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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 13, 1999






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 29 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000975. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President DAVID FISK Stephanie Davy Senate President Pro-Tempore Education RylandG. Whitaker Engineering Christian August in Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Tara Schroeder Health Sciences Ofir Ventura Business Catharine Bastunas Liberal Arts Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business Brady T. Knapp Business lohnny Anzalone iucation Paul Moradkhan Sciences Luis Ay on Business Sheridan Green Engineering Jennifer Hamby Education Marion McLaughlin Hotel Administration Mike Fecteau Liberal Arts Scott Pajak Hotel Adminstration James Benedetto Urban Affairs Monika Callahan Student Development Amanda Brink Hotel Administration Michael Turner Fine Arts Faiza Qureshi Urban Affairs MINUTES STUDENT SENATE MEETING 29-31 Monday, 13 September 1999 MSU 201 6:00PM I. n. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT FISK called the meeting to order at 6:08 PM ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT in. IV. ANZALONE, JOHN AUGUSTIN, CHRIS AYON, LUIS (6:55) BASTUNAS, CATHARINE BENDETTO, JAMES BRINK, AMANDA CALLAHAN, MONIKA DAVY, STEPHANIE FECTEAU, MICHAEL GARCIA JOHN P A. GREEN, SHERIDAN HAMBY, JENNIFER KNAPP, BRADY MAIETTA MARC MCLAUGHLIN, MARION MORADKHAN, MONICA MORADKHAN, PAUL PAJAK, SCOTT QURESHI, FAIZA SCHROEDER TARA TURNER MICHAEL VENTURA, OFIR WHITAKER RYLAND APPROVAL OF MINUTES ANNOUNCEMENTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT PECK stated that the written evaluations will not be done as first anticipated, but she is trying to find some other alternative. VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA stated that the Director evaluations are in the process of being completed, and there are pictures up on the web site now. She went on to state that the plaques will be ready tomorrow. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK stated that there will be a new procedure for LPO's, senate will need to fill out the new form and put it in his box for approval, and Directors will need to fill out the form and give it to Amy. He went on to state that senators need to use the submission form that has been provided for them, and that senators need to follow Robert's Rules of Order, and that each senator will have two chances to speak on an issue. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • U s VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATOR B ASTUNAS stated that there will be a meeting for the Educational Policies Committee next Wednesday at 5:30 SENATOR MAIETTA stated that there will be a Way's & Means meeting on Monday at 5:30, he will put an agenda in your box. SENATOR GREEN stated that he needs to get everyone's schedules, and still needs to get information from Aaron Clemens SENATOR MONICA MORADKHAN stated that there will be a Rebel Yell Advisory meeting on Thursday at 3:00 in FDH A. Director Reports Nevada Student Affairs-DIRECTOR NYSTROM stated that he just attended the Board of Regents Meeting and sat on many committees. He went on to state that he toured the UNR student Government and their Student Union Elections Board-DIRECTOR RAMIREZ stated that the Homecoming packets will go out on September 20th and the due date is October 1st. She went on to state that the banner is based on creativity. The straw-poll vote will give people a voice on who is Homecoming King/Queen. There will be 3 judges and the top 6 candidates will move to the next round. She went on to state that she is tiying to get some local coverage on the candidates. CSUN Student Services-DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT (report given during public comment) Entertainment and Programming-DIRECTOR GLANCZ discussed the upcoming movie nights and comedy nights Office of Student Information-DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE stated that Senior Nights is sponsored by the Admissions office and it will be from 6 to 8, Wednesday and Thursday. She went on to state that Lisa Shaprio has resigned as the assistant director, ad she will be meeting with Chad Todd for that position. RHA Liaison- Anthony Spotts stated that he went on a retreat and learned some new programs for the next semester. He went on to state that he is short two board members. He continued to state that open mike night will be in the DC on Thursday at 9:30 QUESTION AND ANSWER HEALTH ADVISORY LIAISON- JOHN P A. GARCIA stated that September 30th is the last day to buy insurance. He went on to state that the next Health Committee Meeting will be on Friday at 1:00 PM Question and answer ( B. Business Manager Report BUSSINESS MANAGER MOORE stated that the expenditures for the previsous week are as follows: mail services $2.64, reprographics $37.50, reprographics $30.15, reprographics $25.20, reprographics $10.15, reprographics 10.15, and sparkletts 62.00. For a total of $177.79. VL UNFINISHED BUSINESS SENATOR AUGUSTIN motioned to move out of the order of the day to item J, seconded by SENATOR MAIETTA MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-25 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to remove the item from the table, seconded by SENATOR GARCIA SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU SENATOR AUGUSTIN leaves at 6:58 MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION FAILS 14-8-0 (SENATOR WHITAKER SENATOR GREEN, SENATOR BRINK, SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN, SENATOR KNAPP, SENATOR MAIETTA, SENATOR VENTURA, SENATOR TURNER OPPOSE) SENATOR M. MORADKHAN LEAVES AT 7:09 SENATOR M. MORADKHAN RETURNS AT 7:11 B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-24 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to remove the item from the table, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 SENATE