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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A A A r ,. : i^BB fronu From the Ancient and Mythical Realm of Jfaptttttf, l&PX, Court of the Dawn, the Sun and the Moon JCttmu All fe ijj Qfyt&t frmntfi ??Ijat: hath flown the Aerial Course by TWA Skyliner over Oceanus Atlanticus rus- _to_ Meto lurk onthis (fltftpayof lain,1057 via ^4in^^4)/i4dty^4/i4iMe^ Nom, 3ty*r*fOrr, 2CnOttI $*, that this Celestial 3tt WlttltBB HWjFrrof, I have hereunto set my hand Dominion herewith doth bestow this Certificate of Flight on said Skyliner Passenger, who doth solemnly covenant ^? ^^ forever to keep it unsullied and to use, recommend and rfC^ ~#~~ 2^ support Air Transportation to help foster amity between y^?╟÷^C^C^OC^^-- nations and good will amongst the peoples of the Earth. President, Trans World Airlines, Inc. TEN TRIPS TWO TRIPS THREE TRIPS FOUR TRIPS FIVE TRIPS SIX TRIPS SEVEN TRIPS EIGHT TRIPS NINE TRIPS LITHO IN U. S. A.