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I agree.REN?· FRADAY 32, RUE DE MOSCOU-PARIS EUROPE 52-71 3ept 15,56 Dear Donn, When I carne back last week fro?? vacation I got your letter of Aug 22 and contract of Margie,but I didn?t answered sooner because I wanted to give you our exact dates in the StatesJ This year we are going with Louis and his wife* I will be in New York Oct 1st till Oct 12 Hotel Pierre Las Vegas Oct 14 (6 pm),15,16 Desert Inn Hollywood Oct 17,18,19 Roosevelt hotel If its possible we would like to see you in Vegas the 15 or 16?╟≤There is nothing to do in the afternoon and we could talk better than in Hollywood. I will go back to Paris with you t^^b^i/%//^/ on November 4 and hope you will be able to arrive in New Xork Nov 1st like that we will have the 2 and 3 rd to look for records. We will talk with Folco ,fost and musicians the 6 and 7 and start to rehearse the 8* We,will open the II or 12 o?· dec with the official opening the 14* Hope Sonia Shaw is alright and that she can come with you. ?√ß I wrote to Blair Heimbach as you told me,but no answer yet. ffe have signed again the Spanish dancers for the second show (and the first if they have something new and interes| ting) We also have the nude girl dancer that you saw at nouvelle Eve. xhis is what we have signed; the NITWITTS(our star act, comedy orchestra type Spike Jones) Lric Braun (german juggler) Marvin Roy (magician with electric bulbes) Margie Lee Guy Severyns (singer) Trianas(Spanish) 8 Tyrol dancers nude girl dancer, Pigeons(for roman bath) 4 Boys(Bruce,Fleming and 2 others to find) another act(probably Harisson Pisher) and for the 2 first months The Bernards.I am also trying to get this yodler singer that re saw in Munich for the 2 first month also*