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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 14, 1997






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, a letter, a senate bill, and information regarding an AIDS awareness concert.

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    uac000898. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President TERRY A. MOORE STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 27-21 Monday July 14,1997 Beam 242 6:30p.m. ( Margaret J. Persch, R.N. Senate President Pro-Tempore Health Sciences Leia Fleischman Fine Arts Joaquin Trujillo Business Heather Anderson Business Robert Solomon Education William D. Price Urban Affairs Kyle Lopez Student Development Frank Lideros Engineering Steven Amend Business Ben Campbell Student Development Stephanie Gonzales her al Arts iesia Hayes Education Nicole Lehman Education Joey Song Business Matt Stark Liberal Arts Stephanie Poole Hotel Administration lldiko Lutar Student Development Matthew Knutson Hotel Administration David Shapiro Sciences Michael J. Berk Hotel Administration Leah Anne Griffith Urban Affairs Randy Milmeister Liberal Arts Jenny Marshall Health Sciences I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Senate Committee Reports B. Faculty Senate Committee Reports C. Residence Hall Liaison Report D. Business Manager Report VI. PUBLIC COMMENTfin accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item; Nomination of three (3) students to the University Planning Council. (See Attachment 1.) B. Action Item: Nomination of four (4) students to the University Parking Committee. C. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student to the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for specific authority to transfer $6,000.00 to the Scholarship Office to cover the award for CSUN Leadership Scholarships for FY 98, as submitted by Jim Moore, CSUN Business Manager. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for specific authority to transfer $37,200.00 to the preschool as authorized in the CSUN FY 98 budget, as submitted by Jim Moore, CSUN Business Manager. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the typewriter maintenance contract with A-l, as submitted by Jim Moore, CSUN Business Manager. (The new contract will be the same. See Attachment 2.) Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the copier maintenance agreement for FY 98 with Hughes Calihan, as submitted by Jim Moore, CSUN Business Manager. (This contract is scheduled to take effect CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 July 1, 1997 and continue through June 30, 1998. This agreement is similar to the one signed last year. See Attachment 3.) H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 27-04 regarding voting booth locations. (See Attachment 4). I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Elections Board Director. J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Entertainment and Programming Director. K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Nevada Student Affairs Director. L. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Office of Student Information Director. M. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Organizations Board Director. N. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of cosponsorship with Bogus Productions of "The Gig" to benefit AFAN, to be held on the UNLV campus during October 1997, for an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen Acct). (See Attachment 5.) O. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a $0.85 increase in the Senate Secretary's hourly wage. P. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of renewal of contract for Fall semester legal services with Peter Bellon, Esq. Attorney-at-Law, total amount not to exceed $6,000.00, to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen Acct). (See Attachment 6.) Q. Action Item: Introduction/Discussion/Referral of Articles of Impeachment: CSUN vs. CSUN President Mills, to the Impeachment Committee which must then meet within the next 14 days to conduct hearings for the Articles of Impeachment, giving the accused five working days notice of those hearings. At that time, the accused may present evidence to refute the charges. The committee must then report back to the Senate with its findings and recommendations within 30 days or show cause to extend the time needed for hearings. (This item was submitted by SENATOR AMEND. See Attachment 7.) R. Action Item: Nomination/Discussion/Approval to form an impeachment committee consisting of two (2) CSUN Senators and one (1) UNLV Administrator. Objections to committee member appointments for just cause must be presented in writing to the CSUN Senate President. (This item was submitted by SENATOR AMEND.) IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law(N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank & Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. Copies of supporting items for New Business item Q are available in the CSUN office located in MSU 160. (jLttaxJi/YYWvd: UNIV UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS TO: Terrv Moore, President, UNLV Student Senate ^r ^ _< t, •• FROM: Rebecca Mills, Special Assistant to the President Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research ro CD RE: Nominations to the University Planning Council . r g DATE: May 8, 1997 ^ As you may know, the UNLV Task Force for Planning has recommended to President Harter that she establish a permanent University Planning Council, and she has done so. The Council will participate in planning activities, assess progress in planning, recommend allocation of resources, and recommend recipients of Planning Initiative Awards. Membership in the Council will be by presidential appointment; in order to ensure campus participation, the appointments will be made from nominations by constituents. There will be one undergraduate student on the Council; ideally, that individual would have some natural link with student government so that communication to constituents is maintained. We would like for the Student Senate to determine the process by which nominees will be selected. Please forward to me, at your earliest convenience, the names of three individuals from whom the Council member will be named. 