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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 20, 2000






Includes meeting minutes and agenda. CSUN Session 30 (Part 1) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac001015. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President DAVID FISK STUDENT SENATE MEETING 30-13 Monday, 20 March 2000 MSU 201, 6:00PM Stephanie Davy Senate President Pro-Tempore Education Monica Moratlkhan Student Development Brady Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Paul Moradkhan Sciences Sheridan Green Engineering Jennifer Hamby Education Marion McLaughlin Hotel Administration Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Faiza Qureshi Urban Affairs Joseph Cordone 'usiness Jrian Murphy Hotel Administration Jennifer Hale Business Shaun Schoener Liberal Arts Traci Cornelison Health Sciences Brooke Bo hike Liberal Arts Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Kathleen Holbron Liberal Arts Tye Brown Fine Arts Sarah Bowers Business Stephanie Gonzales Health Sciences Karin Humphrey Student Development I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. ANNOUNCEMENTS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Director Reports Nevada Student Affairs-DIRECTOR NYSTROM Elections Board-ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ROTH CSUN Student Services-DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT Entertainment and Programming-DIRECTOR GLANCZ Office of Student Information-DIRECTOR SMYLIE Business Manager Report NEW BUSINESS D. VI. A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of allocating $1,500.00 to cover the cost of Artemus Ham Hall for the 3rd Annual Step Show sponsored by the Office of Campus Community Development's Department of Greek Life. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (General-Discretionary) FY 00 Account; B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 to send Jennifer Peck, David Fisk, Eric Nystrom, and Amanda Brink to the April 6th and 7th Board of Regents Meeting at Truckee Meadows Community College. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (General-travel) FY 00 Account; C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of contract between UNLV Student Government and Planet Oar, Inc. for $2,500.00 to provide musicians, O.A.R., for the "Rebelpalooza" concert on April 14, 2000. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Rebelpalooza) account, as submitted by SENATOR DAYANI, (see attachment); D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of contract between UNLV Student Government and Michael Sak for $850.00 to provide musicians, Big Bad Zero, for the "Rebelpalooza" concert on April 14, 2000. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Rebelpalooza) account, as submitted by SENATOR DAYANI, (see attachment); E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of spending no more than $300.00 merit pay for Assistant Elections Director Roth. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) account from the Elections Budget; CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a twelve credit fee waiver for OSI Director Smylie for the Fall 2000 semester. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) account; G. Action Item: Nomination/Election of Jeff Allen and Clint Ramos to serve on the OSI Board for the remainder of the Spring 2000 semester; H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request from AITP in the amount of $445.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request from Hotel Association in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request from Alpha Xi Delta in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request from ROTC Cadet Command in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; VII. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)} VIII. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS IX. GOOD OF THE SENATE X. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President DAVID FISK Stephanie Davy Senate President Pro-Tempore Education MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 30-14 Monday, March 20, 2000 MSU 201, 6:00 PM Monica Moradkhan Student Development Brady Kitapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Paul Moradkhan Sciences Sheridan Green Engineering Jennifer Hamby Education Marion McLaughlin Hotel Administration Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Faiza Qureshi Urban Affairs Joseph Cordone usiness Jrian Murphy Hotel Administration Jennifer Hale Business Shaun Schoener Liberal Arts Traci Cornelison Health Sciences Brooke Bohlke Liberal Arts Samra Dayani Urban Affairs Kathleen Holbron Liberal Arts Tye Brown Fine Arts Sarah Bowers Business Stephanie Gonzales Health Sciences Karin Humphrey Student Development Robert Faust Engineering I. II. CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT FISK called Senate Meeting 30-14 to order at 6:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT Johnny Anzalone Brooke Bohlke Sarah Bowers Amanda Brink Tye Brown Joesph Cordone Traci Cornelison Stephanie Davy Samra Dayani Stephanie Gonzales Sheridan Green Jennifer Hale Jennifer Hamby Kathleen Holbron Karin Humphrey Brady Knapp Marion McLaughlin Monica Moradkhan Paul Moradkhan Brian Murphy Faiza Qureshi Shaun Schoener Gil Glancz Eric Nystrom Shawn Roth Jason Smylie Holly Wainscott ABSENT * denotes tardiness CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 30-14/ March 20, 2000 III. ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no announcements. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes 30-11 were up for approval. Senate votes unanimous in favor of approve minutes 30-11. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS. A. Senate Committee Reports There were none. B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports There were none. C. Director Reports: NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR NYSTROM stated Recorder for UNLV Planning Council College Goal Review today. IAC Meeting is Thursday. Last Tuesday, he met with Dr. Harter about the Student Advisory Council. Apologize for leaving early, but he had to take someone to the airport, and has previously been excused by VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA. He hopes that everyone had a good spring break. ELECTIONS BOARD ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ROTH stated that today's Elections Board Meeting was postponed until next Monday, March 27, 2000. Senator Anzalone has resigned his seat on Elections Board, any senator interested in filling the seat contact VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA, before next Monday as the seat will be filled then. CSUN STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT stated her thanks to the Senate for approving the funding requests on Friday, the checks will be done in about a week. She also printed all of the recognized organizations a certificate and they really liked them, the response was all positive. ENTERTAINMENT AND PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR GLANCZ stated that he hopes to have all the contracts ready by Friday. All the press release stuff is done. There are going to be some local bands at Rebelpalooza, including a Reggae band and a Latin band. It seems like we are cutting things very close but it looks like things are right on schedule. 2 SENATE MINUTES 30-14/ March 20, 2000 OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR SMYLIE stated that the OSI Page is done. Made CSUN UNLVino ad for the Review Journal. Publicity for CSUN Leadership and Student Teaching Scholarships is being done. Put CSUN Leadership Application is on the web page. D) Business Manager Report BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE stated the weekly expenditures:$6.71, $5.15, $82.65, $21.45, $31.98, $14.40, $3.75, $13.63, $300.00, $500.00, $239.00, $67.50, $18.25, $32.00, $44.50, $212.81, $132.02, $112.56. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 30-01 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY; SENATOR DAVY moved to remove from the table, seconded by SENATOR CORDONE. Move into a vote on removing from the table. Motion passes 22-0-0. SENATOR DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. SENATOR CORDONE had some questions. Move into a vote on the item as a whole. Motion passes 22-0-0. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of allocating $1,500.00 to cover he cost of Artemus Ham Hall for the 3r Annual Step Show sponsored by the Office of Campus Community Development's Department of Greek Life. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (General-Discretionary) FY 00 Account; SENATOR DAYANI moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. There was discussion from SENATOR KNAPP, SENATOR HOLBRON, SENATOR BROWN, SENATOR CORDONE, SENATOR DAVY, SENATOR BOWERS, SENATOR MURPHY, and SENATE PRESIDENT FISK. SENATOR HOLBRON moves to table, seconded by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN. Move into a vote on tabling the item. Motion passes 16-3-3. (SENATOR SCHOENER, SENATOR CORNELISON, and SENATOR ANZALONE opposed. SENATOR BROWN, SENATOR BOHLKE, and SENATOR BOWERS abstained.) O J SENATE MINUTES 30-14/ March 20, 2000 B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of an amount not to exceed $1,000.00 to send Jennifer Peck, David Fisk, Eric Nystrom, and Amanda Brink to the April 6th and 7th Board of Regents Meeting at Truckee Meadows Community College. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (General-travel) FY 00 Account; SENATOR BOHLKE moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BOWERS. SENATOR DAVY moved to amend striking "David Fisk," seconded by SENATOR KNAPP. Move into a vote on amendment. Motion passes 22-0-0. SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN moved to amend striking "Amanda Brink," seconded by SENATOR MURPHY. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 22-0-0. There and S EwNeAreT qOuRes tQioUnRs EfrSoHmI .S ENATOR HALE, SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN, SENATOR BROWN, Move into a vote on the item as a whole. Motion passes 22-0-0. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of contract between UNLV Student Government and Planet Oar., Inc. for $2,500.00 to provide musicians, O.A.R., for the "Rebelpalooza" concert on April 14, 2000. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Rebelpalooza) account, as submitted by SENATOR DAYANI, (see attachment); SENATOR CORDONE moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR MURPHY. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. SENATOR DAVY moved to strike "Senate Meeting 30-13" and replace with "Senate Meeting 30- 14," seconded by SENATOR MURPHY. Move into a vote on the amendment. Motion passes 22-0-0. D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of contract between UNLV Student Government and Michael Sak for $850.00 to provide musicians, Big Bad Zero, for the "Rebelpalooza" concert on April 14, 2000. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Rebelpalooza) account, as submitted by SENATOR DAYANI, (see attachment); SENATOR DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR SCHOENER. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of spending no more than $300.00 merit pay for Assistant Elections Director Roth. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) account from the Elections Budget; SENATE PRESIDENT FISK ruled this item out of order. 4 SENATE MINUTES 30-14/ March 20, 2000 F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a twelve credit fee waiver for OSI Director Smylie for the Fall 2000 semester. Cost to be encumbered from the CSUN (general) account; SENATE PRESIDENT FISK ruled this item out of order. G. Action Item: Nomination/Election of Jeff Allen and Clint Ramos to serve on the OSI Board for the remainder of the Spring 2000 semester; SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR CORDONE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request from AITP in the amount of $445.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request from Hotel Association in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; SENATOR DAVY moved to combine and approve Action Item H and I, seconded by SENATOR HOLBRON. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request from Alpha Xi Delta in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; ( SENATE PRESIDENT FISK ruled this item out of order. K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of funding request from ROTC Cadet Command in the amount of $500.00, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; SENATOR M. MORADKHAN moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR HALE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 22-0-0. L. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student to serve as Senator for the College of Engineering; SENATOR M. MORADKHAN moved to waive bylaw four for the duration of this item, seconded by SENATOR P. MORADKHAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-2-0. (SENATOR KNAPP and SENATOR ANZALONE opposed.) SENATOR DAVY moved to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR BRINK. SENATOR DAVY moved to nominate Robert Faust and Jermon Kearney, seconded by SENATOR CORDONE. 5 SENATE MINUTES 30-14/ March 20, 2000 SENATOR DAVY moved to allow each candidate to speak for no more than two minutes followed by a brief question and answer period and a division of the house roll call vote, seconded by SENATOR SCHOENER. Jermon Kearney is given time to speak. There were questions from SENATOR CORDONE, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR DAVY, SENATOR HOLBRON, SENATOR GREEN, SENATOR BOWERS, and SENATOR DAYANI. Robert Faust is given time to speak. There are questions from SENATOR DAVY, SENATOR BROWN, and SENATOR BRINK. Move into a division of the house roll call vote. Motion in favor of Robert Faust 12-9-1. (SENATOR ANZALONE, SENATOR BOHLKE, SENATOR BRINK, SENATOR DAVY, SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN, SENATOR MURPHY, SENATOR QURESHI, SENATOR SCHOENER, SENATOR GONZALES vote in favor of Kearney. SENATOR BOWERS, SENATOR BROWN, SENATOR CORDONE, SENATOR CORNELISON, SENATOR DAYANI, SENATOR GREEN, SENATOR HALE, SENATOR HAMBY, SENATOR HOLBRON, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR P. MORADKHAN, and SENATOR HUMPHREY vote in favor of Faust. SENATOR KNAPP abstained.) SENATE PRESIDENT FISK called a recess at 6:53 p.m. SENATOR PRESIDENT FISK called meeting back to order at 7:01 p.m. (SENATOR BROWN absent.) III. PUBLIC COMMENT There was none. IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK read STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA'S statement which was "I have received nominees and bios for all of the colleges except Student Development. The committee will be meeting this next week to decide who is the outstanding faculty member for 1999-2000. In order for the respective nominee to be considered I still need class surveys from the Colleges of Education, Engineering, Business, and Sciences. If I do not have these by Friday, March 24, that professor will not be in the running. Extra blank surveys can be picked up in my office. So far there are four JC interviews set up for this week. Please see me for interview times if you wish to attend. The Outstanding Classified Staff Award posters are up, nominations are due by April 1st. Please encourage you constituents to fill out a nomination card. In election news, Senator Anzalone resigned from the Elections Board today. Here are the Directors evaluations. Lastly, in response to a comment last week regarding campaign expenditures; The Elections Board and myself are the only ones who had seen the expenditures up until today. For a candidate to assume another candidates expenditures are bogus is absolutely absurd." 6 SENATE MINUTES 30-14/ March 20, 2000 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK stated that she had a nice Spring Break in San Jose. Working on projects with the Proposed Sight of Nevada State College in Henderson. The library tours have been postponed until next week. There are two different scholarships, one for CCSN students and one for UNLV students. Applications are available in the office. She also stated publicly her thanks to Deborah and Jim who both helped an enormous amount while she was out of town. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK stated he will be out of town from Thursday - Weekend. Please go to Senate President Pro-Tempore Davy with questions. Received papers for the AIDS walk Also, in regards to KUNV, he hopes the Senate thinks long and hard on this issue before making a decision. X. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR BROWN had no comment. SENATOR M. MORADKHAN had no comment. SENATOR HUMPHREY had no comment. SENATOR CORNELISON had no comment. SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN had no comment. SENATOR HOLBRON stated that she is finally done with the newsletter. She is posting commencement information in her college tomorrow. Agrees with SENATOR KNAPP'S feelings on the Step Show. Congratulations to SENATOR FAUST. SENATOR SCHOENER had no comment. SENATOR CORDONE had no comment. SENATOR BOHLKE stated that she is working with Director Nystrom on Rebelpalooza and trying to get Mayor Goodman to come out. SENATOR BOWERS had no comment. SENATOR HAMBY had no comment. SENATOR P. MORADKHAN had no comment. SENATOR HALE had no comment. SENATOR KNAPP stated "Let's do what we want with the KUNV money!". SENATOR GREEN stated that he now feels complete now that the Engineering Seat is full. SENATE MINUTES 30-14/ March 20, 2000 SENATOR FAUST had no comment. SENATOR DAYANI had no comment. SENATOR DAVY stated her thanks to the Senate for passing the bylaw. Took a preschool tour before Spring Break. If you need anything call her cell phone. Happy First Day of Spring. She posted information about the student teaching scholarship applications and other information within the College of Education XI ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn the meeting made by SENATOR DAVY, seconded by SENATOR MURPHY. Move into a vote. Vote to adjourn passes 22-0-0. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK adjourned the meeting at 7:14 p.m. Submitted by: Prepared by: Note: All minutes are subject to summation. 8 David Fisk / SENATE PRESIDENT Carrie De Souza SENATE SECRETARY