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    This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. SUNDAY MIRROR LEE MORTIMER What with this, that and the her thing, I haven't gotten ound to the fabulous Latin carter for quite some time, so can think of no better way to d my vacation than to say some ee things about the flagship of e theatre-restaurants. During my long and prolonged sence from 48th and Broadway j Latin Quarter's famous brain ist (E. M. Loew and Ed Ris- m) came up with one of the st and brightest productions sr seen in this historic Times uare landmark, where almost ?ry great of show business has peared at one time or another. These theatrical geniuses, 2w and Risman, are gents of titude and determination who re weathered the worst storms luding depressions, strikes 1 the notorious week before :istmas. >NE OF THE REASONS for booming box office at the irter now is blonde and iph-y Jaye P. Morgan who s^out the pop tunes as few do, a sure-fire song sales Jaye P. Heads a Top Bill At the Latin Quarter* LAST 2 DAYS TO SEE PINKY LEE ?ring. ,i^^^^^^^^^^_ ssisting her in Donn Arden's Macular revue are the Mor- Brothers, who it' turns out her brothers named Bob :, Duke and Charley, all ly talented singers and in- mentalists, and this is a swell nock at that. ?╟≤ starred in the Arden ex aganza is Harry Mimmo, ribed by showman's bible, ety, as "one of the greatest cs of our time," and I will you a yes-note on that, Mr. Green. His impressions re-1 I you of Charlie Chaplin at I greatest before the days cr I significance. usual, the Latin Qu stage is inhabited by a talented bevy of foreign and domestic variety artists, taking over in this field where the nostalgic Palace left off. Among the brightest spots of the distaff department is lovely Mitsuko Morigai, the striking and beautiful babe from Japan who scored so big last year stooging for Milton Berle. Mitsuko, known as Nippon's most famous model, has her own bit now, singing a strange and exotic Japanese song in a typical Far Eastern voice. IT MIGHT BE that Mitsuko originated the Oriental trend now taking over Broadway, and if anyone is looking for a star in a forthcoming film, this is it. Big in the sex-appeal department is Boubouka, another exotic, from Greece, who makes with the traditional belly-dance first, made famous at the Latin Quarter by Nejla Ates and Samia Gamal. Boubouka really tosses it. She is something to see. Another imported beauty is Tanya Corlette, billed as "the Australian Godess." She's six featured include Ron Lewis ai Joyce Roberts, outstanding m sical comedy dancers, Liza Ros Tony Mack, Ron Merron, Sfua Hodes, David Carter and prodt tion singer Dick Curry, all < whom do brilliant jobs, as do maestro Jo Lombardi, wit Buddy Harlow alternating. Broadway will always t Broadway as long as the Lat Quarter exists. nan who has the audience ^S"^88'' She's sb ;rmg. ?Σ≤et Pius of gorgeous woman ..^, ^ gwgeous woman. I Francis Bruun, hailed as one of the world's greatest jugglers, | keeps the show moving fast. Donn Arden's lavish revue, with its scads and scads of sirens tastily clad in practically nothing, is headed by Pony Sherrell, a blonde bombshell of a songstress from the Coast, who also wrote the special songs. Others This Clipping From New York, N. Y., Journal of Commerce & Commercial By ETHEL COLBY UB REVIEWS 77 Jaye P, Morgan, assisted by her ~~~ "" ~ quartet of brothers, tops the Moulin Kougv, lFivooil springfcly show at the Latin Quar- . Hollywood, Jan. 16. t~r. The spectacular revue, "All * J7aT9l TaS, S* *?·?· ?·* ?╜' * P-Perly labeled onderful World" r^,?╟? rw by Producer DoaiLArden, who ob- JAN 1 2 1959 ^===___ Entertainment Here and There ?√ßninmiimiiiijnmiiimmiMiMimiiiiimiii'iiiiimiii^ "Wonderful World" Revue, Die Stabile Orch (16); $5.50 packag as the Australian Goddess. It all adds up to a lot of show for the single price of your dinner. Should you like to dance, that, too, is a pleasure on a spacious floor] with Jo Lombardi's and Buddy Harlpwe's orchestras alternating. viously has mastered the technique of pleasing most of the peo- pb all the time. The star sings a stormy song. many major shows and on these popular disks. Harry Mimmo, long-rated an outstanding Jimmie Rodgers' return to Fran ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Sennes' Moulin Rouge (13) didn ?╟≤ ?╟?+ ?╟? "V" u "D~,",. ""~""J . """^ fare as well as his first stopov< just as she has delivered via TV here last year. Whether it wj opening jitters or that Rodgers h?╜ i. cold, the young singer's voh mo, long-ratea an outstanding iidn't ring true at this perforr mjme comjc nas no trouble keep- ance. At times, in fact, his warblii ins thp natrons fWjnated kvas noticeably off key. inf, tne. Pa5??ns fascinated. D , , . . , . , Francis Brun, the imported Rodgers, who during his tin . , remains a maior ittrae I nixes in some boogie-woogie p a Jus?║ier< remains a major .atirac-j sties and strums the guitar, is tion, and the extra features include iced of a well-rounded act. Possib Mitsuko Morigai, former top i little more patter between son model of Japan; Dick Curry, a vould help. ?·me singerj an(j a gr0up of expert The Roulette dislEsJy- sta/s 1 dancers highlighting Liza Rose, ^D^Lsl^T^ Jony Mack Ron Merron, Stuart ?/ine," "Oh, Oh, I'm Falling Hodes and David Carter. ^ove Aga'n," "Honeycomb" and I More Yet West platter click. "Bimbombej ln addition t0 the ?╟? rf ?╟??╟? hat weaves its click comei about m $120,000 worth of hand- ?√ßoutine around Libuse's s.apsti some costuming, you'll enjoy ??8ing in accomp to Miss Brando Pony Sherrell, Ron Lewis and ittempted operatic vocalizing. I joyce Roberts in smooth turns; rase injects additional laughs i Babouka an exotic lovely from tetween shows by working in t _ , ?╟?, ~ ?√ß, xi. t.-n j iudienee as a comic waiter. Greece, and Tanya Corlette, billed j ; The Donn Arden Revue holds iver and the Dick Siabile band upplies top backing to show and !ancers. Current booking runs hrough Jan. 25. Kajfa. BETTY OPENS GRABLE ^THURSDAY