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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 27, 2008






Includes meeting agenda, with additional information about bylaws and articles. CSUN Session 37 Meeting Minutes and Agendas .

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    uac001294. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    UNLVCSUN S T U D E N T G O V E R N M E N T MATT CUTLER STUDENT BODY SENATE PRESIDENT CSUN SENATE MEETING 38-28 Monday Oct 27th, 2008 Student Union Room 208b 6:00pm NOTE: Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Various items are listed as action items on the following agenda. Reasonable efforts will be made to assist aijd accommodate physically disabled persons attending the meeting. Please call the CSUN office at (702) 895-3645 in advance so that arrangements may be made. Rick Shukis Senate President Pro Tempore Business IV. V. I. Mike Wong University Studies Paige Hanson JJ Education Megan Murphy University Studies Victor Barragan Sciences Gil Lopez-Herrera Business Chelsea Milko Libera! Arts Sally Wong p"«iness y Brieger V ^cation Aaron Baca Engineering Krystal Ram|e«r Fine Arts Adrian Viesi Liberal Arts Leshelle Perez . r . Sciences /i • Jason Ontiveros / Urban Affairs Nicole Baldridge Health Sciences Ilse Zuniga Liberal Arts Jay Romo Urban Affairs David Rapoport Business Tara Henley Health Sciences Peter Yaskin Hotel Christina Bates Hotel Sophia Ahmad Hotel Jesus Campuzano Engineering Regina Bailey VII University Studies Mikayla Whitmore Arts CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following minutes are submitted for approval ACTION 38-24 38-25 38-26 38-27 PUBLIC COMMENT INFORMATION Public Comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. The Chairman may place reasonable limitations as the amount of time individuals may address the Senate. Tljc Chairman may elect to allow public comment on a specific genda item when the agenda item is being considered. REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports W B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Business Manager Report D. Liaison Reports a. Student Involvement and Activities b. Residence Hall Association c. Student Athletics d. Student Health Advisory Committee e. ROTC f. Air Force ROTC E. Rebel Yell Report Consolidated Students • University of Nevada-Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • Fax (702) 895-4606 EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS . INFORMATION E. Action Item: ApproyaUefShanges made to Senate Statute 950.02. See attachment 38.28.05. As submitted by SejflatfirBaca. F. Action Item: Commitmgaf5fArticle V- Executive Branch: Section H; Subsection 5 to the Constitutional Revisions Committee. As submitted by President Cronis. See attachment 3828.05. G. Action Item: Commitmeiil^afT'CfijcTe^V- Executive Branch: Section I; Subsection 1 to the Constitutional jjeYisttSfijTCommittee. As submitted by President Cronis. See attachment 38.28.05. Action Item: Approval of Constitutional Amendment- Article 16- Compensation to be placed on the "2009 Executive Board Primary Election Ballot" for CSUN Membership Approval. This process is in accordance with Article XII- Referendum and Article XIV, Subsection A- Amending Process- Submitted by President Cronis on behalf of Senator Baca. See attachment 38.28.05. Action Item: Approval of Senate Bylaw CC demonstrate CSUN's goodwill and appreciation of UNLV's domestic student population by aiding Domestic Students in a time of national catastrophe or extreme personal struggle which may hinder them from paying for tuition or maintaining their livelihood. As submitted by President Cronis. See attachment 38.28.01. ) Action Item: Approval of Senate Bylaw BB which will demonstrate CSUN's goodwill and appreciation of UNLV's international student population by aiding international students in a time of national catastrophe or extreme personal struggle which may hinder them from paying for tuition or maintaining their livelihood. As submitted bv President-Owns. See Attachment 38.28.02. K. Action Item: Approjal-of^Senate Bylaw XX which will expe3ij£ the process of approving the Executiv^Bo^j^gliominees for all director positions. As submitted by Senator Rapoport. See attachmferlf58.28.03. Consolidated Students • University of Nevada-Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • Fax (702) 895-4606 S T U D E N T G O V E R N M E N T VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion Item: Distinguished Nevada-State Senator Bob Coffin; will address the CSUN Senate as to the current biid^e^risis^T5inglhe state of Nevada and what the UNLV community can do to address the si^atiSnTAs submitted by President Cronis. B. Information Item: InformationjidH-be given as to the current status, future changes, and intentions for the CSUN budgets^ As^eH as the long term goals and possibilities the executive board sees for the future of bett^rfnajiaging the student's money. As submitted by Senate President Cutler. C. Information Item: Information will be given concerning the Executive Board's strategic plan. As well as an explanation o f h o w i ^A and the administrations' programs fit into this overarching strategy. As submitted'Try Senate President Cutler on behalf of Director Meyer. D. Action Item: ApBfovaLefone (1) member of CSUN to serve as a Justice for a term ending two (2) years from the dafel5i ippointment- October, 2010. As submitted by President Cronis. UNLVCSUN S T U D E N T G O V E R N M E N T L. Action Item: Approval^LSjenate Bylaw AA which will require a balance for each 2702 budget to be presented at each Sgadte meeting under the Business Manager's Report section. As