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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, June 14, 2004






Includes meeting minutes and agenda, along with additional information about bylaws, letters, and contract agreements.

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    uac001125. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CSUN SENATE MEETING 34-22 MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2004 MSU 201, 4:30PM I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA called the meeting to order at 4:33pm. II. ROLL CALL SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI, SENATOR FLINNER unexcused, SENATOR CORPUZ, SENATOR MULLINAX (late 4:40pm), SENATOR SOLDANO, SENATOR CRAWFORD, SENATOR CAZARES, SENATOR DONNELLY, SENATOR MAYER (unexcused), SENATOR SANTIAGO, SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR CONWAY, SENATOR JIMENEZ (late), SENATOR HOLMQUIST (unexcused), SENATOR ESPINOZA, SENATOR AUSTIN III (3rd consecutive unexcused), SENATOR ZANDER, SENATOR HUERTA (excused) III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following minutes are submitted for approval: 34-19, 34-20, 34-21 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to approve 34-20 and 34-21, and postpone 34-19 until 34-23. SENATOR DONNELLY 2nds. 9-1-2 Motion PASSES SENATOR FRIEDLIEB opposes SENATOR SUMNER and SENATOR CONWAY abstain V. REPORTS DIRECTORS' REPORT A. Liaison Reports i. Greek Advisory ii. Multicultural Student Affairs iii. Residence Hall Association iv. Student Athletics v. Student Body President's Advisory Council vi. Student Health Advisory Committee vii. ROTC 1 viii. Leadership Advisory Board SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: We got a $500 scholarship for going to Leadership. B. Senate Committee Reports SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: On behalf of the Rules and Ethics committee: No meetings for time being for grade verification. You just need to be in good standing with your college. The 6 credit rale only applies to executive board members. SENATOR CORPUZ: Ways and Means didn't meet today. That's my fault. I told Dave and Mike why we didn't have it today. We're voting next meeting so we have to find out the best time meet before then. SENATOR MULLINAX arrives at 4:40pm. C. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE ANDERSON: If you wish to no longer be on the scholarship committee please ask to be excused from it. I have some people interested in the spot. If you know any one who'd be interested bring it to my attention. D. Business Manager Report BUDGET PAYEE AMOUNT COMMENTS DISCRETIONARY Elegant Creations $ 58.50 $ flower arrangement for Dr. Harter E&P Labor Ready 259.00 $ 396.00 t temporary employees E&P Mercy Inc. medical team at RebelPalooza OFFICE Boise 69.98 invoice 92842060 OFFICE Henry Schuck p 144.75 $ reimburse for membership fee OFFICE Henry Schuck 89.70 <S reimburse for annual fee OFFICE Locksmith 3> 27.00 $ key duplication charge OFFICE MSU Operations 225.00 overtime charge for 6/1/04 OFFICE Telecommunications 5> 232.16 $ 11.47 $ 1,513.56 May-04 OFFICE UNLV Postal May E. Rebel Yell Report 2 VI. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE ANDERSON: The trip to Reno for the conference with the colleges and universities of Nevada was poorly organized but it was interesting to see how the community colleges were organized. It's amazing that we don't have an advisor. Pictures, if you want them taken today, come and see me after the meeting. VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ yields to directors. DIRECTOR ARNESON: I was out of town last week so I didn't get a lot done. But I will be in my office the rest of my term. I started organizing stuff I left behind. I got access to my computer. I'll start organizing tailgates and marketing. I have a new agenda item on the agenda today. If you have questions, please ask me. DIRECTOR MADRIGAL: Basically, the same as Aaron. There's lots of organization, a lot of filing and paperwork. I'm communicating with organizations about funding. Business Manager Hill and myself have been communicating. Plans are to get orientation packets done. DIRECTOR BLOOD: I have contacted a few agencies and am looking to have Susan Estrich and am holding off to hopefully get a bigger name. Planning registration drives for the fall. If anyone has any ideas for political speakers other than Michael Moore you'd like to hear, I'm open for ideas for November elections. VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: The trip to Reno was okay, lobbyists for higher education in Nevada. We're trying to hook up with the guy down here that reports to him and trying to do some good lobbying this year. Michelle has a class at 5:30. She has a handout for you. We're more prepared for the directors this time. We sat through 7 hours of interviews. The candidate for OSI is working on campus until 5:00. PRESIDENT SCHUCK is in class until 5:00. Endowments: Senator Crawford brought to attention. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE: The shirts will be made starting tomorrow. I decided to wait another meeting in case people showed up and was hoping to include the directors in. All the stuff on the agenda that's usually per my name has amendments to them because committees weren't able to meet before this agenda. Be prepared for amendments. Hopefully it won't take too long. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: I'm disappointed that Ways and Means didn't meet today. I need them to wait after meeting. The chairman for Rules and Ethics, stay as well. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI and SENATOR JIMENEZ will give a report as their perspective as senators. She was impressed with bylaws. I will be gone from the 17th through the 27th. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI will be doing the agenda with Senate 3 Secretary. Monday before the senate meeting, agenda items must be turned in. We'll let you know who will be here. SENATOR ZANDER not on e-mail. Emily_zander Check your e-mails everyday because between now and Wednesday we'll let you know what's happening. 2 positions to fill for hotel senators. Education candidate is at work, substitute teaching. I suggest you strike one and insert two for the hotel seats. I contacted four of them last night and three are here today. VII. PUBLIC COMMENT VIII. UNFINSHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Approval of one (1) Student to serve as a Senator for the College of Education for the remainder of the 34th session. As submitted by Student Senate President Amesquita. SENATE PRESIDENT-PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to postpone until 34-23. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds. Action Item A POSTPONED unanimously B. Action Item: Approval of one (1) Student to serve as a Senator for the College of Hotel Administration for the remainder of the 34th session. As submitted by Student Senate President Amesquita SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to approve SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to strike "one (1)" and insert "(2) two" SENATOR CRAWFORD 2nds. Amendment PASSES unanimously B. Action Item: Approval of one (1) Student to serve as a Senator for the College of Hotel Administration for the remainder of the 34th session. As submitted by Student Senate President Amesquita SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: moves to allow each candidate to speak for no more than 2 minutes, followed by question and answer, followed by roll call vote. 4 SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds Motion PASSES unanimously CANDIDATE BERGER: speaks CANDIDATE BOWERS: speaks CANDIDATE MACK: speaks SENATE PRESIDENT AMES QUIT A: All three candidates approach the podium for questions. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: Will you be able to make the time for the meetings until November? CANDIDATE BERGER: I'm actually glad you asked because I'm going to Switzerland to go study. CANDIDATE BOWERS: From July-August I will be in Boston for an internship. SENATOR MACK: I'll be in Italy for a few days in July. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: What are some of the big issues in the hotel college? CANDIDATE BERGER: It's very important that we get students more involved. Haven't had opportunities to get that involved. We need more clubs, funding to clubs within hotel college. CANDIDATE BOWERS: I went to a small university in Oregon. I was surprised at how little students are involved. Getting people aware is something we need to do. CANDIDATE MACK: Getting UNLV more recognized internationally. SENATOR CAZARES: When is your estimated date of graduation? CANDIDATE BERGER: Planning on May 2006, but I'll be a 2nd semester junior in the fall so if opportunity arises, I will graduate early. CANDIDATE BOWERS: If I stay in town I'll be enrolled for at least another year. CANDIDATE MACK: December 2005 5 SENATOR CAZARES: Why the sudden interest now? CANDIDATE BERGER: I wasn't aware that there was an opening. I developed interest last fall. I asked Michael. SENATOR CAZARES: why now? CANDIDATE BERGER: I didn't show interest before because I was trying to get myself settled at UNLV. I feel comfortable enough to hold a position that I can strive for excellence. CANDIDATE BOWERS: I just started in January. I took 20-23 credits a semester before. CANDIDATE MACK: I wasn't too familiar with how CSUN operated, got to speak to a few people and looked like a great opportunity. SENATOR CONWAY: How'd you find out about these positions? CANDIDATE BERGER: I found out through the e-mail. SENATOR CONWAY: Have you spoke to former Senators MacDonald or Heeg? SENTOR BERGER: Yes. I asked Heeg what he did on his term and what he thought I should do. CANDIDATE BOWERS: I found out through e-mail also. CANDIDATE