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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mf^ccUf 2040 W0763 !dtxiA/lt21Z22-S1t2W3 20th February^/:1987* C/o Jupiters Casinoy t BROADBEACH:-QLD. ?çFollowing our discussions with Jerry JacTi^on^ we[have p preliminary costume budget for''?ç?çyourl production .-As you will .-appreciate^it is[not possible, to give- finite figures fa costumes^ due to the variables of fabric and trims as well as quantity. More detailed discussions and sampling are required as:the price ' of printing of fabric and cosntruction of formed shapes will vary , greatly according-to time available and number require We:hope that our approximation will be within your guidelinesy as we '?ç> feel :?ç that at-thisf stagre this is the most complete figure possible. :All costs are for complete['/costumes^ excluding footwear where, ^specifiedbythe designer. . However3 an allowance has been made for--these in. the summary.. l;Thcmk you for the opportunity to present this quote and we look "'forward to being, able to provide.your costumes. Yours, sincerely^ 'DccoidRowe