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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    POWERS: -2- Good afternoon and welcome to the Powers Charm School of the Air,.,.the school where we take our examples from life...and learn from the experience of our listeners and our guests. Today,, werll hear from a lovely Powers Girl,... Another member of our Consumers1 Council will appear in our Life Class -- and our Glamour Guest will he one of Broadway1s up-and-coming dance directors, Donn Arden... But first, let!s learn from our listeners.... Here*s Eve Hunter, our Consultant at the Powers School on Park Avenue, to read us a listener1s letter..,, HIMTER: POWERS: Allright.... This one comes from a young married woman in Lynchburg, Virginia,?╟≤.who writes: "Dear Mr. Powers: My problem is the fact that I'm a red-head... I have real red hair, and a lot of people say they envy me, But when it comes to make-up and clothes -- especially clothes, my friends always say: n0h, you can!t wear that color.... You1re a red-head... It seems to me if I followed their advice, ITd never wear anything but black or dark brown or green..,. And I!m tired of them , In your opinion, couldnft I wear some other colors? Of course,.. A red-head has an advantage over many others, because she!s naturally colorfttl Titian or auburn hair can be highlighted by some colors, pastels and some bright shades, too.... (MORE)