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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    by .Breck Wall ULY 27 TO AUGUST 9, 2001 S-H-H-H!!! DON?╟╓T TELL ANYONE WHERE YOU HEARD THIS, BUT.. | wasn?╟╓t that KEN- NETH FELD, BERNIE YUM AN-and PHILIP McKINLEY in a meet- ing with a major hotel, presenting a new pro- duction show to ex- ecutives??? I hear it?╟╓s nearly a deal and will star DARREN ROMEO ... I also heard the ?╟úpresentation?╟Ñ was awesome H! S-H-H'-H!!! Before the end of the year not one, not two, but THREE long-running shows may be ?╟úshuffling?╟Ñ over to different properties!!!! It would ?╟úcrack your face?╟Ñ if you knew!!! S-H-H-H!!! Our congratulations to ERIC FLEMING, who was elected as the new Executive Director of GOLDEN RAINBOW!!! S-H-H-H!!! Boy, what a ?╟úbummer?╟Ñ ?╟÷ a newly- opened production show in Laughlin got its no- tice on Friday that it would close on Saturday! I heard it was an excellent show !!! - JS-H-H-H!!! Look for the ?╟úFOLIES?╟Ñ to refur- bish the current production by November. JERRY . JACKSON will be adding a new finale and chang-: ing and modifying three other numbers!! My recent guests from out of town wanted to IL see the longest-running production show in Las ?½ Vegas and that is the ?╟úFOLIES BERGERE?╟Ñ at the TROPIC AN A! This is the second time I have seen this edi-| tion and it is as fresh as it was on opening night! The new principals, PAUL MAY (after 5 years in ?╟úEFX?╟Ñ); and JENNIFER PAQE were terrific! And, as usual, the ada- are back in town at the NEW FRONTIER and are doing ?╟úgreat business?╟Ñ!!! Three friends and I went recently and we rated it the best . j? fast paced, fine lighting and those handsome blokes!!! There are tons of cheers, applause, screams and laughs and it?╟╓s all done with ?╟útongue and cheek.?╟Ñ If you go to this two-hour production, you?╟╓ll have a blast!! ?╟úThunder?╟Ñ has been going strong for 13 years and has played to more than 4 million people in 14 countries. Pro- ducers BILLY CROSS and ADAM STECK have assembled a solid cast, including very entertaining emcee MARCUS *DEEGAN. The exciting boys are: DONOVAN LEWIS, DAVID ASTONE, ADAM WEST, Backstage at the ?╟úFolies?╟Ñ are (l-r) Jennifer Page, Lauren Post, Paul May, Wally Eastwood, Breck, Elaine Celario and Lia Malcolm. IPs the Boys from Down Under with Andy Olson, and ?╟úBottoms Up ?╟Ñ cast-members Kristi King, Kristie Clark and Breck CRAIG STOTT, DAVE HUGHES and GEORGE NUEMAN. I wish you a happy stay in Las Vegas and, with a year?╟╓s -contract, you can call yourselves .... AUS-VEGANS!!! Have a great run, guys!!! E! ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION?╟╓S ?╟úLAS VEGAS SHOWGIRLS: MAKING IT?╟Ñ is now filming for three weeks at ?╟úJUBILEE!?╟Ñ The TV show will feature four women, TAMMIE CAVE, LAINE SCHLEIBAUSj AMELIA BRUFF and GRETA COREY, and two men, JOHN ORTIZ and SCOTT LOCKWOOD, and will follow them on and off stage. I hear that the LAS VEGAS HILTON is so pleased with SHEENA EASTON that they have offered her a new one- year contract that will start in January!! Our thanks to Channel 3 KVBC (NBC) NOON NEWS for the great time DAVID HARRIS, SUE MOTSINGER and I had promoting ?╟úBOTTOMS UP.?╟Ñ Anchors SUE MANTERIS, SCOTT HAWS and'weather- man JOHN FREDERICKS were very gracious and fun, and a special thanks to producer ALLISON MENDOZA. Okay, you show folks, have a GREAT DAY and a GOOD AUDITION! gio teanj of PAL MAYER and LIA MALCOLM are the danc- ing ?╟úshowstoppers?╟Ñ of the French revue. After all these years, the award-winning Can-Can and Hollywood Glamour are still my favorites and ?╟úthe fastest jug- I gler in the world,?╟Ñ WALLY EASTWOOD,# has the audience in the palm of his hand for a solid 12 minutes!!! Yes, the ?╟úFOLIES?╟Ñ is a ?╟úmust-see?╟Ñ i show!'!! Congratulations to director/cho- reographer JERRY JACKSON, Entertain- ment Director GINNY MURPHY and En-.i tertainment Manager ELAINE CELARIO! The DEBBIE REYNOLDS Hotel/Casino oh Convention Center Drive is no more!!! BUT the 192-room property now is carry- ing a GREEK theme and opened its doors last weekend. ?╟úTHE?╟Ñ wonderful DEBBIE just closed her engagement at the OR- LEANS. The boys from the Australian male re- vue ?╟úTHUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER?╟Ñ Channel 3 news anchors and the Bottoms Up cast having a godd time on KVBC. a mum madden mmcmm CALL BACK STAFF PUBLISHER Minnie Madden EDITOR Bill Sewers EM ERITU$ Mark Tan (1937-1997) DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISINQ Joyce Carole OFFICE MANAGER art Director buzz Wolfe DIRECTOR OF PUBLICDELATIONS Bruce Merrih CALL BACK CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jack Clone Hal de Becker Neil Hoffman Gino Em pry Jacqueline Parade Don Mirault Buzz Wolfe Liz Lieberman Barbara Seherzer B re ck Wall G race L. Heston Terese Schell ing Steve ZaII Skip London R.W. Munchkin Terry Head Jeanne Corcoran CALL BACK Is a IVlinnie Madden publication 2375 E. Tropicana Ave, Suite 6 Statements/ epinions^ comments and points of view in articles and columns by contributing writers are their own, and not necessarily agreed upon or endorsed by the publishers or of CALL BACK. Letters to the Editor are welcomed, but will not be printed without a name or phone nu m be r fo r p ri o r ye r i f i catio n. P h otos, tapes, a rt work, o r any materials submitted to CALL BACK will not be returned unless specifically requested. CALL BACK is not responsible for the legitimacy or claims of any advertiser. As with anyone you do business with, we urge you to use common sense. No listing or advertisement should be considered asItnebdomem^ by CALL BACK. If you have a legitimate complaint, or encounter any questionable practice with any of our advertisers, please inform us in writing. NO ADVERTISING OR EDITORIAL MATERIAL FROM CALL B^CK MAY BE REPRODUCED OR USED IN ANY MANN ER WIT HO UT EXP R ESS WRITTEN P ER MISS ION FROM THE PUBLISH ERS. Subscription questions or problems call (702) 891-9222 weekdays between 9a.m. - 5p.m. Pacific Time. Fax (702) 891-9888. CALL BACK CONTACT INFORMATION Office: (702) 891-9222 Fax (702)891-9888 NEXT ISSUE: AUGUST 10/ 2001 AD DEADLINE: AUGUST 01, 5PM Deadline for advertising and editorial is 5pm on Wednesday the week prior to tlie publication date. Earlier deadlines may be necessary for special editions and holidays.