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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 05, 1999






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about a performance agreement. CSUN Session 29 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000960. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 29-16 Monday, April 5,1999 MSU 201 7:00 PM David Fisk Senate President Pro-Tempore Education Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Aaron M. Clemens Urban Affairs Ryland G. Whitaker Engineering Anne-Marie Lazarojf Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Stephanie Davy Education Teddi Raff ail Urban Affairs Tara Schroeder ealth Sciences Ofir Ventura Business Catherine Bastunas Liberal Arts Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business A 'lisa Bronder Student Develpoment Christy Morgan Hotel Administration Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Gil Glancz Hotel Administration Paul Moradkhan Sciences Luis Ayon Business Sheridan Green Engineering r-a rcor- CO CO co CO I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports C. Director Reports 1. Nevada Student Affairs, DIRECTOR DALEY; 2. Elections Board, DIRECTOR RAMIREZ; 3. Organizations Board, DIRECTOR AYALA; 4. Entertainment & Programming, DIRECTOR JOHNS; 5. Office of Student Information, DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE; 6. Student Services, DIRECTOR FLEISCHMAN; D. Residence Hall Liaison Report E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report G. Business Manager Report VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of transferring the amount of $3,000 from the Student Services Board to the Elections Board in order to complete the General Elections for Executive Board, to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR SCHROEDER; B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of transferring the amount of $10,000 from the Organization Funding Request budget to the Discretionary Spending budget, to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,500 for the stage company "Oasis Stage", costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,950 for the sound company "Enterprise Live", costs to be CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAs VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 8 9 5 - 3 4 7 7 • FAX (702) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,400 for the fencing company "Tiberti", costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $1,124 for the security company "We Serve", costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $1,300 to co-sponsor the Second Annual Ce' Amore' Style Fashion Show to benefit the Hydeia Broadbent Family/Foundation for AIDS Education and Awareness with the Ethnic Student Council. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR CANEPA; see attachment VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. To: UNLV Organizations From: African American Student Association, UNLV Re: Second Annual Fashion Show The African American Student Association at UNLV, in conjunction with UNLV's Multicultural Student Affairs and Ethnic Student Council, cordially invites you to participate in our second Annual Diversity: Ce'Amore' Style Fashion Show. This event will be held on the evening of Sunday, April 18, 1999, 3p.m to 6p.m. in the Moyer Student Union Ballroom. Partial proceeds from this event will be donated to the African American Student Associations Community Service project for Hydeia Broadbent Family/Foundation for AIDS Education and Awareness. Currently we are seeking support from community businesses in order to ensure the success of this program. Interested businesses, organizations or individuals can purchase an advertisement section in our Fashion Show program, which will be distributed the evening of the show. As we believe that this event is for an extremely worthy cause, we would greatly appreciate your contribution and support. Together, we can make great strides towards educating our community on AIDS awareness and Cultural Diversity. For more information, please contact: La Taunya Ford - Cultural Programming Director/fashion show coordinator: 895-4165 Crisann Fuller - Fashion Designer- 204-2101 Food and Mocktails $300 Designer Fees $700 Advertisements $300 Multicultural Student Affairs 4505 Maryland Parkway • Box 452023 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2023 (702) 895-4165 • FAX (702) 895-0169 Office of the Senate President University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Has 30 I 21 [i<i 'S3 Supplemental Agenda 29-16 H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of performance of band "World Tribe" at Rebel Palooza on April 16, 1999. Contract with Pinch Hit Records in the amount of $2300.00 for performance to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen) account, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of contract with City of Las Vegas for provisions of second stage for Rebel Palooza. Contracted amount of $700.00 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (gen) account, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 WORLDC^TRIBe Performance Rider Rider is hereby made part of the Contract dated Fri, Mar 26, 1999 , between World Tribe (hereinafter referred to as "Artist") c/o Pinch Hit Entertainment and UNLV c/o Mike Johns (hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser"). STAGING AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1- Power Requirements 3 20 amp outlets: 1 Stage Right+, 2 Stage Left 2. Home Mixing Console 16 Channel Inputs with minimum 2 monitor mixes. Sound System must be capable of 1 lOdB at house console. 