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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 14, 2003






Includes meeting minutes and agenda, along with additional information about letters, bylaws, and student information operating policy.

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    uac001083. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President Christopher B. Powell STUDENT SENATE MEETING 33-14 MONDAY, APRIL 14, 2003 MSU 201, 6:30PM I. Michael J. Amesquita Jr. Education .. Senate President Pro Tempbre Jessica Zarndt Health Sciences Tony Salsaa Business Anisa Izzolo Hotel Administration Rachael Wagner Liberal Arts Peter Goatz Student Development Nikki Flinner Education Ryan Cianci Liberal Arts Chester Corpuz Business Josh Goihl Business Sherry Snyder Business Nicole Sunstrum Education K Faon Cobb Engineering Mark Ulep Engineering Kevin Mullinax Fine Arts Holly Nye Fine Arts Lisa Soldano Health Science Aaron Arneson Hotel Administration Nick Christiansen Liberal Arts Dustin Crawford Sciences Amy Schanhals Student Development Sherrelle Blood Urban Affairs Gina Marie Nissen Urban Affairs CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 33-10, 33-12 VI. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Business Manager Reports D. Directors' Reports CSUN Service Director - Rocco Gonzalez Elections Director Jennifer Angell Entertainment and Programming Director - Dallas Fueston Rebel Radio Director - Jason Chan Nevada Student Affairs Director - Brooke Buchanan Office of Student Information Director - Seth Juarez Publications Director - Mitchell Stapleton E. Liaison Reports Greek Advisory Multicultural Student Affairs Residence Hall Association Student Athletics Student Body President's Advisory Student Health Advisory Committee ROTC LAB VII. PUBLIC COMMENT VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3645 • FAX (702) 895-4606 IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not exceed $2,200.00 to the College of Liberal Arts for the Model United Nations class (POS489) in order to represent UNLV at the Model United Nations Far West conference to be held from April 25t h to 29t h 2003 Burlingame, California. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY02-03 Senate (Discretionary) Account. As submitted by Senator Cianci. (See attachment 33-14.01) B. Discussion/Approval of the revised OSI Policy. (See attachment 33rl4.02) C. Nomination/Selection of no more than 2 students to serve as Justices. D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1800.00 for the CSUN representative on the Leadership Advisory Board (LAB) to attend the LeaderShape Conference in Champagne, Illinois. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY02-03 Senate (Discretionary) Account. (See attachment 33-14.03) E. Discussion/Approval of the CSUN Code of Conduct. (See attachment 33-14.04) F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of amount not to exceed $1,000.00 to be paid to Uniforms INC. for the services of security wands to security walk-through on the date of April 5t h Rebelpalooza. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY02-03 Entertainment & Programming (Rebelpalooza) Account. (See attachment 33-14.05) G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval if spending $1,131.60 from NSA Budget for the sponsorship of the CSUN Student Government Scholarship Award Ceremony to be held on April 18, 2003 in the MSU Ballroom. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY02-03 NSA (Discretionary) Account. H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 33-09. Changes to Senate Bylaw 47 Grade Verification Policy Bylaw. As submitted by Senator Flinner. (See attachment 33-14.06) I . Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 33-10. Changes to Senate Bylaw 62 CSUN Student Teaching Scholarship. As submitted by Senator Flinner. (See attachment 33-14.07) X. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS XL GOOD OF THE SENATE Xin. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY CHRISTOPHER B. POWELL EMILY L. WESTCOTT March 5, 2003 Dear Student Senators, I am writing on behalf of the students in Dr. Strand's spring semester Model United Nations class (POS 489). We will represent the UNLV campus and community at the 2003 Model United Nations of the Far West (MUNFW) conference. The competition encompasses numerous aspects of debate, leadership, and communication skills. The 53rd annual session of the MUNFW will be held April 25, 2003 through the 29th in Burlingame, California. UNLV has been selected to represent Sweden and Malaysia at this year's conference. The tradition of model UN started in the fifties when high schools in the United States began to incorporate the simulation of parliamentary debate into their curricula. It has grown to the international level, and now nearly 60,000 students participate worldwide. As the ambassadors or delegates of their respective countries, student must fulfill certain requirements before departing for the MUNFW. Creating country profiles is one of the first tasks we undertake. This helps the student to understand the perspective of his or her country on certain issues. We then utilize this knowledge to write policy papers on the issues that MUNFW has listed on their agenda. The agenda includes concerns