PRESIDENT DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-22 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE moved to waive item 1 for duration, seconded by SENATOR BASTUANS MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 18-2-2 (SENATOR KNAPP, SENATOR AYON OPPOSE) (SENATOR MAIETTA SENATOR VENTURA ABSTAIN) SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BENDETTO DICUSSION FOLLOWED SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to strike projected out of B, seconded by SENATOR VENTURA MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 MOVE INTO A VOTE (WHOLE). MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 29-33 as submitted by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY SENATE OPRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 SENATOR MAIETTA moved to amend the agenda to strike ballroom and replace with 201 MSU, seconded by SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Michael Lundon to serve as Assistant Director for the Entertainment and Programming Board as submitted by SENATOR BASTUNAS SENATOR VENTURA moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR FETEAU DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 20-0-2 (SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR ANZALONE ABSTAIN) D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of adding the following people to the Elections Board: Chris Augustin and Chad Todd SENATOR KNAPP moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BENNEDETTO MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 21-0-1 (SENATOR FECTEAU ABSTAINS) E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Homecoming Packet 1999 as submitted by SENATOR AUGUSTIN SENATOR MAIETTA moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR GARCIA SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to amend section 6 Awards A1 & B1 to $750.00, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 13-9-0 (SENATOR WHITAKER, SENATOR GREEN, SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, SENATOR QURESffl, SENATOR CALLAHAN, SENATOR KANPP, SENATOR VENTURA, SENTOR AYON, SENATOR TURNER OPPOSE) SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to amend item B for item A section 7 add to UNLV, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to amend section 2-c in the Alumni Grove instead of Academic Mall, seconded by SENATOR GARCIA MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 SENATOR P. MORADKHAN called the question, seconded by SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 16-6-0 (SENATOR FECTEAU, SENATOR VENTURA, SENATOR AYON, SENATOR TURNER SENATOR ANZALONE, SENATOR DAVY OPPOSE) SENATOR MAIETTA moved to amend section C, seconded by ???? SENATOR AUGUSTIN ARRIVES AT 8:10 DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION FAILS 16-6-1 (SENATOR BENEDETTO, SENATOR AYON, SENATOR DAVY, SENATOR WHITAKER, SENATOR TURNER SENATOR VENTURA OPPOSE) (SENATOR KNAPP ABSTAINS) MOVE INTO A VOTE (WHOLE). MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of spending $3,200.00 for scholarships to be awarded to Homecoming Court and Homecoming King and Queen. Funds to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general elections) Budget as submitted by SENATOR AUGUSTIN SENATOR FECTEAU moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 SENATOR DAVY moved to amend ??????????????????, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of spending $5,000.00 for total Homecoming Budget. Funds to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general elections) Budget as submitted by SENATOR AUGUSTIN SENATOR MAIETTA moved to approve, seconded by ???????????? SENATOR DAVY moved to amend the item to read $4,500 MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 MOVE INTO A VOTE (WHOLE). MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $33118.75 for five tailgates on the following days 9-18, 9-25, 10-23, 11-20, 11- 27. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) account as submitted by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN SENATOR AUGUSTIN moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP DISCUSSION FOLLOWED SENATOR KNAPP moved to amend the item to $33,743.75, seconded by SENATOR MAIETTA DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVE INTO A VOTE . MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 MOVE INTO A VOTE (WHOLE). MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 I. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) senator to sit on the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee SENATOR AUGUSTIN moved to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP SENATOR FECTEAU moved to nominate SENATOR QURESHI, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS SENATE PRESIDENT FISK closes nominations SENATOR QURESHI receives appointment by unanimous acclamation J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Resolution No. 5 as submitted by SENATOR AUGUSTIN SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR MAIETTA MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 MOTION TO MOVE BACK INTO THE ORDER OF THE DAY TO Unfinished Business Item A MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 K. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) senator to serve on the Engineering Dean Search Committee SENATOR FECTEAU moved to open nominations, seconded by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN SENATOR FECTEAU moved to nominate SENATOR GREEN, seconded by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN SENATE PRESIDENT FISK moved to close nominations SENATOR GREEN RECEIVES THE SEAT BY UNAINIMOUS ACCLAMATION L. Action Item: Discussion/ Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,800.00 for two comedy nights on the following days 9-23 and 10-7. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) account as submitted by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN SENATOR BENEDETTO moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR GARCIA SENATOR KNAPP moved to amend the item to read $3,800.00, seconded by SENATOR FECTEAU MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 MOVE INTO A VOTE (WHOLE). MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 M. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the following individuals Scott DelValle, Rocio Escamilla, Laura Lamont, Andy Perdy, Lisa Shapiro, Chad Todd, Ann Warren, and Alice Yue Lin to serve on the Office of Student Information Board SENATOR FECTEAU moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR GARCIA MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 N. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of co sponsorship with the Alumni Association for an amount not to exceed of $6,000.00 for sound, stage and lighting for the Blast from the Past, and Oozeball concerts on September 10-11. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) account as submitted by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN SENATOR BENEDETTO moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR VENTURA DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-1-0 ( SENATOR VENTURA OPPOSES) O. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Brooke Bohlke to serve as the assistant Director for the Nevada Student Affairs Board SENATOR FECTEAU moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BENEDETTO DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-1 (SENATOR KNAPP ABSTAINS) P. Action Item : Discussion/Approval of annual computer maintenance contract with UNLV Office of Information Technology. Contract cost of $1,320.41 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general-office) FY00 account SENATOR FECTEAU moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR MAIETTA MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-0 Q. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of reimbursement of costs for a Directors Retreat not to exceed $211.00. Retreat was held on August 24-25 1999 at Blue Springs Lodge, Panguich Lake, Utah. Total Costst to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 FY00(general-travel) account SENATOR MAIETTA moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-1-0 (SENATOR ANZALONE OPPOSES) R. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (I) Senator to serve on the Rules and Ethics Committee per bylaw 31 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to approve, seconded by SENATOR KNAPP SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE DAVY moved to amend the item to insert committee and nominate Senator Fecteau as per bylaw 31, seconded by SENATOR BASTUNAS MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 22-0-1 (SENATOR FECTEAU ABSTAINS) vm. PUBLIC COMMENT {in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)} PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE DIRECTOR WAINSCOTT stated that there are 147 organizations that filled out recognition packets IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS PRESIDENT PECK stated that the Board of Regents information will be in her box. She went on to state that Dr. Harter will be giving her State of the University address at 2PM in the Judy Bailey Theater. And if anyone would like football tickets you can get them from her. VICE PRESIDENT CANEPA stated that she would like to congratulate President Peck on her bid for Sigma Kappa. She went on to state that there will be new funding request forms now. And at the Director's retreat they made a lot of progress and worked hard. SENATE PRESIDENT FISK stated that the Regents meeting went well. And that during the meeting he feels that Senators are disrespectful to everyone and that is not appropriate. X. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR AUGUSTIN stated that senators need to respect each other, and that he will be taking a class to graduate in December SENATOR FECTEAU stated that Andre Agassi is good for Las Vegas, and that the football team is 2 and 0 and there is a home game next weekend SENATOR WHITAKER stated that he is sorry for adjourning the last meeting but felt that it was important to prove. SENATOR GREEN stated that notes are useless!! And Oozeball was his 1st experience SENATOR SCHROEDER stated that the football team is winning , and that Senate President Fisk took her cookies away SENATOR GARCIA stated that Cherokee did a good job, and Senators are doing a good job. He went on to state that he moved the furniture in the senate chambers SENATOR BRINK stated that Driector Ramirez did a great job. Oozebal was fun, her team won. She went on to state that the Culinary Arts Organization will be meeting on Thursday at 1:00 PM on seconded floor of Beam. SENATOR MCLAUGHLIN stated that Director Ramirez did a good job. SENATOR P. MORADKHAN stated that the directors are doing a great job SENATOR M. MORADKHAN stated great job Director Ramirez SENATOR CALLAHAN stated congratulations to President Peck, and pass the word about scholarship SENATOR BENEDETTO stated good job, and we need to be more professional SENATOR QURESHI stated Director Ramirez did a good job as well as Director Glancz SENATOR KNAPP stated teachers unintelligble SENATOR MAIETTA stated that he attended the Regents meeting and there was good discussion on Committee and Board Members SENATOR VENTURA stated that Oozeball and Concert is on a Jewish Holiday SENATOR AYON stated that that the LSAT is on October 2 and the Law School forum is at the same time. SENATOR TURNER NO COMMENT SENATOR ANZALONE stated congratulations to Pledge Peck SENATOR HAMBY stated there are positive changes regarding the Directors SENATOR BASTUNAS stated that senators need to question things, Good Luck on the LSAT Senator Ayon SENATOR DAVY stated congratulations to Andre Agassi XL ADJOURNMENT SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded SENATOR FECTEAU MOVE INTO A VOTE. MOTION PASSES 23-0-0 SENATE PRESIDENT FISK adjourned the meeting at 9:16 PM SENATE PRESIDENT SUBMITTED BY: NOTE: All minutes subject to summation