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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ?Σ≤^ DEL WEBB HOTELS ADOVER TREATMENT pri/c money for its owner before being j eaten at the banquet. THE BLACK PEARL, bv Scott O'Dell (Houghton Mifflin; $3.25). The author of The Island of the Blue Dolphins has turned out another excellent novel; this one captures all the mysteries and dangers of pearl diving off the Baja California coast. For good measure, it adds a real live sea GllGAMESH, by Bermuda Brvson (Holt. Kinehart ,t Winston; $4.^5). A retelling of what is said to be the oldest legend known to man: the story of Gilgamesh, the great king of a Sumerian city, and his friend 1 nkidu. the half-beast, half- man originally created by the gods to destroy him. With its i "cent illustra- lions by the author, this book should appeal lo all ages. THE GREAT BRAIN, by John D. Fitzgerald, Illustrated bj Mercer Mayer (Dial; S3.9S). In Mormon Utah in 189(>. lorn (The Great Brain**) is the craftiest kid around. Whether figuring a way to make money when his father gets the first flush toilet in town or teaching a one-legged boy how not to be "useless." lorn is very funny; the illustrations are excellent EARLY THUNDER, In lean frit/ (Coward- McCann; $4.50). A historical novel set in Salem. Mass., in 1775. about Daniel West, a 14-year-old torn between the lory loyalties of his famil) and his own awakening devotion to OVER THE BLUE MOUNT' t', l\ Conrad Richter, illustrated bj Herbert Danska (Knopf. $3.75). I he old Pennsylvania Dutch legend holds that on the second of July, a woman named Man walks ovei the mountain, if it rains that day, M.??r\ doesn't come back and there are 40 days of rain. Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Richter's storj tells what happens when two boss meet a real Mary. ROAM THE WILD COUNTRY, by Ella Thorp Ellis, illustrated by Bret Schlesinger (Athe- neum; S4.25). A .South American story of horsebreaking with a (3-year-old hero. A CLOUD OVER HIROSHIMA, bv Burt , Hiischleld (Julian Messnei; S3.9S). The \ story of the atomic bomb, told with ac curacy and excitement. Best Sellers FICTION 1. The Confessions of Nat Turner, Styron (I last week) 2. Topaz, Iris (2) 3. The Gabriel Hounds, Stewart (3) 4. The Chosen, Potok (41 5. The Exhibitionist, Sutton (5) 6. Christy, Marshall (Hi 7. Rosemary's Baby, Levin (7) 8. A Night of Watching, Arnold (6) 9. The Arrangement, Kazan (9) 10. Night Falls on the City, Ciainham (10) NON FICTION 1. Our Crowd, Birmingham (1) 2. Nicholas and Alexandra, Massie (2) 3. The New Industrial State, Oalbraith (5) 4. Rickenbacker, Rickenbacker (3) 5. Twenty Letters to a Friend, Alliluyeva (4) 6. A Modern Priest Looks at His Outdated Church, Kavanaugh (7) 7. Incredible Victory, Lord (8) 8. Memoirs: 1925-1950, Kennan (9) 9. Anyone Can Make a Million, Shulman (6) 10. At Ease: Stories I Tell to Friends, Eisenhower TIME, DECEMBER" 8, 1967 DO YOU REMEMBER STAYING AT THIS MAN'S HOTEL? They say his signature was made at the top of his golf swing. He's Del E. Webb, former owner of the New York Yankees and famous as a construction man. He also owns many hotels; seven of his finest are in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Las Vegas, Fresno, Lake Tahoe or San Francisco. In a Del Webb Hotel you're pampered .. . treated like a guest, not just a customer. And we plan to keep you that way. "The very finest of all the Del Webb Hotels" r^ HOTEL *yVt<WH/<&/J <jA<zcfowd ^AllAf?A SCOTTSDALE, ARIZ. <#rMTCtl*M LAS VEGAS, NEV. SAHARA-T*?╟?aE 77^ MINT LAKE TAHOE, NEV. LAS VEGAS, NEV. TowneHouse sanfrapn?╟?^xfresno SUBSIDIARY HOTELS OF Del E.Webb Corporation n H??M*??I?╜?╜ JAWARA LAS VEGAS. NEV. 7/kMBNT LAS VEGAS, IM?Θ╝V. ?╟÷- DEL WEBB'S, a TowneHouse SAN FRANCISCO FRESNO PHOENIX r-' SCOTTSDALE, ARIZ. vv- Da WEBB'S w Kings Inn OVER THE NATION LAKE TAHOE, NEV. A3NSVQ3A SV1 vmm. v SAMARA '/ /7v MINT | I [f^Hou** JAUARA 7nA~- Kie^i I?╟??╟?