about peace and security, human rights, the environment, food and hunger, economic development, globalization and more. Finally, we must draft resolutions that will be discussed and voted on at the conference. In short, Model UN is a simulation of the UN where we will not only learn about the UN and international affairs but also hone our oratory skills. Along with learning the intricacies of the UN, Dr. Strand's class emphasizes useful communication and debate techniques that will serve the student well beyond the scope of the course. We will deal with current events that are discussed and voted on in the UN, thusly giving the student a unique international experience. We are researching several avenues regarding funding. Scholarships will be available through the UNLV International Programs office for students that qualify. Not all students will qualify and the scholarships will only cover a portion of the costs. We are asking for financial support from CSUN. Our approximate budget is as follows: -coach class air fare $192 -hotel $128 a night quad occupancy for 4 nights, ($128 per student total) -registration fee of $65 -food, ground transportation, and miscellaneous costs (e.g., photocopies) will be paid for by each student The total per student for airfare, hotel, and registration is approximately Office of Student Information Operating Policy I. Purpose a. The Office of Student Information (OSI) shall serve to inform the student body, faculty, media and concerned members of the public as to the activities of the CSUN Student Government II. Structure The OSI Board shall consist of: a. The Director, who shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate; b. The Assistant Director, who shall be selected as prescribed by Article IX, Section E, Item 1, of the CSUN Constitution; c. The Board members, who are chosen by the OSI Director, and approved by the Executive Board and the Senate. The OSI Board must consist of no less than five (5) but no more than ten (10) CSUN members of which at least four (4) shall be CSUN Senators. The following positions will be filled by each of the ten board members: i. Information Positions: 1. General Student Body 2. Student Organizations 3. CSUN Directors 4. CSUN Legislative Branch 5. CSUN Executive Branch 6. CSUN Judicial Branch 7. UNLV Staff, Administrators, and other UNLV officials. ii. Media Positions 1. Printed Media 2. CSUN Website 3. OSI Page (Rebel Yell) III. IDnuftoirems, aPtioowne. rs, and Responsibilities of the Office of Student a. The Director i. The duties of the Director shall be as those described in Article IX, Section D, of the C S U N Constitution; b. The Assistant Director i. The duties of the Assistant Director shall be as those described in Article IX, Section E, of the CSUN Constitution. c. OSI Board i. The duties of the OSI board shall be prescribed by the position held within the board: 1. It shall be the duty of all Information Positions to acquire information gathered in their respective position and formally present any information to be disbursed to their fellow board members for publication approval. Each position is defined as follows: a. General Student Body position shall maintain an open line of communication and act as a liaison between t h e General Student Body and the OSI department in order to disburse any information that is generated by the same. b. Student Organizations position shall maintain an open line of communication and act as a liaison between t h e Student Organizations and the OSI To the Executive Board and Senate: The LeaderShape Conference is an intensive leadership training experience. Through participation in LeaderShape, I have grown as an individual, allowing me to be a better representative both in CSUN and on the Leadership Advisory Board (LAB). All members of the Leadership Advisory Board (LAB) will be attending LeaderShape this slimmer. Groups that are represented on the Leadership Advisory Board (LAB) include but are not limited to CSUN, the Residence Halls, Greek Life, the Student Health Advisory Committee, the Orientation Program, the Student Alumni Association, the Interfaith Center, and Ethnic Student Council. As members of LAB, we work on a variety of projects having to do with Leadership. This year we served on committees designed to create a leadership minor program on campus, to establish a certificate of leadership program in which students can progress through various tiers of leadership development, and to streamline the way we give recognition to the individuals who strive to promote leadership. We developed a funding process that allowed us to contribute to groups seeking to participate in leadership enhancing experiences. We also used our meetings as a place to share what was going on within our respective communities as a way of branching out to each others populations. The LeaderShape conference gave us the foundation to develop the Leadership Advisory Board (LAB) into what it is today, less than a year after its inception. The Conference also provided me with many skills that I use everyday in CSUN. Next year's representative will be able to learn and participate in many experiences at the conference which will allow that individual to be a better leader both within CSUN and as CSUN's representative on LAB. Sincerely, Jermner