'This parallels the process used in every other unit on campus. It is important to select individuals who can effectively wear their "university hats" while representing issues of concern for students. Please convey to your nominees that the Planning Council will require a heavy commitment of time and energy. The Council will meet twice a month for at least two hours; and there will be-committee work and some outside reading. Nonetheless, service on the Planning Council will provide opportunities for members to learn more about the university's goals, needs, and accomplishments. I think Task Force members would agree that it is a great opportunity to interact with wonderful university citizens from all areas of the campus. I encourage you to design an inclusive process for the selection of nominees and to educate your constituents about the Council and its responsibilities. If I can be helpful in that regard, please feel free to call on me. Special Assistant to the President Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research 4505 Maryland Parkway • Box 451023 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-1023 (702)895-3561 • FAX (702) 895-1503 ( Z t & b C . H Senate Bill No. 4 of the 27th Session INTRODUCED BY: Senate President Pro-Tempore Margaret J. Persch and Senator Stephanie Gonzales Summary: This bill is intended to clarify the locations of voting booths. We, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, represented in the CSUN Senate, do enact as follows: (Additions are undtglined. Deletions are bracketed) VOTING BOOTH LOCATIONS I. PURPOSE Student voting shall be done at approved voting booth locations. The voting booths will be placed at ten (10) campus locations that have the potential to be available to the largest number of students. II. DEFINITION A. The locations, as established by the Elections Board and with the approval of the Student Senate, are as follows: 1. Two (2) booths at the Donald C. Moyer Student Union. 2. One (1) booth at Frank and Estella Beam Hall. 3. One (1) booth at the Flora Dungan Humanities Building. 4. One (1) booth at the Classroom Building Complex. 5. One (1) booth at the Thomas T. Beam Engineering Complex. 6. One (1) booth at the James R. Dickenson Library. 7. One (1) booth at the Hazel M. Wilson Dining Commons. 8. Two (2) booths at various experimental locations. f. ' B. The two (2) booths mentioned in item eight (8) are "floating" booths that are designed to be placed in experimental locations on campus. The placement of the "floating" booths are to be placed where the greatest volume of student traffic is expected. C. The placement of the "floating" booths will be determined by the Elections Board and approved by a simple majority of the Student Senate prior to the date of acceptance of applications for students filing for Student Government positions. D. To change the location of any voting booth, other than the "floating" booths mentioned in item eight (8), the following procedures must be followed: i 1. An application for relocation must be made with the Elections Board. 2. The Elections Board must then make a recommendation to the Student Senate. 3. The new location must then be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Student Senate. 4. The change must be in effect prior to the date of students filing for Student Government positions. E. Under no conditions can a voting booth location be changed after the filing date, or before the end, of that election period. IPwrggg^ The purpose of the event is to raise the awareness of Aids with todays youth, who will be directly affected the most due to thier promiscuity and lack of knowledge, while providing an inexpensive, enjoyable atmosphere of todays hottest sounds. CvtecVceW Demographics - This particular event targets today's youth - ages 12-30 years old Both male and female When - The target date for this event is Friday, October 24, 1997 from 7:00 - 11:00pm. Where - This event is currently slated for North Field as the number one choice or either Rainbow Library or Hills Park as a contingency plan. Who- Local and Regional Ska Acts who are willing and available to perform at a discounted rate. Local and National sponsors in the form of food and beverage. <( Interactive entertainment to be provided by both local and regional merchants. Why- Two reasons: One - This town lacks all ages shows for today's youth; and especially Ska music, which happens to be the hand that fits in the glove. Two - It provides the perfect outlet for a charity of you type to gain such positive exposure within its local market. Goal - To provide the best possible entertainment for today's youth, while assisting to help educate today's youth. To provide a local charity with the opportunity for profitibility and notoriety while assisting with educating todays youth. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President MINUTES SENA TE MEETING 2 7-21 Monday, July 14,1997 Beam Hall Room 242 6:30 p.m. I. II. CALL TO ORDER: SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE called Senate Meeting 27-21 to order at 6:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT ABSENT Matthew Knutson (excused) Stephanie Poole (excused) Robert Solomon (excused) Joey Song (excused) Steven Amend Heather Anderson Michael Berk (entered at 6:33 p.m.) Ben Campbell (entered at 7:23 p.m.) Leia Fleischman Stephanie Gonzales Frank Lideros Leah Griffith Nicole Lehman Kyle Lopez Ildiko Lutar (entered at 6:33 p.m.) Jenny Marshall (elected at 6:55 p.m.) Randy Milmeister Margaret Persch William Price (entered at 7:44 p.m.) David Shapiro Matt Stark Joaquin Trujillo III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve Minutes for Senate Meeting 27-20 made by SENATOR GRIFFITH, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. SENATOR LUTAR arrives at 6:33 p.m.. (The Senate is now at 16 Senators present.) Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-0-0. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS: CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that the Senate Workshop for the new Senators on Saturday went very well. He also stated, "The procedure with nominations that I'm going to begin with from now on...Nominations do not require a second. This is standard Robert's Rules of Order procedure. Nominations will not require a second, and I will close nominations." Then, he added that the director nominees do not need to be tabled tonight because Bylaw 4 only refers to officers, not officials. SENATOR BERK arrives at 6:33 p.m.. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS: A. Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR GRIFFITH announced that Bylaws tried to meet twice, but didn't make quorum. Therefore, she stated that they'll try to set up a meeting time tonight. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE added that anyone on the Bylaws Committee, who is not going to be able to attend meetings approximately 8:00 p.m., to please resign so that they can make quorum. B. Faculty Senate Committee Reports: 1. SENATOR BERK stated that SENATOR PERSCH's and SENATOR AMEND's •mes are still listed on the memo he received regarding the Faculty Senate Admission Committee. SENATOR PERSCH replied that she spoke to Dr. Wisner and asked him to remove her name as well as Derrick Bruce's name. SENATOR AMEND also resigned. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE confirmed that we'll have two vacant seats at the next meeting for the Admission Committee. 2. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that the Parking Committee met on July 2 and they concluded that they will first reconfigure the Thomas and Mack parking lot on a schedule to complete the work on or before the start of the Fall semester (additional space is about 900 and the cost is approximately $346,000.00); that they are going to do option E of the parking structure that would construct a two-level facility in the area to the west of the Classroom Complex; and it is also recommended that a premium permitting structure be developed for this option as well; and if option E were not possible, the recommendation would be to construct a surface parking lot on the same side. In response to a question, he was unable to answer whether the North parking lot would be completed. Then, he stated that regarding item B of VIII. New Business that they are only nominating and they'll select three to be on the committee. C. Residence Hall Liaison Report: SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that the Residence Hall Liaison was not present. E. Business Manager Report: SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 BUSINESS MANAGER JIM MOORE read the expenditures: $0.32 for May's postage, $3.52 .1- June's postage, $91.10 for May's phone bill, $104.54 for June's phone bill, $97.50 to Boulevard Trophy for name tags for the Senators, $499.50 to Brian Saliba for the baseball shirts, $179.84 to Comp USA for security cables for the typewriters, $298.98 for office chair for the Student Body President, $249.99 for office chair for the Senate President, $91.30 to Boulevard Trophy for name plates for Senators, $50.80 for May's water bill, and $18.70 for June's water bill, which closed out the month of June in fiscal year 1997 and then the beginning part of fiscal year 1998: $259.99 to Service Merchandise for a TV monitor, $105.99 to Proline Video for a mounting device, both to go into the new CSUN annex, $39.00 to Boulevard Trophy for Board of Regent name plates, $13.00 to Boulevard Trophy for a Senator's name plate, $181.00 to the National Association of Parliamentarians for parliamentary procedure books, $23.97 to Office Max for printer ribbons, $466.70 to Central Stores for toner cartridges for the office printer, $497.90 for pencils, and $46.00 for computer disks. In response to questions, he stated that the cost per each baseball shirt was $49.95. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] PRESIDENT MILLS reminded everyone about the upcoming baseball tournament with the Rebel Yell and added that the date has changed to some time in August. ROY HESSINGER addressed CSUN about CSUN's plans for KUNV and why the current •Management that has been there for three and a half years has been ineffective and not been changed. response, SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that he will review a folder full of information he received from Don Fuller and then discuss it with the Executive Board. He added that from that, they '11 make, a decision-, and they will be bringing it up, probably at the next Senate meeting; SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE also confirmed that VL Public Comment will be available every meeting and that he would be interested in past correspondence against Don Fuller and the current management. In response to a question, ROY HESSINGER stated that he has the names of the people who have voiced and written opinions, and will write down a list for CSUN., SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE recommended that Mr. Hessinger collect all the information, give it to CSUN, and CSUN will distribute the information to the Senators. Lastly, ROY HESSINGER commented on the fact that Don Fuller's title has been interim for three and half years and doesn't feel that three and a half years seems interim to him. In response to a question, SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that he's sure that the issue about a national search will most likely be addressed at the next meeting. ROY HESSINGER announced that a national search can be done over three things that are free, three 1-800 numbers or specific lines that go all over the country that are run by different organizations, including the National Association of Broadcasters, "it's a free service for any position." VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that there is no unfinished business. VIII. NEW BUSINESS SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 A. Action Item: Nomination of three (3) students to the University Planning Council. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that CSUN will be nominating three students and there will then be one student of those students chosen to sit on the council. REBECCA MILLS spoke before the Senate and explained what the position will entail. She also gave an overview of the council and encouraged the Senate to nominate someone who will represent the entire Student Body effectively, is willing to participate in that arena, and is able to commit the time needed. She concluded that this opportunity allows the nominee to interact with the decision makers at the institution, to influence the decisions that they make, an opportunity to represent UNLV students, as well as to learn more about how universities work. She stated that the council meets on Friday mornings about five times a semester. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN nominated SENATOR GRIFFITH and SENATOR HAYES. SENATOR AMEND nominated STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT VALERA. SENATOR GONZALES nominated SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE PERSCH. SEN ATE PRESIDENT MOORE closed nominations. ' SENATOR. FLEISCHMAN made a motion to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes followed by roll call vote with the three with the majority winning,, seconded by SENATOR MILMEISTER. - . . Move into a vote. Motion to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes followed by roll call vote with the three with the majority winning passes 17-0-0. SENATOR GRIFFITH, SENATOR HAYES, and SENATOR PERSCH spoke briefly before the Senate and answered questions. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR GRIFFITH, SENATOR HAYES, and SENATOR PERSCH received a majority of the votes. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that he would forward these names to Rebecca Mills. B. Action Item: Nomination of four (4) students to the University Parking Committee. Motion to nominate SENATOR SOLOMON made by SENATOR ANDERSON. Motion to nominate SENATOR MILMEISTER and SENATOR MARSHALL made by SENATOR GRIFFITH. Motion to nominate SENATOR GRIFFITH made by SENATOR MARSHALL. SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE closed nominations and stated that they will select three of the nominees. Motioned approved by unanimous acclimation. C. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student to the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE explained the purpose of the committee. SENATOR LIDEROS nominated SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE, who then declined the nomination. SENATOR BERK nominated SENATOR MILMEISTER. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE closed nominations and by unanimous acclimation announced that SENATOR MILMEISTER is on the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee. D. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for specific authority to transfer $6,000.00 to the Scholarship Office to cover the award for CSUN Leadership Scholarships for FY 98, as submitted by Jim Moore, CSUN Business Manager. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN; seconded by SENATOR HAYES, In response to a question, BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE stated that this is,actually for FY 97/98; . .••••••••. tM.:^ • . . .• Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for specific authority to transfer $37,200.00 to the preschool as authorized in the CSUN FY 98 budget, as submitted by Jim Moore, CSUN Business Manager. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR PERSCH, seconded by SENATOR LUTAR. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the typewriter maintenance contract with A-l, as submitted by Jim Moore, CSUN Business Manager. (The new contract will be the same.) Motion to Approve made by SENATOR TRUJILLO, seconded by SENATOR GRIFFITH. SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 In response to a question, BUSINESS MANAGER MOORE stated that the contract is tectively self-renewing; one of the stipulations of the contract is once it's signed, it's automatically renewed; and he wanted to submit it to CSUN because they have the option to turn it down. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of the copier maintenance agreement for FY 98 with Hughes Calihan, as submitted by Jim Moore, CSUN Business Manager. (This contract is scheduled to take effect July 1, 1997 and continue through June 30, 1998. This agreement is similar to the one signed last year.) Motion to Approve made by SENATOR LUTAR, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-0. H. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Senate Bill 27-04 regarding voting booth locations. Motion to Commit to Bylaws made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO Move into a vote. Motion to Commit to Bylaws passes 17-0-0. I. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Elections Board- Director, SENATOR FLEISCHMAN takes a personal privilege at 7:02 p.m.. (The Senate now has 16 Senators present.) SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that the nominees are Keith McLain and Leia Fleischman. Motion to Approve McLain and Fleischman as nominees made by SENATOR GRIFFITH, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. SENATOR ANDERSON made the motion to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes with a limited question and answer followed by a division of the house roll call vote, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. Move into a vote. Motion to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes with a limited question and answer followed by a division of the house roll call vote 16-0-0. The Senate recessed at 7:02 p.m. for 10 minutes to allow the Senators to look over the applications. Then, SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE called the meeting back to order at 7:12 p.m.. 6 SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 SENATOR FLEISCHMAN and CHEIF JUSTICE MCLAIN briefly addressed the Senate and answered questions. Move into a roll call vote. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN won the election for the Elections Board Director by a majority of the votes. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN returns to her Senate seat at 7:22 p.m.. (The Senate is now at 17 Senators present.) J. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Entertainment and Programming Director. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that the nominees are Erik Dale and Jordan Weissen. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR HAYES, seconded by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN. Motion to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes followed by limited question and answer followed by division of the house roll call vote made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR TRUJILLO. Move into a vote. Motion to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes followed by: v limited question and answer followed by division of the house, roll call vote passes 17-Q~.0i JORDAN WEISSEN AND ERIK DALE addressed the Senate and answered.questions. SENATOR CAMPBELL enters at 7:23 p.m. (bringing the Senate to 18 present) and SENATOR PRICE enters at 7:44 p.m. (bringing the Senate to 19 Senators present). Move into a roll call vote. JORDAN WEISSEN wins the E&P Director seat by a majority of the votes. K. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Nevada Student Affairs Director. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that the nominees are Ben Contine and Lyle Persch. BEN CONTINE and LYLE PERSCH spoke before the Senate and answered questions. Move into a roll call vote. BEN the votes. CONTINE wins the NSA Director seat by a majority of ( " 7 SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 The Senate took a 8 minute recess at 8:15 p.m.. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE called the eeting back to order at 8:23 p.m.. SENATOR LUTAR exits the meeting at 8:15 p.m.. (The Senate is now at 18 Senators present.) L. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Office of Student Information Director. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that the nominees are Luis Ayon and Michelle Briggs. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR GRIFFITH, seconded by SENATOR MILMEISTER. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN motioned to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes followed a limited question and answer followed by division of the house roll call vote, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion to allow each candidate to speak for two minutes followed a limited question and answer followed by division of the house roll call vote passes 18-0-0. LUIS AYON AND Former SENATOR BRIGGS briefly: addressed the Senate and answered questions. ( . • . . • ••••> Move into, a vote. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE ^oted to break a tie and LUIS AYON wins, the OS! Director seat. . . . > . - » - •.I- < : M, Action Item: Discussion/Approval of nominee for Organizations Board Director. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announced that the nominees are Jason Finkelstein and Luis Ayon. LUIS AYON declined his nomination. Motion to Approve JASON FINKELSTEIN for the Organizations Board Director seat made by SENATOR MILMEISTER, seconded by SENATOR CAMPBELL. JASON FINKELSTEIN address the Senate briefly and answered questions. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE announces that JASON FINKELSTEIN wins the O-Board Director seat by unanimous acclimation. N. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of cosponsorship with Bogus Productions of "The Gig" to benefit AFAN, to be held on the UNLV campus during October 1997, for an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 to be encumbered from the CSUN 2702 (Gen Acct). 8 SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 Motion to Approve made by SENATOR GRIFFITH, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. In response to questions, BRIAN SALIBA stated that they were not affiliated with a //unintelligible// event from last year; they may go outside the university for cosponsorship, and the main purpose of the event is to produce a concert for both university students and community students; stated that if CSUN gets involved, all university students get in for free depending on who the acts are; and he explained what will be set up at the event. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-1-1. (SENATOR PERSCH opposed, SENATOR PRICE abstained.) O. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a $0.85 increase in the Senate Secretary's hourly wage. Motion to Approve made by SENATOR LEHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LOPEZ. In response to questions, SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that this is not a permanent increase for every new Student Senate Secretary. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE, passed the gavel to SENATE PRESIDENT PRO- •• TEMPOREPERSCH. Motion to Amend the item to strike "$0.85" and increase it to "$1.00" made by SENATOR, FLEISCHMAN, seconded by. SENATOR GRIFFITH. In response to a question, SENATE , PRESIDENT MOORE stated that this, would raise, the current Senate-Secretary Is hourly wage'to $8.00. MoVe into a vote Motion to Amend passes 17-0-0. Move into a vote. Main Motion passes 17-0-0. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE PERSCH passed the gavel back to SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE. P. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of renewal of contract for Fall semester legal services with Peter Bellon, Esq. Attorney-at-Law, total amount not to exceed $6,000.00, to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2702 (Gen Acct). Motion to Approve made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. In response to a question, SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that Peter Bellon, Esg. Attorney-at-Law's schedule is completely full every night he comes in. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-0. 9 SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 Q. Action Item: Introduction/Discussion/Referral of Articles of Impeachment: CSUN vs. CSUN President Mills, to the Impeachment Committee which must then meet within the next 14 days to conduct hearings for the Articles of Impeachment, giving the accused five working days notice of those hearings. At that time, the accused may present evidence to refute the charges. The committee must then report back to the Senate with its findings and recommendations within 30 days or show cause to extend the time needed for hearings. (This item was submitted by SENATOR AMEND.) Motion to Approve made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that he "is not going to let a lot of lengthy discussion on this, this is a referal item that is going to be referred to a committee," and he "will allow a limited discussion with preference being given to STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT MILLS so that he can speak on this item." In response to a question, SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated that he doesn't think CSUN should have a formal meeting with the charges beforehand because it is going to be referred to the mmittee, then it will come back to the Senate. He offered to read the charges if requested. • : STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT MILLS stated. ?,Iv<\dlLrespectfully\requ^.&e:S^e.(td>..; allow me to speak after all discussion by the Senate has concluded prior to the vote on this issue . So, if any of the Senators would like to address this issue and express-their comments, I -would like the opportunity to speak after they have finished." ,. . . ... SENATOR FLEISCHMAN stated, "Actually, to be honest, speaking as one of the people that has a really big mouth. I really don't want to discuss this as far as the charges go. I don't want to hear Senate opinions. I think that there is enough to take it forward to a committee, and I would rather hear from them and see where they go. I also think it would be a possible conflict/problem if we went and discussed this now, if we're going to vote on this later." SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated, "I concur." SENATOR HAYES made a Motion to Call to Question, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated, "If I could, I would like to allow PRESIDENT MILLS to speak on this. So, take that into consideration. Your not allowed the floor yet (speaking to PRESIDENT MILLS) please take that into consideration while you vote." Move into a vote. Motion to Call to Question fails 1-17-0. (SENATOR ANDERSON approved.) 10 SENATE MINUTES 27-21/ July 14, 1997 SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE PERSCH yields the floor to STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT MILLS. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT MILLS stated, "At this time I would like to yield the floor to my legal team, if they could please up..." SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated, "Actually, I'm not going to allow counsel to speak because the floor was yielded to you." PRESIDENT MILLS stated, "Yes, and I am yielding..." SENATE PRESIDENT MOORE stated, "You may not yield the