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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    iNJOY A DELIGHTFUL! FREE AFTERNOON^?╟÷ Saluting * Premiere Season of "Wonderful World" Revue.! Starring ANNA MARIA ALBERGHETTI . the Happy Jesters, Put your name on a prize package of family fun and entertainment at Frank Sennes' famed Moulin Rouge. It's easy to do in Mirror News Classified's "Matinee.'at'the'Moulin Rouge" Contest, saluting the premiere season of "Wonderful World," the Hollywood showplace's new 1959 musical revue by Donn Arden. If you're one of two winners today, you and your family can look forward to a free Sunday afternoon at the Moulin Rouge, complete with a delicious dinner and the restaurant's , regular show, dancing, and revue . . '. PLUS a special show for children starring TV's Chucko the Birthday Clown, It's a wonderful treat that you're sure to enjoy, so get contest details right now and see how easily you can win! OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES ^^^H (Please Read Carefully) 1. Mirror News Fingertip Classified will 4. Mail or deliver entries to award the following prize to each of today7! two winners: one free Sunday matinee, with dinner, at the Moulin Rouge for the winner and members of immediate family (one couple, and their own children under 16 years of age,) for the best last line of a five-line jingle. Judging will be based on originality and aptness of the rhyming fifth line. 2. The first four lines of the jingle, numbered according to sequence, will be found scattered through today's Mirror News Classified columns. 3. Contestants are required to? (a) Find the four published lines of the jingle; (b) Arrange them in proper sequence; (c) Place them, or reasonable facsimile, on a sheet of paper; (d) Write the fifth line to rhyme with lines 1 and 2. Matinee at the Moulin Rouge" Contest Editor, Mirror * News Fingertip Classified, 145 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 53, Calif. (Include telephone number if available,) 5. All entries must be received or postmarked on or before noon Monday, Oct. 13, 1958, 6. Contestants may submit as many entries as they desire, 7. Anyone may enter the contest except employees of The Times-Mirror Company and members of their families, 8. No consideration of any kind is involved in the contest. Neatness and decoration do not count. In the event of ties, duplicate prizes will be awarded. 9. In all matters pertaining to the contest, the decision of the judges will be final, and all entries become the property of The Times-Mirror Company, West Covlna, Calif., San OCT 5- 1958 JS^zt si NEW CAREER?╟÷Impressario Frank Sennes shows beauteous Leona Gage, former Miss Universe Queen, her role in the cast of "Wonderful World," new extravaganza which will premiere at Sennes' fashionable Moulin Rouge Thursday evening, Oct. 9. Mfss Gage joins cast'of 100 in fhe Donn Arden production which will headline Anna Maria Alberghetti.