a. naie Institute Highlights Page 1 of2 About The LeaderShape Institute The LeaderShape Institute is an interactive, energizing and unique experience that builds leadership skills no other program can match. And since 1986, approximately 13,500 participants have graduated from our program from all over the world. But be prepared! It is six days of non-stop self-discovery and learning from practical experiences that build your leadership concepts and abilities. It's go, go, go 12 hours a day... And you'll love it! It's up to you after all. And we'll help you discover the values and principles that can guide you. It's the important beginning of a process that you'll keep and use for the rest of your life. You'll see that leadership is a process - one that we define as making a commitment to a vision, developing relationships to bring the vision into reality and sustaining a high level of integrity. Effective leadership produces results - exceptional improvements not only in companies and organizations, but also in clubs and communities. Wherever you are, there's a need for you to lead. The LeaderShape Institute develops participants to "lead with integrity." The curriculum incorporates current leadership issues in such a way as to meet the developmental needs of young adults. The curriculum focuses on "take-home application" through the vehicle of a comprehensive and powerful LeaderShape Project. By working through the project, each participant has an opportunity to engage himself/herself in reflection, planning, one-on-one interactions, small group feedback, and large group learning. The Institute environment resembles a laboratory more than a formal classroom. Students are encouraged to practice new skills, give and receive feedback from peers and faculty, and risk new behaviors in a safe, supportive atmosphere. Everyone at The LeaderShape Institute is a teacher and everyone is a learner. The participant's six-day experience is facilitated by faculty members who serve as role models and learning coaches. Just as important, however, are the peers and the Family Clusters, both of which provide support for learning. Throughout the week, The LeaderShape Institute emphasizes the fact that "You Can Make A Difference!" Working with exciting but safe opportunities for growth and understanding, participants take on bold challenges and understand that leaders are neither bom nor made, but shaped - and that each has a significant role to plan his/her own shaping. In 2001, over 2,000 participants attended over 45 LeaderShape Institutes, including both The National Sessions and Campus Based Institutes. LeaderShape participants ae members of more than 500 colleges, universities, corporations and organizations, and residents of more than 25 different countries. 2002 Highlights from the New Curriculum DAY 1: "Building Community" You'll begin to explore what leadership means and discuss its core components. You'll meet the other participants in the "Learning Community," and you'll also join 10-14 other young adults in a group called the "Family Cluster." As your primary reference group, the Family Cluster will offer you feedback, support, and help you develop and refine your vision for the future. DAY 2: "The Value of One, The Power of All" You'll begin the second day in an experiential team building activity. By working your way through a series of outdoor initiatives and discussions, you'll discover how relationships, trust, and problem solving can be enhanced in a supportive group setting. Vlttn'/Annxnx/ I^OH^T-CVIQI-*^ r\rrr/inotitnt^Vii rrV»1t rrVltc Vttml An nnm Institute Highlights Page 2 of2 Next you'll add another dimension to your self-awareness by completing a behavioral style inventory. From that information, you'll have an opportunity to set several personal goals for the week and share those with members of your Family Cluster. You'll also participate in exercises which explore the concept of "inclusive leadership" and how to create communities which value respect, openness, and diverse opinions. DAY 3: "Challenging What Is, Looking To What Could Be" Creating a powerful vision is one of the most important aspects of leadership! During this exciting day, you'll begin work developing your own vision for the future which defines a bold change for your community, group, cause, or organization back home. The evening will conclude with a Guest Leader Panel and Reception. This is your opportunity to interact with significant leaders in business, education, and the professions. Using an informal question-and-answer format, these individuals will share their insights and experiences related to the challenges of "leading with integrity." DAY 4: "Bringing Vision To Reality" A vision is only a dream unless it results in action. Three key requirements will be discussed (relationships, stretch goals, and action steps) which move a vision forward. In addition, the issue of power will be explored in a dynamic group simulation exercise. DAY 5: "Living and Leading With Integrity" The concept of "integrity" is a challenging one, but central to LeaderShape's philosophy of lifelong leadership development. You will discuss how core ethical values, thoughtful decisions, and courage all play critical roles in sustaining integrity and fostering trust and respect. During