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I agree.THE CIRCUS PRODUCTION SONG TITLE THUNDER AND BLAZES THE CIRCUS BE A CLOWN THE CIRCUS (reprise) BILLBOARD MARCH SIDE SHOW FREAKS CLOWNS ACTING CRAZY CIRCUS TENT MARCH THE CIRCUS ON PARADE JIM'S TILLER THE CIRCUS (reprise) THE CIRCUS ON PARADE (reprise) FLOAT FANFARE COMPOSER Fucik J. Harbert C. Porter J. Harbert John N. Clohr J. Harbert J. Harbert J. Harbert Rodgers & Hart J. Harbert J. Harbert Rodgers & Hart J. Harbert MUSIC PUBLISHER Vantage 9 Vantage John Church Co* (ASCAP) Vantage Vantage Vantage Harms Music Vantage Vantage Harms Music Vantage TIMING DESCRIPTION * ?·*Lm DLL ?? Fanfare :22 Enter clowns :12% Clown dance :14 as above :12 Reveal circus midway set :22 Exhibit side show freaks :45 Crowd joins merriment ?╟≤17 Fantasy circus tent 1:00 :24 Chorus vocal - (from JUMBO) Showgirl parade Intro, to kick line :26 Showgirl kick line :17 Cast sings to finish :09 Fanfare for floats