MACK: I heard from a friend. I tried to get a hold of Katie, but couldn't. SENATOR CRAWFORD: CANDIDATE BOWERS was talking about the hotel they're building on the north side of campus. CANDIDATE BOWERS: would be a great place for students to work and learn SENATOR CAZARES: Have you guys looked at the constitution? CANDIDATE BERGER: Yes, I took a look last night and this morning. CANDIDATE BOWERS: I didn't look into the constitution 6 CANDIATE MACK: Just CANDIDATE BOWERS: Roll call vote: a brief opportunity, unlvhoteldevelopment. com SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR CORPUZ: MACK, BERGER SENATOR MULLINAX: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR SOLDANO: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR CRAWFORD: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR CAZARES: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR DONNELLY: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR SANTIAGO: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR SUMNER: MACK, BERGER SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR CONWAY: MACK, BERGER SENATOR ESPINOZA: MACK, BOWERS SENATOR ZANDER: MACK, BOWERS CANDIDATE BERGER: 3 CANDIDATE BOWERS: 10 CANDIDATE MACK: 13 CANDIDATES BOWERS AND MACK get the seats. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: A justice will be here shortly to swear you in and you will be voting members. C. Action Item: Approval of one (1) Justice to serve as Chief Justice for the remainder of their term. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. 7 SENATOR FRIEDLIEB moves to approve SENATOR SOLDANO 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to move out of order of day to Action item G in unfinished business. SENATOR ESPINOZA 2nds Motion PASSES unanimously *Back to order from Action item G* SENATE PRESIDEN PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to approve SENATOR CAZARES 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to strike "one (1) justice" insert "Amy McSharry." SENOTR CRAWFORD 2nds SENATOR CONWAY: no one else wanted the spot? SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: 2 others applied to exec board SENATOR CRAWFORD: are you going to present? SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: she's been here for a while. I won't paraphrase why e-board forwarded her. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: candidate Golhar had qualifications outside of CSUN. CANDIDATE MCSHARRY's seen more cases. 11-0-2 amendment PASSES SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR SUMNER abstain 11-0-2 motion PASSES as amended SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR SUMNER abstain D. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN member to serve as the Rebel Radio Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. As 8 submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. SENATOR CONWAY moves to approve SENATOR SANTIAGO 2nds PRESIDENT SCHUCK: We're prepared to make a presentation in support of Candidate Wistisen. SENATOR CAZARES yields floor to e-board PRESIDENT SCHUCK: I'll give the presentation first, then hopefully you'll hear Candidate Wistisen speak for himself. He is an Eagle Scout, the first male all-American diver out of Wyoming, he's familiar with computer programming, c++, java, and html. He was the manager of a pool. He wants Rebel Radio in the MSU. He wants businesses to advertise through CSUN Rebel Radio and to create partnerships with businesses to play Rebel Radio over their music systems. He wants to have orchestra and band music on the website. Students will be able to log in to Rebel Radio and choose what they want to listen to so they don't get stuck listening to rap when they like rock, vice versa. SENATOR CONWAY: I'd like to address whoever wrote that up, get your facts straight. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: The interview I wouldn't like to get into what was said and what wasn't but SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI and VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ were there and I'm sure they'd corroborate. SENATOR DONNELLY: Was there something you didn't say or did say? SENATOR CONWAY: Obviously I wouldn't say my best achievement is getting feedback from students. SENATOR ESPINOZA: Move to amend by striking "one (1) CSUN member" and inserting "Tyler Wistisen." SENATOR DONNELLY 2nds VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: I'd like you guys to move yourselves out of the position of friend. Go in the position of employers. Everyone 9 jumps through the same hoops and whoever comes out the best gets picked. Hear what Tyler has to say. Focus on what he has to say. SENATOR SUMNER: Don't compare yourselves to us right now. We only get one person to choose from. SENATOR DONNELLY: yields to CANDIDATE WISTISEN CANDIDATE WISTISEN: Thanks for allowing me to come back. I'll make it short and sweet. My accomplishments: Eagle scout shows I have drive and determination. I helped make trail for blind and people all over the world, part of ? of the arrow? am part of chapter of ???. part of diving team, graduated high school with 3.5. assistant manager pool. I know what it takes to manage a group of people. SENATOR JIMENEZ arrives late at 5:51pm CANDIDATE WISTISEN: Some ideas are open mic nights, theatre nights, orchestra and band music. SENATOR ESPINOZA: this isn't an easy thing to do especially because we do know SENATOR CONWAY. Tyler has shown leadership. Do something. Don't just keep postponing and postponing. We have to do something. SENATOR CONWAY: I don't care if you guys just vote for him or not. I just didn't want my name dragged in the dirt. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: I at no point wanted to drag SENATOR CONWAY's name through the mud. They asked for a presentation and that's what we did. SENATOR SANTIAGO: You said you know what kind of problems new orgs encounter. In the last week, have you made an attempt to find out what problems Rebel Radio encountered last year? CANDIDATE WISTISEN: I haven't been able to speak to anyone that was on Rebel Radio. SENATOR MULLINAX: why couldn't you talk to anyone that was on Rebel Radio? I'm part of Rebel Radio. CANDIDATE WISTISEN: I didn't get phone numbers or contact information. 10 SENATOR MULLINAX: I don't know where he is now, but former Director Greenrock does have a copy of every cd. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: Can you state a name of who you are talking about? CANDIDATE WISTISEN: SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: I meant SENATOR CONWAY. SENATOR CAZARES: so he would not have heard Fred's interview? SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: no. CANDIDATE WISTISEN: Just to clarify, it was the e-board meeting. ~ 7-1-6 amendment PASSES SENATOR MULLINAX opposes. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR CONWAY, SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI, SENATOR CORPUZ, SENATOR SUMNER, and SENATOR SANTIAGO abstain. 6-0-8 Motion PASSES as amended SENATOR CONWAY, SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR JIMENEZ, SENATOR ZANDER, SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI, SENATOR CORPUZ, SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR SANTIAGO abstain LOREN MACK and NICHOLAS BOWERS are sworn in as senators by SENATOR SOLDANO. E. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN member to serve as the Elections Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB moves to approve SENATOR ZANDER 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to amend by striking "one (1) CSUN member" and inserting "Sabrina Sumner." SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds 11 SENATOR FRIEDLIEB yields the floor to CANDIDATE SUMNER CANDIDATE SUMNER: I am a junior, part of alcohol awareness, I want to focus on change. 2 things everyone talks about, is increase voter participation and candidacy. The board has typically been all greek. Freshmen are fresh blood. When I ran for senator I didn't know about the benefits that came with it, I was just doing it for fun. The packet is not clear, it needs to be revised. SENATOR ESPINOZA: How do you feel about on-line voting? CANDIDATE SUMNER: I think it's an interesting step towards the future. SENATOR CRAWFORD: Did you have plans about this at all? CANDIDATE SUMNER: Something we should look into but I'm not a big fan of it yet. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: Just to clarify that is something the e-board's thought about. We would use the L-number and a rotating question, like your birthday. SENATOR CONWAY: E-board: what set her apart from the other candidates? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: She completely revamped something that wasn't very good. CANDIDATE SUMNER: in the past all it entailed was greek week. We changed the entire system and this is the first year that every single fraternity and sorority on campus participated. 8-3-3 Amendment passes SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI, SENATOR CRAWFORD, SENATOR CONWAY, oppose SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR CORPUZ abstain 7-3-4 Motion PASSES SENATOR CONWAY, SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI, SENATOR CRAWFORD oppose 12 SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR CORPUZ, SENATOR BOWERS abstain F. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN member to serve as the Office of Student Information Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. SENATOR SOLDANO moves to approve SENATOR CONWAY 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to strike "one (1) CSUN member" and insert "Michelle Beurdet." SENATOR CAZARES 2nds VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: just so you know she designed the Vagus Nerve website. She's extremely qualified. I think she'd be an excellent choice. SEANTOR CAZARES: VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ, how many applications did you have for this position? VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: 3. 