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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Gabriel Rothstein, Engineer, 13, rue de Poissy, 13 - Paris (Sd) (France) PARIS - 5?½ '??,ssy* 13 Group created by me, according bo registered drawings pat- - 5?½ terns (legal registering): registering ?╟÷^ ^ _ International registering . Group of 6 new cases or zones is independent, and it can. in addition, bo added or joined : -to any usual roulette layout, french type, American type, belgium type* a,s#o*.. -toAof several patterns or models of roulette layouts,created and registered , . , by ti, Rothstein# Here annexed 4 patterns drawings, these four patterns being able to an the several roulette layouts above mentioned# However : She pattern 1 would, be p ref ere cl for all the usual roulette layouts or carpets of european type (french type, a,s#o#?╟≤??), and could be added and drawee , on the end of the table, parallelly to the v/idth (breadth) side of the table: the end table croupier should look after these new zones, without weariness for Mm besi- des# these pattern 1 is also suitable , and also on the end of the table, to all the models of Rothsteinferoulette layouts# ^Preference would be given to the pattern 53 in the case of the americsn rou- lette layouts, as well the Nevada (U.S#A?╜) layouts that those of the countries of South America, and that pattern 2 could be added and draw-tti, parallelly to the length of the table, * It should be noted that, in these countries iNevada (USA) and South America, the pattern 1 is also suitable, if it is added arid drawer^ at the end of the table# parallelly to the width (breadth) side of the table. $he patterns 3 and 4 are be able to be integrated, among others, especially, in tbo hofelisteln* s layouts 16 - 17 ** 24 and 25 9 and conblnod wittx any ot tlio so mw /h _ l layouts# jiff Group of o new cases or zones (say 3 pairs of 2 cases), which I have created, for the roulette layouts, allows the exploitation of a novel, a new chan- ce, which new chance I have conceived, this exploitation being easy, and that without touching in anywhere manner the roulette cylinder, cylinder which remains absolutely unmodified# Obviously, it could be sot up a little special independent carpet: but it is unnecessary: it is more simple to adjoin that Group of b cases to anyone of the above mentioned roulette carpets, by the drawing of that Group of 6 cases on an empty part, an unoccupied part of the layout. inis new chance will be easy to be exploited, and without tiredness, because - ?╟≤ -htto ?√ß - picking up, shovelling up, the stakes: effectively, the stakes will generally be lost for the players, so that the Bank will pay very rarely: the players are, in fact, very rarely winning, but when they are winning, their -gain is very .considerable. more much than on any single number, that~is to say more much than on a full number. Siat is the reason for which that new chance will attract, will entice the players amateurs (lovers) of single numbers (full numbers), the audacious players, who accept to lose often, but who are desirous, who are caring for, to win strong?╟÷ i ly, to win very considerable winning, to earn very high bulk, when they are winniiMf With this additional chance I conceived, and which exploited by my 3 pairs of new cases,in amusing, captivating and windome manner, this typo of players will be perfectly handled, served. Ibis play includes 3 pairs of new cases: -the pair , I call ADVANCE (1?╟ WWAltDS) -the pair. ?╟÷ , I call EEGQJL (BACKWARDS) -the pair , I call REhoflflOii (HlifhiiflNG). ire?? a a^. with Ohl 1 aad .which