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    ThisClipping From, NEW YORK, N. Y. WORLD-TELEGRAM & SUN iwyiiMig ml 1m SMILES: Betty Grable is congratulated IMaureen O?╟╓Hara backstage at the Latin Quarter after I the opening last night of the new revue which she left I retirement to lead. Robert Dana?╟╓s review of the show is Ion Page 20. p?╟÷?╟÷u?╟÷.. _i_______ : -:I . apPhoto. [Tips on Tables Betty Grable Flashes Legs at Latin Quarter By ROBERT W. DANA. In a dazzling array of gowns and jeweled briefs reminiscent of her many film triumphs, Betty Grable of Hollywood last night sang and danced down memory lane as she opened a four-week engagement as star of Donn Arden?╟╓s ?╟úAll About Dames***aFthe Latin Quarter. A happy marriage, motherhood and the unrelenting advance of years haven?╟╓t sapped the energy, verve and figure that has earned the platinum blonde a niche among the stars of moviedom. Pony Sherreli and Phil Moody, who wrote original music and lyrics for ?╟úAll About Dames in which Miss Sherreli plays the provocative Sadie Thomp- son in the colorful finale, styled Miss Grable?╟╓s act. It is long on nostalgia, with sentiment and Wit neatly illuminated in a melange of musical highlights from Grable successes. Through much of her act Miss Grable is joined by four personable young1 men with good voices and limber limbs called the Grable Grabbers. Later, she has the invaluable assistance of four pretty girls, who lend an authentic zest to the scene of the roaring ?╟╓20s and Wabash Ave., singing ?╟úI?╟╓m in Love With. You, Honey?╟Ñ as Texas Guinan greets th?· suck- ers. * ' '/'?√ß 5 ?√ß . < f: 4;.: 1 ?√ß Green Jackets. In Kelly-green jackets, black pants and black fedoras, the boys introduce the star, who appears in a full-length fur- trimmed, green-lined cloak and wraps up her career and her appearance at the Latin Quar* ter in a cleverly-written num- ber, ?╟úI?╟╓m Just Lucky, I Guess.?╟Ñ Removing the cape, she stood in a shimmering sequined black L-* gown and, in tribute to her trumpet-playing husband, Har- ry James, sang ?╟úThere He Goes?╟Ñ with an obligatto of Har- ry?╟╓s familial theme. One wondered when the fa- mous Grable legs would be un- veiled. They were, in a matter of minutes, and received obvi- ous billing for most of the rest of the act as the petite star, in her inimitable way, recalled such pictures as ?╟úMother Wore Tights,?╟Ñ ?╟úWabash Avenue,?╟Ñ and ?╟ The Dolly Sisters.?╟Ñ Sings Medley. Broadway and Tin Pan Al- ley reigned supreihe as one heard ?╟úSweet Rosie O?╟╓Grady,?╟Ñ ?╟úPretty Baby,?╟Ñ. ?╟úPut Your Arms Around Me, Baby,?╟Ñ ?╟úDark Town Strutters Ball?╟Ñ and ?╟úSheik of Arabie.?╟Ñ Probably the outstanding number., following a buildup in tempo and emotion, was * the amusing interpretation of bur- lesque, with Miss Boomps-a- paisy (Miss Grable) resolving it \ all with the boys in a rou- tine of shake, rattle and roll. Betty Grable should be heart- ily welcomed in her first New York cafe appearance. Others new to the production lend much. Like human mis* siles testing a launching pad, the Shaller Bros, use the tram- poline for some amazing acro- batic work. Dominique* the French pickpocket par excel- lence, swipes watches, suspend- ers and wallets and gives hot seats to customers with sadis- tic abandon, and the rest of a lar?╟╓ge cast make an evening at the Latin Quarter an adventure well worth the money. U*t NiqWr In ?√ß U By Earf [He* Happy ia HhWoffc m Hi ^ George Gobel flexinVhfe by ?╟ ?╟╓9* Pky Pen,'\TO tsSl SunS^?╟ t?Σ≤***?Σ≤^sir?Σ≤ |tet p?╟Ñ?╟ú' gg * <?√ß* fggsg^gpe,cr ^ * I* HI ?√ß ? Plush hotel suftehan^ ar,In his I | gents?╟╓ rocan sign |L^ornate gents' room attendant missing dreadfully. * be Thunderbi^rae ?╟úitf It the was pretty late- wilen jt ways needed.?╟Ñ ve ?╜?╜ has rnblL^l0foffIlIonPjo'kixlU,ess aasi!22?╜s?a ?╟? . GEORGE GOBEL A fast league Eorl's Pearls .An alcoholic isn?╟╓t always the guy who?╟╓s had one drink too many. He?╟╓s usual- ly the guy who always thinks he?╟╓s had one too few I.tin a??tefe^am from dai^*tSlUj Premiere at Ls*. ??tS,; S?╟╓saHsssa.Bt-l Iteam. .Betty, beautiful and curvy, dances in abbreviated costume with the Latin *?· Tafy??UthfuUy *** 38 of?╟╓em jLhin and Rod Alexander' divo ?╟ú ing, will be seen dancing together_via tv tape on the Sid Caesar show May 3 . ^ ' Hugh O?╟╓Brian flew in from L. A.via jet wound up at Danny?╟╓s Hideaway with the hostess, Dixie * Yates ?╟≤ ?╟≤ ?╟≤ Singer Tonia Bern, who debuted at the St Regis Maisonette, is the wife of speedboat DomId Camp- ?╜ At Rally Poo?╟╓s j w^te-s oj fa towe ?╜Wthfag goto i WISH I?╟╓D SAID THAT- Hpvk ot, ?√ß 1 says Conyvess is sure fn an * . ^itrificr ----- hidden taxes.- ?╟úThey about T0NIA i ba?╟úsi??*v ? t**** S*^, brother,