3. House Electronics 1 Cassette Deck, 1 CD player, 1 delay, 1 Yamaha Rev 7,1 Yamaha SPX 90,2-1/3 octave EQ's (Stereo House System mandatory), 2 four channel noise gates 4. House Speakers/Power Amos Two way quality speaker system Professional quality power amps (Crest, QSC, BOW, or equivalent) 5. Microphone/Stands 10 boom stands, with professional microphones. The following is preferred but optional: 3 Shore SM 57's, 2 AKG C 409 clip on's, 1 Sennheiser 421,4 Shuns Beta 57's, 5 D.I. Boxes, 5 Scnnheiser 409,3 Shure SM 81's 6. Stage 24"X16' at least 3' tall with 8'X8' drum riser; 1' tall 7. Lighting Lights highly recommended. Par cans and Intelligent lighting preferred. 8. Sound Check Sound check is closed to the general public. Artist must have one (1) hour for sound check after stage set up has been completed and before doors open. Once stage has been set it will remain unaltered until the conclusion of the ARTIST performance. DRESSING ROOM REQUIREMENTS Purchaser agrees to provide (1) dressing room for ARTIST as close to backstage area as possible. The room should be capable of accommodating ten (10) people with comfortable chairs, and tables for catering. This room should be locked and the key given to ARTIST. Dressing room should be set up one hour before show time unless otherwise notified. A table to be set for ten (10) people with the following: 8 meals or $10 buy out per band member and crew («) 1 liter bottled water - chilled (8) large bath towels 2 six packs of premium bottled beer 2 quarts of orange juice 2 six packs of Coke and 7UP Bottle opener ACCOMMODATIONS 2 Double Occupancy Rooms (NON SMOKING) at a "Motel 8" quality or better. PARKING Four (4) parking spaces near stage door must be available from load-in until load-out. Identification; Purchaser to produce and provide ten (10) laminenta or ID's passes on chains for band and crew. World Tribe, talent and all access should be printed on passes. Building: Ample security or ushers or door guards to cover the general audience areas, exits, admission entrance and backstage area including backstage doors. Dressing Room: Enough dressing room area security to keep ail unauthorized personnel out of the dressing room area. Stage: Ample security in stage area to keep persons not directly working with the production of ARTIST performance clear of stage, this is also to include backstage area. NO ONE other than those designated by ARTIST shall have access to go on stage or in the backstage area at anv time, Front of Stage: Ample security to prevent audience from climbing or tampering with any equipment on or about the stage area, sound wings included. Mixer Console Platform and Lighting Platform: Purchaser agrees to provide barricades around both with at least one security guard from house opening until audience has left building. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President RICHARD D. KIMBROUGH II David Fisk Senate President Pro-Tempore Education MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 29-16 Monday, April 5,1999 MSU 201, 7:00 PM Amy K. Canepa Hotel Administration Aaron M. Clemens Urban Affairs Ryland G. Whitaker Engineering Anne-Marie Lazaroff Fine Arts Christian Augustin Liberal Arts John P. A. Garcia Health Sciences Josephine Binetti Liberal Arts Stephanie Davy Education Teddi Raff ail Urban Affairs Tar a Schroeder 'ealth Sciences Ofir Ventura Business Catherine Bastunas Liberal Arts Monica Moradkhan Student Development Marc Maietta Business A 'lisa Bronder Student Develpoment Christy Morgan Hotel Administration Brady T. Knapp Business Johnny Anzalone Education Gil Glancz Hotel Administration Paul Moradkhan Sciences Luis Ayon Business Sheridan Green Engineering I. II. CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH called Senate Meeting 29-16 to order at 7:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Johnny Anzalone Christian Augustin Luis Ayon Catharine Bastunas Josephine Binetti A'lisa Bronder Amy Canepa Aaron Clemens Stephanie Davy (entered at 7:11)* David Fisk (entered at 7:10)* John P. A. Garcia Gil Glancz Sheridan Green Brady T. Knapp Anne-Marie Lazaroff Marc Maietta Monica Moradkhan Paul Moradkhan Christy Morgan Teddi Raffail Tara Schroeder Ofir Ventura Ryland Whitaker denotes tardiness I CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4 5 0 5 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 8 9 5 - 4 6 0 6 SENATE MINUTES 29-16/April 5, 1999 III APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve Senate meeting minutes 29-12 made by SENATOR BASTUNAS, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 19-0-2. (SENATORS KNAPP and LAZAROFF abstained.) IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: V BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Senate Committee Reports: B. Faculty Senate/University Committee Reports: SENATOR FISK entered at 7:10. SENATOR DAVY entered at 7:11. C. Director Reports: 1. NEVADA STUDENT AFFAIRS DIRECTOR DALEY was not present. PRESIDENT PRICE stated that he had no report. 