submitted by Senator Rapopoft See attachment 38.28.04. .Mf^ction Item: Approval of $2000.00 to be paid the UNLV Hotel Association for the International —^Hotel/Motel & Restaurant Show in New York City. Costs to be encumbered from the Senate Discretionary Budget. As submitted by Senate President Cutler on behalf of Director Taylor. X. Executive Board Summations XI. Good of the Senate XII. Adjournment This meeting has been posted in accordance with NRS 241.020 on the third floor of the Student Union, the seventh floor of the FDH, BEH, CSUN annex in the CBC, and also posted on-line at Consolidated Students • University of Nevada-Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Parkway • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • Fax (702) 895-4606 Attachment 38-28-01 Senate Bylaw CC Emergency Aid for Domestic Students Committee I. Purpose a. To demonstrate CSUN's goodwill and appreciation of UNLV's international student population by aiding Domestic Students in a time of national catastrophe or extreme personal struggle which may hinder them from paying for tuition or maintaining their livelihood. II. Structure: Shall consist of the following: a. The Chair, shall be the Vice President Pro Tempore; b. A Vice-Chair, who shall be nominated from the committee's composition and approved by the committee; c. The Committee, shall be comprised of seven (7) to nine (9) CSUN members, having no more than three members being senators acting as voting members; d. All voting members of the committee will be nominated and approved by the Senate; e. One ex-officio non-voting member from the office of UNLV Student Financial Services will sit on this committee as an advisor for procedural and equity purposes; f. A budget of $5,000 from the CSUN budget which will be transferred to the UNLV Student Financial Services department under the name of the CSUN Emergency Aid for Domestic Students Scholarship, intended to benefit as many students as can benefit from the grant. III. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities a. The Chair i. The Chair shall preside over all the official meeting; ii. The Chair shall maintain all agendas and minutes, and be responsible for attendance records; Attachment 38-28-01 iii. Shall assign excused/unexcused absences to members of the committee; iv. Shall vote only to break a tie; v. Shall undertake all charges deemed appropriate by the full committee; vi. Shall have the power to remove and member with three (3) or more unexcused absences; vii. In the case of a vacancy, the chair may either put forth a nominee or allow the senate to put forth and confirm a nominee; viii. A report must be given to the Senate after each official meeting; b. The Vice-Chair i. Shall assume the role of the Chair in the temporary absence of the Chair, and will assume all responsibilities of the position therein; ii. In the case of a permanent absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall act as the chair until the Senate has appointed a new Chair; iii. Shall retain full voting privileges as a member; iv. In the absence of the Senate Secretary, shall take the minutes of the meeting. c. The Committee i. Quorum: shall consist of 60% of the committee's membership in attendance; ii. Quorum: shall be majority of committee members during summer; iii. Shall meet no later than one week (7 days) after an application is submitted; iv. Shall forward the required ruling and all necessary information to the offices of International Student Services and Financial Aid for further assistance no later than nine (9) days after initially receiving the application. Attachment 38-28-01 Senate Bylaw BB Emergency Aid for International Students Committee I. Purpose a. To demonstrate CSUN's goodwill and appreciation of UNLV's international student population by aiding international students in a time of national catastrophe or extreme personal struggle which may hinder them from paying for tuition or maintaining their livelihood. II. Structure: Shall consist of the following: a. The Chair, shall be the Vice President Pro Tempore; b. A Vice-Chair, who shall be nominated from the committee's composition and approved by the committee; c. The Committee, shall be comprised of seven (7) to nine (9) CSUN members, having no more than three members being senators acting as voting members; d. All voting members of the committee will be nominated and approved by the Senate; e. One ex-officio non-voting member from the office of International Student Services will sit on this committee as an advisor for procedural and equity purposes; f. A budget of $5,000 from the CSUN budget which will be transferred to the UNLV Student Financial Services department under the name of the CSUN International Student Emergency Aid Scholarship, intended to benefit as many students as can benefit from the grant. III. Duties, Powers and Responsibilities a. The Chair i. The Chair shall preside over all the official meeting; ii. The Chair shall maintain all agendas and minutes, and be responsible for attendance records; Attachment 38-28-01 iii. Shall assign excused/unexcused absences to members of the committee; iv. Shall vote only to break a tie; v. Shall undertake all charges deemed appropriate by the full committee; vi. Shall have the power to remove and member with three (3) or more unexcused absences; vii. In the case of a vacancy, the chair may either put forth a nominee or allow the senate to put forth and confirm a nominee; viii. A report must be given to the Senate after each official meeting; b. The Vice-Chair i. Shall assume the role of the Chair in the temporary absence of the Chair, and will assume all responsibilities of the position