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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    5 (ON STANDBYS) & SONY VTR Preview 1 EAMONN: ?╟≤ <?·$?√ß" Oont'd) and visitors to Paris, all waiting to hear this great story. CAM 1 / WS Audience STANDBYS: 2: WS Set PL Eamonn/Subject thru audience MS Subject thru audience on to stage /Q APPLAUSE/ N.B. Floor Managers: Eamonn + Subject NOT to enter room until actually Q'd. This means that applause + music will proceed the actual entrance. /APPLAUSE Approx: 511 / /TABS OPEN TO REVEAL BL0W-UP7 AUDIENCE' REACTION /GRAMS: GALA PERFORMANCE /Q EAMONN/ EAMONN, SUBJECT AND LAURELIE HARRIS, NANCY JOSEPHSON, ANN MARIE MORTINI, CHANTER ESNAULT, MATHILDA SMART, LINDA BOULANGUE ENTER THROUGH THE AUDIENCE AND ON TO STAGE AREA CAM 2 THEY SIT WS Stage including stage R (ex-Bluebells J /CAM 5 to'ex-Bluebells/ /CAM 1 to 2-shot fav. EA/ (CAM 3 NEXT) 5