2. ELECTIONS BOARD DIRECTOR RAMIREZ stated that the Elections are this week and they will be giving out free pizza, pens, and bookmarks. 3. ORGANIZATIONS BOARD DIRECTOR AYALA stated that they only have 2 meetings left. They have a meeting tomorrow at 2:30 and things are running smoothly. 4. ENTERTAINMENT & PROGRAMMING DIRECTOR JOHNS stated that the Urban World Film Festival went very well and there was a big turnout. REBELPALOOZA is going well. The radio spots start this week and there will be articles in City Life and Las Vegas Weekly. Zebrahead canceled because they refused to adhere to the UNLV insurance policies and World Tribe is replacing them. There were several questions for the Director. Assistant Director Lucchese stated that tomorrow he is meeting with Dr. Piper about the noonscene noise in the amphitheater. They have one more noonscene left this semester. 5. OFFICE OF STUDENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR DE LA FONTAINE thanked the Senators who put up REBELPALOOZA fliers. Next week 2 SENATE MINUTES 29-16/April 5, 1999 she will be putting more publicity in the boxes for REBELPALOOZA and the CSUN Leadership Scholarship. She is looking for pictures for the websight. She will be speaking with Kathy Nelson's special events class about REBELPALOOZA. This week the radio and newspaper ads will be out. SENATOR CLEMENS suggested that DIRECTOR DELAFONTAINE contact the Rebel Yell for pictures. 6. STUDENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FLEISHMAN stated that she spoke to SENATOR CANEPA and the massages will be on the next agenda. They are planning for 6 or 9 people to come in. She needs to speak with SENATOR FISK about rescinding the Bylaw. D. Residence Hall Liaison Report: Jen Peck stated that they had a successful movie night over the break and about 35 students attended. They are planning a hiking trip to Red Rock for this weekend. E. Student Athlete Advisory Board Liaison Report: No liaison was present. F. Ethnic Student Council Liaison Report: Ann Yu stated that their awards banquet is April 24th. Applications are available for next semester. Organizations can purchase ads in the program for the fashion show on April 18th. G. Business Manager Report: BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE read the expenditures for the last 2 weeks: $47.40 to facilities maintenance for mounting a board in the Education building, $50.00 to CCD for the overtime room charge for the Urban World Film Festival, $36.13 for postage for March, $172.50 for overtime costs for picking up tables and chairs between the election nights for the Executive Board primaries, $440.00 for a generator and light tower for REBELPALOOZA, $500.00 to Bogus Productions for stage managers and staffing, $48.33 for pizza for the March 4th movie night, and $286.58 for office supplies. There were several questions for the Business Manager. VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS 3 SENATE MINUTES 29-16/April 5, 1999 A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of transferring the amount of $3,000 from the Student Services Board to the Elections Board in order to complete the General Elections for Executive Board, to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR SCHROEDER; Motion to approve made by SENATOR KNAPP, seconded by SENATOR A YON. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of transferring the amount of $10,000 from the Organization Funding Request budget to the Discretionary Spending budget, to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; Motion to approve made by SENATOR A YON, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,500 for the stage company "Oasis Stage", costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; Motion to approve made by SENATOR AUGUSTIN, seconded by SENATOR GREEN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 20-0-3. (SENATORS FISK, BINETTI, and DAVY abstained.) D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,950 for the sound company "Enterprise Live", costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; Motion to approve made by SENATOR MAIETTA, seconded by SENATOR MORGAN. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $2,400 for the fencing company "Tiberti", costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; Motion to approve made by SENATOR GREEN, seconded by SENATOR GLANCZ. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. 4 SENATE MINUTES 29-16/April 5, 1999 F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $1,124 for the security company "We Serve", costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR KNAPP; Motion to approve made by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, seconded by SENATOR DAVY. There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $1,300 to co-sponsor the Second Annual Ce' Amore' Style Fashion Show to benefit the Hydeia Broadbent Family/Foundation for AIDS Education and Awareness with the Ethnic Student Council. Costs to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR CANEPA; Motion to approve made by SENATOR CANEPA, seconded by SENATOR FISK. There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. ( H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of performance of band "World Tribe" at Rebelpalooza on April 16, 1999. Contract with Pinch Hit Records in the amount of $2300.00 for performance to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; Motion to approve made by SENATOR VENTURA, seconded by SENATOR GLANCZ. There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion passes 21-1-1. (SENATOR BASTUNAS opposed, SENATOR FISK abstained.) I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of contract with City of Las Vegas for provisions of second stage for Rebelpalooza. Contracted amount of $700.00 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (general) Account, as submitted by SENATOR CLEMENS; Motion to approve made by SENATOR M. MORADKHAN, seconded by SENATOR FISK. There was some discussion. Move into a vote. Motion passes 23-0-0. 