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I agree.iiyiummmit vjirtl M^n 501 A vtnu?╜ (\j*W Y?½A N- Y. (cLJorado 5*0350 February 10, Count Alberto Carlo 310 St UUth St. New York, NT Dear Count C*rlo?? I have been unable to reach yiu on the phone today and am leaving tomorrow for a week in Chicago. You will recall the LIFE Magazine layout which I am preparing. Well it seems that the political situation in Cuba matces it inadvisable to use the paintings of the casinos which you made for us there. I haven*+ had a chance to tell you but these were excellent and are most suitable for our purposes except that they are Cuban and are now useless. As you know, we have already gone over budget on this project and cannot offer you any kind of a fee but if your time will permit a trip to Las Vegas or Reno, we are prepared to pay your expenses. i/Shat We want is the same as we wanted in Cuba....action, color and excitement of smart gaming Casinos. We will assure you that you will be given proper credit as slrtist upon publication of the reproductions of your paintings and as ydu know we are not concerned with possession of the paintings after the color photos have been taken. If you are able to embark on this immediately, yr. Kaplan of this office will issue you the expense check. We must have this project completed no later than the last week in April. Hoping that this will meet with your approval and that we will hear fav- orably from you upon receipt of this letter, I am, liost sincerely yohrs, BSg! I / ?√ßf //./ /yf 4,S' M I . - / '' Wl * t, ' 1. fcORAN / Jfcjsal