the afternoon, you'll have open time to discuss "burning issues" before you prepare for a creative Family Cluster LeaderShape Revue in the evening. DAY 6: "Staying in Action" On this final day, you'll prepare to return home and face your responsibilities as a LeaderShape graduate who practices the discipline of "leading with integrity." You'll learn what it means to be a part of the nationwide LeaderShape community - a network o httrW/www IpnHprcViarip nrcr/inQtihifpVncrhliahtq html 4/7/2003 What people are saying about The LeaderShape® Institute... (in 2002) "As each day went by at LeaderShape, I was amazed to see a dream that I thought was unattainable become a reality that I can reach." Julia Kim Mock Trial Team Elmhurst College "Just a note of thanks for the wonderful program and week that my daughter, Lauren Elizabeth Smith from Alpha Xi Delta National participated with LeaderShape, Inc. She came home so full of the learning experience with such a diverse group of young people - all from different backgrounds and areas, but all with the common goal to achieve very similar goals in their own life settings. She also learned how very small the world around us is, as she grew closer to the other participants and heard their life stories of struggle. I commend you and your staff on a very organized and rewarding seminar. I am so thankful that my daughter had this opportunity." Susan Wood Smith (mother) Lauren Smith (participant) Alpha Xi Delta Christian Brothers University "Within a mere six days, I gained a greater understanding of my personal strengths: my passion, diligence, and initiative; the gifts that I can bring to back to my campus and share with my community." "To me, one of the most striking aspects of LeaderShape is its ongoing commitment to pass on core values to leaders of tomorrow. Trust, fairness, and citizenship are key to ethical decision-making and successful leadership. However, these character-building qualities are rarely incorporated into other leadership programs." Michelle SanPedro NU Development Corps Northwestern University "LeaderShape was one of the most fun and defining weeks of my life." "I was continually surprised by how much I could learn from other people as well as what I learned about myself." A non profit organization committed to developing young adults to lead with integrity LeaderShape, Inc. 1701 Broadmoor Drive, Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61821 "In my past experiences with a lot of leaders in the same room, nothing gets done. However our family clusters were different. We listened to each other, offered suggestions and advice on leadership problems and techniques, and just had a great time." Julie Ernzen Pitchfork's Acapella Group Arizona State University "I can't even begin to tell you what an amazing experience I had and all that I gained and learned within a week's worth of time. I was able to look inside myself as a leader and see what I really hope to achieve and ways in which I can achieve my goals." "I really hope you will continue to support others in the future so that they may be able to experience all that the LeaderShape Institute has to offer." Cassandra Garcia Delta Zeta Sorority Western Michigan University "I have attended numerous leadership seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. and this program by far exceeded my expectations." "I truly believe big changes and important relationships will be created and nurtured thanks to the help of the wonderful LeaderShape staff and the inspiring program itself." Laura E. Pevahouse Student Government University of Memphis "I had been excited about LeaderShape since my chapter nominated me, but as the time drew near, I was having second thoughts. Maybe someone younger, with more time in Theta, should go? Maybe I shouldn't miss a week of work? Can I be high-strung and energetic for 6 days? But a week before leaving, I read my materials again and realized that this wouldn't be an ordinary leadership conference. I had signed an agreement committing myself to integrity and learning. I challenged myself to step out of my "comfort zone" and participate in new activities. I was asked to embrace these challenges and take full advantage to the LeaderShape Institute. So to prove it to myself, and mostly to act on the challenge I took to "step out of my comfort zone," I packed my bags and boarded the airplane for what was the most challenging, inspiring, insightful, life-changing week of my life." A non profit organization committed to developing young adults to lead with integrity LeaderShape, Inc. 1701 Broadmoor Drive, Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61821 "When I am with new people in upbeat, enthusiastic environment, I hold back a bit before meeting other people and being me. On day one, I was challenged to not let this happen. Wow! How am I supposed to dive in to a relationship with new people? What if they don't talk to me? What if my jokes aren't funny? This didn't matter. This week, I was going to be myself. I had 64 other people who didn't know anything about me. I have always wanted to be myself earlier in relationships, but I haven't let myself." "I learned more about myself than anyone could have ever told me I would. I realized that sometimes my values conflict between what I say and