11-0-3 Amendment PASSES SENATOR CONWAY, SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR SUMNER abstain. 11-0-3 Motion PASSES as amended SENATOR CONWAY, SENATOR FRIEDLIEB, SENATOR SUMNER abstain G. Action Item: Approval of one (1) CSUN member to serve as the Publications Director for a term ending April 30, 2005. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to approve SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds 13 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to amend by striking "one (1) CSUN member" and inserting "Michelle Muscato." SENATOR CONWAY 2nds SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: Can we have her come up and talk and tell us about her plan and all that? Quick presentation for plan for directorship? CANDIDATE MUSCATO: hi researching the position I realize we have a great program. We can improve the product and marketing. Not only creating a great creative product, but also getting the proper marketing to the product. SENATOR CAZARES: Were you involved with publications at all last year? CANDIDATE MUSCATO: No, I've never published anything before, but I know a lot as far as the business side. I'm a finance/art major. I've spoken to one of the members and have sent out e-mails to find out how the publications get out. SENATOR CAZARES: Are you familiar with the art programs here? CANDIDATE MUSCATO: Yes, I've taken four classes and am taking another one. 10-1-2 Amendment PASSES SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR CONWAY abstain SENATOR FRIEDLIEB opposes Motion PASSES as amended SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to move back to order of day to Action item C SENATOR DONNELLY 2nds Motion PASSES unanimously H. Action Item: Approval of three (3) CSUN members to serve as Justices for a term ending two (2) years from the date of appointment. As submitted by Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the executive board. 14 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI move to postpone until 34-23 SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds Action Item H postponed until 34-23 IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $6,000.00 to be paid to Gateway Computers for the purchase of two plasma screens to be placed in the Moyer Student Union. As submitted by Senate President Pro-Tempore Cianci on behalf of the Executive Board. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: move to approve SENATOR CAZARES 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: poi: which account is this coming out of? VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: a few amendments, amend strike 6000, insert 10500 from CSUN FY04 2000 from OSI campus events, 1500 Rebel Radio discretionary, 4000 elections primary 3000 e board general elections, strike gateway computers and insert best buy. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: moves to strike "6000" and insert "10,500 from CSUN FY04: $2000 from OSI campus events, $1500 from Rebel Radio discretionary, $4000 from primary elections, $3000 from executive board general elections," and strike "Gateway Computers" and insert "Best Buy." SENATOR CAZARES 2nds SENATOR MULLINAX: table it, I'll find it cheaper and you give me the money we save. I think we can find them for cheaper. BUSINESS MANAGER HILL: An amount this large has to go out form the business anyway. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: This will also include a wall mount. SENATOR MULLINAX: How'd it go from 6 to 10? 15 PRESIDENT SCHUCK: We got misquoted by Blake. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: This money's coming from the current budget right? I hear about this wall mount but how can we ensure the safety of these since they're so expensive? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: This will also be addressed by Mike Brightner. That it doesn't get stolen is an issue. SENATOR CONWAY: Will we be able to watch like the baseball games and stuff like that? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: It's a little complicated but that's a great idea. SENATOR CORPUZ: Are they gonna front the costs for anything for security? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: They did make it sound like they were going to cover security issues. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: Is there anyway we can make sure we know the price first, before we approve this amount and have to do more or have to go through other plans? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: I'd like to take it out of this budget because it's left over. I can do whatever I can to make sure the ten five covers everything. I'd hate to see it not go through and it hit the reserves. BUSINESS MANAGER HILL: I'm suggesting to strike best buy in case we find it cheaper, to say: to be paid for the purchase of two... SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: poi, would it matter since we have a meeting on the 28th and we can postpone it and we can have 3 bids. BUSINESS MANAGER HILL: I would say, approve it now. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: if they strike best buy, would it have to come back to the senate? SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI withdraws motion to amend. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: moves to strike "6000" and insert "10,500 from CSUN FY04: $2000 from OSI campus events, $1500 from Rebel Radio discretionary, $4000 from 16 primary elections, $3000 from executive board general elections," and strike "Gateway Computers." SENATOR CAZARES 2nds. Amendment PASSES unanimously. Motion PASSES unanimously as amended. B. Action Item: Approval of $1,922 to be paid to UCCSN Crime Fidelity Insurance for the annual insurance renewal premium. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY04 Discretionary (Senate Discretionary) budget. As submitted Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the Executive Board. SENATE PRESIDENT PRE-TEMPORE CIANCI: moves to approve SENATOR CAZARES 2nds SENATOR FR1EDE1EB: is there any problem since it's no longer UCCSN? SUN ATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: no. VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: I don't think there's money in discretionary to pay for this. SENATE PRESIDENT PRE-1EMPORF CIANCI: moves to strike "(Senate Discretionary)" and insert "(Student Development)." SENATOR CONWAY 2nds Amendment PASSES unanimously Motion PASSES unanimously as amended C. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $700.00 to be paid to Celebrity Access for talent information. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY04 Entertainment and Programming (Discrctionar>) budget. As submitted by Senator Holmquist. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORB CIANCI moves to approve SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds 17 SENATOR ESPINOZA: I'm not re DIRECIX)R ARNES( )N: It's an online service that gives aecess to managers to all bands. Motion PASSES ur I). Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $3.650.001( be paid to the Rebel Pride Council for a co-sponsorship of the Homecoming Rebel Variety Show. As submitted b\ Senator Cianci on behalf of President Schuck. See attachment 34.22.01. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to approve SENATOR FRIEDLIEB 2nds SENA!E PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: poi: What's the account number where I'm supposed to take this money from? PRESIDENT SCHUCK: I'd see it coming off of FY05 and call it senate discretionary. ** recess at 6:45 pm return at 6:55 pm roll call: SENATOR CIANCI, SENATOR CORPUZ, SENATOR Ml I LIN \X. SENArOR SOLD WO, SENATOR CRAW FORD, SENA I ()R CAZARES. SENATOR D( >N NELLY. SENATi )R SANTIAGO, SENATOR SUMNER, SENATOR FRIEDEIEB, SENATOR JIMENEZ, SENATOR ESPINQZA, SENATOR ZANDER. SENATOR BOWERS. SENATOR MACK tire present SENATOR CONW AY left at 6:45 pm SENATOR SOI I) WO moves to combine and approve, D, E. and G. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI 2 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to amend CSUN code of conduct amend to attachment. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: do you guys think that 2,1 think 1 would be enough. We don't need 2 at once. I don't bring people up for non CSUN business. I think we should change it to one guest. 18 SENATOR CAZARES: actually, Tim, this summer Tim, I've been using the CSUN chambers for group meetings. There is hardly ever anybody there. I don't see the issue if nobody else is up there. VICE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE ANDERSON: the reason we put that is so that it is still an open door policy but it gives us the right to be able to claim that space as theirs'. SENATOR ESPINOZA: I don't know if we can change it. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: at the same time if someone's being disruptive it's in your duty to tell them to leave or shut up. VICE PRESIDENT GOATZ: the language thing has been a hot issue lately. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI brought up a good point. It won't conflict if you as senators if you decide to make your own rules. SENATOR MULLINAX: I'd think we should get rid of that. In my opinion it's too vague. Who decides the general bounds of good taste are? SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: there is no amendment to be made. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: moves to amend by striking "$5550" and inserting "$4700" in action item G. SENATOR CRAWFORD 2nds. Motion PASSES unanimously 1 6 - 0 - 0 PRESIDENT SCHUCK amend to read: 3650 to 2000 literary magazine, 1050 from publications, Rebel Radio Marketing 550, Rebel Radio Music 400, this allows them to cover rental of Ham Hall for the Rebel Variety show and give $850 toward sound and lighting. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: moves to amend by inserting "($2000 from Literary Magazine, $1050 from Publications, $550 from Rebel Radio Marketing, $400 from Rebel Radio Music). Amount to be encumbered from FY270204 publications Literary Magazine" after "$3650.00." 19 SENATOR SOLDANO 2nds SENATOR MULLINAX: please state your name. KATIE BAKER: Katie baker SENATOR MULLINAX: I understand the sound, but the lighting? Where'd you come up with 2000? KATIE BAKER: I have quotes from Ham Hall. SENATOR MULLINAX: never mind, I'm sorry. That's crap. PRESIDENT SCHUCK: We could give them $3650 but you're going to tap every single budget. I just don't see how you do it in fy04. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: is there a way you guys can talk to Ham Hall? Did they say it has to be their own staff? I've been with groups who have rented out Ham Hall before and we were able to do our own equipment. SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: we spent a little over 26k for organizational funding and he said there's probably gonna be another 10k spent so we have about 3k. SENATOR MULLINAX: why are you doing it in Ham Hall? KATIE BAKER: last year's feedback was unorganized. This just adds a sense of professionalism, I guess. SENATOR MULLINAX: there are other options in the fine arts department. SENATOR SUMNER: how many people were there last year? DIRECTOR SUMNER: there were about 200. SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: if you do go back and see if you can get your own operators, I'll head up the whole technical staff. That'd be cheaper if you get your own staff. SENATOR CAZARES: how much did we give them last year? 20 PRESIDENT SCHUCK: I don't know what kind of marketing they're doing. If you want to wait 'til the next meeting I'll find out what we can do to make it good for us and good for them. SENATOR SOLDANO: alters motion to combine and approve e and g and postpone d until 34-23. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI 2nds. SENATOR CORPUZ: I think we should wait on the amendment SENATOR FRIEDLIEB: poi: didn't we just take it out of the combined items? SENATE PRESIDENT AMES QUIT A: no. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI's amendment: amendment fails anonymously SENATOR SOLDANO motions to postpone D and approve E and G as amended Action item E PASSES, Action item G PASSES as amended, and Action item D is POSTPONED unanimously E. Action Item: Approval of the CSUN Code of Conduct. As submitted by Senator Cianci on behalf of Vice President Goatz. F. Action Item: Approval of contract between Zeki Media and CSUN for Website creation services. As submitted by Senator Cianci on behalf of the Executive Board. See attachment 34.22.02. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI moves to postpone until 34-23. SENATOR CRAWFORD 2nds Action Item F POSTPONED unanimously G. Action Item: Approval of an amount not to exceed $5,550.00 to be paid to IM Operations for the Intramural Field rental for Rebelpalooza. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY04 Entertainment and Programming (Rebelpalooza) budget. As submitted Senate President Pro-tempore Cianci on behalf of the Executive Board. 21 H. Action Item: Approval of Senate Bill 34-32, which proposes changes to Bylaw 1. As submitted by Senator Crawford. (See attachment 34.22.03). SENATOR SOLDANO moves to commit items H and I. SENATOR CRAWFORD 2nds Action Items H and I are committed. I. Action Item: Approval of Senate Bill 34-33, which proposes the blanket bylaw to alter the CSUN director nomination portion of bylaws 26, 27, 32, 33, 35, 66, 68, 72, and 78. As submitted by Senator Crawford. (See attachment 34.22.04) J. Action Item: Reconsider/ Approval of CSUN fee waivers for the academic year 2004-2005. Executive Board fee waivers to be distributed in accordance with the CSUN Constitution, Article V, Section I. Senate fee waivers to be distributed in accordance with bylaw 44. Estimated costs in the amount of $46,000 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY05 Voluntary Transfers budget. (Action Item K on 34-21 agenda) As submitted by Senator Cianci. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: moves to combine action items J and K for approval SENATOR ESPINOZA 2nds SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE CIANCI: moves to amend Action Item J by striking "bylaw 44" and inserting "bylaw 59", strike "CSUN Services" and insert "Wages Legal Services" in Action Item K. SENATOR CAZARES: the contract for K is already approved, right? SENATE PRESIDENT AMESQUITA: right. amendments pass unanimously Action items J and K PASS unanimously as amended K. Action Item: Reconsider/ Approval of contract for CSUN On- Staff Attorney. Cost in the amount of $18,000 to be encumbered from th