therein; ii. In the case of a permanent absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall act as the chair until the Senate has appointed a new Chair; iii. Shall retain full voting privileges as a member; iv. In the absence of the Senate Secretary, shall take the minutes of the meeting. c. The Committee i. Quorum: shall consist of 60% of the committee's membership in attendance; ii. Quorum: shall be majority of committee members during summer; iii. Shall meet no later than one week (7 days) after an application is submitted; iv. Shall forward the required ruling and all necessary information to the offices of International Student Services and Financial Aid for further assistance no later than nine (9) days after initially receiving the application. Attachment 38-28-01 Senate Bill No. XX Of the 38th Session Directors Committee INTRODUCED BY: Senator Rapoport Summary: This bylaw will expedite the process of approving the Executive Board's nominees for all director positions We the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate do enact as follows; Senate Bylaw XX Directors Committee I. Purpose A. To serve as a separate entity from the Senate, to assist the Senate, through discussion, in preparation of confirming nominees for the various director positions. II. Structure A. The Directors Committee shall consist of 25 Senators B. The chair shall be the CSUN Senate President Pro-Tempore C. The vice-chair shall be elected by the committee D. The quorum of this meeting shall be 10 members III. Duties, Powers, and Responsibilities A. The Chair 1. Shall preside over all of the official meetings 2. Shall maintain all agendas and minutes, and be responsible for attendance records; 3. Shall assign excused/unexcused absences to members of the committee; 4. Shall undertake all charges deemed appropriate by the full committee; 5. Post an agenda to meet no later than three days after an item is referred to it by the Senate 6. If a candidate is confirmed, the item shall be posted onto the next Senate agenda. B. The Vice-Chair 1. Shall assume the role of the Chair in the temporary absence of the Chair, and will assume all responsibilities of the position therein; 2. Shall ensure that the committee follows Nevada Open Meeting Law 3. Shall assume the full duties of Committee Secretary C. The Committee 1. The committee shall advise the Senate on the Executive Board's nominee for the various director positions. 2. The committee shall serve solely as an information gathering body. The members shall be permitted to question the candidate and discuss the candidate's qualifications. No official action shall be permitted. Attachment 38-28-01 Senate Bill No. XX Of the 38th Session Budget Bylaw INTRODUCED BY: Senator Rapoport Summary: This bylaw will require a balance for each 2702 budget to be presented at each Senate meeting under the Business Manager's Report section. Senate Bylaw AA Budget Bylaw I. The Senate President shall be submit a status report on all CSUN 2702 budgets to be included with the Business Manager's Report on each Senate Agenda. II. The Senate President shall solely be held responsible for requesting and formatting the information for the next agenda. III. An example of the required information is found below. BUDGET BALANCE Campus Life Creative Technology Senate Discretionary Entertainment & Programming Elections Interest Bearing Judicical Council Marketing NSA Operations Publications Reserves Student Organizations / Services Attachment 38-28-01 Article V Section H; Subsection 5 The Executive Board shall allocate Regents' Grants-in-aid, in conjunction with CSUN funds, equal to the cost of tuition and fees to three CSUN offices. Article V Section I; Subsection 1 Each Executive Officer shall receive a Regents' Grant-in-aid, in conjunction with CSUN funds, equal to the cost of tuition and fees. Article 16 -CSUN Officer: Credit Waiver Compensation- Fee waivers as compensations: CSUN shall pay up to, but not in excess of, 24 credits per academic year for President, Vice President, Senate President and Director positions. Directors during their first academic year of service in CSUN shall be eligible to receive no more than 18 credits. During that director's subsequent academic years of service as a director, they shall be eligible to receive no more than 24 credits per academic year. The positions of Pro Tempore and Chief Counsel shall receive no more than 18 credits per academic year. The positions of Senator and Assistant Director shall receive no more than 12 credits per academic year. The position of all CSUN Judicial Council members shall be no more than 6 credits per academic year. All fee waivers will be provided at the "In-State" Tuition Rate. All fee waivers must be approved by the Senate except as defined in the CSUN Constitution. Senate Statute- 950.02 950.02 Fee waivers as compensations: CSUN shall pay up to, but not in excess of, [forty-two (42) semester credits] 24 credits per academic year for President, Vice President, Senate President and Director positions. Directors during their first year of service in CSUN shall be eligible to receive no more than 18 credits. During that director's subsequent years of service as a director, they shall be eligible to receive no more than 21 credits per academic year. The positions of Pro Tempore and Chief Counsel shall receive no more than 18 credits per academic year. The positions of Senator and Assistant Director shall receive no more than 12 credits per academic year. The position of Justice shall receive no more than 6 credits per academic year. All fee waivers must be approved by the Senate except as defined in the CSUN Constitution and/or bylaws.