what I believe. I learned how trust, problem solving, and relationships are tested, but can be enhanced in group settings. I learned how to create a community that values everyone's opinion and is conductive to respect, openness, integrity, and support." "Those six days brought me mental, spiritual, and psychological challenges all at one time. It also brought me a new group of friends that helped me take on the challenges. These new friends will also help me overcome the challenges with my vision. They only helped make me a better person, but they are ultimately helping those that my vision will touch." Jessica Solberg Kappa Alpha Theta North Dakota State University "It was an eye opening and life changing experience for me. I learned how to believe in myself, have a healthy disregard for the impossible and to make my vision become a reality." Julia Aronson Jewish Students Association Southern Methodist University "I thank you greatly for giving me the opportunity to experience the best week of my life." Brooke Martin Student Government Association Susquehanna University "This opportunity and wake up call for me personally and as a leader could not have come at a better time in my life, and for that I thank you immensely." A non profit organization committed to developing young adults to lead with integrity LeaderShape, Inc. 1701 Broadmoor Drive, Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61821 "The scholarship that you were able to contribute towards my life-altering and changing experience could be paid back to you one hundred fold and still never touch the experience emotionally or mentally that I encountered for myself and whit others." "Thank you again for your support in a program that has changed and will continue to change thousands of your young leaders. You have no idea the impact you helped create." Reid Kirchhoff Theatre Department Northwest Missouri State University "Each day was more exciting than the next." Patricia Urvalek Chi Omega University of NC-Charlotte "Thank you again for this incredible experience." Anya S. Kajlich Kappa Alpha Theta Cal State Poly-San Luis Obispo "The entire week everyone put their hearts and souls in to their work an also into the hands of the people they met and it showed." Eric Raposa Alpha Tau Omega University of New Hampshire "The week at LeaderShape showed me that my vision mattered and I had all of the means to get there. I found that I was inspired daily and was ready to step out and be a leader with unquestionable integrity." "Honestly, I knew my vision before I reached the Institute, but had no idea how to go about seeing it through. It wasn't until I sat down with my peers and listened to their suggestions, that I realized my vision was very possible. It was an awesome feeling." "I know that some time has passed since I attended LeaderShape, but I really wanted to process what I learned and how I developed as a person before sending this to you. I A non profit organization committed to developing young adults to lead with integrity LeaderShape, Inc. 1701 Broadmoor Drive, Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61821 would like to tell you that my participation at LeaderShape changed my life. I am a completely different person now that I have gone to LeaderShape. "LeaderShape was a week that was full of integrity; you could trust everyone and be yourself. LeaderShape allowed you to take big risks where you were completely vulnerable and then in return you had the reward of being accepted and embraced by everyone." "LeaderShape gave me a safe environment where I could be myself. This environment is what allowed me to grow and become a better person. I learned so much from the other participants, and the facilitators. I now have a network of friends across the country that I know I can turn to in times of need." Ken Staack Delta Sigma Phi Northwest Missouri State University "My week at LeaderShape can be described with one simple word: perfect. I had the privilege to meet and speak with some of the nation's top young leaders. I gained much wisdom and insight not only from the LeaderShape advisors, but from my peers as well. I also learned that I have only tapped the "tip of the iceberg" of my leadership qualities, and I cannot wait for the chance to make a difference at my collegian campus." Jesse Newton Silver Key Honorary Kansas State University "My experience at the LeaderShape Institute has had a profound influence on my vision of leadership and of how I can effect positive changes in the lives of others." "I have gained a great deal of knowledge during my time at LeaderShape. I will not soon forget the influence the institute has had on my passion to lead with integrity. Though my visions are only in the infant stages, I feel as though I have traversed mountains these past two months and that I am a better person because of it." "Again, thank you for this wonderful opportunity." Michael Romano Engineering Student Council Cornell University A non profit organization committed to developing young adults to lead with integrity LeaderShape, Inc. 1701 Broadmoor Drive, Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61821 "Never before have I felt more inspired than when engaging in conversations with these exceptional individuals about their visions for their