5 SENATE MINUTES 29-16/April 5, 1999 VTTT PUBLIC COMMENT ( IX EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS PRESIDENT PRICE stated that the Leadership Scholarship application should be ready tomorrow. He asked everyone to RSVP about the banquet to Angela. The revised hazing policy is finished and posted. Saturday is UNLVino. Wednesday and Thursday there is a senior send-off for graduating seniors. On Saturday April 10th there is an event called "Open a New Window" in the Fireside lounge. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH stated that he went to a Clippers/Jazz game over spring break. He also announced that he is engaged. There were several questions for SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. X. GOOD OF THE SENATE SENATOR BINETTI stated that she hopes everyone had a good recess. SENATOR DAVY stated that she was drunk on Good Friday and hopes everyone had a good holiday. SENATOR GARCIA stated that he hopes everybody had a good break. He reminded everyone that the AFAN AIDS walk is April 18th. SENATOR RAFF AIL stated that she went to Florida and Washington D.C. over the break SENATOR SCHROEDER stated that she hopes everyone had a good spring break. SENATOR M. MORADKHAN congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. SENATOR BASTUNAS congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH and asked if anyone is still interested in playing softball. SENATOR GLANCZ congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. SENATOR VENTURA stated that he can't wait for REBELPALOOZA. He congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. He also stated that E&P is doing a good job and they are working very hard. SENATOR KNAPP congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. He also thanked everyone for their sympathy on the passing of his grandfather. SENATOR PAUL MORADKHAN congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. 6 SENATE MINUTES 29-16/April 5, 1999 SENATOR GREEN stated that he hopes everyone had a good spring break. He went to Washington D.C. He also congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. SENATOR WHITAKER stated that spring recess was a recess. SENATOR CANEPA congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. She also stated that it will be an interesting week. SENATOR A YON congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. He asked SENATOR DAVY if she had a drink called a hand grenade. He hopes they have a softball game. It is good to see our alumni Tyron Nesby playing with the Clippers. SENATOR CLEMENS congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH and wished everyone luck on the elections. SENATOR MORGAN congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH and welcomed everyone back. SENATOR BRONDER congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. SENATOR MAIETTA congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH and Becky. He stated that he is making him look bad. He had a good spring break but he didn't get on the Price is Right. They did go to Disneyland and he has a picture of SENATOR AUGUSTIN with Mickey Mouse. He also told SENATOR KNAPP that he is sorry to hear about his grandfather. SENATOR LAZAROFF stated that she hopes everyone enjoyed spring break. She got cast in a show that opens April 29th. Her advise to SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH is to stay away from bars. SENATOR ANZALONE stated that he has no money for a ring and congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. He applauded Jill Dayne and Nick Vascov for their work on the hazing policy. He thinks they should have a boxing match with the Rebel Yell. SENATOR AUGUSTIN stated that he is not congratulating SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH since everyone else has. At Disneyland, he hates It's a Small World, but the Moments with Abe Lincoln was great. While they were gone, their house was broken into and they took SENATOR ANZALONE'S video camera and left his labtop there. SENATOR FISK stated that he hopes everyone had a great break and congratulated SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH. The Dean search for Education is down to 3 candidates. The Student Teaching Scholarships are out. He thinks they should play rollerderby with the Rebel Yell. , XI. ADJOURNMENT 7 SENATE MINUTES 29-16/April 5, 1999 Motion to adjourn the meeting made by SENATOR FISK, seconded by SENATOR AUGUSTIN. Move into a vote. Vote to adjourn passes 23-0-0. SENATE PRESIDENT KIMBROUGH adjourned the meeting at 7:46 p.m. Submitted by: Prepared by: Holly Wainsffott SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY Note: All minutes are subject to summation. ( 8