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    This Clipping From SHOW BUSINESS NEW YORK, N. Y. This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. DAILY MIRROR ftUG SEI Bill Smith ^Baliar MERRON S -BRIGHT SPOTg Inks Johnny ITTn ?? T?╟?E BEST OF the crop . . ... ?╟??╟? New York night elubs, and others,|seek box office not onginahty *?╟ú?╜ performers have talent, so mueh sought is box office, rhe new The big clubs will try to use *??h>" talent. * farmers among the hundreds, He?╟Ñ a S JgSll wttm r"'- Gi"; * fh SBS& S set up continuous howls. nut is the teain of Mike Comedy -Groups?╟÷The only both basically ac aTSiS z menld rank ahead. Both |WM??j?║|?║|?· ?║gg rank hi* in Miss Cheffining (caught at the P P high in box' office with for- othy Louden gets my- nod. jack Silverman, who | rates cheers for the m-mer in which he has built his International Theatre-Restaurant on B?╟╓way into one of the top fun centers in town, is packaging another plus "for patrons ?╟÷ a midnight-tO-2.30 a.m. on-the-spot radio show starring johnny Johnston. The extra entertainment gets underway next Wednesday m the big cafe?╟╓s -Celebrity Lounge and will be in action every night except Sunday. Johnston, a* headliner in practically every area of show business, will do interviews news . and comments, feature prominent guests Silvermans big-name revues, natch, will con-tinue in the main room. Girl Singer?╟÷The field.ns fulh ^^j^oiectioh, the choice is Felicia But if rated just on ability, read\ghagheart voice and dramatic appeal. Sanders (caught at Bon Son ). G , ?╟╓ f u There wasn?╟╓t, one . Boy Singer-Like girl singers, the Tb ?╟  *Vd singers have and had among the newcomers, wh?½(i8*JML?╟╓?· Jgk reputations. But on a night their appeal chiefly because of their oisk repu club floor few, if jmy, Cf?╜ateii certainly not a newcomer* and For straight singing TonyM artm, as a genuine artist. .. certainly a box office "^?╟╓. J^Xgists afe now a thing of the past. Dancers-?╟÷The straight with the possible exceptions Pern rf them 33 became to -took over, oacb of the DeMarcos, later the ^^tlCw^re gand stm are Julia & Nich-showing amazing skill. Among them ^ vintage are the Szo- ?·r.^riX^mdeT='a earn ***** stkSs4 talent is available. *?╟ú *??utle?╟?d Downstairs (where Dod, Julius Monk?╟╓s shows m J?╟úsJ^^tonding examples of the format, Goodman was first eaugh ) chiefly material that made them Performers were, excellent. l aoL runner-up was Jerry Herman?╟╓s pro-wonderful to see and hear. A close run room> the Night Cap duction at the Gree"w1^ Y. exgcellent But the Herman material, pro- rated the show ae a season?╟╓, high.,Ebt. ; P?╟?a?╟?e,??m-A.l th, ^j***#* ring performers. - SATIRICAL YOUNG comedy star Dick Shawn checks into the Latin Quarter tonight to take over the key spot in the Dorm Arden spectacular, ?╟úInternational HondayPfor Love.?╟Ñ Since Dick ?╟ first rocketed to fa^eth^1pa]*| Bettv Hutton show at the Faiace ?√ßfive years ago, he?╟╓s been winning ?√ßhonors^n hilarity on TV and m personal appearances from ?╜ Vegas o London, A merry must. Number One Fifth Avenue turned up its lights Tuesday for a new Fall divertissement featuring lovely, volatile society singer Gi|i Durston and funny Phil ?√ßLeeds with the spot?╟╓s ch'efof frolic, pianist Bob Downey. You 11 remember Gigi, of course, as the gat who hit the front pages when ihe broke her engagement to Elliot Roosevelt. at Roosevelt Field. Go through the entrance it shares with the bank and ride up to fine cosmopolitan cuisine, weekend dancing Jack Chow?╟╓s new Yum Yum Restaurant at 109 Delancey Street, is decked with paintings on silk copied from the Sung period. China Bowl to ? start ^Sunday ^Chinese Brunches shortly, first Oriental eatery English custom of the big fast-lunch combination Restaurant in Forest set up free parking facilities for dinner ?╟╓ guests. " GIG! DURSTON ^ Feaiured at Number One Fifth ^ Ave. lar greeters ?╟÷ Georgi Tchitchi-jj nadze, better and easier known! as ?╟úGogi?╟Ñ'?╟÷returned to the after'| dark scene Tuesday as host at the! Hotel Pierre?╟╓s Cotillion R o o m.; ; Gogi, who once owned his own B spot, ; Gogi?╟╓s LaRue, is a gallfnt| of the continental, hand-kissing 1 school . . . Paul?╟╓s plush Polonaise I is undergoing a facelift during 1 off-hours after curfew and on | Sundays. The gals are cooing over the latest treat at the Hotel Astors regular Wednesday pre-matinee lunches in the Hunting Room and the Stuyvesant Room ?╟÷ informal but very informative hour-and-a-auarter fashion shows complete with models and place-card de ?╜r>Hntions . . . The freshly decorated and expanded Living RoQI^ on Second Avenue PreenJ?fhy,?½ new bill Monday starring Bobby Short supported by the Russ Haddock Trio and jazz pianist Reggie Wilson. BRILLIANT PIANIST George Shearing, as hot a box off.10?½ favorite as you?╟╓re likely to find on the current jazz scene, opened a limited two-week date with his Quintet at Max Gordon?╟╓s Village Vanguard Tuesday ?╟≤ ?╟≤ > strength of his click album, A Sure Thing,?╟Ñ singer David Allen SB an eight-week date at the Denths in the Hotel Duane his4 first club assignment hereabouts | served by waiter Mike Merle?╟÷ HOTEL ST. GEORGE is look-g ing for three new Haitian _rumsk| drinks to mark the advent of the.^ world-famed Bacoulou Dance| Group at the hotel Scptemtoer 29-^ The drinks are to symbolize The Ig group?╟╓s name, "?╟ Bacoulou, a?½ Haitian-style marclh 'Hamboeh^ and the fire ritual, Kanzo. Send| recipes to Charles Richman,| press rep. at the Brooklyn hos-| telry. Fancy hot and cold hors?╜ d?╟╓oeuvres are the latest attraction for cocktail time at Joe I Brody?╟╓s Albert French Restaur-, ant on University P??a?╜?½ ??* Village. Varied every day, hut, for example?╟÷fried shrimp on toast or pate de fois gras. A L. I- dining rendezvous you can bank on for sure-popular John Yervant?╟╓s Sky Island Restaurant which is literally built atop the Franklin National Bank