett various numbers being printed on these plates* The croupier would place on & slide the number which just was going out. If, at the next shot of roulette, the number which goes out is not the i~ chia- tely following number, or the immediately anterior number, in the numeration, oar is not the same number, therefore if none stake is winning atr the 1st degree, the number placarded, sho mod on the slide is removed, and is replaced by the nu .b- - gone out just after. .ZcM, If, at the next shot of roulettej^it goes out a number which let win, at the first degree, one of the 3 pairs of zones, above (v,??,ozt??), the croupier put on the slide, elose to the anterior, to the precedent placarded number, the number which come just to go out, so that 3 numbers are ahowned or placarded together ,in| this event* ?╟  . - A third number is placarded, only if a chance is winning at the &id degrees this time, the Back pays that it has to pay, and, just after, the croupier v ?√ß -ov -t. the first of these 3 gone out numbers, leaving only the 3 late numbers, gone out,'1 for the event, extremely rarely, where a second gain, at And degree, would occurU just after* If the series is interrupted, the croupier leaves placarded only the last n I out number* And So on. All which precedes will be done Instantaneously, because it is childish, very simple, and is more quickly to do than to say. Obviously, this combination of new chances with very big profit, in regard, in relation to the stake, will tempt many players, and since the gain will be very Jp rarely, there be nothing time lost, at this point of view, the Bank picking up, H shoveling up the stakes almost the whole time. This group of 6 cases or zones, corresponding to 3 new chances-zones, will agglutinate the players around the tables of roulette, fitted, equiped by this Group of 3 pairs of cases* On the other hand, although it is matter of chances equivalent to full numbers (Kinglet numbers), the average gain of the Bank, on the ensemble of these 3 chances* zones, that is to say on the 3 chances-zones together, will be of greater amount than on an ensemble of 3 anyifull numbers. Among the - registered drawings patterns,concerning the Group of 6 cases (. p of ?· cases) for roulette layouts, drawings number X, 2, 3 and 4, here annexed, i beg you to designate to me that you would wish to exploit, to work, in your Establishment, with the following precisions s a) how much would be the number of double-tables (tables including 2 boards-layouts per table) you should foresee (forecast)/ b) how much would be the number of single-tables (tables includind a single board- layout per table) fou should foresee I will then indicate to you the amount of the only and fixed payment * pwy able once (and) for all* in consideration of which amount, I could grant, allow to you, Ihe?╟╓right; of use and exploit, in your Casino, the number of tables so specified by you, fitted, equiped with my Group^of 3 pairs of cas??3, according to the number of drawing cholced by you.