universities, their communities, and even the world. With the assistance of the LeaderShape facilitators, we created a "learning community" in which encouragement and trust prevailed as opposed to the criticism and cynicism that so often plague society. In this environment, I learned that most things are only impossible because we allow them to be." Ashley E. Neal Delta Gamma Clemson University "It was definitely unlike any other learning experience I have ever had." "It was all a little overwhelming at first, but I was definitely glad that I was given the chance to open myself to the challenge." "Because of the experiences I had and the challenges I was faced wit at LeaderShape, I feel ready to take on the world!" Jenny Echartea Emerging Leaders St. Mary's University-San Antonio "I would first like to thank you for the opportunity to experience such a life changing conference. You have given me the chance to partake in an event that will forever be a party of my life and the way that I look at leadership" "The challenging parts of the conference were telling myself that it is all right to be alone and to know that being by myself is nothing to be afraid of." "Throughout all of the activities that I took part in on this journey to understanding leadership and myself I just want to say that being able to go was the most rewarding!!" "Thank you for giving me the chance to attend such a wonderful conference." Christopher N. Ho Student Government St. Mary's University-San Antonio A non profit organization committed to developing young adults to lead with integrity LeaderShape, Inc. 1701 Broadmoor Drive, Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61821 "My time at LeaderShape was priceless. I learned so much about myself and my leadership style it was AMAZING. I am excited to return to campus and embrace the challenges which lie ahead of me." Michael DeBowes Resident Assistant Millersville University "I had never believed that I was an effective leader before LeaderShape. They made me believe in myself." Megan R. Hofman Kappa Alpha Theta University of Idaho "If even half of my fellow participants are able to accomplish some small part of what we've set out to do the world will be improved beyond measure!" Joyce R. Meyer National Society of Collegiate Scholars Kansas State University "While at LeaderShape not only did I learn the value of leading with integrity, the skills an effective leader needs, and how to work well with others in leadership position, but I also learned about new people, places, and believes. I have meet friends from all over the United States and learned about many new cultures. I have gained tolerance and understanding from this experience. Something that takes many people a lifetime to fully obtain." Melissa Christiansen Thayne Community Service Center Salt Lake Community College "The institute challenged each of us to search deeply inside ourselves and identify our core values. LeaderShape pushed us to use and develop those values so that we could live and lead with integrity." "Now I feel like I can do anything." Amber Anderson Panhellenic Council University of South Dakota A non profit organization committed to developing young adults to lead with integrity LeaderShape, Inc. 1701 Broadmoor Drive, Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61821 "I have learned to dream big." "LeaderShape also gave me the amazing opportunity to meet other people that have the kind of aspirations and integrity that I have always looked for inside of myself." "I wish every leader in any organization could have this opportunity, but it only takes a few good leaders to light the fire for the future." Kari Sievers Kappa Alpha Theta Washington & Jefferson College "It was a week of my life that I will never forget. I learned some valuable lessons that can never be duplicated in the classroom or in the real world." Emmanuel Lahlouh Alpha Tau Omega University of Southern California "I have never seen so many young people that had such drive to go out and change their communities. Getting a chance to surround myself with these people for six days only made me want to work even harder to fulfill my dreams." Angela Williams Tutor University of Maryland-Baltimore "Thank you for the opportunity to attend Leadershape. I found it to be a touching experience I will never forget. The people I met were supportive and inspiring, and I cannot explain how it renewed my soul and spirit. I hope to contribute to the world one day as people like you have done for me." Carmen Elena Bartholomew Blue Chip Program University of Arizona "Thanks to donors like you, student leaders across the nation were empowered to change the world." A non profit organization committed to developing young adults to lead with integrity LeaderShape, Inc. 1701 Broadmoor Drive, Suite 120, Champaign, IL 61821 "You see, throughout the 6 magical days of LeaderShape, I was continually supported in an environment truly conductive to learning that inevitably helped me overcome my fears, stereotypes. Biases, et cetera. I see the world in a new light. I see issues I was previously unaware of. I see bias and stereotypes everywhere. I see marginality. I see solutions." "Yes, I see solutions and that is what makes LeaderShape powerful. Any educated well-spoken person could inform anyone abo